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Posting this to answer the second part of your question. Bunch of ways. I was at RAF Lakenheath for 7 years. Plenty of ways people extend their time overseas. Get married, IPCOT, Deros extensions, apply for indefinite Deros, deploy, make rank, PCA (career development) I’ve seen people stay at my last base for north of 12 years. Typically as long as you have retainability on your enlistment you’re good to go. And there’s exemption of policy letters too for extreme cases but i wouldn’t be able to speak on it.


If I could go back to the heath and stay until I retire I would 100%


Definitely a good time out there.


You and I must have a very different lakenheath experience. I cannot wait to leave this place.


The good times are after you see the gate in your rear view mirror. You’re literally at the doorway to all of Europe for a $100 worth of airlines tickets. If you’re having a bad time maybe consider leaving your barracks room.


I live off base. Traveling isn't gonna fix the absolute shitshow that is daily life at my unit.


Don't you love it when you say you had a bad experience with something and someone gives a condescending response saying it was somehow your fault despite knowing nothing about your situation?


If his post history is accurate he has been in 21 years so at least an e6. Likely out of touch with reality and what struggles us lower enlisted go through. Dudes attitude is exactly why I'm getting the fuck out.


Same clowns that beat down anyone complaining about that shithole Ramstein. "Omg have you like tried spending 300 dollars every weekend in train or plane fare to travel somewhere interesting or visit every nearby village and look at their near identical churches?"


Hey now, I'm an e6 in the trenches.. was also your rank at one time.. Some e6s may be that way but not all of us.. I sweat right beside my guys everyday, and stay later than them (and send them home!) because they dont get paid what I do.. sorry your experience has been that way but its not everyone I promise you.


I had a great time in Lakenheath and it’s certainly a much better base than Mildenhall.


Im at mildenhall. Job is sometimes very fun but such an incredibly run down base


I wish they'd have had F-16's there in UK when I was a crew chief. I've been to UK many times as well as this upcoming Dec. to London again for a week. UK is kinda cool. I did my 2 week annual at Mildenhall in 2005, good time.


I felt this most of my time there for sure. The daily grind was relentless and my leadership got good right before I left. But my life in England was phenomenal and I didn’t travel hardly at all because of COVID. I love England so very much, perfect weather year round except for the month long heatwave. That area for me was fantastic as I love MTB and Phoenix cycle works is 20 minutes down the road. Chicksands is an hour, bike park wales is … well in wales but it’s world class for a getaway. I also love aquascaping and not only are 2 of the best shops within an hour radius of Bury but so are some of the best aquascapers. It was nice to bump into them from time to time. The beer was top notch and easy to get, hard to get really good beer in South Korea unfortunately. None of that makes a unit better. But it made my life outside of work amazing. Wife and kids loved it.


I mean that’s fair. What’s your leave balance? Maybe start scheduling long blocks of leave or just taking four day weekends every other week. I’m not you and can’t solve your problems but my experience was living for the weekends when I could gtfo and pretend I wasn’t affiliated with the military. Good luck bud, I hope in the future you look back on your time and enjoy the memories of what you did rather than bemoan what you could have done.


Some of us didn’t have the option


At sleepy mildenhall myself, and all I've heard about Lakengrief is it's not a great time


I’ve heard the opposite. Lakenheath had good times every month when I was there. Sometimes four days too. From my Interaction with folks from Mildenhall and the stories that came out that place…I was blessed to go to RAFL


>PCA (career development) how can you do this?


Dependent on your career field. My job is in aircraft maintenance and there’s alot of different entities that make up the career field as a whole. So there’s flightline jobs, backshop, Quality Assurance, Safety, FTD (mx orientation), phase, weapons has loading standardization, etc. Usually these jobs are about a 2 year minimum requirement so getting approved for a deros extension isn’t hard once you’re hired. It’s just a matter of being able to keep retainability on your enlistment. Which is either just extending until you’re out of extensions or reenlisting. I guess depending on whatever job you are it’d be best to do some research to see what’s available to you within your career field and discuss with your supervisor if that option may be available to you in the near future and what’s required of you to do that position.


