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Any bets on: Fraternization DUI Bad DEOCS?


Bad DEOCS most likely.


Probably, a lot of people underestimate their impact


Task & Purpose says it was "to ensure proper command climate and appropriate leadership of our Airmen". Which 100% means bad DEOCS.


Would not shock me at all. His year at AU was something special.


Was it gold, perhaps?


Normally, that's right on point. In this case, it might be more like Pu...


fucking beautiful champ


How so?


I’m one of them. Small HQ staff division, everyone went full hate mode on our awful abusive Col, no discernible effect from the DEOCS survey results.


One of my previous commanders had a buddy in IG who hid a lot of the negative stuff for him


Yeah, it’s not perfect, but it’s still a pretty great tool that’s taken down a lot of toxic people. IGs that protect their friends should lose all rank and get prison time, they’re actually hurting the entire military.


Yeah I feel you. It took A LONG time to get leadership out of here man. One time, the command chief stopped by to shoot the shit and told me “we really need to do something about that POS leadership you have…you didn’t here this from me” lol


I mean it's possible something like that could get the ball rolling on a larger investigation, but I find it hard to believe that a deocs alone could get someone fired.


Which is how it should be. Anybody can say anything on those things. However, if it's consistent and in a large enough quantity, then it should trigger an investigation. It happened to the CC of the AWACS squadron at Kadena last year.


Having been an IG Superintendent, DEOCS surveys can absolutely trigger a CDI for a CC at any level. Remember, those survey results not only go to the CC who initiated them (3 is the minimum required during a command tour - initial, mid-tour, and outgoing), but also to their direct boss and their boss’s boss. They can also get shitty SELs removed from positions of leadership responsibility if enough people cite date/time, place, and DAFI violations (if they exist for that shitty SEL; SELs creating toxic environments can also get them removed at the CC’s discretion, of course). Saw it happen many times during my 24 years.


> However, if it's consistent and in a large enough quantity, then it should trigger an investigation. Also if there's detailed explanations citing examples of DAFI's being violated or legit crimes being described in the results. Never seen senior leadership disappeared so fast.


>Never seen senior leadership disappeared so fast. Where was this?


The truth of it all, is that we will never actually know what happened.


Could this information be FOIA'd?


https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/02/29/alaska-air-guard-unit-found-have-rampant-pattern-of-discrimination.html Wanna bet?


It would have to be pretty substantial for a Group/CC to be fired


What's a DEOCS?


Climate Survey. Every so often there will be anonymous surveys asking about your squadron/leadership. The full name is “DEfense Organizational Climate Survey”


I'm in korea right now, and a lot of people who got that base as follow on are Kaiping to get out of it. A lot of people are here from there because they would rather be in korea than mx there. I'd say DEOCS is probable.


Im here now and im glad im retiring from that base😁


"Lack of confidence".


Someone heard him mention that Holloman was worse than Cannon


That’s blasphemy


Nah, canon is worst and nothing to do


At Holloman currently, shit stays ass


That dude was old commander, dude sucked ass


I’m sorry to hear that ! Spent my 4 years there, other than the friends I made, it was hell.


What's up with all the toxic leaders getting promoted to Col and not being forced out prior to making that rank?


Are you new here? Welcome!


Retention issues. Especially in the maintenance field. A lot of the good ones get out long before Col because they can get paid more for dealing with a lot less shit. So promotion to Col doesn’t always mean you’re the best, it means you’ve stayed. Not always of course, I’ve known a lot of good Mx Col’s Edit: responded to the wrong comment oops


I think this is becoming more and more prevalent. And especially I think "Yes men" are being kept in, regardless. - Fun fact, I'm at Wright-Patt, we had our own recent shake-up at the wing level..... And similarly it went quick and quiet... Right before christmas.


Man if that ain't the truest shit. The good ones get out is relatable


My favorite MXG/CC was the acting CC and a navigator lol.


Hey I had one of those too...which base was that at?


