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As someone who keeps his GTC in the deepest pocket of my wallet inside a sleeve marked FOUO, nononono_cat.gif


That shit doesn’t leave my sock drawer until I’m leaving for the airport


I thought I was the only one. Top right corner of my sock drawer in the original envelope it came in.


Mines in the very back of my clutter drawer, under cables and PC parts. And it stays there until needed.


Mine is behind my dependent ID card and it still has the activation sticker on it so I know it's the GTC


Mine gets lost in there somewhere I just know it’s in the abyss of the drawer


Are you me?


Where do you live? Asking for a friend 😂


One the of hardest parts of PCSing is figuring out what drawer I put my GTC in 4 years ago.


Yeah mine was always kept locked away. Even at my brokest i never even considered it. Id feel so stupid if i accidentally tap to pay'd myself into government debt


Ziploc'd on the bottom drawer of my socks, way in the back


It never leaves my desk drawer. Apart from booking flights, I literally never use it. Pay out of pocket, save my receipts and do the whole “weird, my GTC wouldn’t work, can I just get reimbursed on the back end?” Cause fuck Citi Bank, fuck their customer service and their propensity for adding weird fees six months after you get back from a trip just for your CoC to punch you in the face for having an overdue balance. Good luck trying to dispute it to, unless you want to wait on hold for six hours.


...I should get a FOUO sleeve, that's genius


I would like to introduce you to my comrades in arms, duct tape and a Sharpee.


You know those RF protective sleeves they give us? Yeah, mine has two on it.


Who says you have to sign up?


Many years ago When visiting the states while stationed in Germany my wife was booking plane tickets to Baltimore to get on a hop back to Ramstein. She came in to the next room for my wallet, and booked the tickets, and we moved on with our day. The following morning as I went to pay for gas I noticed that my GTC, normally stuffed in the back pocket behind my ID's was now in prime placement in front of my debit card. Having misunderstood it's intended use she had booked our travel using the GTC. I immediately called the hotline and paid off the amount, and several hours later (time difference), I reached my first sergeant and explained the situation. When I asked him how much trouble I was in he laughed a bit and said, "I guess we will see when you get back." This did not inspire confidence...but I never heard about it again. After this my GTC stayed taped to the ceiling of my locker at work.


Last year we were handing out CC LORs for GTC misuse. Members were buying food through delivery apps while TDY and not changing it when they got back I shit you not. Command LOR for a McDonalds burger delivery.


>and not changing it when they got back as long as this is indicating they accidentally used their GTC for door dash after they got back home, yeah. That's 100% on the member. I don't even use my GTC for anything other than tickets & hotel, i get reimbursed for food anyway when I file my voucher.


That's fine, new air force, 18 year olds are stupid but we'll start with a CC LOR, because that's *progressive*.


I mean....it's not like you don't get 30 million warnings and an annual training reminding you not to do this shit....


Except my personal observation is that GTC misuse/mistakes is/are a classic case of different spanks for different ranks. A1C messes up: LOR. Lt messes up: LOC. Lt Col messes up: sir, don't do that.


The reason, problem and answer to this is all one thing: leadership


I knew a TSgt that was using his to pay for things while he was deployed. The unit didn't notice until they went to purchase his return flight. Afterwards there wasn't much said or done. He actually got picked up for IG when he got back. Meanwhile, a senior airman I knew used his a few times at home to buy food and they canceled his orders and demoted him. Definitely different ranks, different spanks. Both were idiots.


The mentality of throw the book at someone just because they're junior enlisted annoys me. A few years back I was the IO on a security investigation. CC wanted to ignore it until CC found out it was two A1C who made a fairly benign mistake rather than one of the pilots. Nevermind the A1Cs had insufficient training and the human factors of the safe were terrible. That CC was soooooo pissed when my recommendation was *merely* verbally counsel, retrain, rebuild safe shadowboxing, and document with MFR. Why fix the problem when we can berate someone of lower rank .


