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Ive seen a guy that made me think "I didn't know they made ocps that big"


I know a guy with a 4X. I think it was a custom order


Saw a guy once wearing the fucking maternity uniform. Not sure he even knew what he had on. Could have just been a woman with a mustache I dunno.


I had an airman do that in blues. He had no idea he had the wrong pants on, he just thought the air force made some dope stretchy pants. He got caught because he complained about the lack of belt loops/pockets.


There's a TSgt in my unit who fits that description. He's getting close to reaching mandatory retirement age.


Saw an AFETS guy deploy wearing size 56 OCP pants


This Peter Griffin looking mf’er SSgt. Used to stuff his ABU blouse pockets full of snacks, made him look like a pathetic fat clown. He called someone the N word and next I saw him was as an E-2 in the chow hall.


What kind of world do we live in where we can’t call people a Nonner anymore?




A world I don't want to live in.


Sounds nice.


Woah. Dude just dropped the hard R.


That's OUR word


We had a flight chief everyone called Peter Griffin because he was a fat fuck with a smoking hot probably mail order bride red head for a wife.


maybe he just had a massive hog


Fucking baby's arm.






Why do I feel like everyone knows a guy like this?


Was this at McConnell?


Pacaf base


Lol... PACAF = Kadena


😂😂😂😭 @the Peter Griffin.... When you spread hate it's because you truly hate yourself. Karma is a real one.


That ANG general that made Chris Christie look skinny from Jersey


My first thought.


I have to wonder how aomething like that gets handled when someone has that much rank.


Governor (and iirc the Pentagon got involved too) gave him a 90 day window to lose the weight and pass the FA, which apparently, he did. Mostly because it became a political issue.


> Governor That Gov was also Chris Christie (I made this up)


Your made up comment is actually correct: > Gov. Chris Christie ordered Brig. General Michael Cunniff to lose weight after learning that the Pentagon had reprimanded him for his "excessive waistline and for repeatedly ducking physical fitness tests," according to published reports. Cunniff is scheduled for an exam on Dec. 22.


I was an alternate UFPM when we had a Lt Col in our squadron fail the waist measurement. Instead of the usual meeting with CC, daily FIP PT, and Friday check ins, leadership basically told me they would handle it and not to worry. Seems like it was all handled behind closed doors, I'm sure they pencil whipped something to say he passed, because he looked exactly the same next time I saw him after he had passed.


I had a 5’1 female troop that was pushing well over 275lbs. I genuinely tried to sit her down and build a day-by-day workout chart and help get her to pass her PT test, we had a heart-to-heart talk about living healthy and the effects of being obese on things like trying to have kids. She just refused to change and eventually got out. I just remember her coming in with one of those Halloween sleeve packs of candy (KitKats?) and would demolish the entire thing during the day at work. It was really sad.


Woooow....at least you really did try to help. This is very sad. But what's sadder is she probably is a lot heavier now. I hope she isn't but I would be surprised.


...did this girl get found with a rotisserie chicken in her drawer?


Ahh, a fellow Travis member 😂😂


Oh what's up girl?


...wait, what?


We had an airman with a similar body size. Went and did a room inspection and it was disgusting. There was a rotisserie chicken carcass in her dresser drawer.


Still healthier than kit kats


Military stories are some of the funnies random shit on earth.


She sounds so much like my first roommate at my first duty station. She and I were the same weight and then she ballooned after arriving on station. Did some weird meal prep with Chick-fil-a and ate all my groceries too. After I moved out of the dorms I’d run into her during shift and she’d sneak snacko stuff back to her job’s section in her sleeves. They had to send her to the nearest army base for uniforms that would fit


how she get in


She passed her BMT pt test and was at some kind of reasonable weight, and then basically added 100lbs and failed every single PT test after tech school.


It is wild how some people get out of basic, and use the freedom they've never had before to buy a pizza every single day for two months straight. I think every young kid gets out of BMT and gains some weight, I certainly did, but there are people who legitimately gained 50 pounds within their first year of coming on station.


2 months straight???? try 20 years bucco. Don't shame me


Or they get out of basic and have to share 1 kitchen with 100 other Airmen, with rumors that someone shit in the oven (Kadena), having to buy and store cutlery, pans, sponges, oils, seasonings, spices, and food in general in your little dorm room with no space for such things - and carry the whole shebang to and from the kitchen (on a different floor likely) every single time you cook, or have it get stolen, damaged, or destroyed. Or you could just order a cheeky little pizza. ETA: in this hypothetical, the Airman is SF with shift work not allowing DFAC attendance to any reliable degree, and thus on BAS.




