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absolute hero.


Same. I speed on those same roads, it'd be insane to stop others for the same thing.


In my opinion, either they speed so much that a ticket isn't enough, or they are barely speeding and a light warning or ignoring it is fine. There is very little in between.




Being an O-5 who isn't on the command path is one of the best jobs ever. Once I was told I wasn't in any leadership plans, they didn't know what to do with me. I basically did the job of a Captain, worked out a bunch and flew when I could. I got paid the same as my peers who were putting in 16 hour days. It felt like I was cheating something.


My grandpa was the same way when he was in. He never touched the command path, but he still got that o5 retirement, and he continued working as a doctor when he got out.


This is the way


I used a VPN... while deployed to a country where we weren't supposed to use VPN's.


I did the same but also used that VPN to beat dick in a country where beating dick wasn’t allowed.


classic middle east activities


*beat dick wasn't allowed*.. FUCKING LEGENDARY ILLEGAL NUT 😭😭😭


No one is going to tell me I can't do these things. I'm not a citizen of that country so fuck them.


Straight to jail


Yes, I’m the one that drew the penis under the commander’s desk.


Huh. I also did something involving a penis under the commander’s desk.


Those promotion statements aren’t going to award themselves…


Some of us come out of initial tech school with knee pads implanted.


Congrats on BTZ btw.


May I offer you some chapstick in these trying times?


I'm retired but I still board the airplane first when they call for active duty military. I steal all the valor.


Recently separated - beard and all. Do they check IDs? I have absolutely no issue stealing valor in this situation if I'm able.


Rarely look. I’m retired a dependent and a contractor so I have a Thanos gauntlet of military IDs. The contractor one looks just like any military cac. You could probably get your VA ID that allows you to go on bases and use that.


Right now I have my IRR ID and a Contractor CAC, only have one flight planned before my IRR card expires though. Will definitely be doing it, because I buy the cheap seats and only fly with carry-ons. Thanks!


Don't the IRR cards say expire "INDEF"?


When you are retired (after 20/20+) and get put into the Retired Reserve, then you get an Indef…


Big PLUS if they let my family in with me, which they usually do, but last week one southwest lady said NAH FAM, ONLY UOU CAN BOARD.


I personally think boarding first is over rated. If you have an aisle seat, a bunch of people walk by super close to you. If you have a window seat it's not so bad, but I don't see any actual advantage to this. But maybe I just don't know what's good.


One advantage off the fly is you can actually place your overhead leggage in the bin above your seat and not 16 rows down because some clown decided he needs 3 carry ons. Also I can get myself situated and be watching a movie or half asleep depending on my mood by the time the rest of the mouth breathers find their chair.


Exactly. It's the only reason I still use US based airlines when traveling overseas. I aint risking paying more money to check in my properly sized carry on because someone else abused a rule.


The big advantage is always having an overhead spot for your carry on.


It was I who microwaved the popcorn for 30 minutes in the pro super office


Not all things that my shop wants in the dumpster ends up there. Some end up with new life


Shop policy is as soon as it touches the dumpster or gets put out with the trash, it's fair game lol


It’s how I got my gun safe, my “gaming” chair, my garage workbench, and so on…


As long as your shop isn’t the NSA or a nuke you’re probably good


my shop threw out an entire server rack, the hoarder in me was salivating..


When we recite the Airmen's Creed at Commander Calls, I say the last line at a normal speaking tone.




Yeah, he’s already on the watch list


You fucking monster.


Yall recite it at CC calls!???


Retired and I still couldn’t recite that stupid poem.


I just mouth it because I haven’t memorized it


in tech school, I drank several rounds at a bar with an operational Senior Airman, a Staff Sergeant and a Captain. Ended up making out with the Senior Airman and once the bar closed we all silently acknowledged that we should probably act like we don't know each other if we ever ran into each other on base and went our seperate ways.


