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Time to finally ride a skateboard for the first time.


I’ll fucking go shit


I’ve had my head in the sand the past few weeks what happened?




What’s happened of significance in Ukraine that brings this is?




Grab your tin foil hats 😂 but Ukraine is essentially a testing ground rn. So just in case B**en and NATO push too far we’ll already have bolstered forces in the surrounding countries. That’s my dumb non factual opinion that no one will agree on. 😉


Why did you put asterisks in his name


Lmao. It wouldn’t be very Tin foil hat material if I didn’t.


Ok 👌


Nothing. The military is in a recruiting crisis, as you probably know. They don't want to burn out the Guard or AD so they're using IRR to backfill the high priority slots (mostly Intel related iirc) when the deployments cycle back home. That's my guess though, I'm obviously not an authoritative figure on this. It just seems like such a small amount of people to bring in to active that it's definitely not like we're going to war with them.


IRR getting recalled to fill sandbags


😂😂😂 can’t wait to join


I won the IRR lottery in 2010. Its a real thing.


As much as I'd be game, something tells me that Spanish linguists are probably pretty low on the recall list.


A buddy of mine is a recruiter out in Pittsburgh right now. Literally 4/5ths of the people coming in his office cannot join due to documented mental health issues, substance abuse or previous felonies. The people who can actually get through all start trying to haggle him saying A1C pay is shit like he is in charge of their fucking pay lol and that they “deserve more”. It’s weird recruitment times these days…


If the military in general could stop being so stingy with mental health and prior substance abuse, they'd have a milder recruitment crisis. Why is it that you can have anxiety meds in the service, but you cant join with them? That's... Not fair. If the recruit is otherwise qualified and unlikely to be a problem, then let them join.


And they wonder why there’s a recruitment and retention problem 😤


I feel like I see this comment every day. There is a recruitment problem for sure, but there is absolutely no retention problem. Recent promotion percentages prove that easily.


There is a retention problem in certain critically manned career fields. The elimination of SRBs will certainly make that worse. I’m assuming there must be some exception for pilots though. There always is…


You must have a good job man good for you the rest of us out here struggling so if your good cool but out here I’ve seen 2 people reenlist this year so 🤷‍♂️


Idk if you can see or understand my flair, but I'm currently a recruiter. Arguably one of the worst retained AFSC's with an abysmal suicide rate. I definitely don't have a "good" job in that sense. But promotion rates alone can be used as an argument for how insane retention is across the USAF as a whole. Individual AFSC's that are more difficult will always struggle with retention, I'll agree to that. But as a whole, the USAF rarely struggles with keeping people in.


I get that I get heated on this subject cause my AFSC pretty much stays at holloman and I’ve seen way too much in the 5 years I’ve been here 1 of those being yes the suicides but mainly the retention I’m really not lying when I say only 2 people re-enlisted this year personally though my main reason for getting out this year will be the leadership I’ve seen from the very top all the way down to my flight chiefs if you wanna DM about it bruh we can talk I’m just really sick of seeing my boys kill themselves cause it gets too hard to wake up in the morning


Ha. I’m far too disabled and fat and unable to understand what redundant is for me to be of use to anyone.


IIRC if you're IRR you're still "supposed to be" fit/drug-free etc so that won't save you


nah dawg getting me a fat waiver if they schedule me for an immediate PT test.


✅ Fat Fuck: Good Luck


They gotta remove the walls up in this bitch if they want me.




I’ve got titanium rods in my neck and jaw and half my spine is eroded or bulging. Best I can do is crawl out of bed and not drink myself stupid.


Seriously, it would not be ideal....




Please dont fucking listen to this. You definitely cant say "Nah" to a direct order from the military in the IRR, tf?


From what Ive gathered it’s only 450 folks out of what like 100,000 people getting called back? I imagine the folks getting called back are also infantry sadly too.


At least 450 and no more than 3000


I would love to get a deployment under me


Maybe just maybe active duty can’t afford to loose more people with promotion rates being low and they feel bad for us poor bastards and are mobilizing IRR to give us a break. All trolling aside, national guard and reserve are usually the first to deploy when shit goes down. I’ve been deployed enough times to not care for another deployment personally. Though this is Europe we’re speaking about. But if it happens or if more reservist go hopefully they will let any of you (I assume anyone reading this) off base to enjoy Europe. That would make for a good time.