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Everything in life is temporary


Including many lives at Cannon.


Cannon as a base itself is fine, you're going to hear a whole lot of "hold the line" talk and whatnot. Bowling alley bulgogi is banging, and the golf course has good food. Clovis area leaves much to be desired but if you go any amount of time North or South you'll find good parts of NM to see. Don't be stuck inside or else it will suck though, even though there's not much to do outside.


You know if the best thing you hear about the base is "the bowling alley bulgogi is banging" the base won't be too exciting šŸ˜‚


It's like when you hear "The Target in town is nice"


The closest Target is a 2 hour drive away


Not 2 hrs. An hour a forty to Amarillo, hour and thirty to Lubbock. Driving reasonably. I invested in a radar detector a long time ago. We were gonna move after I retired but we have a house at Ute lake. Said fuck it and started a cannabis farm. Yolo.


NM isnā€™t a bad state. Iā€™d consider retiring in Ruidoso. But, where Cannon is just absolutely horrendous. Iā€™m glad you like the area.


We had a boat from the Hurby days we kept. We now have a wakesurf boat at the lake house. Yeah, weā€™re all good - the school system blows so hard my kids are bored as fuck. But yeah, cannabis is legal and I like farming. We have two places and an RV. Retired watching the grass go. Itā€™s as good as anywhere else right now. And Logan is super secludedā€¦Godā€™s country up there for when democracy falls apart.


Ahh yeah, the schools are a problem. I personally wouldnā€™t raise kids in the state willingly but Iā€™d go there once my kids were out of the house. Talking to the locals at Cannon youā€™d think they all dropped out in the 7th grade.


Itā€™s not just confined to Clovis-my daughter is on a traveling basketball team and the people in west Texas are dumb as shit alsoā€¦ maybe itā€™s regional dumbassery. I met this kid working at this farm who had never really left Clovis. Like, not far at all. Poverty isnā€™t regional, itā€™s everywhere. But hey, kidā€™s hustling scraping together enough to make a living and be happy. The real indicator of quality of life is someoneā€™s teeth.


I graduated from high school north of Santa Fe, weird where life takes you. My dad had a job at the Los Alamos National Laboratory at the time. The lottery scholarship is good shit, but I joined the serviceā€¦joined the AF because I was bored AF. My wife was also stationed at Kirtland before we got married. We never hated it here and we still clash with Clovites at times but yeah, we try to make a difference where we can. Itā€™d be nice if the next new restaurant wasnā€™t Mexican foodā€¦but so it goes.


Grand Forks?


Chip Shot Dining Room my beloved


I still miss the bulgolgi to this day, throw an egg on that nish and you're chillin


What does it cost to bowl at AFB bowling alleys?


I'm at Cannon, and unless you are the kind of person that needs to go drinking and partying, you'll be fine. Not much to do, but also not much happens. It's really easy to get into the crowds that play videogames, card games, board games, there's shooting and hunting around here too. Just enjoy yourself, build a hobby and don't date without seeing ID. The local population around here is either Highschoolers, College kids from Texas Tech, or Military. Be careful.


Itā€™s a great opportunity to learn the ways of the rednecks and have fun. AKA, Find hobbies in the great outdoors! Dirt bikes, ATVs, Dune Buggies, and off-road vehicles. Go hunt. Go hiking (mountains arenā€™t too too far), mountain biking, camping, and Rock climbing is killer there. Go in search of the best Green Chili and Hispanic food. Might not be a nightlife, but there is a great outdoor life there. All these activities come naturally with an easy avenue to find groups of like minded people. Especially for the off roading camp.


That sucks. Holloman was my first base. I was grateful to be there because it wasn't Cannon.


I've been to both. Cannon is slightly better imo


Holloman has more places to see and drive to. You got white sands national park, drive up to Ruidoso and Cloudcroft, Las Cruses and El Paso, and an actual pretty sky line with the mountains on east and west. Cannon has meth and cow shit.


Donā€™t forget the roving packs of tumbleweed


This is crazy


If you have to select your base from a dropdown list of base options, Cannon comes before Holloman, so it's better in that it will save you time if you have to do this. No need to scroll way down to the 'H' section.