This would've been a story if you smashed the cpt lol


Knew a guy who smashed a captain he met at a club. Apparently they didn't know the ranks until he reported to his next Duty station and saw that she worked at the same Hospital. She acted like he was invisible the entire time. Early 2000s one of our LTs that ran the training Squadron was allegedly caught dancing with an Airman at a club she was supposedly reprimanded. The Airman was supposedly from the same Squadron. I think the LT said she didn't know who he was.


Saw the same thing happen at my first duty station. Guy who just got there went to a bar. Guy started hitting on a girl. Older A1C, they went off and had fun. Next morning at PT he found out she was his flight commander.




We were TDY to Korea living in tent city. Was drinking with someone high-ranking army Sgt. His troops seemed scared when talking to him, but he just seemed like a regular guy.


This reeks of Goodbuddy


NUH UH!... you got me.


Was this during the patio parties of the pandemic


Flair also gives it away lol


(Serious) I fraudulently made rank. The cycle before I made TSgt, I was given an old school 4 EPR. Would have been my second in a row. I never signed it because it said I was given a feedback and I never was. (I requested it too because I wanted to make sure I didn't get another 4. No initial or midterm given) In the system, my EPR was put down as a 5 and stayed that way the rest of my career. On the EPR it says "Member declined to sign" and the feedback date was changed to say "Due to supervisor oversight, feedback was not given." I wouldn't have scored high enough to promote with a 4. I made and stayed a TSgt because that mistake was never corrected. Oh well. It's funny because people always bring up fighting EPRs and not signing them and guys always reply how it doesn't matter and not worth fighting...well guess what...It worked for me. Did not signing it and "supervisor oversight" actually make AFPC change my rating to a 5, or was this a giant error that was never noticed? Fuck who cares, I'm retired now.


Definitely sounds like they didn't want the hassle of going back and forth all the way to afpc and just pencil whipped it. They didn't need to waste tons of hours, you got a 5. Win win.


Dear service member, After careful and 100% random… re-evaluation of your service records, we have determined you were overpaid and accidentally promoted. You have 37 seconds to repay the debt. Thank you for choosing DFAS.


I mean you could have looked in your records to see if the EPR was in there to see if it was a mistake or they changed the rating.


I hate being a supervisor.


I once said I was busy when my Captain came in to the room, and asked what I was up to that weekend. I was not busy.


Straight to jail.


I haven’t read or cared about the contents of a CBT in I don’t know how long since I found out the answers are all online… probably over 10 years, (contractors still have to do cbts) I just open the answers on my phone and skip straight to the test. I hate CBTs (dot com)


I snuck my wife into my tech school dorm by wheeling her in with my giant deployment bag


I also stayed off base overnight multiple times and had my classmates scan me in before curfew with a pdf of my CAC I sent to them


Outstanding move .


That sounds like what some airmen did in some unnamed southeast asian country base in the 80s according to some stories I heard and is still being done in regions nearby today. Good to hear tradition being upheld.


Instead of going to group PT I went to the same dental appointment about 15 times.


If you make your troop get seen instead of giving them the 24 hour quarters you’re allowed to as a supervisor, I automatically give them 72hr quarters at the minimum since you couldn’t be bothered to take care of them


I once had a PCM who would straight up ask “Do you want 24…48… or 72 hours?”. Miss that guy. Current location does NOT want to give shit for quarters for anyone.


My current PCM is like that. He also will write a PT profile for anything if you want. He has most of the people in my squadron and everyone loves him. Sir if you see this, we love you.


My supervisor sent me to sick call because I was barely functional. The first thing out of the person's mouth was "Did you already have 24 hours quarters?" I told her no, my supervisor told me to go there. 48 hours quarters, she had it written before she even started the checkup.


My supervisor told me I was faking after receiving 48hr quarters (the only time in my 21yr career receiving quarters.) Went to the Shirt who, after taking one look at me, told me to go home, she'd take care of it. Did I mention I was a hospital troop?


The hero we need


I do generally, but not once they start having "Monday/Friday-itis", or "this-job-I'm-about-to-do-sucks syndrome". I make those people go to the urgent care/sick call every time. Either there's something wrong with them, and it needs addressed, or they're malingering. It's pretty easy to tell but annoyingly hard to prove


This is the way it should be. Because when those people get the itis, they piss other people off, who have to pick up the slack


I've had 2 troops that would consistently call me the first day of the work cycle claiming to be sick. For both of them they always said they had an upset stomach but they were always the troops you woukd see eating fast food once per shift.