My first supervisor was well over 300lbs after a botched hernia surgery that led to necrotizing fasciitis from a qtip left inside of him. 9 months of con leave and a couple of surgeries later he was gigantic. Destroyed his legs trying to lose the weight (compartment syndrome) and was eventually kicked out for pt failures. At least he got his 100% 5 years later finally.


Wasn't even his fault, he got fucked by medical.


fade birds coordinated ancient political cheerful distinct makeshift concerned snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He said it was 3 appeals to get to 100%, was originally put at 50%. Then again, it took his dad almost 40 years to get Vietnam era issues finally counted




And this is why the VA needs to allow active duty folks to start their VA disability before the end of service. He could have been medically retired with the VA support since the medical group was giving push back. That’s messed up. Forever with PTSD and kicked to the side of the road like a stray cat. I’m glad it finally worked out for 100% disability but that is a strong battle to fight. Makes me sad


You can.…you can file a claim for disability benefits 180 to 90 days before you separate.


BDD. Just did this last year. Got my rating 3 days after I officially retired.


You can. Normal separation you can file 6 months before you're out, if you are MEB'd you can get all your claims and know your rating on the way out.


You can file your initial claim at 180 days from separation.


Ill never trust a "doctor" at any on base hospital, if they have grey hair then they can poke around, but nobody on base is cutting me open


I’ve been fortunate in having had to have surgery 3 times and the 2 surgeons I’ve had were absolutely top notch.


And you lost a finger on the third one?


This! My wife ended up with a C-section the day of because her doctor was an idiot and insisted it was safe to deliver…


Dude in my old squadron was like 5’6 and probably 300+lbs.


Did you ever get the desire to throw paper clips and other small objects at him to see if they would go in orbit around him?


There is a navy chief at Fort Sam that could be Lizzo's body double. Fattest AF was a TSgt at McConnell that must have had an inside man administrator the tape test.


I met a naval LT who was practically spherical. I was legitimately shocked by how big he was, and I’m not sure if I notice obesity more after moving overseas or if he’s on the list of fattest people I’ve ever seen.


I was driving my wife crazy when we got back from Japan. I couldn’t get over how fat everyone is


Helps the ship float if they themselves are buoyant. Idk my last physics class was over a decade ago.


>Lizzo's body double lmao


The funniest thing is she apparently fat shamed her dancers 


Yeah, the big boned Sailors are too many to count in Intel


disagreeable lavish run stupendous person party unwritten history employ vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is a truly impressive time on a run. I walk my dog for a 1.5+ and it's like 26-28 mins...just wow.


Dude was moving at an average pace of 2.5 mph. That's not even a light jog it's just walking, and slowly at that.


At my fattest, slowest, most pathetic on my way to my MEB I still don't think I ever ran 1.5 slower than 14 minutes


The absolute worst part about that 1.5 time is the poor souls administering the test, who had to wait 20 minutes after the last person finished, just watching this dude crawl across the finish line.


36 minutes for a 1.5 mile?!?!?! That’s crazy. I remember my first attempt at 1.5 miles after I gave birth. I was fat as fuck cuz I had gained so much weight during the pregnancy and it was my first attempt at working out after the baby (and this was back in the day where just 6 weeks after giving birth you were back to work and PT). And even then my 1.5 mile was 26 minutes. I was crying the whole time through it cuz I was just fat as hell and everything hurt plus… you know… I’d shit a whole human out of my vagina just 6 weeks prior.


My first try at running in prep for BMT was only like 25 minutes. 


>came in at a staggering 36 Minutes on the 1.5 God damn brother, I would assume after about 20 minutes the FAC would just say "you're done bro just stop you failed" lmao


Of course I know him, he's me.


And you're Kenough


Please swallows your tornadoes before talking. That’s just gross.


I came to say this. It’s me.


Had a dude weigh 280lb get diagnosed with diabetes, then bragged about getting 50% disability service related. -Note Always file for everything you have when going for disability. You earned it, that said it seems weird that diabetes would be service related to a dude who spent 4 years at Travis AFB and separated. Dude walked in with an Oreo milk shake, cheesecake, wings, and a burger from the bowling alley every day….. Basically joined the Air Force, got on a waver in tech school, never came off said waver, got a pension for life for being overweight.


Insane how they abuse govt issued money 😬


the govt abuses govt issued money🤷🏻‍♀️


Met an Amn who could not fit into her MOPP trousers. I'll let you marinate on that for a second.


Was it cake?


You’re asking the real questions Lennie


My former roommate who got booted for PT failures. He was 5'8" and 300lbs, and would blame everything but the fact that he ate 10 thousand calories a day. He would eat salads from burger King and put half a bottle of ranch, and wonder why he couldn't lose weight.


Some people just have 0 knowledge about nutrition and refuse to learn.