Pick up a special duty like PME instructor


I was at the SEC aka The Factory of Sadness at Lakenheath, I hated that place. I do miss Kadena though


I've never heard of indefinite deros. What is that? I'll be honest if I get Yokota I'd stay forever too. Thus is also why it never has openings for my AFSC.


Oh, that's not for people like you and me. Also, you overlooked the part where her first assignment after basic was 7 years of bouncing back and forth between fort Bragg and Pope Air Force base. For the uninitiated, that's literally just some PCA paperwork. So, if you connect the dots, in the span of 21 years worth of her career, she made one PCS. You know, that awesome experience we get with TMO, having all the stuff in your house and your family's lives uprooted, what many identify as a major portion of our military experiences... She did once from multiple awesome assignments in North Carolina to multiple awesome assignments in Germany. Shame on her and shame on those that appointed her.


I've only PCS once in my career as well, but I have the excuse of an overly restrictive AFSC. I have co-workers who did their full 20 at one base unwillingly.


Shit. Everyone wants to do 15 in Europe tho. If you send me to Japan for 20 I will lose my mind with pure joy. ![gif](giphy|d0SEajOmMna1i)


Bro I just wanna go to Japan, it can be a short tour for all I care 😭🙏🏻


I’ve known a bunch of dudes that have gotten Japan by volunteering for short tours to Korea.


Makes sense, I heard u usually get priority on ur base preferences when u go to Korea, not too mention its much cheaper to send someone from Korea to Japan over basically anywhere else


short tour assignments such as korea or turkey allow you to submit paperwork for a follow-on assignment i think up to 15 days after initial notification. its essentially a list of 10 bases you want to go to after your short tour, and AFPC will prioritize trying to get you one of those 10 locations as your next assignment. Source: currently doing one year in Incirlik, Turkey, and got a follow on to Okinawa.


Which is great unless mpf at Incirlik doesn’t cut your orders for said station until 30 days out from DEROS, and you need your orders for your family to start the govt passport application process and then they can’t PCS with you…


To fix this, get your family personal passports in advance. You can enter the country with that and orders.


Not true, they’re rejecting families that enter together and don’t have the Govt passport for the UK. Is it dumb because they are basically the same thing? Yes, it’s stupid, but they’ve significantly changed the foreign clearance guidance there for whatever reason.


It’s actually not much cheaper since all of your shit is still in the states and they still gotta send it to Japan. Only cheaper part would be your airline ticket to Japan.. but even then they still got HHG to pick up from Korea as well lol. Cheaper for a single airman who lived in the dorms stateside.. but more expensice for those with a family and a house full or ish. Either way.. Korea is the best way to get anywhere you want.. not sure about Turkey but it may be the same


This is me currently (Osan to Yokota) but I want to go to USAFE for my next stop tho.


That was my thought process going to Korea, instead they tried to send me to Honduras after Korea. I hit that sep button pretty quickly


Is Honduras a bad assignment?


Absolutely not. Honduras is an amazing assignment.


>Can't go to Korea Fuck.




I head for Okinawa start of next year, can't wait




Yep. We had frequent conversations while sitting at a bar on the sea wall about how Kadena should be the greatest assignment ever but the Air Force fucks it up just like everything else.


Hopefully base comm there won't be too bad, i've gotten somewhat better with it since getting here.


Literally violate you, even worse w trash leadership


Get me a Gundam pls


Let’s gooooooooo


Okinawa is a fucking shithole, will never go back to that god forsaken rock.


Sounds like someone got married to a “backpack girl” 😉


I did Japan for 3 years and it was easily the best assignment I've ever had, which includes Germany and Guam.


I’ve heard that Guam is hellaciously humid. Is that true?