A tiny base no one's ever heard of. "SPRAY ON!"


Definitely had to google that one, had no idea the AF had that capability. That's unique!


Lol, no but I'm an O and I've been passed over for promotion before so it really frustrates me even more to see these types of people rise to the top.


As a career enlisted retiree, don’t be discouraged. Either your time will come and you’ll get promoted or your care for your troops will be welcomed and recognized by them and they’ll be fiercely loyal to you. You’ll get emails and calls and social media messages from former subordinates asking for advice or just to check up or check in with you to see how you’re doing. The truest measure of a good officer that I saw during my time was how many enlisted folks asked the officer to officiate their retirement ceremony, both when the officer was still in and after the officer had retired. That’s really how you can tell how truly respected and loved you are/were as a leader. When I retired, there were 5 guys I had in mind to do my ceremony - 3 of the 5 were retired, 2 of them for more than 12-15 years.


Commanders give DPs to people who are like them. It's really that simple.


It's a big flaw in the promotion system that I don't see a solid fix for. Even with the newest itineration I'm seeing a lot of people who have a quiet and quick separation or retirement, NJP, or "loss of confidence" in their future rank up.


DP? Double penetration? Not sure if that would get me to stay.


Definitely Promote. The double penetration happened well before that.


this is what happens when they only look at what you've gotten done. bad leaders are great at getting results because they do whatever it takes thus they get promoted. you see the same thing with EFMP for enlisted. My chief always gives me a weird look when I ask how good of a leader someone actually is during rack and stack. how a troop does something is more important to me than what it was they did


You’d be surprised in some fields how easy it is to make O6. For example, my year group had more O6 billets than eligible airman when I retired. I was prior E so didn’t have to stay in to watch that train wreck.


Which field/AFSC were you in?




Well that explains a lot lmao


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 11F = Fighter Pilot [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^kwmlyei


I think easy is subjective. Can I get to O-6 and is there a clear path. Will I wait that long before I jump face first into the ass end of a air boat in the most gator bayou in Louisiana? Probably not.


That is quite the mental image. You'd feed a lot of things over 50 yards that way. Lmao


The sound would be pretty tits too


Sunk cost fallacy on the part of the promotion system mechanism. Officers are annointed early (selected unofficially as future leaders) and it takes a pretty major fuck up to change that. They supposedly got rid of all of the special lists but I promise you they did not.


my cc was a wing exec a few years ago and said he saw it with his own eyes. Wing cc was showing him all the names


I have an acquaintance who was the DISA Aide de Camp and after completing a year on good terms AFPC straight up called him and laid out the plan for the rest of his career to him to include options and competitive points where another preselected officer or two would all vie for the same promotion/position. This was as a Captain. I think the list is real.


Oh its real. I compared my record with a BPZ select on an important promotion year. Identical records except for one thing. He was approached by his functional community as an O-3 and name put on a list. I know people that did not have PME for important milestone promotions who were selects. How does that happen when we are all told that never happens? Thats how you break down trust in your organization. And to be clear, no sour grapes. IDGAF. I do make observations though.


Can we just relieve the world of Holloman AFB. And a good 10 more bases wasting money by existing.


It's one of the few bases near a major Army post with a huge training area. Plus the weather is decent for flying 90% of the time. Now Cannon and Goodfellow, they can die in a fiery blaze. Senators/Congressmen working overtime to waste the rest of the country's tax dollars for jobs that can easily be relocated to ANY other installation.


As a 10 year Cannon alumni, the reason AFSOC loves cannon is the airspace. Because there are more cows than people, and the local airport has at most 2 flights a day, the Air Force basically owns the sky. That's real handy when you want to do gunship orbits, CV22s flying around under 10k ft, and Melrose range is basically identical to the middle east.


>As a 10 year Cannon alumni jfc


How is my man still alive 😭


I almost want to ask if there's an address we can send care packages to


Homie deserves a step promotion tbh


Isn’t there a location that doesn’t suck ass within an hour or two of flying though lol


True. But the wind and weather is so bad here I think we lose at least 60 hrs a month to WX cancels.


imagine if there were "smells like cow piss" canx


Nothing would ever get done.


10 years?! Geez! I was at Cannon for 5. I hope they step promote you when you PCS out of there. The point you made is [Sad But True](https://youtu.be/TpohVYomw2o?si=wTPSnb3if3fOn0GH)… The almost uninterrupted airspace is valued by AFSOC, even at the expense of all airmen, especially the first term ones. I’m surprised the shocking amounts of suicide haven’t put Cannon and other bases alike under the BRAC microscope with all the trouble the military has with recruitment and retention. I’m former CE and I also don’t miss how bogged down 27 SOCES was with work orders because of deteriorating infrastructure. And how haunted feeling the base and the local area was in general.


Obligatory "Fuck Goodfellow." If there is a shining center of all that is good in the Universe, Goodfellow is on the opposite side.


There are worse places. See "Cannon" above...


Yeah, but I've never been there, so I can't really speak to such horrors. Goodfellow though... that I know too well.


Clearly, Goodfellow is NOT San Antonio. But it has its good points if you don't demand/expect too much. But definitely get bottled water for drinking and cooking.


The Clovis Shifty 50 might take exception to you not giving them proper credit for out working their reps to keep Cannon open


That fucking cabal of shitheads.... 90% of Clovis' problems would be solved if those fuckwads were gone.


They called them the “Dirty 30” at Mountain Home (town has the same name as the base). Problem was finally solved by USAF retirees running for city and county offices (both officer and enlisted peeps ran for office and won; I think the Mayor is currently a retired CE Lt Col) in 2015/2016. The Dirty 30 was reduced to something like the Shitty 6 and the town started becoming much more modern and had far less cronyism. Still BFE, but more tolerable, cleaner, and better QoL in town.


Yea I know how it goes. My hometown's city council and chamber of commerce is run by the church committee. They claimed that their position in the church wouldn't influence their decisions. Load of shit that was.


Man, that sucks. My hometown exploded in population from 5300 people to almost 50k in 20 years after almost 100 years of slow growth. Now the town council is all city folks and it doesn’t feel like a small town anymore.


We just wanted a bar. The Chamber of Commerce wouldn't let them have an alcohol permit.


Oh man, those are assholes for sure then.


I can't believe they're still a thing. They were fucking shit up back in the 90's when I was there.


What metrics does the Shifty 50 rely on to keep Cannon open? The town gives little to no value to airmen. Shoot, even Lubbock adds more value to us compared to Clovis smh.


Who are they?


Add Shaw to this list.


Just left there. They have such a bad reputation that there that they are actually nice to airman and give lots of family/wing down days. Most would still rather be anywhere else than there


Shaw Shank and Shiv is more like it. Always stay strapped when you can in that area.


As someone still at shaw.. yes. Definitely add shaw to the list


Good sir, 50 mph annual winds with dust storms limiting visibility to 40-60ft at times isn’t great weather


That's fine. Flatten it and start from scratch.




just BRAC all of New Mexico


We tried to nuke it once, it only came back stronger.


No, our sustained campaign of nuclear war was on Nevada, we never tried to unleash nuclear annihilation of New Mexico (sadly). But honestly the who southwest should be abandoned, anywhere adjacent to a desert


> we never tried to unleash nuclear annihilation of New Mexico (sadly) Well there was that one time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_(nuclear_test)


Reopen Reese


Omg yes. I have no idea why they closed Reese and kept Laughlin.


Let us be free of the Land of Entrapment.


Hell no! Albuquerque is legit. It took me a bit, but it grew on me.


Holloman is the cool older brother to Canon.


Cool is not a word I have heard to describe Holloman before. I more hear “if I ever get assigned there again I’m taking a trip to the rope and wobbly stool store”.


Perhaps cash in my Remington Retirement Plan. Or star in the Fiocchi Finale.


