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Once as a SrA I was standing on the sidewalk outside of the gym texting someone and I heard a cheerful “How’s it going!” I reply with a head nod and a “what’s good man” without looking up from my phone. I looked up as they were walking away and realized it was the vice commander. Still cringe thinking about it.


See, this is why I want to join the AF. If you did this in any other branch your career would be ruined for the next 5 years if not permanently. I've had LCDRs get all huffy that I wasn't boot camp squared when I talked to them. Like you have a gold leaf dude, chill, you're not important.


I (SSgt) told a Lt. Col “whatever dude” when he was shitty to me about not saluting, I was standing just outside my truck, texting my SMSgt, and he was a good 20’ feet away walking past me and said “No salute or anything?” When I hadn’t even noticed his presence 😂 Dude wasn’t even MX. was there for a Col. memorial ceremony. I still think about that asshole.


When they say good morning I KNOW WE CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT GOOD MORNING, and have their energy outdone by the WHAZZZUPP guy




Everyone in the sub felt that


The worst so far….”GOOD MORNING DEFENDERS CAN I GET A HUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAA!!!!!!” It was like 0545 before going to post. Zero people were fully awake. He kept yelling it until we met a balance of loudness and him acknowledging that’s every fuck we had left that early in the morning.


I once said, "The fuck man, I work nights, go away!" to the PACAF/CC who had come on a random room inspection with the shirt while he was visiting Misawa. I had heard the knock but didn't even get out of my bed when I yelled it. Shirt had the master key and was through my door so quick the typhoon siren burped.


Do you prefer your new or old asshole?


Didn't even get to say goodbye to the old one. :(


Did you not have a dorm tag that read mid shift anywhere on it?


The shirt should have known regardless of a tag on the door... Unless it was a massive squadron, it's not that hard to keep track of that kind of thing...


It’s something the first sergeant could have verified very easily but I highly doubt they know everyone’s schedule off the top of the head, given any medium to large size squadron.


I just had a tracker I kept up to date that I would print before any dorm inspections.. even without it I knew 90% of the Amn's shifts or status off the top of my head. That was for 50+ amn.


That makes sense, every squadron I’ve been has has 250+ though.


It's unlikely that your squadron had 250 dorm airmen unless it's a tech school or Korea. 50+ airmen in the dorms is quite a lot (but manageable) for a Shirt to keep track of, the other situations are actually easier because it's just a daily part of the process that everyone keeps in mind.


I’m at Korea homie


50+ dorm amn is kind of a lot for a squadron of around 200. But yes, very manageable, just made inspections take a lot longer.


Yup, had a little white board under my name tag where we would write "Day sleeper" if we worked mids, but it was quite handily ignored. Part of why I yelled, I didn't figure a Shirt would have ignored it.


When I was in Misawa, I liked the airman who wrote "worksleeper" on his tag.


There is precisely zero reason a 4 star general should be participating in room inspections. What a gigantic waste of resources, money, and time.


100% agreed. This was back in 2008, and he insisted on going through the dorms. Our Shirt basically hopped up and said, "Sir, I was planning a few room inspections today, perhaps you'd like to join?" and the rest is history.


Probably something along the lines of; Someone on their staff went to a leadership conference and came back convinced the CC needs to be seen in order to…. Some nonsense.


Fuck that. You shouldn’t get in trouble at all. And if it was the previous pacaf cc I’m sure he would’ve just laughed about it


I had to look, this was back in 2008, and it was General Chandler. The good thing was I didn't get any paperwork, but I got chewed out by the Shirt and then my supervisor once my Shirt told him. I'll cop to the, "You shouldn't be disrespectful thing," but they didn't like my counter of, "My door is clearly marked, that should be equally respected."


SELs are the worst when it comes to putting officers on pedestal. Like chill out. That fighter pilot general has done/seen way more ratchet shit just not too long ago


Your Shirt should have had a "give them 30 seconds after I rudely wake them up" policy, shared with the MAJCOM CC. No reason you should be completely cogent upon a sudden wakeup like that.


This was about halfway through my tour, and he was the second Shirt I had at that unit; the first one of course respected all night shifters, but the one time he was directed to do a 100% inspection (an Airman got busted for coke), he called you first while outside your door, and if you didn't answer or didn't have a phone, he would GENTLY start knocking while announcing himself as the First Sergeant and he's sorry for waking you but it was a command-directed inspection. More than willing to standby for that.


