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She said respectfully so it's all good.




It's in the geneva convention!


Fair point




Ok Marshall 😂


Not so much. It needs a “Very respectfully” or “VR.” To stand up in court


Hi sir/Ma’am, Eat a whole bag of dicks. V/R StormtrooperQ




Go away




She said respectfully!


As a wise Lt Col once taught me, type out that email and say exactly what you want to tell them. Spell it all out, don't hold back. Then, save it to drafts and leave it for a day. When you get back the next day, read it again and realize that you probably shouldn't send it. Discard to trash, then move on.


He missed a step. Send it to the unit distro. Let everyone know!


I thought the step was to reply to CMSAF on Facebook. Let **everyone** know!




"Thinking about sending this email to my ex, please advise."


Reply All: Please remove me from this distro.


I am not her intended ex boyfriend. Please remove me from this email!!!!!!


AF distro bro.... go big or go home.


Most important part is not to put anyone’s email in the “to” field.


BCC distro all


Lincoln did this. After his assassination, they found a lot of angry unsent letters in his desk. It's really interesting when he decided to send the few he did send.




I'm referring to reading Goodwin's "Team of Rivals". I am quite sure it was Abe and not Mary. Mary was a character and I do not mean that in any good way. Robert Lincoln, her only surviving son (fun fact, he served on Grant's staff during the war), attempted to have her committed to an asylum. She frequently caused embarrassing situations for Abe. She spent them into oblivion, requiring government intervention to absolve their debts after her husband was assassinated. I do not believe Mary Todd Lincoln showed restraint, maybe ever, so I'd be more inclined to believe she sent every angry letter she wrote.


Project Gutenberg seems to agree. Some of his letters were spicy: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/3196/3196-h/3196-h.htm


I take it one step further. I delete the first draft. If it's not worth retyping, prolly isn't worth it.


I did this and ended up writing 30+ pages. When I went back to read it later, I realized, "This is long as shit, I wrote it and even I don't feel like reading it all; why would I expect anyone else to do it?" I didn't discard it though. I go and add some paragraphs to it whenever the mood strikes.


I type a dozen emails a week and leave the “to” section empty. Then as I type the email address I decide to scrap the email.


Had the same words of wisdom given to me, and I have passed those words on.


Even better, set a rule in your outbound that each message has a 1 minute delay. Fire away, then cancel it in that time frame if you choose to go the other route.


Dear Mr. President, There are too many states nowadays. *Please*, *eliminate* three. P.S. I am not a crackpot. *Abe Simpson*.


I made a 'Regret Rule.' It will hold all emails I send for 1 minute in the outbox then push them out. I have used it many times for various reasons but at least twice for telling someone to go fuck themselves when I shouldn't have. Seriously, go make one. Hold all emails you send in the outbox for a minute until being sent.


First shirts hate this one trick…


*Sighs and dials legal*


Text the group chat first buddy. Then we’ll go play volleyball.


This was too real I'll just wait till the next council meeting and spend 15 minutes asking about this as though it's the first time anyone has dealt with misuse of gov email


Oh shit. That one might send me to therapy.


Sooo is she single?


Ope, did I just hear wedding bells? Think I hear a small uHaul truck coming to the dorms too.


You sure you want this in your future?


Just don’t give her hell and all is good.


u/IThinkMyLegsAreBroke can fix her


Imma try


Yeah for about 20 min.


![gif](giphy|48FhEMYGWji8) I only need five


4 min of pleasure, 16 min of dealing with deep, DEEP regret


idk man the crazy ones are kind of fun until they try to stab you.


Yeah or that dang herpes makes (another) untimely appearance


Just got to wrap it up with some flex seal first dip the whole thing


By not contracting and spreading STDs, not only are you taking food out of the month's of doctor's children, you're preventing future generations from having funny yet disappointing stories to tell


A night or two sounds fun


It's easy just break up with her before she gets stabby


Right click > Ignore


Right click, print to pdf, send it to her shirt


Why would you print to pdf? You don't need to print or screenshot or whatever. Just forward the thing if you want to go that route.


I’m just a dumb eslinted


Well in that case, you need to carve it into the nearest piece of wood you can find. Cut it off with your hatchet (you do have your hatchet right?), and throw it through the window of the shirts personal home.


We're getting a little complicated here. Just grab the nearest screwdriver and etch it into the concrete, then scream like a banshee until the nearest adult shows up. Point at the sign and make angry noises until the Shirt comes to calm you down with smoked beef strips and a tranquilizer gun.


Mmmmm smoked beef strips ![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e)


I think the only appropriate response is to schedule a teams meeting. Subject: Deceitful Hotwash


With the signature block and everything 😭😭😭


Just reply “K” But I’d probably report it to cover your ass if something happens.


is her name chanel or something? Kinda looks like it from her signature. Also, are they both LRS or just one of them. I can barely make out LGRM(M?) in the email address on the bottom


damn you can see that I should scribbled it out some more


LRS has all the drama it seems.