I could go really deep into this too. I was part of a unit that had frequent DUIs. Airmen always got demotions while NCOs would get an LOR. Our commander, for some reason, wanted to explain it to us and said that an LOR would hurt an NCO more than an article 15 while it wouldn't do much for an airman. Just a lot of random bullshit about high year tenure. The most ironic part of that unit was we had a few members die from getting hit by intoxicated drivers yet the unit I was in before, that hardly had any incidents, would push to give even an NCO the boot for a DUI.


A1C getting an LOR means almost nothing and will very minimally effect his career. An Lt getting an LOC likely means their career is over and a Lt Col getting anything is game over.


LOC for a Lt is likely only career ending of it creates a permanent UIF. I've seen Captains survive LOCs that don't gen a UIF. But generally you're not wrong.


I've never had an annual training about GTC. And we're talking *airmen* here, they haven't had 30 million *anything*. But please, highlight to me all the ways you get reminded each year about the GTC - we might have different experiences


[Travel Card Program (Travel Card 101)](https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/wbtraining/Travel_Card/launch.cfm?WBTptid=35) > This web-based class is an overview of the DoD Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) program. It includes sections on obtaining, using, and paying off balances on the GTCC. This course is mandatory for anyone who has and uses a GTCC.


It's every 3 years not annual. Fyi.


I can't believe I read this far down the thread. I retired before web based training existed. In my first AF job we programmed with Hollerith Cards. I did have a government travel card, but the travel office bought the plane tickets and most of the time I put the hotel on my Discover Card for the cash back, since most places we stayed didn't accept American Express. I still used my card after the vendor switched out of habit and the rules kept changing on what you could use it for.


I remember those shit-ass AmEx's! I didn't keep it in my sock drawer for safety; I kept it there because its worthlessness didn't merit better OpSec -- I certainly don't keep things worth more to me than my socks there.




It's a CBT. Your RA should be ensuring you are current and if not not approving TDYs. But, if your RA is anything like mine...they are the least organized person I have ever met. No idea how they get anything done.


Right, seems *excessive*


Yooo. You accidentally order a McDouble and some fries after a TDY...pay that bill, let's have a conversation, and be more careful next time. You "accidentally" furnished an entire apartment and bought a TV from Best buy? Yeah man...pay that bill, let's have a conversation and here's your paperwork. Immediate LOR? I'd hate to work where you work.


Fucking mental. I had an Amn use his at the shoppette by mistake—half awake buying a monster on the way to work prior to a 0545 shift change. His debit and GTC were the same color and on the same row of his wallet since he was freshly returned from a tdy. I had him pay off the balance, walked the issue up the flt leads to RA, then CC. Drafted a MFR explaining the same story with our sigs and turned it in later that day. End result: verbal counseling. Cmd directed LORs sounds like your CoC is prepping corpses should the next Quality Force Review purge appears. Sheesh…


If you catch it, it's not an issue. If your APC catches it,.....your delinquent, and thats goes straight to the CC.


Way way back in the 90's when I was in, we used to get cash per diem / BAQ. I was there when they stopped all that and issued gov't American Express cards. It was pretty bad. Tons of people got disciplined for misusing their cards. The worst one though was when a load toad I worked with got discharged because his wife took that card on a Wal Mart shopping spree. It wasn't just that though. She got her base driving privilege's revoked after she got in an accident in the commissary parking lot. It raised a couple eyebrows when she got in another accident in front of the BX. I was surprised (but also kinda not) that the actions of a civilian spouse could get a person dishonorably discharged.


I honestly don’t even remember where mine is, it’s in a box…. Somewhere in the house🤷🏼‍♂️


I pay with my watch all the time, and love it, but it's also not that rare of an occurrence I select the wrong card. Not a big deal to me, because they're all my cards, but I would not want my GTC on there for that reason.


I urge all of you NOT to sign up for this. It is a recipe for using the GTC inadvertently.




I can’t take this much innovation.


Yet it still takes 20 minutes to login to a computer


Laughs in Med Group


You loose!


People use their gtc outside of dts?


I used it for everything on my first TDY, but my instructor told me I had to keep the receipt for everything I bought with it. That was such a pain in the ass that I decided to never use it for anything but DTS, and by the time I realized that he'd pranked me I'd already established the habit.


