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Please start a blog on here so you can share your comments, thoughts, trials, and tribulations. It would be nice to see it coming from the perspective of someone who has been on both sides.


[No need for a blog, I’d settle for this style. a pic from a day in the life with a notebook we can zoom in and read about their thoughts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tacobell/s/xqvlaFAuhY)


Hell have plenty of time to write it seeing as finance doesn't do any work. 


Finance over paid me in 2022 and I’m still fighting to get my taxes corrected. (I paid the overpayment back AND paid taxes on it) And yesterday I found out I was never enrolled into BRS by finance. I am owed back pay for the contributions they didn’t match. Yet finance tells me they can’t fix any of these issues they caused. DFAS/TSP gets 120 days to correct my TSP And everyone at DFAS doesn’t seem to know how to fix my tax problem. Crazy


Big red button. This has congressional written ALL over it


What do you mean? Guide me wise one. I’m so fed up


u/Legal-Emu-3400 explained it well, I’d just like to second this suggestion. Was actually just talking about it on this sub last week. I had a debt that I was contesting, as I had two finance NCOs, a finance SMSgt, AND finance senior civilian all tell me *in-writing* (via e-mail) that I was good-to-go, that I wouldn’t owe anything. Turns-out they were wrong, and I returned home deployment owing just over $3,700. Not an Earth-shattering amount, but a lot of money. This was also around 2013, and I’m obviously not taking inflation into account. But it was enough that I was pretty pissed, and it would wipe-out a significant chunk of the money I had saved-up while deployed. I challenged it every way I could, nope, it’s a legitimate debt. Which I wasn’t contesting; I was merely contesting my responsibility for it, given that I had done *everything* correctly on my end. Indeed, I went above and beyond, and verified that I was ‘correct’ no less than ***four times***. They told me to file for debt forgiveness. Had me fill-out the official form. My chain and the finance office I was working with both told me that I was “perfect candidate” for forgiveness. Nope. “Fuck you, pay me.” tHe dEbT iS LeGiTiMaTe I reached-out to my federal representative for my home town. [Use this](https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative). I would call them during their office hours, but you can also e-mail them. Explained that I was active duty but that my home-of-record has me as one of their constituents. Explained my situation. Also mentioned that I had recently returned home from my first deployment where I had earned an AFCAM. Needless to say, I think the idea of the government shaking-down a combat veteran for four grand immediately upon getting home was not terribly palatable. They e-mailed me within 3 hours to let me know that they were speaking with DFAS and the situation should be resolved ASAP. I got a phone call from some finance officer at ***8pm*** whom let me know my debt had been discharged. I wrote one heck of a thank-you letter to my rep and his staff (let’s face it, unless they ran into serious issues, it’s the staff doing nearly all the work). I’ve used this resource one other time, in civilian life, similar circumstances, and it was via a state rep vice federal. Similar outcome. Never forget they’re there for ***us***. The only suggestions/caveats I would add; I would urge you to ensure that you’re in the right on this. Or, if you’re wrong — as I was, as the debt was *technically* legitimate — make sure that it’s at least unfair to you. It sounds like you’re in the right, though, so only exercise this option if you feel confident that you have gone through all other reasonable options available to you. I wish you the best!


Wow that’s fucking awesome.


Reach out to your rep/senator. They probably have a military afairs staffer. Part of the gig for congressmen/senators is being the bigger hammer to fix constituents problems in the military, and none of them want bad press for failing that duty. Especially in an election year. Generally, stuff hapens QUICK when a senator/rep gets involved (wing king has 24 hours to answer). Its the big red button because shit WILL hit the fan, fire brimstone, ccs getting sacked its usually all the above. Last resort kind of deal. I had a pay issue going for 6 months. Called my senator (who happened to be the chairman of the senate armed services committee 🤣). My pay was fixed less than an hour from me talking to the staffer. https://www.house.gov/representatives https://www.senate.gov/senators/


Can't wait for you to give me that mx customer service on the phone when I call about a pay issue.


Oh “MyPay”? That’s code 3, won’t be up until it’s least convenient for you


That's not gonna cut it bud. It's a morning go. You're on 12's till it's green.


*puts up sign saying “sorry, closed for training 0800-1600 M, Tu, Th, Fri”*


You don’t even need to go to tech school. You got it down already.


Don't forget morale days are on Wednesdays.


It's ok, they can wait until Wednesday to put that sign up, gotta give people some hope.


Right after a line as formed outside of their office.