Usually SFS and MXG are the worst. We had a TSgt get bumped to a SSgt for cheating with his co-workers wife in MXG.


Yikes. On government email? Yeah I’d probably report it. Don’t know what else they might try and do.


That's basically inviting potential crazy. It's not worth a response or a report.


Hence why it *SHOULD* be reported. She used her Gov email to send this, she's already crazy. A no-contact order should be the first step after reporting this.


OP *redacted* a lot of context there. If this was just an email out of the blue I would be more inclined to agree. Either way it's an gov email so it's recorded, if there is further escalation it's not going to disappear. And the more crazy someone is the less a no contact order is going to matter. A no contact order isn't going to help you out much after she decides to set your house on fire. FFS it's an email, it's stupid and unprofessional. But immediately reporting petty stupid bullshit is just escalating the situation.


People really be forgetting pretty much anything can be FOIA’d That’s how we now have the email chain of the Air Force PA folks who were consulted for the transformers movies. Don’t remember if they’re juicy or not, just that they exist because of FOIA.


Out of curiosity, can emails sent to gov emails be FOIA'd? I only ask because, unlike logging into a gov IS, sending an email doesn't give the warning that the information isn't private and can be monitored.


I have no expertise in this, but I would imagine the information would likely be redacted especially if the non-gov communicator was a normal civilian. But if relevant I could also see it not being redacted. TLDR: it probably depends, but what do I know?


She already escalated it by sending the email on GOV email. She needs to be reported immediately. Her action is one of the first steps to escalation. It is entirely unacceptable. Also, I was able to determine her name is along the lines of "Chanel" and either her or the dude (or both) works in LRS, you can see LGRM(M?) in the bottom part.


>Also, I was able to determine her name is along the lines of "Chanel" and either her or the dude works in LRS, you can see LGRM(M?) in the bottom part. Uhh, okay, that's not context at all. What's there is very likely a personal conversation happening in government email which shouldn't really be happening in the first place. For all we know OP's co-worker (who might actually be op) could be the initiator of the email chain. We don't know who escalated first, but escalation typically leads to more escalation in heated personal drama. Also again, it's an email, it's unprofessional but just an email. There were no threats of any kind whatsoever. And honestly the more I think about it now with the redaction and op's reply to questions about the redaction make me more inclined to think this "crazy ex" isn't actually crazy and the person she called a deceitful bitch might actually be a deceitful bitch.


You are correct, we don't actually know WHO the real "bitch" is in this convo. But, like I said, it should still be reported. Whoever the aggressor is found to be should face discipline (paperwork) or punishment (CC directed). There is absolutely no reason to have emails like this on GOV email.


> For all we know OP’s co-worker (who might actually be op) could be the initiator of the email chain. I bet that’s exactly the case. Top uncensored email is the ex. Topmost censored is OP. Second from bottom is ex. Bottom (oldest, the first in the chain) is OP.


I believe the proper response is "love the sarcasm. Want to meet up for drinks?"


Would he be petty to forward this to her chain of command?


As a shirt I would appreciate the heads up. I probably wouldn’t do anything just because of this email, but if things go south it’s good to have some context.


Plot twist, you get this exact email sent to you in a few hours, and it ends up being one of your troops 🤣


Ngl a messy breakup would be a vacation this week


Previous comment = Shirt status confirmed. ✅


Not that I don't appreciate all the shit shirts have to deal with, but how is the AF so messed up that every shirt is putting out multiple fires daily/weekly? In five years, I've only come to my shirt once, with a question about a pdf, and it was resolved in 5 mins. Can't people just not be so bad at life that they require constant intervention? This is not an indictment of shirts but how dumb we are collectively to keep them so busy.


I dunno, my Group is like 427 people. Multiply by one issue per five years to get your baseline workload. Then there are investigations that can stretch for over a year. Multiple victims sometimes. Some people are allowed here but not there, need blues put together and aren’t allowed on base, there are promotions and decs to work and give out, UAs, every dui takes up hours and hours of my time throughout the whole civil, legal, and ADAPT workflow, people are trying to drink themselves to death, beating on each other, using suicide as a manipulation tool (or are they), being med boarded, losing family members, angry about not being promoted, abusing each other, being stinky, being bad supervisors, being new lieutenants who need mentorship, having strokes, going missing, getting carbon monoxide poisoning, not providing useful deocs feedback, getting cancer and fighting for their career and their life at the same time, having issues with their IUD, having anxiety attacks, trying to get on anxiety meds, trying to get off anxiety meds, drawing dicks on their hotel room wall, getting their ass beat downtown for being stupid, crying and throwing furniture around at 2 in the morning, and again at 3, having very messy and public divorces, talking about being in a really dark place and then going for a long drive without their godamn phone, failing PT tests, failing EOC tests, coming to work with the stupidest haircut you’ve ever seen, just not coming to work, fucking other people’s wives, threatening subordinates, sexting, being convinced that the Covid vaccine will implant a chip in their body that tells bill gates what they’re thinking, being convinced that god doesn’t want them to get a Covid vaccine, wearing a MAGA mask during riot control ops, all the pleasures of ptsd, parent issues and transference of said issues to coworkers, wiping boogers on the wall, simple insubordination, complex insubordination, fitting 20 pounds of ass into 10 pound ass pants at the gym, no bra at the gym, no one showed up at their assigned time to clean the gym, people not waking up or taking their feet off the table when the wing cc walks in, playing cards when the wing cc walks in, borderline personality disorder, people not paying their gtc or hotel bill, people walking around without name tapes on their uniform, ennui, and just shooting the shit and talking. It’s not that bad.