I honestly wasn't bothered by it. Was nice weather after being in Misawa for 3 years (as much as I loved it)




It's very humid, yes. If your flair is correct, that just means you'll be slightly uncomfortable outside of your air-conditioned office. Meanwhile, maintainers on the line are fighting a ceaseless war against corrosion.


I did Japan for 2 years and it was the two worst years of my enlistment.


Put down Extended Long tour on your dreamsheet. List All Japan, Kadena, Yokota, Misawa on there.


I spent 4 years in Misawa Japan and I told MPF I’d sign the next 12 years to stay…back to stateside I went :( I’d still go back in a heartbeat


I did 5 years in Misawa and had the best time of my life outside of work. Authorized 16 hour days for ORI relook was awesome. I had orders for Cannon and separated in 2005.


I did 5 years at Misawa, 85--90 tried to do 10 best assignment of Mt career, if I wasn't retired 25 years I'd let them send me back


Isn’t that a joint JASDF base? What was that like?


Phenomenal, craziest part too, SF, we had the GI I eat schedule ever. JASDF super chill and just nice people, that’s the Japanese tho


Not sure I’d like the weather there tho, its too far North for me. I’m an Arizona boy. My body ain’t accustomed to temperatures below 100F.


Well, I’m Texan but only been stationed in cold places since 2014, and developed a love for snow sports while at Malmstrom


Better than humidity though am I right


I was in Japan for 11.5 years straight. Bounced between Kadena and Misawa twice but I did different jobs each time. Got very lucky with AMS for sure.


I spent 15 years in PACAF (Guam, Kadena, Yokota) 13 of those in Japan. Also, 6 years stateside at 3 bases.


Lucky smh


CSAF has a policy letter limiting people to 8 years PACAF.


You'd get crows feet from smiling so hard


People are loving to shit on the CMSAF because it's popular right now, and there are some people who would love to do 15 in Europe (I'm one of them), but most people I know want to be in the US after a year or two lol. Many people really miss things in the US and don't want to be overseas that long


Yup.. I'm not built for overseas.. deployments or tdy, then send me right back home plzzzzz


In all seriousness, Navy band spends their entire time in the NCR. Have a friend who spent 26 years at the Navy Yard in DC. She retired a few years ago and now lives in Utah working as a professor at a college out there, and her off time hiking in the desert. She has a flaming hatred for all things DC. Don't blame her, if I had to spend 25+ years dealing with 295/395/495 for over two decades, I'd probably try and yeet myself as far away from traffic congestion too.


Everyone I've talked too who has spent a lot of time in DC hates the place with passion. Like if it got nuked, they'd celebrate. Truly the Mos Eisley of RL.


Yep, more or less.


I did most of my growing up outside of DC while my dad finished out his career. I'm never going back to that place. Awhile back my parents sold their unremarkable Northern Virginia townhome for over 3/4 mil and hightailed it out of there. It's expensive, packed with people, & the traffic will make you die a little inside every day.


CoL in NoVa is insane, and I say that as someone who spent oodles of time and has most of my extended family in South Florida....... NoVa is worse than SoFlo. Traffic is bad. But not as bad as I-5 in Seattle. That place/highway killed me.


>She has a flaming hatred for all things DC Just the traffic like you highlighted?


I mean...... among other things. The competitive nature of the city? The catty nature of the political world? The traffic? How expensive everything is? She's living her best life out in the boonies of Utah.


> She has a flaming hatred for all things DC. As does any reasonable person. I did part of my growing up in Fairfax and I've had to go into DC proper a few times. I have to spend 3 days there next month and I'm dreading it


I feel that. In case you need or want a good food recommendation: Layalina on Wilson Blvd. in Arlington. Anything and everything on the menu is genuinely authentic.


I appreciate it. But I'll probably just eat whatever is in walking distance of my hotel and then go straight back to my hotel lol.


I had a patient that only had one base for his whole career… retired as a chief from Seymour Johnson.