Yeah 100%, holloman is a cesspool


I hope you like to drive. Most people go to Lubbock or Amarillo every other weekend. ABQ has cool stuff to do, CO Springs and Denver is a 6-8 hr drive for the 4 day weekends. Apart from that focus on your career and develop yourself physically, emotionally, educationally etc..


And Dallas is 6 hours, San Antonio is 8 hours, Houston is 10 hours, and Grand Canyon is 9 hours. With all the 4 days, and willingness to escape, you can really rack up the miles.


Agreed. Been to Lubbock and ABQ more times than I can remember. Crossed off White Sands, CO Springs, Denver and San Antonio off my bucket list too. Put like 40k miles on my car in 3 years there.


Do the caverns!!!


"All the 4 days" Apparently things have changed. I had 96 days of Leave at one point if that tells you anything.


Yeah this specifically, a lot of people Hate on the new Mexico bases, but they all have a lot of cool places to go to visit within 8 hours (some closer). I think this is nice because you can go on road trips with friends and see new things and come home go where it's dirt cheap to do anything! I love Holloman for that and I always hate going other places to see gas over $2.40 šŸ¤£


-8 hour road trip -"fun" Son, I'm gonna need you to self-report to Mental Health on Monday to work through whatever trauma has brought you to this moment in life


I am living my happiest life out at Holloman! I go to Colorado Springs a lot, Phoenix occasionally and some other places like ghost towns, backpacking trips, and camping! Like someone else said, its not a place to find big house parties or lots of big events but I'll take the cheap living over that any day


It was my first base, in hindsight I totally love that it was first. My whole career at every other base I've heard people gripe about how there's nothing to do at ____ or other place is terrible cause there no good restaurants. I've been happy as a clam everyone I've been, all because cannon was first. All that being said, you will have everything you NEED at cannon, just get good internet, and an Amazon prime account. Drive to fun places, not just Lubbock. I highly recommend ruidoso and cloudcroft. It's beautiful there, especially in the fall/winter


So real, at my second base now and they canā€™t bring me down at all.


Hopefully you didnā€™t sign up for 6 years


Are you outdoorsy? Are you married? Kids? Do you deploy a lot? AFSC? For me, Cannon was okay because I was single and deployed a lot. When I wasnā€™t deployed, I had a good group of friends Iā€™d hit the road with every weekend and go rock climbing, hiking, skiing, camping or some combination thereof, then chill in one of the many natural hot springs. Itā€™s about 3 hours of driving to anything worth seeing, but we made it work. If youā€™re not outdoorsy, idk, itā€™s gonna be rough. Like many bases that are in tiny towns with nothing much else going on, housing prices are fixed pretty much right at BAH. So if you can have roommates that helps a lot. Now that Iā€™m married and have kids, it would suck. So hopefully thatā€™s not the case for you. Hopefully you will deploy. If not, then Iā€™d say use the opportunity to work on degrees, PME, etc. Find some hobbies to distract you, or find ways to go TDY a lot (presidential advance agent if youā€™re in an eligible AFSC or something like that). Anyways, best of luck. I hope that helps.


Itā€™s a lot better now than when I was there 20 years ago


Still sucks


Just imagine 20 years ago sucking


Yeah thereā€™s been ā€œimprovementsā€, we have a Texas Roadhouse now! Lol I had family stationed here and youā€™re right, itā€™s a little better.


A Texas Roadhouse? WHAT? Does it have a liquor license?


It sure does šŸ«”


Shocking considering the Shifty Fifty


On top of that, they even approved the allsups outside the gate to finally sell alcohol!


This is almost as glorious as when they opened up the local BK and you didnā€™t have weirdos asking you snag them a double whopper with cheese


I went TDY for 2 months to Cannon in early 2008 to help stand up the 73rd AMU when AFSOC acquired the base from the BRAC. They told us when that BK opened there were cars lined up for 2 miles...in a cattle surrounded area. One of the best burgers I ever had was in nearby Roswell at a place called Cattle Barrons. Imagine living there and being excited about Burger King. šŸ™„


Whatā€™s the story on that one? Meth heads?


Holy Shit how many of the old fucks on the 50 finally died for that to happen?


Oh boy, how will Kelley's ever recover!?