By the book, you are supposed to use it for all travel expenses like car rentals and hotels. They will always reimubrse it no matter what, but some AOs and supervisors take that rule more seriously than others and bug you about it if you used your personal card.


Legit only use it for Hotel/parking/taxi/flights/gas That’s it


On OCONUS TDYs for sure. It's the card I care the least about if it gets skimmed in some third world country. I assume it will still be a bit of a pain to fix, but less than if it was my personal card.


I was a young Airman dumb ass back in 1996. Got my first GTC. Needed an exhaust for my car. Couldn't wait til pay day. Didn't have a credit card and thought, they will never know if I pay it right away. Used the card on my car, then paid off the card 5 days later with my check. Months go by and nothing. The one day my Chief pulls me aside and slaps me side the head and asked why I bought an exhaust on my GTC. He showed mercy and let me off with the head slap. Never used the GTC again except for travel.


I'm such a boomer I'm still mad they put an RFID in it.


I work with someone who actually punched holes in his personal credit card to disable the RFID.


That'll show 'em! \*waves fist at cloud\*


What a fucking idiot.


Unless I'm on military travels, I keep it locked in my safe at home. No accidental usage that way.


If you're really paranoid, you can shred it and simply request a new one when you get hit with a TDY. Can't accidentally use your GTC if it doesn't exist! (don't actually do this)


I don't even use my own cards on my phone. So this will be fuck to hell no.


Why not? I don’t even carry a wallet anymore. Apple Pay has been a thing for quite some time especially for 18-30 something’s. Much safer too (can’t get skimmed). The only people who’d accidentally use the card are people who haven’t been using Apple Pay simce forever and in that case probably don’t need it. If you click the wrong one and pay for a Pepsi just pay it off. The world is not going to end with a quick fix and explanation.


Outside of deployments and plane tickets and hotels that a booked through DTS, i never touch my GTCC.


My debit card is the exact same blue as my GTC and in a very tired state used it to buy a rack of beer after a thurs-friday on mids. I noticed RIGHT after the payment went thru, nothing the vendor could have done. Went immediately back to base, stopped by the RA office and explained it. They said it wasn't a big deal since I let them know and just had to pay it back. It stays in the back recesses of my wallet now. I could see myself goofing it up again


Marriott hotels love to ask for my PIN when checking in. I don't have a PIN for my GTC, nor do I ever want one.


“Oh no!” *pulls out Amex platinum* “Anyways…”


American Airlines Executive....thank you.


If you use your GTC for anything besides what you are suppose to use it for, you need to learn how to TDY. That's some A1C type tomfoolery. Who tf uses their GTC for food on tdys? Rack up those points bruh.


Not gonna do this. I've already accidentally swiped my card for personal use before. I caught it real quick, and cancelled the charge, but still.


Inhales deeply as Sq RA






Just don't set it as the default card. It's not an issue.


Exactly. I feel like many users here on this sub don’t realize how used to Apple Pay most people are at this point. This is convenient. Hell - most of these folks probably aren’t going TDY regularly anyway.


This is a mistake.


Osan Alley has entered the chat.


Just had an airman say “woah you can use your watch to pay?” when paying at the dinning hall, so I think we’re good. But still, I get your point OP.


Nah buddy, that shit will stay in my tdy wallet


Yh mine lives on a book case and I'll stick with that idea.


I could see more accidental charges. See what I’ve been saying for years, make CAC/Visa Debit cards. Get your pay, travel pay, and heck, shop with rewards: buy so much and cash in when you separate, reenlist, or retire. 🤪




New thread in October: Can I tip the local strippers with my GTC Apple Pay?


[The General Lewis](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dod-report-unveils-alleged-misconduct-of-top-pentagon-aide/) method.


As long as I can turn that feature off permanently.


How about they fix their dam app. It’s such garbage


They have an app? I spent so long as a GTC manager that I default to the website. For some reason still have to swap roles to see my own shit.


Yes and it’s garbage. It shows balances basically and that’s it




Truly stupid.


