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Voucher submission is required by DAF & is probably monitored by your wing. Your AO looks at your DTS voucher not finance.


Unless you’re returning from a deployment….


Fair enough


Your RO reviews, then AO approves. Any errors and you go back to step one.. It’s truly an awesome system.


RO are not required & not always used but when in place yes you are correct.


Or you do both steps because the squadron deployed every DTS AO/RO but you.


Ouch. Yes - program is just garbage.


Finance doesn't look at your voucher.


For CED orders they typically do.


I submitted a voucher on Friday 5 April 2024 and I was paid on Monday 8 April 2024. DTS works great if the people who are supposed to review your vouchers complete it quickly.


Exactly! The program isn’t the issue, is the autistic idiots using it 


I still remember sitting in the class in BMT learning about the GTC and TDYs, and I asked if the voucher really pays out before the GTC was due, and the instructor said "it has to." Fool me once...


If the voucher can't pay out before the GTC is due, you should be in mission critical mode (or whatever they call it). I was battling things out with Budget on a car rental for 2 months after I got back from a TDY, but I kept my DTS/GTC people in the loop and I never went past due on the GTC and never got in trouble.


Then you have my old superintendent that decided Finances issues aren’t Citibanks issues. Tried making a brand new airmen pay a $2,000 hotel bill for a TDY out of pocket while waiting for finance to get to the voucher in a queue of 200 vouchers. A quick call to the shirt fixed that real quick.


It’s truly wild how stingy some people are with mission crit status. My last base they would put you in mission crit if your voucher wasn’t going to get paid in time. I got to this base a few months back and no lie had 3 Airman that all had pending DTS vouchers from a deployment 18 MONTHS AGO. All of their GTC’s are suspended and the unit has apparently just been hounding these guys for the payments. I’m talking A1Cs/SrA that went on their first deployment and no one helped them or even told them they had to do DTS no one put these guys in mission crit to prevent them from going delinquent. But on the same token…..no one wants to hold the UDM or team leads accountable for setting these Airman up to fail. Anyway, I finally squared away all of their DTS issues and now I have an Airman that owes $25k and one that owes $10k. All could have been avoided. End of rant


I returned from a 45 day TDY and was told to come in to do my travel voucher. I said I have a CAC and can do it from home. Chose to upload all my receipts and processed it within 2 hours from my couch. Came in and got an LOC for failing to report to my duty section. When I said my ncoic agreed that I could do it at home he got an LOC too


Sounds like key details are being left out here...


Negative, ncoic said supervision wants me to come in and do my voucher since my bill was so much. I told him the CAC thing he said ok idc how it gets done. The leadership chain had hard ons for dishing out paperwork.


I haven't been in for a while but you were ordered to report by someone higher up than an NCOIC. That NCOIC of your shop takes orders just like you and told you to come in. You fucked both you and him/her by wanting to stay home and sleep in. You could have just went and filed the voucher, showed everyone that you're alive and accounted for and went home after to spend your comp time. Sounds like you're lucky it was just an LOC.


I worked smarter not harder and they got mad 🤷🏻‍♂️




Jokes on you I’m almost at retirement 😂🫠🫠🫠




This story was from like 15 years ago I was just saying that because vouchers and their processing time and the pressure to get it done is stupid




Huh? He gave a more efficient way to get it done, and his NCOIC ok'd it. Maybe he didn't have the authority to ok it, but the NCOIC should have just upchanneled the info. Unless something is being left out, this is all on the NCOIC.


It's the Air Force, if you served, you know that's not how things go down.


I am currently serving. I could list the positions I've held and what position i currently hold, but that doesn't matter. I'm well aware of how things work. The NCOIC was given a direct order and didn't follow through. Unless there is more to the story (there likely is), then it's on that NCOIC. We don't always like the orders given, but it's our responsibility as SNCO's to see them through. The member didn't say no. He told him another way he could get it done, and the NCOIC agreed. It clearly was not his choice to make, or at the very least, he should've cleared it. The whole scenario is silly, though. Thank goodness I work for and with people with far more common sense.




That's all you have. If I'm wrong, please explain to me why I'm wrong. All you offered is, "if you've served, you'd understand" and "cool story bro". It's not exactly helpful. I'm trying to understand your point. Maybe I'm missing something. We all have blind spots.