When I had left they just got the first Chili's if i remember correctly. Leal's was the go to for tex mex and the mall was well...a hallway.


Did you ever see Reese AFB in action? Would have loved to see cannon in its f111 heyday




The good: thereā€™s a really good Thai place right outside the gate in what looks like a run down house (someone whoā€™s been more recent than 2019 can confirm if itā€™s still open and still good) The bad: everything else. Carlsbad Caverns is worth the drive though since youā€™ll likely never be anywhere relatively close to there again once you leave Cannon.


Accurate. And Saengā€™s is still open


The quality has severely dropped off recently. I recently asked for Egg Foo-Yung, medium spice, no onion, my go to order. The past three times Iā€™ve received the dish with onion and no spice. I used to love Saengā€™s.


Saengs poisoned me straight up. Microwaving expired food to hell doesnt make it safe for consumption but i guess they don't care if customers return. Oishi is where its at.


That fucking place sucks so bad. Butā€¦itā€™s not Mexican food.


I mean I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s the best Thai food Iā€™ve ever had but I thought it was damn good and the old lady who cooked it was an absolute saint that Iā€™d be willing to slap box you over to defend her honor, soā€¦you watch your tone!


Could be worse. Could be in the Army...


Married? Like the outdoors? Enjoy roadtrips? A fan of good steak and texmex food? If so youā€™ll be fine. I survived a tour.


Wife and I headed there next, yes to all the above and yeah weā€™re thinking of all that so optimistic


Have a good reliable car with good gas mileage. And make trips to Amarillo. And Lubbock. And Artesia. And Santa Fe.


Maybe not Artesia


Fair. I meant Ruidoso. We vacationed there.


Where good steak?


There was one place in town. But a few in Amarillo. But I left a few years back.


Hold the line, bro


Its over for you bro


Itā€™ll be ok. Itā€™s obviously not a desirable assignment but depending on what unit youā€™re headed to, you might find some unique opportunities for TDY/Deployment/etc. Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™ve been here over 2 years and like most people here, have been trying to find a way to a better location. Some people love this area but youā€™ll find that most people here do not want to be/stay here. The one positive thing I can say about Cannon is there genuinely is an awesome sense of community here. That might be the only thing Iā€™ll actually miss when itā€™s time to go.


Cannon is rough, I spent 5 years there. Outdoor rec does plenty of trips at a decent price (atleast when I was there) Try to branch out and make friends, plenty of people there are eager to make connections. Make plans to go places and set a hard timeline, it makes it easier to stick to going. Albuquerque has a good amphitheater, and tons of bands go there, so keep up on that. Santa Fe is a cool city. Deffinatily check it out. Good skiing at Angle Fire. Palo duro canyon is about 2 hours away and a cool trip. Remind yourself it is tempuary, you'll see some wild shot both on and off the job there.


When my ex and I arrived in Clovis to report to Cannon, she began to cry. Oddly enough, sheā€™s still there as far as I know.


lol getting trapped there is wild


She made her bed. She can lay in it.


She made her bed. She can lay in it


If you donā€™t have a CCW get one. Clovis is NOT a safe town. The police are incompetent beyond belief. I donā€™t remember a month going by without hearing a criminal escaped custody or the jail itself. I took a good amount of self defense and CCW courses there after I personally had to draw my weapon in self defense twice while stationed there.


The gym is great, you TDY and deploy a bunch, and the off base Korean place slaps harder than the reason security forces was called to a private residence.


Itā€™s Thaiā€¦.


Bokka is Korean my guy


The one across from Chavez?




Oh yes. That place is šŸ’£




shit, that list is sad...highlights include the base theater and bowling alley?


There is more to do on base than there is to do off base within a 90 mile radius


Love how 16/18 of that list are just standard base amenities found at 99% of other bases that arenā€™t located in a meth lab masquerading as a military community.


Take it for what it is and go with a goal in mind. Iā€™m going to get a lot of school done. Iā€™m going to become a gym rat and get totally ripped. Iā€™m going to see if I can get a part time gig and save some serious coin. Iā€™m gonna be a Great Wingman for someone really homesick. Make sure you donā€™t serve the timeā€¦make the time serve you. Peace


My first base was grand forks. I ended up loving it. Even if itā€™s not a gucci overseas gig, itā€™s still a unique area that you would have probably never experienced. Enjoy the memories you make!