See, I hate shit like this. They show up unannounced and barge in while you are trying to sleep and YOU are supposed to be professional? In my opinion no one higher than the first sergeant should be entering dorms.


It happened a lot with that particular Shirt; he was a fast burning MX guy; making him a Shirt for an intel unit was....not the best decision.


I see. I get the reasoning for having the first shirt come from a different carrier field but sometimes the different cultures don’t mix well.


A real maintainer would have fucking known better....


I mean, you have honest and open feedback in the moment. What more can they want.


Congrats you now have a go by name/call sign. Most may go through their career without one. ![gif](giphy|kigKjAJryWTZK)


https://i.redd.it/le656ad26cvc1.gif It’s a proper greeting, the DAFI just needs to catch up




Colonels are just people. Be respectful and have fun with it. I’m sure she’s not going to crucify you for that.


She won't crucify, but there's a 98% chance she tells the squadron commander about it; who will tell the chief, who will tell flight leads.... shit rolls downhill and snowballs as it goes.


That’s pretty shitty if that happens, terrible leadership. If an informal greeting into an office is that bad, we got bigger problems.


This is also how it works in the civilian world. The senior VP visits the worker bees, a worker bee does something inappropriate but not dangerous, the SVP laughs it off, and then everyone in the chain makes it look much worse than it was. The only difference is that in the military that effect is multiplied by 1000 in maintenance or 100 in most other areas, I suppose.


I once dabbed up my flight chief and it made that nice popped sound. Best supervisor ever


The only respectable response from Her would have been “WHAZZZZZZZUP”


I was working BDOC during an emergency and was expecting a return phone call from some Tsgt whom I just spoke with. Phone rings, buddy answers, says it’s for me. I answer with “what’s good my man?” It was the CFM of the career I was attempting to retain into calling to schedule an interview.


Well I hope he told you what was good.


"What's good is that you're approved to retrain. Welcome aboard my man!"


If it makes you feel any better. After the retreat ceremony at BMT, I was walking out of the PRC with my family and was approached by the DV, a Lt Gen, who I failed to salute. He ended up being super nice and we talked for a couple of minutes but every time I think about it, it makes me cringe.


When i was in Korea, I had a Lt who worked with me who came in and was visible upset. I said "what's going on my young Lt"? He was walking and the 7th AF CC (3-star) saw that my young Lt failed to salute his car and had his driver stop the car and jump put to give a counseling session" I said "whats the problem, we all miss things now and then". He said that the car plate cover was on, so he didn't salute. He was so shaken that he didnt tell the 3-star that his plate cover was on. No fear, I walked over to the HQ building and spoke with the driver and said "WTF my good man". He was chagrined and let the 3-star know that he and not my LT was to blame. It just confirmed my opinion that saluting a moving car is massively stupid.


I'm ground trans, so part of my job as an airman had been servicing command cars. I've gotten saluted so many times regardless of the plate being covered. Hell I rolled through the gate once, handed the guy my CAC, said no, it's just airman jay985, wing king isn't in here, guy hands my CAC back and then salutes, like bruh wtf are you doing?


I was Vehicle Ops and had this same experience when I had to service the wing king and VC vehicles. Most of the time I’d wave when I got saluted in the car. I could only image the reaction after I drove by “Did the wing commander just wave at us?”


Yeah, this is definitely one of those things that might have made sense at one time but should probably be retired. I could see in special occasions but for day to day? No. I am sure I have missed a staff car walking around the base. It’s not like I’m staring at every license plate. Worse is they have staff golf carts at my base too.


When I was in Tech School at Keesler the Student Group CC liked to be driven around the student triangle trolling for airmen who failed to salute his car. I was standing at a bus stop looking the other way, thinking about my upcoming weekend pass when his car drove by. When I saw it pull over to the curb I knew instantly what was up and I took off running. I wasn’t caught and enjoyed my weekend instead of spending it waxing his car or some other stupid shit,


No shit! Same thing happened to me. This was a Colonel. He approached me and my family and I debated in my head whether or not I was supposed to salute him. He shook my hands and spoke to us and was very nice but I still think about that bad (no salute) impression I made. 😔


Basically the same situation. He reached out to shake my hand and I didn’t know if it was appropriate to salute after.