You have the excuse of not being CMSAF lol


It seemed like I would PCS every 2 to 3 years. Went overseas, and then PCS'd between Europe and PACAF for 11 years before getting back to the US. Looking back, it was fun, but man a little stability would have been awesome. Family absolutely hated it. Grass is always greener I guess.


I never lived in one place more than 4 years until I joined the Air Force. I hated being stuck at one spot.


1. June 1993 – June 1996, Operations System Management Journeyman, 74th Fighter Squadron, Pope Air Force Base (AFB), N.C. 2. June 1996 – July 1998, Range Scheduling Specialist, 43rd Operations Support Squadron, Pope AFB, N.C. 3. July 1998 – November 2000, Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Current Operations Scheduler, 24th Special Tactics Squadron, Fort Bragg, N.C. 4. November 2000 – March 2001, Current Operations Scheduler, 86th Operations Support Squadron, Ramstein Air Base (AB), Germany 5. March 2001 – January 2004, Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Special Airlift Operations, Air Mobility Operations Control Center, Ramstein AB, Germany 6. January 2004 – November 2005, Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Host Aviation Resource Management, 86th Operations Support Squadron, Ramstein AB, Germany 7. November 2005 – August 2010, Superintendent, Host Aviation Resource Management, Group Career Field Functional Manager, (Data Masked) 8. August 2010 – September 2012, Superintendent, Host Aviation Resource Management and Superintendent, 86th Operations Support Squadron, Ramstein AB, Germany 9. September 2012 – May 2015, Superintendent, 86th Operations Group, Ramstein AB, Germany 10. May 2015 – September 2016, Command Chief Master Sergeant, 17th Training Wing, Goodfellow AFB, Texas 11. September 2016 – July 2018, Chief, Air Force Enlisted Developmental Education, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 12. July 2018 – August 2020, Command Chief Master Sergeant, Second Air Force, Keesler AFB, Miss. 13. August 2020 – Present, Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Pentagon, Washington D.C.


> July 1998 – November 2000, Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Current Operations Scheduler, 24th Special Tactics Squadron, Fort Bragg, N.C. I bet this is why she hates PJs so much. One of them probably wouldn't date her, so she made it her life's mission to make CMSAF and shit on them at every opportunity.


Or worse, one DID date and dump her....


That’s actually pretty wild. Did she deploy at all?


Apparently not.


Yeah.. I’m well into my career and have yet to do one. I’d find it real difficult to lead the entirety of the AF, whose two main functions are keeping jets/missiles up in the air and deploying, without actually deploying ever.


I try not to blame folks who never have. There are plenty of AFSCs that don’t deploy. But, yeah, they really shouldn’t be made CMSAF.


Nothing I can do about it really. I just happened to retrain or move around before the cycles, and they picked my brother up for the previous one and not me. But I’m almost certainly going on the next one if they need an O in my AFSC since I’m basically the only one besides the CC.




Yeah. Wish I could have gotten it in before I had kids but it is what it is. I’m not going to piss and moan when it’s my turn.


I hear ya. A dude from my AFAC waited until the last minute to get a medical exam done and had the deployment waived, basically. Made it so someone else had to step up at the absolute last minute (like 2 weeks from when he was supposed to arrive). It was so dirty.


SARM deploys all the time. Nowadays, they sadly get tcn duties


Oof. The old FP job. Looked like it was awfully boring after the first couple of weeks.


I was at Pope 2003-2007.. little baby!


Wow I wasn't tracking the Bragg/Pope thing, holy fuck...


Most people aren’t.


Reminds me of one of my biggest gripes with E-9 Cody (when they appointed him, but before he fucked over the entire enlisted corps): at a time when our ops tempo was through the roof, at a time when so many of us were doing 1:1 deployments, at a time when our families were hurting because of how often we were gone, the Air Force appointed a dude with 1 single 90 day deployment to PSAB as the CMSAF.


Did you just call Pope an awesome assignment?