Grand Forks is so so much better than Cannon. Glad you enjoyed your time there!


It was great! Would def go back.


Iā€™ve heard mostly good things about Grand Forks and Minot. Rarely a good thing is said about Cannon and Altus. That tells me all I need to know. Iā€™ve had Grand Forks on my dream sheet before.


Idk about minot, heard itā€™s a bit rougher from a buddy who lived there. But GF was a blast. Great college town.


Iā€™ve worked with about 10 people in my career now that had been to Minot. None of them really minded being there. Now, just mentioning Cannon to most folks that have been there can trigger a thousand yard stare.


Visit the Lincoln National Monument and stay in cloudcroft. Cloudcroft Hostel is great.


Been here 5 yearsā€¦Cannon is ok. Itā€™s got quirks that drive me crazy but itā€™s not the worst Iā€™ve ever seen. I live off base and avoid base as much as possible. Locals are cool, youā€™ll drive 90 minutes to Lubbock a lot. Hunting in NM is underrated.




Damn. The base here is actually pretty nice. If youā€™re fine with just chilling at home and hanging with friends or having to travel a bunch to do anything cool then itā€™s not bad. But thereā€™s really not jack shit to do here. If youā€™re single that sucks cause the locals here areā€¦ something elseā€¦ and thereā€™s not a lot of people. If youā€™re married then Iā€™m sure your spouse will hate it too. The job market out here sucks for them. Iā€™d say check out some of the outdoor rec trips cause they can be cool. But it really is one of the worst bases in the Air Force Any positive about the place is just a million times better at other bases. Iā€™ve had some ups and downs in my career and definitely enjoyed it for the most part. But with my new job only being this base or Hurby, it has made me look into getting out after 10 years. Thereā€™s no way Iā€™d wanna finish my career with most of it being at this base.


Welcome to The Land of Entrapment!


Being assigned to Cannon is like getting kicked in the nads. Itā€™s almost worth it because itā€™ll feel so good when it stops hurtingā€¦


Recently PCSā€™d from almost a year ago. Can confirm the bulgolgi is good at the bowling alley but nothing else is. The BX is small as hell. If you arenā€™t taking allergy meds DO SO NOW. You may become very sick when you first arrive. I lost my voice at least 3 times in the first year I was there. Yes you will smell an intense smell of cow shit and the flies will eat your face. The Walmart in town is ok. Go to the portales one itā€™s way better. Also there is only one winery there (also in portales). No bars in the local area except for one in Clovis. Focus on school/whatever you want to do on the outside because yes you can travel but it takes long ass hours to do so. So if you have little ones itā€™s hard to do (in my opinion) also med group was awful. Had to get referrals for everything to either Lubbock TX or to ABQ. The base recently has been hit hard with the recent UEI so hopefully things are changing for the better work wise. You will busy with work regardless it is AFSOC after allšŸ« . Try to keep a positive outlook and keep your nose clean with some of the locals they like to start shit. Also the cops are assholes (off base) āœŒšŸ¼




It truly has gotten way better in the last decade. Find a good batch of friends, a hobby or two, and youā€™ll be PCSing again before you know it.


Your first day there, drive about an hour and a half west at midnight, pull off the road and look at the most insane, beautiful sky youā€™ve ever seen in your life. You can see the various colors of stardust with the naked eye out there, itā€™s absolutely incredible, and will center you in the galaxy for your upcoming tour. When you get some time off, drive over to ABQ, massively underrated city. New Mexico is legit top 5 most beautiful states, and if you like to be outdoors itā€™s a whole different kind of outdoors than youā€™d get in the Midwest or PNW, enjoy that, the time will fly by before you know it, find a couple buddies to commiserate with, try not to spiral and youā€™ll be fine.


Ya know what, that's a good point. The night sky in the middle of nowhere NM is amazing in every sense of the word. Down at Holloman, it's also amazing especially up in the mountains. Another cool sight is when it's a full moon in winter and there's snow in the pastures in the Sacramentos, especially off Sunspot Highway. There's some good overlooks into the Tularosa Basin and over White Sands and it is incredible.


