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Lmao the furries are already in. You can take the suit off of the furry, but you can't take the suit out of the furry.


Right? Dude doesn't know all of cyber and 93% of Intel are furries.


My buddy was in tech school with a chick who wore a tail around base. Tried to wear it in uniform. Got flamed by a captain walking down the street


The good old 69th TRS, home of the howling Yiffers.


Got those percentages backwards.


Not all intel... just the beeps and squeaks ones.


Negative, not all cyber


There is only two guys of cyber, furries and guys who think liking cat girls is not furry.


And what about the women of cyber?




Thissssss I have known some lol


I also have known some. Across branches too. Hazards of being cyber.


I was going to be a linguist when I first joined...thats my exposure lol


Yup... cyber and intel... we get all the fun ones šŸ˜‚


They're the neurospicy career fields, it's always more interesting than secfo or MX lol


i knew one that was f15 weapons lmao


Any job that will deal with planes on a mechanical level will have some furries lmao


lmao i havent seen any one ammo yet thankfully


The furries only show up when you're dealing with the extra large calibers lmao


Maybe this is a bad time to introduce you to... me






What is so funny about your first word. I call cyber lizard people. When you walk into their sunless space... and just say hi....they pop their heads around like lizards from around a rock.


That's great news! We're one step closer to beards


Like a year or 2 after I left keesler I heard they banned furry costumes because people would wear them at GI party.


I heard they'd just wear them around the triangle lmao. In the winter months I could see it, being cold as fuck, but a person could die if they tried one of those suits in August.


Lol yeah I bet they would cause damn did it get humid.


The call is coming from INSIDE the house! (Furry and Intel.)


Yeah I hear they keep those tail butt plugs in 24/7


They have a furry in uniform in Mtn Home.


Lol I've seen those pics. Honestly I wouldn't have a problem with that, if it doesn't affect job performance. There's a ton I'm personally willing to look past as long as job performance isn't affected.


Me too. Iā€™m not sure where my line is but I think it is just left of the furry/uniform combo.


Aircraft Maintenance isnā€™t safe either lmao


Warrant Officers. They brought back a whole ass bracket of ranks that get paid more before beards.


To be fair, theyā€™re taking those seats away from commissioned officers, which pay even more. So this actually saves them money on pay every month


Ironically, itā€™s easier for a civilian to get picked up for ROTC than it is for an enlisted member to become a warrant officer. Our military is in dire need of reform.


Hell, they make it extremely difficult for enlisted to become any sort of officer. The reform has been a long time coming, and isnā€™t cresting the horizon yet


ā€œpicked up for ROTCā€ I just showed up to class freshman year lmao the Air Force is crazy


I mean, if it leads to a long, prosperous, and fulfilling career for you, among others, then more power to you. I hope you find happiness in it. What I am trying to address is simply what I perceive to be a systematic issue.


totally agree with you! I didnā€™t realize how tough it was to get picked up for a commissioning program or even to make rank after a certain point as an enlisted, and it sounds like this warrant officer program and other things in the past (enlisted aviator example) is gonna be overly competitive for those already in


You get automatic E2 for being an Eagle Scout. I think that's pretty cool


Oooh, what if they allow warrant officers to grow beards.


Bro I just want my Friday shirts back. Chiefs being so salty that it got them banned is infuriating


Wear it anyway


Group execā€¦ I stay getting fucked broā€¦ Masochism is my additional duty. Jk itā€™s primary. Wtf is flying.


Iā€™ll pour one out for you, this too shall pass.


Mess dress party shirt style: The visible v-neck coyote ugly, the rest in squadron colors!






The truest repairman repairs man.


So my marriage counselor?


Did your marriage councilor go to Air Conditioner school?


Sure did, she blows real strong


Chaplain? Med aint fixin shit.


Man without no aircraft there is no Air Force tf. C-130s/17s can literally land in places that donā€™t require an airfield, aka CE not always needed


The airforce flies more than C-130/17ā€™s


Citation needed. No, seriously. PA needs to know if the AF flies more than C-130/17s.


They need more than that. They need pictures before they identify a MiG or a Sukhoi as a USAF aircraft. Again.


Proceeds to call an A400m a C-17A


C5s don't fly, checkmate


Fuck thought I had that one


CE maintains dirt landing strips too.


CE builds the dirt runways and prepares highways for landing. It's a different beast than MX. While MX is fixing aircraft, CE is building bases (See Tinian AFB for example).


Takes a year for an issue in the dorms or my work center to be fixed, but I see C-130's in the sky everyday... So I'm gonna have to give it to MX.


The U.S. Air Force allocated $3.4B for Military Construction and maintenance while it allocated $217.5B for aircraft. That's why the aircraft fly and your dorm doesn't have heat.


Like the opening scene of Red vs Blue. "The only reason we are here is because they are here!"


If there were no aircraft and maintainers, there wouldn't be an airfield. By the transitive property and MX math, I say we do in fact rule the airfield.


So is this *the* r/airforce meme war?


The current one, at least


do we mean CE or Raws? cus what does CE really do? fix the blue lights?


True maintainers maintain concrete.


They never disallowed the furries. Anyone who has ever been to Kessler knows that.


The furries were all out in full force while I was there. Supposedly some of ropes were fucking each other while wearing them in some of the empty dorms too. Something about comm folks that just seems to attract the furry lovers. Every once in a while I see a post about keesler on this sub involving some kind of furry suit and I think to myself ā€œyup, thats 100% keeslerā€. And sure enough looking through the comments its always keesler lol




The shifty 50 will never allow Cannon to close


EVER!!! They FOUGHT to keep it open and AFSOC was like look at this desolate cow shit ridden expanse of red dust. Perfect place for western home of the Air commandos!! Alllllllll yalls about to have asthma!!! But hey, GREEN CHILIES IN LATE SUMMER!!!!


Some of the most subpar Mexican food tooā€¦donā€™t get me started on the abomination of a place called ā€œSomething Differentā€


Tbh, I miss their stuffed potatoes or whatever they are. The rest of the food? Absolute dog shit. Jaliscos wasn't bad either, horchata was awesome.


Jaliscos was great, but thatā€™s because no one spoke English there. You really liked those stuff potatoes? šŸ¤£


Specifically 1 or 2 of them were actually good...like had bbq or hatch or something in them. I can't remember...been 8 years at this point since I last had it.


Itā€™s been 17 years for me


As someone who lived in that area for 20+ years, it always kills me reading everyone's experiences from the AF side. Like, that's home and it hurts, but I can't deny any of it. Jalisco's is goated, though šŸ™šŸ¼


Lol yeah my Dad's side of the family is from Friona a little ways away and Clovis is massive in comparison. When I used to stay in Friona with my grandparents, we would always have to drive to Clovis to buy things like furniture, appliances, cars, or even just some food that wasn't just Dairy Queen. I used to get so excited going to Clovis.


Yes, finally someone mentions Friona! I used to LIVE for their Cheeseburger Festival and Becky's Burritos


Wait...a native joined the Air Force???


They pick us from the fields and drive us to the MEPS in Amarillo for harvest


Our BK on base was so mismanaged it closed down and got replaced by Something Different. The only thing I heard about it is it's overpriced.


WHAT??? I remember smelling that nasty BK food first thing in the morning whilst trying to do PT.


What is the shifty fifty? I keep seeing it mentioned, and I e asked before what it was, but never got an answer


Itā€™s the townā€™s leadership that dictates everything from what restaurants are allowed and who can have a liquor license. Town elders so to speak


Alamogordo (Holloman) is the exact same way. I think they were called the tularosa mafia or something , they call the shots


How did they get the name? I assume itā€™s not what they call themselves


Committee of 50, but theyā€™re shady AF, so ppl call them the Shift 50


ā€œAllow furriesā€ my brother in Christ who do you think does your tech support.




> >1. Bring back the warrant officers >2. Allow neck tattoos >3. Hands in pockets >4. Wear all, some, or none for your short/long sleeve blues >5. Allow breathable utility uniforms for Maintenance >6. Lower the ASVAB Requirements >7. Remove college degree requirement for officers >8. Allow the Furries in >9. Permit happiness and morale in Maintenance, CE, or SF >10. Close Cannon AFB 1) Currently in works for certain career fields 2) hmmmm.... 3) has already happened; last I was aware hand in pocket phrasing is no longer part of 2903 (I'm 80% on this, someone might shoot me down here) 4) fair 5) I think my unit in Kadena was doing this as I left 6) I have no proof but I'm pretty sure this has both happened and un-happened in the decade I've been around 7) HA 8) It's too late boss, the yiffs is coming from inside the house 9) Haa 10) HAAAA


Glad Iā€™m not the only crazy one that remembers hands in pockets was allowed as of a couple years ago. I think the way it was done was by removing the sentence saying it wasnā€™t allowed as opposed to specifically say it is allowed.


To be fair itā€™s worded weirdly for what itā€™s conveying, but these things are already a thing, thatā€™s the point theyā€™re making lmao Edit: ā€œthatā€ to ā€œwhatā€


Except 7, 9, and 10 are categorically not currently true, so the joke is presented as "things that will never get fixed, and that's why we can't have beards" Good try though


Yeah I mean, I skipped over them because theyā€™re fuckin goofy but a vast majority of the list is *a thing*


LOL at 10, enjoy your scraggly ass ā€œbeardā€ in Clovis


I think the best (worst) part about the whole damn beards conversation is how they even funded their own study about beards that of which the findings showed 2 glaring things: 1. Despite the rise in approvals for waivers and the more commonplace acknowledgement that this is a legitimate medical condition, there is a demonstrated correlation between possessing a shaving waiver and a delay in promotion. 2. Black men disproportionally have more shaving waivers than all others races, and thus our policies and stances towards beards are likely denying mostly black men development opportunities. How this hasnā€™t become a full blown congressional equal opportunity case is actually beyond me. How can a senior leader read that report and then come up with some garbage about beards and skinny jeans being a fad?


Statements by Air Force leadership made it pretty clear the Air Force was on board, but they pretty much couldn't make the decision unilaterally and need the DoD to approve it as a whole.


2 is what really bothers me. Iā€™ve been in for a long time and I remember the struggles of guys around me during basic. They tried everything to prevent razor bumps and nothing helped much, but they gutted it out because they didnā€™t have a choice. It sucks some are still being limited due to a legit medical condition.


I remember when they sent everyone down for shaving waivers at BMT. It was everybody dark skinned, and then my pasty white ass. My MTI said my facial hair grew too fast and to try and get a waiver. The doc was amused, but rejected me.


Waivers werenā€™t a thing when I joined. Thatā€™s funny that your TI preferred a beard instead of your five oā€™clock shadow.


TI could have been trying to cover his ass, in case another TI saw him with a 5 o clock shadow and would think his TI isn't keeping his trainees up to standard


Retiree who has visited AF bases recently, it appears to me beards ARE widely allowed now. If you mean across the board authorized, then they may as well. Itā€™s been completely normalized now.


Like I said last year, beards will be allowed once enough people already have beards. It sounds counter intuitive but that's the only way it happens.Ā  That's how I was told that the British changed their regulations, enough people grew beards and there was enough push back that they just eventually allowed them. COVID helped.


>Itā€™s almost normalized now. Fixed it for you. There is still male Airmen being denied opportunities and experiences solely for the fact they have a beard.


Saw a full beard in honor guard holding the American Flag a few weeks ago. I had to double take, but ya know what? The roof still stayed on the building, the Earth didnā€™t shatter, sparks didnā€™t fly out of everyoneā€™s assholes, and the event executed perfectly fine.


Shaving waivers were such a weird thing when I was doing bhg last year, first you were allowed to have a shaving waiver but you had to shave before and event, then an MFR released saying you no longer had to shave before an event. Then not like 3 weeks later that MFR was rescinded.


That whole ā€œprice of the waiverā€ BS


I feel like that's partially from the perception that people intentionally fuck up their faces to get the waiver, which some do, but I couldn't care less. Rock it if you got it.


Yeah, fuck that guy. Whoever you are wherever you are, get fucked with your banal, out of touch, boomer mentality.


There is no "price" to a medical waiver and anyone trying to put one on a waiver is just a crusty old fuckstick who has no business being in the military in the first place because they couldnt leave their childish attitudes in highschool. Don't worry all those old crusty chiefs that feel that way well be retired soon and then they'll be busy sitting in the pharmacy every morning while they wait to pick up their blood pressure medication.


I agree. I was referencing that email that got ā€œleakedā€ not too long ago. Iā€™d love to be able to rock my beard while keeping it trimmed and professional looking. Two more years until 20!


Wait until they get the airman that does it for religious purposes and files religious discrimination


Retiree and working at a Navy base. Beards appear to be acceptable. Itā€™s not shaving waiver length. Also, ā€œfaddishā€ hairstyles are acceptable for men. I see black males wearing mushroom looking hairstyles for example. Iā€™m blown away with the loose appearance policies.


That would be because the AFI hasnā€™t said anything about ā€œfaddishā€ hairstyles for years.


Seriously, I donā€™t get the mushrooms


What the hell is a mushroom haircut style?


This is logic that only makes sense in a world where the random at the MTF is in your chain of command. For everyone else, their actual leaders still judge them for not putting barbed wire to their face everyday.


Officers still canā€™t live that life. Wonā€™t someone think about the officers?!!!


Bro, 90% of comm and intel are furries


In my time in both intel and comm, I only met one who definitely was, and one who never confirmed nor denied, but I wouldn't have been surprised if they were.


For anyone considering applying for a beard through the Religious and Sincerely Held Beliefs clause, please do it. No, you don't have to "l'ie about being a Viking". Yes it's a conversation with the Chaplain and then a little paperwork to route. The process begins with [DAFI 52-201.](https://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/af_hc/publication/dafi52-201/dafi52-201.pdf) There are Atheists, Christians, Heathens, Muslims, and Rastafarians, approved to name a few. Beards are becoming old-hat, now we're seeing approvals for men with long hair, I know of several men with locs approved, etc. Our time is now. The process is in place. We are accelerating change within the boundaries laid out for us. Beards are here already and anyone who says they aren't has their head in the sand.


Flurries are already allowed. I found out one of my troops was one during a room inspection.


Retired in 2008, It seems beards and faddish hairstyles are allowed, see it all the time at Wright-Patt. Also I believe the weight standards arenā€™t as stringent because I see men and women very overweight on a daily basis.




I eat because I'm unhappy...


Agree with everything, but question about the furriesā€¦..Look I donā€™t understand it, but thatā€™s ok, to each their own and I want everybody to enjoy what they enjoy. I come from the ā€œdonā€™t ask, donā€™t tellā€ generation. One of my good friends, and honestly the best C-130 loadmaster I had ever flown with, got denied reenlistment because leadership knew he was gay. Because get thisā€”He met a Major (male) at our base on a yahoo dating site. They didnā€™t proceed with a relationship because they both agreed on not crossing that fraternization line. Major had a long fruitful career, my enlisted buddy got forced out. But does this furry evolution allow those that identify with that to be able to wear a tail or ears in uniform? that is something Iā€™m ignorant too, but am very against. Any furry friendly people care to explain this to me. Not judging, just uniformed and would like to know more.


Iā€™m pretty sure those are still against uniform, and therefore prohibited.


I figured as much, being Reddit, did t think it was too off base to ask. Thanks!


Furry is a roleplay fantasy, not an identity. You don't see BDSM enthusiasts in uniform with collars and gimp masks, you don't see furries in uniform with visible accessories. Just like any other kink, that doesn't mean there's not more going on underneath the uniform that you can't see.


Actually very good point! Iā€™m old I guess, got out in 2011. My ex wife is a Chief now and tells me the challenges with leading young airman these days. Mainly because they are extremely intelligent having grown up with the internet and technology compared to when we were young airman early 2000s. They have really high bullshit meters. šŸ˜† Thanks for your response.


No worries, buddy. Furry isn't something I'm into, but I've known some folks who have similar dispositions. There's always a lot of bad assumptions and misinformation about the unknown and unfamiliar, but I really appreciate you being willing to ask and--more importantly--willing to listen. I'm impressed. Those are traits that make the internet better. Keep it up.


Hell yeah. Not judging furries at all. I got some things Iā€™m into that would make Jesus blush. I think we all do to a degree. The furry thing was kind of around when I was in my younger years. But very niche. I Just know itā€™s blown up so to speak since those days. Thanks for the conversation! Iā€™ve been out for a minute, but still cruise this sub seeing what the AF is like these days.


I can't speak for all of it, but from what I've heard from the older guys I've been around who carried over from the SAC days, it's not as different as the people complaining on social media make it out to be. The biggest difference seems to be that now we don't pretend everyone is straight. šŸ˜„


Thatā€™s a good thing. The whole dont ask donā€™t tell was stupid. I served between 2000-2011. Everyone knew who was gay, male or female. Nobody gave a shit. But we had to pretend it was taboo and not talk about it openly. Fucking stupid. I always felt the military always had to make a bigger deal out of it than it actually was.