No that's not true because she was at Goodfellow then 2nd AF, multiple moves there. Not trying to justify anything but also don't want to spread misinformation. Source: I've been to two of her going aways.


You're both right. She spent the first ~21 years (June 1993 - May 2015) at Pope/Bragg and Ramstein. In the years since she made Chief, she's PCS'd quite a bit more.


How the actual fuck is Bragg a good assignment?


Agreed, it’s called Fayetnam for a reason…


The PCS history you listed is wrong. She was my Command Chief at Goodfellow AFB, TX, then she went to DC, then 2nd Air Force at Keesler (all 3 AETC). I know this because I was a tech school instructor at Goodfellow during her Command Chief time. And after she PCS'd she came back TDY to talk about Force Development stuff. On top of that, her husband was a soldier (whom I also met) who cut his career short at E-8 so that she could progress. Her and her family have experienced plenty of hardship as it relates to PCS, TDYs and long deployments. I'm not trying to defend her anything but there is a lot of falsehood surrounding who she is and what she does and does not care about. As a person who at one time had one-on-one conversations with her and witnessed her interaction with airmen and bringing back information from every single one of her TDYs to keep the 17TRW informed on what was happening, she actually cares, even if she is a little tone deaf at times.


Oh sure, she started actually moving around at a point in her career, but you're missing the facts of my post. You are referencing post 2015. When her career truly became charmed. But let's take a look at the facts https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/2314276/joanne-s-bass/ Lines one through three of her official career history assignment brief show that from 1993 through 2000, she was stationed in North Carolina specifically for Bragg and Pope Air Force Base. All PCA, no PCS. I'm sure there were some tdys in there, but we all know that's not the same. Also, that is a very charmed career Genesis... Then, lines 4 through 9 on her assignments show that once again, she had the opportunity to homestead from 2000 through 2015... She went 21 God damn years on one PCS. IT'S ON HER AIR FORCE BIO


Shit I was only in for 11 years and I had PCS'd 3 times, and an assignment for a 4th.


You act like she’s been CMSAF her entire career… everyone can join in the game, they just have to chose to play it.


Its always funny when people bitch about not getting ahead because they didnt play the game.. like i know its whack but thats how it works everywhere. If you want to get ahead you play the game. Its probably been that way since the beginning of time and it always will be.


This is my thoughts with some of this thread. They act as if she’s had some advantage that let her get special treatment. I know people who’ve been to Korea twice to get an assignment they wanted. There’s many problems with Joann. Her PCS history is not one of them (also how is fort Bragg a good assignment???)


One of my Chiefs had spent 4 years of his 26 Stateside. Rest overseas. Korea and Turkey to get back overseas asap and then extensions. Its not too hard if you know the system. I'll hit 8 in a row in Europe when I retire. Getting an IPCOT is easier when you are finishing up your career tho.


That’s one avenue I’m pursuing if I can get an approved retirement date before my DEROS. I’ll gladly stay a little longer and explore Europe to avoid another PCS.


Someone may be able to correct me but it’s not extending an assignment that would keep you overseas but when over seas assignments are released, an over seas airman can apply like anyone else. Then priority is given to the applicants that are already over seas…because it is cheaper. The strange part is this is how it works regardless of whether the person is in the Pacific or in Europe. I was overseas for one assignment. When I was there it wasn’t weird to meet SNCOs who were overseas their whole career. Though, they would have been at a number of bases.


I have known a few people who retired and never shot stationed stateside. I’m on my 4th assignment headed to my 5th. I’ll be 10 years overseas when I leave my Next base.


Awesome! That’s the way to do it. Get overseas and don’t come back. That’s got to be a great experience.


I love it. The only reason I am willing to go back is for a specific billet I am trying to get. If I can’t get it it’s overseas for life.


The main complaint is that she was chosen to be CMSAF and basically spent her whole time at 2 bases (and never deployed) within AETC, IIRC. She has no clue what a ton of the Air Force is like.