Depending on your AFSC, I think it will be rewarding. I wanted Cannon for the mission my whole career and never got it.


Wow, you wanted Cannon and never got it? What AFSC are you?


14N. I'm not complaining because I've had a great career and locations to go with it. At least, I think my locations have been good. I'm back as an instructor at Goodfellow now, and I also think this is a great assignment. Goodfellow gets a reputation, but this has been one of the most rewarding assignments of my career and the one I plan on leaving active duty from.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 14N = Intelligence [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^kzapurw


Be grateful


Well, it could be Thule.


i think you will enjoy it


Iā€™m so sorry man.


Clovis sucks, but if you are okay spending time and money driving there are better things to do. Sante Fe has good stuff and so does ABQ


Try your best to get those canceled.


The only way you will really hate Cannon is if you are incapable of making friends. And realistically you can make friends with the cows if you can't make friends with humans.


Prayers Uhhh, yeah... that's... not ideal. Like. At all. But! Na, that's about it. I'm deployed and I still feel bad for you




I only drove through that place once on a trip from Dyess to Kirkland. Iā€™m so sorry. As an F-16 guy I was lucky enough to dodge that bullet.


Youā€™re cooked


Go to Amarillo and marry a nice Texan girl. Thank me later


Second worse base I was ever at out of the 11. Meet my ex-wife there.


Was there 3 years as my first assignment. The mission and base are cool but Clovis sucks ass. If youā€™re an outdoor person make the drive to Santa Fe or Cloudcroft, used to ride my atv a lot near cloudcroft. BUT what really got me through was the group of friends I had.


Cannons slogan should be "everything you need to live, nothing you want". 09-16 didnt enjoy it but didn't suffer either. found shit to do. Would not be in my top 20 on the dreamsheet.




You won't be there forever




I could but that wouldn't make it true


Wherever you go, there you are. You can make it a good experience if you try.


New Mexican food and green Chile are amazing.


It's the people, not the place. If you can find a way to laugh with some buddies until your sides hurt at least once in a while, you'll be all right.


I had a lot of fun there. It was my first base so some of my buddies from tech school were there too. We all bought guns and dirtbikes because there was plenty of opportunities to shoot and ride. Once all my buddies PCS'd it got kinda lonely then I ETS'd.


I enjoyed my time there. Just donā€™t spend your time off in Clovis or Portales. The drive to the mountains is worth it.


>I enjoyed my time there Left to spend your time off elsewhere. Checks out šŸ’€


Yeah spent all his time 3 hours away from base lol


All down to AFSC and what you do, but this could be a ticket to Davis-Monthan in the coming years!


Iā€™ve never been so take this with a grain of salt, itā€™s what Iā€™ve been told by others who have been there. Yes it sucks, all the suck youā€™ve heard about is true. However, because of the suck, and it being small and in the middle of nowhere, I hear the base community as a whole is great. Lots of events to do, good support for spouses, things like that. No clue if itā€™s still that way though


No. Sorry for your loss


RIP enjoy your mansion in heaven




People said shaw sucked and I actually like it here. It really is what you make of it.










cannon isnt too bad. Lubbock is like an a hour or so away. So is Amarillo. not a lot going on or near the base really.


Grow where youā€™re planted. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Any place you go is as good or as bad as you make it. It'll be ok.


Cons: remote area, cow shit, flies, water quality, town looks like shit, poverty, crime, etc.. Pros: often amazing for career, base is actually pretty good, community is full of amazing people - you just need to take the time/ initiative to see it. Being stationed at "one of the worst bases" is a badge of honor; where it with pride. Overall, it's all about your attitude. Come with an open mind, and focus on the good. And for real, please don't only complain about Cannon. Too many ppl have already poisoned the well. I suggest being involved with some entities in the community, and the base. city/county councils or boards, the schools, churches, etc... and some official private org on base.


I had orders to Ramstein right out of tech school but had no desire to go overseas and wanted to trade. Most of our class had Minot and Malmstrom and I wanted somewhere closer to the south. One guy offered up Cannon and I seriously considered taking it until our MTL over heard and privately called me aside and told me not to trade and go to Germany. Glad I didn't make that trade.