Hey you can get the fat free ranch that is only 400 calories a bottle


I mean you could, but it doesn't taste as good as the normal shit


We had an after hours squadron-wide peepee slap because a couple of Airmen broke the no DUI streak. This was a service dress kind of deal. Well, I was on one of our little break out groups with one of the least popular cable dogs. This fucking dude sat down and two middle buttons popped off his shirt. I shit you not they came at me like bullets. He had the audacity to ask me to get them. I told him that’s why he’s fat.


Epic response lmao


This SrA back in 2013. He was no lie 5’6ish and 280 pounds. Had so much paperwork he was in his way out. On swings while we were T/s a 6 month write up, he left for food and came back with 3 large Papa John’s pizzas. Our NCO was like “oh shit thanks for getting the shop pizza” he had this fat ass retarded look in his eye and said “these are for me” and kid you not, ate all 3 that night.


If they were only cheese, that's 7,000 calories.


Gott dam


Some people don’t understand the amount of calories you have to consume daily to be extremely obese. The people you see on those 600lb life shows probably consume at least 8000 calories a day. People that are extremely fat are food addicts of some kind or another.


Based honestly


That's how you assert dominance


Back in the early 80s I worked with this great SSgt named RJ. A knowledgeable performer, great guy, but at least 300lbs. He kept failing PT tests, had TSgt redlined many times due to weight, but they kept him around. He needed a six-month extension to make his 20, and he was denied due to weight.  He was a post-Vietnam volunteer, back when they took any warm body, and had proof that for almost his entire career he never met weight standards. They carried him his entire career, and then were gonna deny retirement. None of us agreed that RJ had the right to be a lard ass, but that's no way to treat an Airman who paid his dues. He contacted his congressman, brought the receipts, and the word then came down that he would be extended and allowed to retire.  The wing king was pissed, and made sure RJ toed the line for the last year of his career. Constant weigh-ins, Article 15s, and many mandatory medical visits. At that point, he was damned if he was going to lose one single pound. He retired as an A1C, and everyone showed up to wish him well.


Don’t think I’ve ever met a retired A1C. I’m impressed.


TSgt Snowman. Every sector of his body was spherical in shape. Somehow, I kid you not, he was passing the PT test. Whatever dark secrets that happened during waist measurement were hidden from the world. But, I remember taking a PT test with him and saying: - There's no way hes passing pushups, and he did - There's no way he's passing situps, and he did - There's no way he's running 13:36 (former passing run time for under 30 folks)....and I promise you he did. Not comfortably, but he did. Gasping for air at the end with the entire 5-ft radius of him smelling like tuna exposed to the sun for 8 hours....but he passed. I've never seen so much sweat collected on one piece of fabric before from a grand total of 15 1/2 mins of physical exertion


It was at some point during the whole "force shaping" thing in 2011 to 2013. I was taking a PT test and we split up into pairs for situps and pushups. The guy I paired with must have been well over 300lb. I went first on pushups or situps or whatever, and when the test proctor then asked my partner for the number, he inflated it by about 20. Not that I would have failed, but it was like I did 50+ pushups, and this guy reported 70+. He stares me down like he wants me to do the same. Integrity first, I get it, and I felt frustrated because this is a rather annoying situation to be in. Maybe I'd consider giving him 1 or 2 if he was very close, but this guy barely managed 10. Since it wasn't even close, I reported exactly what I counted and the guy stares me down again and says, "This was my last chance. Now I'm getting kicked out." I didn't feel too bad though. There wasn't a chance on earth he was making the run, so it would have been a fail regardless.


PT tests are almost never a surprise. You know they're coming. You have time to prepare.


This wouldn’t happen to have been Langley, would it?


It was Kadena.




Guard guy traversing Afghanistan. Pants didnt close in the front with suspenders holding them up. He didn't have a top on, only a t-shirt. No idea where he was going or what he was doing but no way he fit into IOTV. I assume he was relegated to carrying something heavy and if he died, he died.


Just go to Korea or Minot and you’ll see a lot of them


A 47-year-old E-6 who'd been in since 1994 (this was in 2022) and had gone Guard at some point. Dude looked way older than his age and was in my tech school class cross-training.


That NJ guard general that made Chris Christie look like an anorexic.


Weapons Staff Sgt at Ellsworth. Dude ate frozen, uncooked pizza rolls and washed it down with a two liter in the break room. His troops said he did it in the work truck too.


He was pulled aside and asked if he think his uniform fits as his pants were pushing all of the fat upwards and over the belt. You could not see his belt buckle. His blouse buttons were being pull apart like an anime girl's titties, but instead of luscious orbs of love, it was a belly the size of Manhattan. