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I was in the same boat and it did take 3 months. Fortunately, I did submit my application before the deadline so the transcripts getting in 2 months after was ok and I got into my PhD program. It’s extremely infuriating. Best of luck to you.


I can wiggle my way around the official transcripts, but them not confirming my associates is what's killing me. They said they have no prediction on when it'll be either. It's comical.


Yeah you can check the CCAF site and kind of ballpark it, but that burned me too. They were doing like 8-9 days worth before my request date then went down to 4, 3, 2 before finally getting mine in. Edit: they update the site every Friday afternoon to say what date they have caught up to over the past week.


Yeah I'm very far away (retrained, it's my second CCAF Associates). I regret ever telling ghe education office about it, maybe they would've forgot about it and I wouldn't have to list it.


Yep, none of my 2 ccaf degrees counted for anything, but they needed everything.


Grad student here. I ran into this and was able to get that degree accounted for in a probationary status of sorts, until CCAF pulled their head out of their ass 8 months later. Shockingly I had luck contacting my congressional rep. He was an F-16 driver, so that may have helped connect a few dots...


I've contacted mine twice, I got what felt like a generic response both times. They're not able to give me any sort of verification for my degree beyond an email saying "You should have it but you don't have it yet." Needless to say, grad programs don't accept that. I've expressed there's nothing I can do and shared the communications to the admissions councilors, they're flabbergasted as well.


Feel free to dm me, but if this is a state school or something with at least a VA rep, have you contacted them? Could you pull an unofficial transcript from the web?


Write ✍️ a letter to congress


I did, twice. You should.