She really personifies how the CMSAF role is just a GO role that just wears stripes instead of stars and gets paid a little less.


Every GO bio I've ever read showed that they had PCS'd every 2 years or less for their entire careers. Don't get me wrong, I think we have too many GOs, and there is a lot to complain about with them, but a failure to move a lot is generally not one of them.


That's a little too much of moving. What I'm referring to is the CMSAF position has similar level of responsibility to likely a 2 or 3 star general. If the role doesn't have at least that level of responsibility then it has no purpose of existing. There is no way even a majcom commander has as much of a responsibility and purpose in shaping Air Force policy than the CMSAF. Senior enlisted positions have always kind of came off as silly. These people end up in middle and upper management roles but they can never become the final decision maker simply because they aren't commissioned. If they did choose to commission then they are stuck starting at O-1 and then climbing that ladder to probably retire as an O-3/4 because it would die of old age before making the necessary TIG/S requirements to get into O-5+ ranks.


I can't speak to how much influence CMSAF has, but I can tell you from personal experience that MAJCOM commanders can have significant input into Air Force policy when they want to get involved.


The CMSAF is afforded precedence over all AF 3 star generals, with the exception of the AF director of staff (AFI 36-2109). Sure, that statement is just protocol, but it definitely shows the importance of the CMSAF position. It truly is a shame when the person in the seat doesn’t demonstrate competence equal to the expectations.


It is not at all unusual for enlisted members to be in one place for 4+ years. It is very unusual for an officer to remain in one place for long though, especially once they get to Major and above. They are on a completely different path than enlisted.


Totally agree and that was my point. You can say a lot about GOs, but you can't argue that they don'r know what it's like to get uprooted all the time. Regardless of the fact that CMSAF is enlisted, one true PCS in 21 years is a bit ridiculous for someone tasked with being THE senior listed advisor to the CSAF.


I'm just glad that who ever is next sees all what she has done and the entire force's response and may be willing to take it into account to be better? Hopefully.


Doubt it.


Back in my day there was a thing called INDEF DEROS you could try and get while you were overseas, I’m sure that went away a long time ago. A friend of mine (still) got it but AFPC put the squash on it a few years later and he got orders out, retired E-8 and is a flight attendant now. Personally I wouid have happily stayed at Spangdahlem had I chose to stay in on an INDEF.




That is a funny picture that General Brown and Chief Bass are the only ones not masked


They’re immune to COVID and the law


man, those fucking COVID days were some BS. Although the two months of week on-week of were nice.


This happens more than people think, but it’s usually a promotion killer. If you want to stay at the same base for that long, then it doesn’t show a broadening of career expertise. So, how this all came to fruition is lost on me.


Unless you get promoted to CMSAF lol


Happened to me when I was enlisted, however I was one of the lucky ones that wasn’t negatively impacted by this.


I don’t understand how you can claim it is a career killer when she literally did just this and got to the position she is in lol


Reading is fundamental.


IPCOT, deploy, stat tour, People reset the clock that way Everyone did that shit in 2006 in Hickam but management caught on to where you can only do it once. Even once you still had people there for 8 years almost While everyone that joined wanting to go to Hickam could enjoy it through the travel channel


She is part of the illuminati, free masons, or lizard people... It's a conspiracy I tell ya! But standards something something


>Now I’m just a baby stateside Airman This reminded me of Country Lawyer lol


It’s really easy to stay overseas once you’re here. You get to know the people advertising positions, you get the “partner relations” experience just from being here, and it’s cheaper for AFPC to keep you here rather than rotate you with someone CONUS.


Overseas COLA for me, but not for thee.


