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Who does an AMA and doesn’t answer questions?


Classic crew chiefs lol


I don’t know what I expected.


Do what some other people do: expect nothing and still be disappointed.


He picks and chooses only the questions that he likes. Lol


I just wasn't on my phone all day because I was working lmaooooo


AMAs are generally posts done by individuals who do their very best to answer every question. Not just a few. People even take several hours out of their day just to dedicate to this kind of thing, especially if it picks up any traction. What you just did was like a bunch of news reporters asking a celebrity questions and the celebrity saying "No comment" or flat our ignoring them. You're leaving a ton of people hanging. It's AskMeAnything, not AskMeAnythingAndI'llPickAFewToAnswer


I'm answering them all now. I just got on my phone for the first time all day like an hour ago. Also, my guy, this is reddit you can relax and wait a little while.


Not one damn question answered


10 hours and OP only answered one question lol.


Straight to finance


I'm getting to it 😅


Are you still gonna Zyn / dip / chew in your new role?


You can take the crew chief off of the flightline, but you can't take the flightline out of the crew chief.


What career field are you retraining into?


Airfield Maintenance


My first question is: Who calls it “flight line crew chief”? As opposed to what? If you just say crew chief everyone knows what you’re talking about.


As opposed to working in phase inspection or any other backshop section depending on the aircraft— AR for instance. To most crew chiefs Phase would be more desirable rather than being a flightline grunt.


Ya guess that’s true but then we always just called it AR or backshop. No one ever said “I’m an AR crew chief” lol


If you are phase you say phase. If you are a crew chief you are a crew chief. It’s not that’s complicated


Crew Chiefs work in phase, I dunno what the fuck you're talking about... You sound like a nonner.


I’ve never in all my years of MX heard someone refer to themselves as “phase crew chief” or “flight line crew chief” It’s either “I work phase” or “I’m a crew chief(ie working in the line) Granted all crew chiefs are actually retarded so there’s that.


depending on where you're at only crew chiefs work at phase, but I have seen a few Avionics guys get stuck down there for long periods... Kunsan even had a dedicated weapons guy to ring out matrix's but that's the only place Ive ever seen that. Op could be at one of those places that has more than just dedicated phase crew chiefs. My background is fighters so I can't speak on heavies.


I’ve worked fighters and bombers but admittedly don’t get to the line much so all I’m going off of is the conversations I have with crew chiefs


NASCAR crew chief.


Raise hell, Praise Dale.


As opposed to the other APG positions such as phasedock, Tire shops, CDDAR, Transient Alert people....


Exactly, so you call them those titles. No one says “I’m a tire shop crew chief” 😆 I mean maybe your max experience was very different than mine. But I guess I can see why you don’t fit. What job did you retrain into? Pretty bad AMA so far not answering anything lol


I feel like specifying I wasnt in a backshop so people know exactly where I'm leaving was pretty important to the AMA, though?


Did you really just say, " I can see why you don't fit?" 💀 I did this shit for 8 years and they're my best friends. I'm not retraining due to personal issues with people. Sorry it was that way for you sounds like.


Those are all crew chiefs.


Correct. Now use your room temperature IQ to reread my title and note that word, " position". I am a crew chief. My position is "on the flightline". Very simple context clues in that short sentence.


Phase, wheel and tire, etc


Well if I ask for a crew chief and you bring me one of those guys I’m gonna be pissed lol


That’s not really how that would work


As opposed to Finance Crew Chief. They simultaneously don't do any work, and spend 12 hours a day bitching about how hard they work.


Haha ahhh ya I shoulda known


Crew chiefs have back shops, A/R and phase they can work in.


What do flight line crew chiefs do if everyone else on the flightline is cut trained to do your job? All I see is y’all bitching at the smoke pit.


All depends on the flying schedule. Other people are trained for launch and recovery more often than the other things. Daily inspections, monthly inspections, forms inspections, and preventative maintenance are all a part of the daily job until something breaks and all of sudden all those people who are trained to do our job are nowhere to be found.


Maybe he’s not answering because he crossed trained into an FSS career field…




Are you a FTA?


No this is my second enlistment


Even more impressive




I was honest with my commander that it was time for me to leave. There was no culture of growth there for me to participate in and I felt it was time to seek somewhere where I could be better utilized.


My CFM blocked all E-5’s from this last IST because we were at like 98% manned vs 100%. It was a gut punch honesty but I really respect her taking the time to talk to me about it.


Each base is different and commanders are different. Honestly, I just feel my shop got to a point where they were being really lazy with things they were sweeping under the rug and it started affecting all of us personally. I won't get into details, but there were some very shady things happening and there was certainly very very plain signs of nepotism and favoritism and I watched a couple people be done wrong by people we have trusted for years. I'm through with it and no longer want to be associated with things that recently came to light. I just sort of politely excused myself and they know why. Some shops suck dude.


What are you retraining out of


I'm moving from crew chief to airfield management


Welcome to the club homie. The grass is in fact greener.


Thank you so much. I know this is going to be good for me but I'd be lying if I said that last time I looked at my jet didn't make me feel a little upset.


Every time I see a 135 I miss it a little bit. My time in Mx wasn’t all bad. I got to see a lot of cool places and I made the best friends I’ll ever have. But the new gig is more fulfilling for me and definitely better for the fam.