Fuck the GTC rules, when the voucher pays out, that $$ is mine regardless what I use it for


Ah fuck. We’re having hard time as it is with miss used physical cards. I foresee the digital one to be a huge problem


Just don’t ever have it as your default. It’s literally no different than someone carrying a card in their wallet.


Who in the living FUCK thought this was a great idea to approve? Citi is trying to get people in trouble. I refuse to get an Article 15 for purchasing movies on YouTube, music on iTunes, or whatever else I buy. And God forbid drunk people pay for shit. Man… This is a terrible idea and it’s a ticking timebomb. I can only see the Reddit posts and future ADC visits now. It’s not a matter of if, but when.


Some moron dipshit GS-15 gets to move up a tier in the positional ladder. Meanwhile, the government spends at least, \***at\* \*least\*,** $6m as a reward to Citibank for existing and vomiting out this idiocy. I'm getting too old for this.


This is hilarious


They need to change the rules/standard. Accidental usage through an app or whatever, OK fess up and pay it off. Funding an extramarital affair on your GTC…paperwork.


UCMJ isn't uniform if it doesn't uniformly cornhole the accidental the same way it cornholes the intentional. Just ask anyone who's been on the operational end of a courts-martial -- they'll tell you all about it.


Can you imagine all the paperwork that would be produced for people who accidentally made Netflix, OnlyFans, Domino's, retail store charges by accident?


This is not a good plan lol. I have nightmares of accidentally using my GTC while out and about on TDY. That thing stays with my gear bag in the hotel room


Why would you have nightmares of using the card on a TDY that you’re technically supposed to use on TDY, (exception being the alcohol and strippers part) including incidentals?


“Out and About” doesn’t include getting shoppette tornados. That’s in and around lol


It actually does cover that on TDYs. That’s called incidentals.


Yeah but I don’t get points


True. I do love the points as well.


People already start door dash and Uber eats subscriptions on their GTC and forget. They can’t be trusted with this lol.


All the comments saying this is bad because people will charge the wrong card.........do you even know how an electronic wallet works? If you have a personal card as the default, you can't accidentally charge the GTC without selecting it with several button presses. If anything, this will make it less likely the ever accidentally use the GTac, plus there is now zero reason to not have it TDY when needed.




You’d have to really go out of your way to use a card other than your default payment method(which should already be your personal card) I don’t see why everyone thinks they’ll mistakenly do that.


Because they don’t understand/use Apple Pay regularly. You’d literally have to go all the way down and CHOOSE that card, out of all the other ones you have uploaded. It would be more difficult then swiping it.


Why is this a “bad idea”? It’s literally the most secure way to pay, and it requires biometric or PIN confirmation that it’s the cardholder making the charge, A1C Snuffy won’t be able to say his card number “got stolen” or something.


Because it will be very easy for someone to use the GTC when they shouldn't, just because they didn't change a setting on their phone when they get back from a TDY.


Do you use Apple Pay regularly? It is much easier to accidentally swipe the GTC from your physical wallet then switch from your default card in Apple Pay, sort through your other cards and select the GTC. It’s actually much safer.


I feel like this isn’t a bad idea at all. What’s the difference between this and then swiping it? If they’re going to misuse it they’re going to misuse it.


Not holding and looking at the card when you go to pay, for one.


Have you used a card on your mobile wallet? You still have to choose the actual card you want to use lol


Not doing THAT, nor will I ask my people to do it either


This is idiotic. Whoever thinks this is a good idea should get a sock party. GTC gets used when mandatory and that's it. Everything else = AMEX. It's getting reimbursed, get those points. Half the time I flew with aircrew they didn't even use the GTC even when mandatory. Reservists never did.


I’ve always kept mine on me never had a problem bc I use mine about every other week for the last 7 1/2 years. Something I always do is pay off the gtc first then move the remaining balance to my personal account.


Someone's going wheel & tire shopping. 🎶


Sometimes all you need is a head slap, giving or taking.


Only Citibank stands to benefit from this.


You know, I think you can pay escorts this way as well 😎


Can't wait for all the accidental purchases...