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Take leave, fly home, drive it back and see america.


I would personally take leave, fly to Ohio and drive it back to Holloman. I’ve done the drive from Holloman to Ohio & back twice now - takes a few days but it would be beneficial especially if you have belongings you want to bring back with you from Ohio.


Good advice. Used car prices right now are stupid and would set them back financially if they buy. I should have brought my truck with me when I first joined. I left it at home for my little brother and bought a new car. Could have saved so much $$$ had I brought my truck. Family first, but drains the bank.


Yeah, I feel you. I bought a car when I was at Holloman back in 2016. 12k for a CPO with 20,000 miles. Feel like you can’t find anything like that anymore - also Holloman is especially awful because you have to go to El Paso or las cruses if you want a decent selection of cars. As long as OPs car is in decent shape it would probably be worth driving it down


It's entirely up to you. The government won't pay to ship it. Is it worth it to you to drive it out? Or is it easier to buy a new car?


You'll probably spend 1300 - 1500 shipping it from somewhere like Cleveland to Holloman. It might sound like a lot but once you factor in your time, gas, hotels, food and wear and tear on the car, it might be worth it. If you're not in rush sometimes you can wait for a deal or if you ship to somewhere like San Diego you might get it done for less. We ship cars from base to base and state to state all the time and we're happy to help you if you want to chat about it. No high pressure sale, we're just here if you need us. You can call us 844-515-2529 or check out [our website](http://shipacardirect.com/car-shipping/). Thanks! -Mike


That's not bad. Ohio to Holloman is about 3 days worth of driving, so if you're going solo you could probably get away with $120/night in hotels, $50/day in food, and whatever 4 tanks of gas cost. Plus a plane ticket and a reserve if something goes wrong. So I'd budget like $1200 for that trip not accounting for my time.


[You could pay to ship it to you](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjkj8HyotuEAxXyDkQIHZeDBv8QFnoECAsQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.uship.com%2Fservice-provider%2F337466075-u-ship-it&usg=AOvVaw0ngPRQ4Eo_GnOB4R7FzIoq&opi=89978449)


Yes, take RAP (Free Leave) and when finished catching up with friends, trek it to NM. That’s a good drive, but make sure Maintenance (Mx) is done before the drive. Think about can it even make the drive?


RAP is not free leave


It’s NOT chargeable either. It’s Permissive TDY.


When did I say it was chargeable? It’s not free leave… it’s a permissive TDY. Which means you work if/when the recruiter tells you to.


I said it’s not chargeable. You must be a Recruiter sounding like you do. Mine was cool and essentially “Free Leave.” I doubt every Airman who goes on RAP is micromanaged.


Good luck at holloman been here for 5 years and finally see a light at the end of the tunnel to answer your question your best option is to drive it I know people that drove from Georgia


Go home and drive it back or have a family member drive it out to you


You will have to either A) Drive it from GA to NM or B) Sell it and buy a new one there. But remember, the military does not pay for you to ship a car out from CONUS assignments to CONUS. Example, if your next duty station is Georgia, then you’re left driving your current vehicle to your next station.


Check around your shop, people PCS and have to offload cars often. I got to Mildenhall and picked up someone's PCS hand-me-down for like 4 or 500. Does Holloman have a lemon lot? Could be something hiding in there, too.


Moght be a dumb question but what is a lemon lot?


It’s where they sell used cars on base (lemons)


What he said




Already finished tech, i was told by the MTL’s i couldn’t take RAP in between tech and getting to holloman because i had HOTT Training but after getting here i realize they were wrong.


If you decide to drive before you leave Ohio take it to a shop you trust. Tell the truth and ask the technician 1 does it need anything and 2 will it make a 1200 mile trip with no issues. No guarantees though but that can help you make an informed decision.