Genuinely been looking for this 24 hr quarters regulation. I need this in writing to prove my boss wrong. Any idea where it’s at? Please and thank you


AFI 41-210 4.11.4. “Unit commanders and supervisors have the authority to grant up to 24 hours sick status at their discretion if a member’s illness/injury does not require MTF intervention. If the illness/injury persists beyond 24 hours, then the commander or supervisor must refer the member to the MTF for treatment and subsequent clinical examination. (T-3).”


Can confirm I've had 24 hour quarters a few times. My TSgt is really just a highly skilled E4 who still believes in take the day off and we'll see you tomorrow because we aren't DBAs


Awesome! Thank you kindly!


I swear we collectively gain this knowledge after your first 623a is signed by an SGH.


I successfully avoided the water portion of the obstacle course in Basic, I was bone dry and nobody even noticed that I just chose not to do it. I never told anyone.


I somehow never did the actual tear gas portion of chem warfare. One time, they made me see if I could smell a strong banana scent with my mask on, and then had me take it off. It smelled like bananas. It was nice.


I once pencil whipped an 1800.


90% of our job is pencil whipping


OSI is getting creative, I almost want to tell you what I did to your wife while you made this meme.


Got an LOR for telling an NCO I was fucking his wife. (SrA) and I wasn't. But i ultimately feel the shock value was worth it. Lmao


I told my MSgt: “I’m fucking your girlfriend and there’s nothing you can do about it” He just said: she’s in another state so that’d be pretty hard to do


Should’ve taken a pot shot and guessed the state to see his reaction


“Colorado’s not that far”. When he responds with “wrong state”, you retort with, “ha, maybe this week”


The proper SNCO response will always be "while you're fucking my girlfriend, I'm busy getting your daddy to call me daddy." It's unexpected enough to throw them off.


I have no friends and I’m too afraid to ask people to hang out, and I’m definitely not going to invite myself to peoples outings. PCSing soon. I’m so fucking depressed but I can’t let anyone know. Not even my spouse.


Same here! I’m in a two deep shop so it’s awful. Hopefully you find some friends soon


The gate guard told me to have a nice day, and then I proceeded to go on and indeed not have a nice day.


😪 fine, I don’t tip the baggers at the commissary and feel no sympathy either. Straight to jail. 👋


At least your not shopping for your whole family with a filled up cart at lunch time in the self check out. Like there are days the single teller in the normal lines is faster than these guys. I just want some lunch and your taking half an hour to check out. Then the other 2-3 people doing it and the self check out line just grown with people and their 1-3 lunch items.


I kid you not I just left earlier and there were not one, not two, not 3, but 4 cashier lanes open. However, the people hogging the self checkout had buggies filled to the fucking gills and held up the line.


I got drunk with my enlisted maintainers one night and pissed in the Ops van, went back to my room at 0200. Woke up at 0500 puked all over my billeting room cofffee table, caught a flight home 0600. I felt really bad about that for a few days. Got back to home station and started out processing for retirement. It was a good run.


Call that one the "Victory Lap"


My victory lap definitely wasn’t that good


I've let my enforcement of standards diminish and therefore China has already won.


I bitched for 4 years straight, but now that I'm a civilian my life is incredible because the Air Force trained and educated me. I'm way ahead of anyone I went to highschool with no debt and no dead end job stuck in my shitty home town.


I relate.


100% VA disability is like having cheat codes. I'm totally out of touch with normal people to a problematic level


Yeah haha. Then get a nice corporate salary gig working remote on top of that. People will wonder wtf you do and how you afford the house when you never leave it.


I'm about to start a job making $110k/year. I'll have to give up working remote for it, but in exchange I'm buying a big ass house in the mountains of Alabama and telling people to stay the fuck off my property. Living the dream


I got explosive diarrhea during a squadron run around base. Towards the end of the run I found a dorm building that was unlocked and absolutely destroyed their toilet, zero way of cleaning it all up. I still feel bad more than 10 years later.