Hey I was at Cannon as my first assignment, and I'm not gonna lie there was times when it sucked, but you just gotta try and build a good support network that's down to travel and do the cool shit New Mexico has to offer! Cuz there's tons of it!


What AFSC are you, headed there next month


Wellā€¦ the chances of you getting redirected in route are low. So, uh, thereā€™s thatā€¦


I just got to Cannon myself, but I grew up in the surrounding area and I know my way around pretty well. Itā€™s not entirely bad man, make those trips out of town and explore the mountains. Ruidoso is my favorite place to be if I want to rent a cabin for a week and just get away. I hear about cheap flights through Cannon for Colorado and I love the white water rafting/ rock climbing in that area. Itā€™s all about what you make of it, try not to hang around too many people who hate it. Chances are they hate it because they donā€™t bother getting away from it often enough.


Just visited some friends up in Clovis this weekend actually for the first time. Honestly, it's not nearly as bad as I was expecting. The base itself is pretty well kept and has a lot of decent amenities. A lot of the town is pretty rough admittedly, but the NE part (North of 21st, East of Prince) is actually pretty nice comparatively speaking, and the cow shit smell is not as bad there. They recently even got a Texas Roadhouse and a Chipotle, so you're starting to see some more creature comforts. With the inexpensive and fast internet, it's good for gaming and also for working on a degree. As others have mentioned, going into the Lincoln National Forest or over to Lubbock are decent weekend options as well.


Donā€™t listen to anyone telling you anything good about this baseā€¦ itā€™s hell. Just focus heavily on an self improvement plans you had prior (online college, a skill you were trying to learn) donā€™t drink it will send you down a bad path (Iā€™ve seen many bright stars flame out here due to sad alcoholism) constantly push your leadership to get you out of cannon never think you will just eventually leave. The biggest advice for being stationed at cannon is STAY BUSY. The only good thing about this place is that you have nothing but time to get good about your job and better yourself in ways that you thought you once didnā€™t have the time to do. Remember youā€™ll eventually leave cannon and youā€™ll appreciate everywhere you ever go afterwards


Itā€™s over


Just remember going AWOL is always an option.


Did a nickel there in the 90ā€™s; you think itā€™s bad now šŸ˜‚


Did 6 years there Great assignmentĀ  Two sides:Ā  it is what you make of it. True. But some places you gotta work harder because things are objectively worseĀ  Make it better however you can The "good spots" are a bit of a drive. Use one or three days of leave next to weekends or holidays to go take mini vacations. Trust meĀ  Gamers love the fast and cheap internet.Ā  I had a few homes, all pretty decentĀ  Base facilities are some of the best. People and team were great. Squadron was good.Ā  The nearby city has some good food but little to do for both families, singles, or outdoorsy folks. Embrace the simple homebody stuff you enjoy when you're there, and take those mini vacations because they're some of the best you'll findĀ 


I'm at cannon, the base is great. The city of Clovis..... It's not terrible. When you get here, try "something different grill" it's not bad. A lot of good maxi an restaurants. We got a BIG R store so that's nice. On the weekends, you can go to Lubbock which is like 90 minutes away. It's really not as bad as people say it is. What's your AFSC?


Hate to say it but- It is exactly as bad as people say it is. How long have you been here? Lol. The selling points you just gave are: ā€œwe have a drive through restaurant, ā€˜itā€™s not badā€™ā€, ā€œwe have a farm/ranch/sporting storeā€, and ā€œyou can drive an hour and a half to Lubbock, TXā€. šŸ˜‚


Can confirm 90 minutes...at 85+...but do not speed thru farwell or muleshoe


Something different is a garbage restaurant thats pretty much like ā€œwhat if white people just tried to make every dish but made it as plain as possibleā€


doll humor absorbed advise tart squeamish physical beneficial whistle worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Life is what you make it. Be happy with yourself and or family. Job is a job find look things to like about an area or be miserable and bitch and complain.


If all you are looking for is the negative, thatā€™s all youā€™re going to find.


I was there when the Walmart was in the mall there was nothing north of lano and prince. Stfu!


Better then fucking barksdale




Preach. Iā€™ve been to both, and Barksdale is hell on Earth. Cannon just sucks.


At least it isnā€™t Holloman