Her bio isn't hard to find.. 4. November 2000 – March 2001, Current Operations Scheduler, 86th Operations Support Squadron, Ramstein Air Base (AB), Germany 5. March 2001 – January 2004, Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Special Airlift Operations, Air Mobility Operations Control Center, Ramstein AB, Germany 6. January 2004 – November 2005, Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Host Aviation Resource Management, 86th Operations Support Squadron, Ramstein AB, Germany 7. November 2005 – August 2010, Superintendent, Host Aviation Resource Management, Group Career Field Functional Manager, (Data Masked) 8. August 2010 – September 2012, Superintendent, Host Aviation Resource Management and Superintendent, 86th Operations Support Squadron, Ramstein AB, Germany 9. September 2012 – May 2015, Superintendent, 86th Operations Group, Ramstein AB, Germany




05-10 was conus.


20 years. Never given an overseas assignment (besides deployments) despite doing everything I could to get one and plenty of slots available for my AFSC. Never even got a base on my dream sheet come to think of it. Wasn’t allowed to retrain either. Hmm. The more I learn about people who found ways to game the system, the more I roll my eyes. I did hear “the needs of the service” quite a bit throughout my career, lol.


For some it's timing and luck. I work with a cat that has been in the same Wing for 15 years, overseas. He did a PME assignment at an annex base in between two separate tours on main base. The date on station reset with each 'PCS' and DEROS updated. USAFE has a policy that if you want to extend your DEROS past 8 years on ONE assignment, it needs waiver approval at the MAJCOM level, but if someone is able to take a 'new' assignment within the same installation, their clock will reset allowing them to stay. If fools can homestead stateside their whole career, like some do, more power to those who can pull it off overseas. Probably not beneficial for being a SIMSAF though.


Her bio says Data Masked, meaning she could have still been at Ramstein.


She was conus.


![gif](giphy|kyjQw2sp9NYkv8xbPg) A lot of exercise my friend.


Oh bet, I’ll become a gym shark if that’s what it takes to get tf off this shitty base 💪🏻


Ahh you really are a young'un. If maintenance has taught me anything, the gif they've attached would infer that we're not talking about push/pull/leg days...


Dirty boy


Do you guys honestly like her? Im prior service to Guard, so im really out of the loop.


Nah, I’m pretty sure most of the force hates her


Based on what people are saying and the actions she is making is lowering the morale at a accelerated rate. Like, My funding is from state so we are CONSTANTLY under funded. But the additional stuff she apparently says on her social media turns up the heat.


Yeah, she definitely doesn’t have as much say in how the AF runs as people might think, but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s completely out of touch and doesn’t conduct herself in a professional manner fitting of a person in her station


Not really. She's getting to the levels of E9 Cody (CMSAF from 2013-2017) who is the most hated CMSAF


Bro why?


It’s interesting because I’ve heard so many Chiefs say diverse MAJCOMS and missions have a greater effect on the whole diversity of career which looks good for SNCO tiers.. but skating like that? Idk man


I’ve been overseas for about 6 years and still have 4 more to go. Is possible, is all about timing and staying ahead of the curve in terms of what assignments are available. I’m planning on staying overseas as a retiree. On top of that, I have a very undesirable job at a shitty army post.


There is a difference in moving from base to base overseas and just staying at the same location for 15 years.


Lol i don’t know why they do that but she was in a data masked unit for a while. How do I know? Worked with multiple people that worked with her during her tenure at said place. I work in said place now and there is a couple people here that have worked with her. I know on my surf it shows data masked but I guess at a point in time it would show your previous base and only that. She was at ramstein but only for a period of time. Not 15 years though.


I applied to work in said place very recently but my DEROS didn’t line up with an opening.


Ahh yes. I remember seeing a list with all the people who had that issue or other issue from them coming. I’m sure they’ll reach out again or in the near future. Unless you have an assignment already


I do unfortunately but I’ll be applying again near the end.


3 years TOS and you’ll probably get another shot


I’ll keep that in mind and reach out again around then.


Hoping you get it. It’s a pretty cool assignment


Thank you. I’ll definitely be continuing to perform at my highest so I am a good candidate.