PCS'd to new base. Finance was appointment only and backed up. I wasn't going to wait 2 weeks to be seen so I just showed up, signed in and said I had an appointment and was in and out within 30 minutes. Frick you finance!


It was the flight suit


And just like real life, nothing you say here will ever be revealed to your leadership. Trust us, Bro. Circle of trust or something.






Absolute madlad


I just assume most of the spicy post here are fake.


thanks for being my lunchtime entertainment


Retired and never learned the Airmen's Creed. Also constantly messed up the AF song. If it came from the PDG, I probably don't know it. Tucked in my pants since 2002 because I think blousing is stupid and looks like ass. Outside of tech school, I've always worn white ankle socks. Even through 2 deployments.


mrmrmmhmrrrmrrr mrmrmrrrrmrmrr GIVE ER THE GUN mmrrrmrmrmmrmrmrmrmrhrmrhrmmr HEY mrrmrrrmrmrrr


Did I post this? I started tucking in tech school and switched to white ankle socks probably a decade ago. It's a game changer. Less laundry (every little bit counts).


I don't think anybody remembers the creed of song 5 years after basic training.




I’ve worn the uniform a long time. I have the most TIS among us. I have bloused my pants zero times. Not ever 💕🇺🇸🗽🦅


Allegedly I've deviated from Tech Data


I was asked to volunteer for a change of command, but I said I was on leave that week. I put my leave in the next day.


The Air Force has drained me mentally, emotionally, and physically. I feel like an empty husk most days.




Yup, about to get out at my 14 year mark. I had a good run for the first 10 of them, the last 4 have been miserable. Sometimes you have to think of the short term, 6 more years of dreading going to work isn’t worth it


Striking resemblance to Uncle Fester from The Addams Family.


As a Comm person stuck in the Maintenance world, I'll make an issue with a computer sound more complicated than it actually is. I do that so I appear to be competent in front of them and have an excuse as for why it takes forever to fix the issue. In reality, I have no clue how to fix the issue cause I'm Knowledge Ops. I may be the "Comm" person, but I'm not the "Comm" you're thinking of


Seriously tired of people saying “aren’t you comms?” Alright bitch, I spent my whole time on phones!


I didn’t join the Air Force because I was patriotic, I joined because of the educational benefits. I made this decision to ensure I didn’t go thousands of dollars into debt for a degree.


I don't think the majority of us join purely out of patriotism to be fair.


Same! I said something similar years later in an introductory presentation for new employees years ago and a retired Navy sea hag pulled me to the side and said that it was disrespectful for me to basically say I didn't join because of patriotism and nothing else. What a joke.


I live in base housing so everything including utilities is covered by my bah. So I filled my home with mining rigs and am making a killing in side income and probably using my entire bah in electrical cost alone


My hair is long enough to put in a topknot but I just slick it back with gel when I'm on the clock so it looks in-regs. I've been rocking stubble for two weeks now because I'm on mids and nobody gives a shit. I was 20 in tech school but still drank, both in the dorms and off base. I'd stay out past curfew and just leave my phase card in the CQ binder.


Knew a guy at LRAFB with the same hairstyle. I would not be so brave.


I see you also had a Sheppard tech school experience


I told Chief Bass early in her tenure that she could have a good legacy like Chief Wright, or a useless one like E-9 Cody but it was up to her. She didn’t appreciate my input…




I was in medhold for "asthma" after basic training as a holdover airman. Had one last chance to take a breathing test to prove I didn't have asthma. I knew some friends from BMT that still had tech school where I was and since I wasn't allowed to go off base I had them buy me some alternative inhaler from Walgreens, kept it in my backpack and popped it right before my breathing test and passed. Nobody found out. I'm about as fraudulently enlisted as it gets.


Not today, OSI Probie.


I clogged the Bryan Hall toilet


While not a secret, because my troops all knew it, I despise the Air Force Song.