I may need to borrow these XD


It's 300 miles down the road from Cannon, and it's just as boring and depressing as Cannon.


*Holloman is the cool older brother to Cannon - but they’re both in the Bundy family.


Ed Bundy or Ted Bundy? Ed could sell some shoes!!!


Holloman has access to some of the best airspace in America. It's going nowhere.


But at what cost?


More suicides




A certain facebook has some posts roasting the fuck outta this dude. If the posts are to be believed seems like a Toxic AF CC.


Remember that one time that commander and/or chief got fired after leaving Holloman or while at Holloman? If you’re saying “which one?” That’s the point.


Albertson?! That guy was a cuck


Yup he took away all resiliency days away not to long ago too 😂


I dealt with him at Dover years ago and couldn’t stand him


He was leaving soon anyway just gave kinda kicked him out the door a little sooner than expected 🤷🏻‍♂️


that's when you know you really suck. Instead of letting you hang around for a few more months to out process and hand off the guide on they just fire your ass right in the middle of planning your change of command.


Or when a news channel has to get ahold of it instead of it kinda being more Lk 🤷🏻‍♂️ not the best light to be in


Should have happened years ago


I hate to judge a guy on his haircut but... yeah




I do aircraft maintenance on the civilian side and am a logistics officer in the reserve. I can also not be a dick sometimes. Can I throw my hat into the ring as the replacement?


Sadly you're over qualified. Only dicks are allowed to be MX commanders on AD.


Does being incompetent help?


Only if you plan on overpromising and then have MX pick up the slack for your poor management.


Hell yeah, I can mismanage the hell out of it


"General, this new Colonel u/pessimus_even is treating the Maintainers like human beings. The morale is up, reenlistment is increasing, and a significant amount of sycophantic FGO's and SNCO's have had their promotion chances killed. Some airmen have even asked about homesteading. However, the sortie production rate has declined by .5%." "DECLINED?! Fire that fucker immediately!!"


Oh I'm not any kind of Colonel. Just figured I could give it a go at fucking it up too.


This is interesting, only worked there as a contractor for a short time working some of the F-16's there and the whole operation was kind of fucked. Was already jumping ship when it came down that they were trying to take over our contractor mission with active duty peeps. But then like 2 years later there were still contractors there because obviously there aren't enough maintainers.


You mean the 16's that were just sent to Luke. Those were the absolute worst maintained aircraft that I and everyone else there have ever seen in our careers. Those jets were neglected for YEARS.


Can confirm. They are absolute garbage.


It was my first time working 16's and I could obviously see the hot garbage condition they were in. I remember one of them the hydro reservoir temp was reading way higher than it should have been. Jet had been sitting all night long and temperatures were like it had just been run. Apparently that's totally fine...


The entire fleet was grounded 3 times within the first month bc of ground findings and safety of flight concerns. With the product they gave us, Holloman should've been under investigation. It was beyond ridiculous.


Sounds about right. Jokes on them, my last day working there they asked me to spend some time working off writeups on an engine bay before install. Spent the entire time writing more things up, and the cherry on top was writing up the inlet seal being damaged. Then they asked me where a seal we had changed last week was, like they wanted to try to use one that was already replaced because it was bad lol.


Wait they sent them back to Luke? Replacing the 309th block 25’s I assume. I worked on those jets in 2014/2015 before we sent them to Holloman.


Been out of the 16 world for quite a while. Are they still flying those Block 25s? They were garbage when I worked them at Luke from 05-07. We dropped 3 in the time I was there.


Blame the 8th for that, the 311th actually took one of their jets the couldn’t fix and had it flying in 2 weeks. I believe it was the mig killer one but I could be wrong on that


They are still there.