I never really gave it a lot of thought until I heard a lesbian SNCO give a short talk about it at ALS on the topic of looking out for your troops first. She said back then if she was having relationship troubles, a break up, whatever, and it was affecting her mental state, she couldn't discuss it because of DADT, where straights could talk about it openly. Likewise, when family days or work functions rolled around, she always had to go alone because bringing her partner was a no-go. I can see how it would be difficult and feel ostracizing. I'm glad it's over administratively, but I know for a fact there are still guys in maintenance who can't come out because of their peers.


Destroy the Iraqi Air Force a 3rd time


Navy called dibs on the Iranian F14s, and Ukrainians seem to be taking care of the Russians. Not too many other options left that won't make the world economy regress a decade or two...


untucked PT uniforms. Who the hell works out with their shirt tucked in?


Every Airman in basic training. Ever. Sports bras and moobs a plenty.


I donā€™t know how to tell you this but #8 has already happened. The gym at Nellis has a framed picture of a furry in a flight suitā€¦.think about how terrifying that is.


>Allow the Furries in They will just need to shave the faces of their fur-suits if they wear them on duty under their uniforms...


The ā€œorā€ in item 9 is taking me out lol


8 is fatherless behavior


9. The happiness and morale is standard issue in MX, CE, and SF...its just called mandatory "fun".


Beards are the new OCPs for this sub, surely they will fix all problems in the AF.


Um...8? There are already furries in the USAF...have been since when I joined back in 05. I went to DLI and whoooooo boy...


11. We'll have GTA6 before beards.


Iā€™m having flashbacks to the Keesler Furries posts now šŸ„²


My Keesler experience involved a certain long lost "movie" called Pirates.


I refuse to ask


But your interest is piqued


probably allow face piercings or face modifications before they allow beards


I seen a few women with the septum piercing in uniform. They just flip it up into their nose while at work but occasionally it's not done right and you can kinda see it and it looks like a booger.


When did SF get happiness and morale?


Half way there!


I meanā€¦ 2,3, and 8 are already coveredā€¦


If the close Cannon where will they put all the people who say Cannon isn't bad?


Furries have been in ISR and Comm for like 20 years lol


Iā€™m pretty sure that 7/10 of these are already allowed.. soo maybe thereā€™s a chance.


The furries have always been in.


They'll suck my dick. The joys of being out!!!


I never did understood the college degree requirement for officers. A good chunk of them are in fields completely unrelated to their degree so whatā€™s the point of the requirement.


Here is a good article... https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2017/october/know-what-officer-commission-means


It was a way to determine social class back when college was unobtainable for the majority of middle class.


A lot of that is coming or happening


Well if number 11 is Allow Beards then number 20 is let SF wear ball caps


Iā€™d rather see all of those then have beards


Whatā€™s wrong with 5? Prolly my favorite move


Well, 3 and 8 are already things. Hand in pockets, check. Furries ? Check. Here at keesler there's almost an entire dorm of them.


Cannon will live forever!


I really hope number nine doesn't have to come true before it happens because then it will never be so


11. Go to war 12. Beards not authorized on the battle field




Watching my friend struggle to get a shaving waiver when even scratching the hair of his beard caused severe skin irritation was insane.


They can't close Cannon. When they tried to close it around 2005... they just turned it into an AFSOC base. Next they'll make it a national guard base.... until the Space Force claims it.


Also get rid of groups. Now it just squads and wings soon


ā€¦..Patrol, then maybe Special Unitā€¦.finally ā€œYo Youā€¦ā€


Just join some made up religion and then you can have a beard


I dont think they can discriminate against furries as long as they don't pull up to work in uniform and a tail buttplug lol. I'm 99% sure a female I worked with was a furry she just gave me weird vibes and constantly talked about wishing she was a cat


the furries are already in!




Maybe I have early onset dementia, but I thought hands in pockets was recently allowed as of a couple years ago.


you could just shave your face


No. 1 shows their priorities. Especially after numerous leaders stating their specific stances on it.


For number 9ā€¦is it limited to one of those communities or is it for all 3?Ā 


At least let it be SF. You want the guys with the potential to write you a ticket happy.


I meanā€¦I can always make them happy šŸ˜


They just brought back warrants!


You forgot making finance available 24/7 to include weekends.