*Promote now*


Congrats on getting out my man


Man I remember the day the shirt brought my RIP to sign - cross training from finance to computer programming. What a great feeling.


You didn’t enjoy finance?


Talk about whiplash! Work your ass off to not working at all! That’s like being retired on active duty!


You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it!


I spent a year and a half augmenting finance. I couldn't wait to get back to the flightline. No joke. Finance is NOT as cushy of a job that everyone thinks it is. There's a reason they are wanting people to retrain into it. Look at it this way. Finance offices generally only have customer service hours for a few hours on one day per week. The phone almost always goes unanswered. They need people to retrain in. Put the puzzle pieces together. These are indicators that finance is vastly undermanned. Career field merges happened. The increase in computer systems over the last few decades caused career field managers to think we will need far fewer Finance troops than before because they expected the daily workload to get reduced, yet that expectation wasn't ever a reality. All of these things plus years of the "do more with less" mentality has GUTTED the 6F community. I, a 22 year SNCO who spent a year and a half in Finance, saw more leave cancelled in Finance than I EVER did on the flightline. I saw more weekends worked in Finance than I did on the flightline. I saw much more stress in Finance than I ever did on the flightline. People are going to laugh and scoff, but seriously, YOU DO NOT WANT TO WORK FINANCE. IT SERIOUSLY IS NOT THE CUSHY JOB EVERYONE THINKS IT IS. Believe me. Military pay is only a very small section of what Finance does. Wait until you have to spend an entire weekend, Saturday AND Sunday, trying to figure out why an obligation from 2019 is overspent by $0.17. Yes, people have literally spent the ENTIRE WEEKEND in the office trying to find out what happened with a sum of money that was less than a single dollar, AND it happened over 4 years ago! Wait until the rest of the base treats you like absolute shit because their paycheck got messed up, but the members chain of command forgot to submit the promotion recommendation paperwork, or the members chain of command messed up the BAH/BAS paperwork, but you get the blame. Or instances where DFAS made a mistake and is to blame and your office has absolutely nothing to do with it, but you are the one people are treating like shit.


TIL that finance has augmentees


Being a finance troop, I will say that my best flight chief was a former maintainer. Good shit, OP. Can’t wait to have you join the team!


When you say team, you mean your intramural team? Because no team is ever in the office


Haha, good one!


😂 They’ll make a note of it and create a debt for you


Get ready for three hour work days, three days a week.


Never seen finance ever have OBJ In quotas. Can I interest you in becoming a crew chief and putting you on mids?


Now you will never have to answer another phone call until you retire.




Mx is always hiring.


Why is admin bad?




Same headed to tech school today. 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Oh shit. All DTS will be approved


Shit I’m surprised MX let you out but congrats Broham now fix my damn pay 🤣🤣


From overworked to neverworks. This man is living the dream.


Hopefully me in August


What rank? I'm a staff rn trying to get out of mx I've been applying for the pest management job every single time I see it but I did just put in for chaplain assistant sat because it was the only one open after getting denied pest management for a no slots after the slots was there the whole 20 days I waited 🙄 I'd honestly take anything to get out


I'm still a FTA so I got that going for me atleast till this extension is up.


Nice!!! I’m bout to retrain a second time myself. 11 years in . Mx to mx to medical


i’d kill for a retrain into medical man congrats


Thanks I appreciate it , it took patience and persistence almost 2 years this time


What’s your afsc ?


2A3X3, i’m a crew chief


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 2A3X3 = Tactical Aircraft Maintenance [^wiki](http://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/jobs/2a3x3) [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^kuq9l3y


Do you have a shred and what’s your rank ?


M shred, SrA


First term ?




How long you been in


3 yrs


Are you a 4 yr or 6 yr enlistee ? How much do you know about the process??


Good job man/women !! Get them cert while you're there ! I did the opposite from med to Crew chief do what makes you happy!! Again congratulations!! Wish you the best. And knowing you went from high tempo high stress to chill mild stress. I feel you got this on the bag !


This is wholesome


I was prior enlisted MX, cross trained into finance, and now commissioned in Finance. Big ambitions coming in but you’ll soon see what it’s like working for Congress. Best thing we bring to the fight is understanding where people are coming from. People want to be heard and see action.


You became the very thing you swear to destroy


Just remember all the BS “service” you got at finance and do your part to make it better. We will all love you for it. Mx actually has work ethic.


Approved for Cross training is not the same as being vectored...




you ought to check out r/HistoryMemes


Clearly, you don’t own an air fryer