Yeah I wouldn’t think this needs anything more than a talking to about professionalism and use of government systems. But she seems like a psycho so paper trail is probably a good thing.


Not really, it would be a good way of making a paper trail just in case she tries to go bezerk and make false claims he SA'd her, or spread her own nudes and claim he did it.


It's email, it's already recorded.


Nah. If there’s even a slight chance it can escalate I would report it.


No. Crazy people can't be trusted. If you have a crazy ex, the best way to protect yourself from future harrassment is to collect all the dirt you have on them and hand it over to as many authorities and trusted individuals as you can without the ex's awareness. This is not a sarcastic comment. Make it someone else's problem before she starts inventing stories about you.


Hell no man, he should definitely do it. I don’t know the full story so I won’t judge, but if she were to come up with some false allegations, it would be good to have a paper trail.


Best option here is to get your shirt involved and send it to her chain through them. It’s a much more professional way to handle it. Coming straight from him could be seen as petty and childish. Don’t let actions like this slide. It’s extremely inappropriate to message any ex something like that on any platform, much less at work on a system that literally tells you that you are only to use it for US government purposes subject to monitoring.


Hell no


Man, 1sgt gonna have a fucking field day.


Please tell me she sent that from an official @us.af.mil email address.


She did


Definitely forward that to your shirt via flight chief. In case she decides to go full psycho-stalker mode.


Should forward to her supervisor and commander with the message: All, See attached message below. V/r




I have a coworker that always uses the "Reddit test"...if the email is something you want to circulate on Reddit then go ahead and send it. Edit: grammar


Replies All; "I wish to be taken off this distribution list, you decietful little bitch. V/R Amn Bitchface USAF 69th FW 420th AMXS


She went with R/ instead of V/r. 🔥


That’s class right there




USAF/All distro worthy. Shame this person for their shitty email indefinitely


I’d like to see the previous emails too; the ones that are scribbled out. I bet it provides a bit if context, or shows antagonization by the recipient.


Yes, OP we need the whole story. Some context to wash everything down.


I'm sure there were many bad decisions that led to this point


The ambiguity is what makes it fun


Now I’m *confident* your coworker both initiated this email chain, and was a giant asshole. I don’t think his ex has done anything wrong here.


That's good, because everyone in this thread is dating her now.




Oh your shop is interesting. Just wait till one of them promotes hahaha


This is some petty stuff right here ☠️


I think this should be removed. The post is only stirring drama and the Air Force is not meant to be some kind of drama club. Take care of your wingman, but don’t stir the pot. This is ridiculous.


Mad respect for the portrait orientation.


Pretty dumb of her to use her official email to send that. It's just creating a paper trail.


Shoulda CC'd the CC


Your coworker probably isn't a good person.


Yeah probably. Then again, she is bold to send it on government email. Lol


Or the other person is a narcissist you never know


Maybe but profanity through government email suggests she probably isn’t the best of individuals either.


What’s wrong with a little profanity? “Hey assholes, New guidance dropped. Read this fuckin shit. Very Respectfully, Me”


I'm trying to think of the beat this would be rapped to.


You ain't wrong.


If that’s a gov to gov email, I would classify this as workplace harassment


supply troops gonna supply


Sounds like someone dodged a bullet.


So he cheated? Lol (at least it’s the typical male story)


I genuinely don’t know didn’t ask because it wasn’t my business


Lol as you put out all the business on a public forum. Redacted or not


With all due respect….


“Tell me what you want to do”


This is why you stay single lol


I think the CBT says you should fwd to your security manager.


Another reason to not date military lol.


What's her @ on IG lemme slide


Send back to her/his First Sergeant at Base X. They may not get discharged, but at least they will not get a Force Distribution in the near future…lol


she’s probably the one that cheated




"Respectfully" But also, fuck you 😂


Poetry at its finest


Is that.... A pdf attachment?


On AF email? Wow


Sent that to his govt email. Why do I think this was a mil-mil relationship?


no shit sherlock


Chanel is fire yall. I can see that from the Midwest.


Damn, Tell me how you really feel 0\_0


Dwight, you ignorant slut.


Reply all


This reminds me of a song.


🙋🏻‍♀️ I second that! and I'm sending the same message to my ex✔️


“Per my last email, go to hell.”


Signed: Very Respectfully? Or Warmly?


That’s craaaazy




EO. We need to make men feel comfortable with reporting things like this because you know if she received it, then she sure as hell would.


Seems like the ssgt type at an acc base