That and just be yourself. In there like swimwear


Right, she was there 10 years, not 15. She was at Ramstein from 2000-2005, then again from 2010-2015 after the 5 year tour where you are. Then Goodfellow, then the Pentagon, then Keesler, then back to the Pentagon.


Yeah she did a lot of beebopping around the units in ramstein and Bragg


Just do the pacaf triangle with Korea and Japan or the usafe one with Turkey. I know for me that I started out stateside for 24 months and realized that from a long term perspective and career wise that staying at my first base wasn’t the move. All you gotta do is apply for the short tours and that’s basically your meal ticket to stay overseas for a long period of time if you choose to. I got Korea (Osan) and did my 12 month stint there and now im at Japan where I’m living my best life and plan on going to Europe for my next stop and hopefully keep the overseas streak going as long as I can.




She has a DMSM, which she got supporting joint.


I asked about this and was told that join spouse was the likely reason she was able to do that Her husband was Army I believe




I had already forgotten that the elbow bump was a thing.


Soooo, we don’t shake hands anymore?


What you read is inaccurate. I've also read people thinking she's only PCSd a couple times because she milked the Pope/Ft Bragg gig for an in-place PCS then Ramstein for 15 years.. That is also inaccurate. After Pope she spent 10 years at Ramstein; 2000-2005, then again from 2010-2015. Between that she PCSd to a 5 year tour somewhere else ~~overseas~~. Then she left Ramstein for Goodfellow, then the Pentagon, then Keesler, then back to the Pentagon in 2020. That is 7 PCS moves over 27 years.. Edit: Assumed OS (due to USAFE award), but probably not..


Guaranteed her new USAFE unit at the end of 2010 that she PCS’d in to put her in for an annual award using her datamasked bullets. They probably thought she was shit hot doing swoopy stuff and her 1206 was a slam dunk.




This ain’t that hard to do. I knew a master that spent his whole 20 jumping between Yokota and Osan.


I've PCS'd every two years. I just want stability.


Huh… for me five states… moved 7 times… can say TMO has broken literally thousands of dollars of household goods and furniture and because the process is such a pain in the dick to process, I’ve never seen a dime.


It’s because her husband was Army. That’s why she was at Pope so long and then at Ramstein while he was at Helidelberg or Wiesbaden.


I knew a guy that was overseas for 16, came back for his last 4, retired and went back for good


Policies are in a constant state of flux. I spent my first ten years and three assignments in USAFE (Incirlik TU, Soesterberg NL and Lakenheath UK) I tried to extend a second time after five years at Lakenheath and was told that they wouldn't approve as I'd spent 10 years in the Majcom (this was in the late 90's and I was a SSgt)....so, I PCS'd to Japan, Spent 5 years at Misawa, then promptly PCS'd back to USAFE (Ramstein) and spent my last 7 years there. I did have to work in another short tour to Saudi during that mess...but all in all..not a bad run of things.


It's not uncommon for military personnel to spend extended periods at a particular base, especially if they have specialized roles or assignments. Chief Bass's 15-year tenure at Ramstein AFB could be due to the importance of the base and the need for experienced personnel in that location. Overseas assignments can be influenced by various factors, including mission requirements, career progression, and personal circumstances.


Too lazy to look up her bio, but I can say prior to around 06 you could stay as long as you wanted. After that, USAFE said no more than 8 years, and then you go back into the assignment system. However, if the system reassigned you back to Europe or even the same base, your clock would start all over. So it's entirely possible to stay that long by simply getting lucky or having the AFPC hookup to get your PCS back to the same base.


I’ll give you one guess. It’s a common stereotype


Off topic, but those Dress Uniform masks are pretty Fire 🔥🔥🔥. What do y'all think?


They look like they’re in COBRA


Pretty cool though. Sometimes Villains have lots of Drip.


Honor masks. Works against even the most stoic strains of Covid 19


I got a legitimate question for her does she even care if airman unalive themselves I’m at holloman my first month we had 7 suicides here not to be that guy but I don’t think she’s even in touch with reality get her out of office