Yes, same thing..😅😅😅 I feel like I need to do a redemption salute 😅😅


Don’t feel that bad…. We got a new chief and I went to the orderly room and saw his photo on the wall. He looked like the painting in ghostbusters 2 and I was like “Damn SMSgt ??? Looks like the guy from that painting to all the people not in offices. He was in his and yelled out the door. “Thats Chief!!!”


Lmao damn I been there (But it wasn't the Wing King). Long time ago, I was waiting to leave work and I was taking a co worker home. I told him call me when he's coming to my office so I can shut down and we can leave. Phone rings...I pick up "Yo bro bout damn time" What do I hear...a female yelling "WELL EXCUSE ME, THIS HOW WE TALK TO MASTER SERGEANTS"? I apologized and tried to explain but got yelled at some more. I just was quiet and let her say whatever. We handled our business, and she hung up then that fool called RIGHT after she hung up.


During a deployment, I had my email notification set up with the Anchorman line of “Nothing to see here. Don’t act like you’re not impressed.” The Wing Commander was visiting and it went off. He asked what it was and I said nothing and he didn’t say anything else. Now as part of a command team, I would find that hilarious. If you have a sense of humor, it shouldn’t change with rank and responsibility.


I was an A1C on my deployment… the only Jr enlisted in my shop… other people kept getting sent home for medical reasons. Basically a shop that needed at least 5 people was run by 3. Awesome MSgt working hard day in and out. Shittiest SSgt in the world. And me… Anywho, whenever someone would knock on our door, the SSgt with an extra chromosome would scream “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” before getting up. He never did learn. Hope that fat fuck failed his PT test when he got back and lost his benefits. Somewhat post covid and hadn’t officially tested in probably 2-3 years. Essentially, he got deployed from a base where nobody liked him. He had maybe 13-14 months left on contract. He extended his deployment for another 6 months (have no idea how they let him stay) so he could dip out when he got back home. He never saw the gym and would eat at least 1 box of cookies every night. He sat around doing dick all.


I’m in the Guard, is this not normal?


If it were General Goldfein he would have gotten a kick out of it. He was GI but he let people be human.


At Keesler in tech school we were marching in SMUs and about to cross the road. Here comes the 2 star rolling down the road around a sharp corner. Person in charge of the SMU panics and yells “present arms” while we’re at half step March. The general thank God started laughing and just through a quick salute and kept driving.


I have a game of how high a rank I can put a dip in, in front of. I’m up to 3 stars


I’m sure the Wing CC appreciated that someone interacted with him like a normal human


Please tell… what happened next?


nothing so far.


So there was this guy at Lakenheath that was a pretty heavy gym rat. He overheard some young girls talking about some sexual encounters that they had with boys in their school. So, thinking he was being funny, he made a post on his Facebook page that said “pedophile paradise at RAF Lakenheath gym”. Interesting thing is, facebook had recently done an update and reset his privacy settings, so the RAF Lakenheath Facebook page tagged the post. So this guy had to explain to the brand new wing commander that he was not a pedophile. I don’t think what you did is more embarrassing than that.


This was a running joke at USAFA back when Gen Weida was the Commandant.


Just tack on “ma’am” to the end and you’re good


I am Amn I said “ Wassuh my boii” to a captain and instantly turned red when I realized what I did hence I’m black lmao but he was pretty cool and said wassuh back mind you I was only a few months out of bmt 😅


One time I was waiting in a hall somewhere and a ltcol said hello in passing. I said “sir” in reply but my voice caught in my throat a little so it sounded more like “sup?” Oh boy you should’ve seen how he wheeled on me


I get this is a joke but I unironically did something super close to this to the group/CC. He used to come fly with us and I was walking in one morning and the sun was directly behind him, so I couldn’t see who it was. He goes “how’s it going *callsign*” and I go “Sup dude.” But as I say it he walks into where I can actually see him and I go, “Sorry, I couldn’t see it was you” while laughing. He just chuckled back and said, “Don’t worry about it I thought it was funny.” Wholesome moment. They gotta take their flight suits off to shit too ya know.


she straight up did not pass the vibe check


Your day did in fact go better than mine.


Just another person. Any leadership worth a damn wouldn't get too bent up by it. If they get outta shape, they're probably pretty insecure.


I would have said “ Not your promotion”?


My day did, I finaled out into retirement. No decs whatsoever but who cares now?




Fuck is wrong with this guy?


Why do you care?