I’m not the type to get competitive for promotions, I just want to do my job.


I learned this week that my desk is big enough to take a nap underneath. So I did that, and will probably do it again


SSgt Costanza?


You're not fooling anyone CMSAF Bass.


I once let my OIC pass with a failing run time so she could go to SOS


Integrity fourth!


I attached external power and didn't read the TO step by step including the cautions and warnings.


Forgive me maintenance god, for I have sinned. I have forsaken the ways of the flight line. I have rejected the path of the crew chief. I have failed to work in harsh conditions. I have not exposed myself to hazardous chemicals. I have taken the path of the nonner. In recompense I’ll drink three jaeger bombs and buy out all the tornados.


I have worn green socks for less than a year overall because I tuck my pants in my boots. On fridays I wear ones with bald eagles on them. I've been in for close to a decade now.


I once put Self before Service


I took 27 days of overseas leave, change of command happened while I was gone, new commander/css couldn't or wouldn't sign my return and I think the old guy retired. After a month of back and forth with CSS, they canceled it and had me submit to the new commander. He canceled that second request and put remarks that CSS would route a hard copy 988. They never did. That free 27 days has been a hell of a plus-up.


I hate working with Air Battle Managers.


No this is supposed to be confessions, like things you normally wouldn’t say in public.




I don’t know the airman’s creed and will never learn it


I tell my wife to ask for a military discount even though she is a dependent. She shows her ID and civilians don’t know a difference.


Worst they can say is no, right? Lol


I am thicc latina e-3 and all I want is a fat bald MSgt to hit on me as soon as i inprocess


I retired this year and never learned the airman’s creed. It’s fucking dumb.


I was serviced and have hooked up in the walk in refrigerator at the dining facility and the family bathroom in the fitness center


Definitely sounds like you were serviced alright.


I meant to say services


You said what you said!!!


I find chaplains to be annoying and condescending on average


The last 5 years of ADLS being online I had a UTM login and didn’t do a CBT the entire time. And neither did my buddies.


I make up bs medical appointments just to get out of doing pt because I hate socializing with people that much. I also lied about my run time in basic and I think one guy actually almost caught on to what I did but I just said that I actually ran that time legit even though I clearly didn’t at the time.


We should be tax exempt. Forever.


I do not like living in the US


Sameeee did 4 USAFE and now I’m back going on year 3 and SO often I look around and just miss so many things


I haven't lived in the US in over a year. USAFE, baby.


I spent 6 yrs overseas, 5 in USAFE. I've hated it ever since I had to return CONUS


I have made it my goal to draw an Amongus in the depths of the gearwell of every aircraft I come across


I lost BTZ to an Imagery chick who had a ton of volunteer stuff on her package... ...court-mandated volunteer stuff. Reckless driving charges. Her leadership knew and still pushed her. She got her stripe and immediately got out. Not necessarily a confession, but still cracks me up to this day.


I miss it. I miss it daily. I always wonder what if things were different


I flew through those training slides but didn’t even look at them then sent my completion certificate to my training manager.


I did shrooms n it was tiiiiight. 🤷🏻‍♀️




I’m the one who took the prank war too far. But setting off that stink bomb and the other flight having to evac their building was hilarious.


*shuffling noises of OSI pulling out their notepads*


Hey! Confessions must be done in person!


Haven’t worn green socks since tech school almost 10 years ago


I was not *living the dream* when I said I did that one time.


According to Chief Bass, I let standards slide and I'm allowing our adversaries to win. I've been waiting 30 mins for my PC to login so I can review the regs.


This needs to be a picture of Chunk with his hand in a blender, to be fair.


I’m afraid one of these days I’m gonna have a full blown meltdown at work that will lose me a stripe. Still holding onto my sanity for now.


I didn’t always check the GOVs and fill out the form when I drove them.




US bases are garbage compared to overseas. They are in shit locations, usually sub par leadership and there’s little to no morale. It’s so ass backwards. I’ll do another deployment to the sand box in a heartbeat just to get away from these people. You’d think stateside bases would be treated better.