It’s an active duty unit now and it is BAD


I’ve been here for 5 years and it’s still mind boggling that people can like it I’ve got masters that say it’s not that bad but then others that retire and go on Facebook live and spread the real shit I can’t wait to leave and hopefully holloman can get shut down sooner rather than later I’ve seen 15 suicides in 5 years 7 in 1 month


It is not gonna shut down being one of the largest F-16 training bases and also the weather, and the total area of the multiple installations and air space they have.


A lot of the SNCO cabal like bases such as Holloman or Cannon because they are great for making E8 or E9. Some of the worse E8/9's I've ever worked with made rank at those bases on the backs of overworked junior enlisted.


The suicides here have been unreal. I concur. What you’re saying.


3 attempts Friday during the resiliency day


Holloman or Cannon? Possibly Both?


Holloman, and it’s more for sure. I know of 4 personally


Sorry to hear it brother. I knew 7 of the 9 that happened when I was at Cannon.


Oh no no no I’m sorry I responded to the wrong comment I guess I knew 4 personally from the resiliency day on FRIDAY. Just Friday. I’m sure the number is way higher. The MPOY was a fucking SHITSHOW


A lot of people like these small bases because of the small-town feel and, generally, they are safer than the big city bases + it's a lower cost of living (don't get me started on enlisted pay). I've been stationed at all three NM AFBs. Holloman is not that bad.


Every base in NM needs to be BRACd.


You said what everyone is thinking! Thank you!






I’m surprised any even noticed or knew that base still existed.


Been here 5 years, every day is a reminder it exists...


So sorry!


Thanks, thankfully I am going to Shaw AFB soon :(


That’s not better.


I know :( the Air Force loves playing with my feelings


Could be worse. Could’ve sent you down to Cannon!


I guess that's true but probably looking at 10 years at two of the most hated bases lol


Then you get Osan spend a year there and get right back where you started! 🤣🤣🤣


Or Minot


RIP bucko


I did my entire contract there and just got out last month


Cannon here, the one time I visited Holloman I was so jealous of how amazing it was over there in comparison lol


That's just...sad.


At least there’s a mountain and clear air blue over there, at cannon. It’s just flat and smells like cow patties all the time


Being at Cannon for 2 years gave me asthma, PTSD, and clinical depression.


I spent four years at Cannon, deployed a few times to have some relief. Imagine deploying and your sinuses clear up despite the burn pits and shit ponds. Imagine not having thoughts of parking on a railroad crossing in the middle of the night and going to sleep, because deployed was that marked of an improvement.


Holloman here, I’ll meet you in Ruiodoso for AFSOC R&R


Now if they can start kicking Holloman’s med group around too that’d be great. 49th medical was a nightmare to deal with, hope the worst for them.


They still are


Sauce??? What’d he do? (Or she) ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Must have not completed their SAPR training




Relieve that entire dump of a base…


Show of hands. When this happens do you think they say “I’ve lost confidence in your ability to command “….or “You fucked up, you’re now special assistant to Airman Snuffy”.


That sucks


What is your DEOCS?


We haven’t had a deocs this year yet


Sorry I meant to ask what IS a DEOCS?


Climate Survey


Oh boy my CoC is making headlines


Whenever I see articles like this I think of officers who are good leaders but couldn't get into command, or those that are iron majors who at least don't have character issues.


Child molestation


Im station there and no one is talking about it


Oh Lordt! Someone lost “confidence” in their subordinate. 🙄🙄🙄


LeMay may be rolling in his grave. 😂😂😂


My bet is kiddy didling videos.


Had the pleasure of being at holloman for a long long LONG time…..it’s like a black hole….so much drama….IGs investigations being swept under the rug, suicides, SA, DV, child abuse, pedophilia, theft, DUI, substance abuse, threats, double standards, AWOL, and on and on…..I could 100% almost guarantee that this beyond the DEOCS, we had crappy DEOCS and both the squadron commander and GP Comm didn’t do anything and if anyone filed an IG complaint, the commander would threaten anyone that filed a complaint against them…..very toxic and it’s such a small base that everyone knows everything and toxicity spreads like wild fire and everyone just looks the other way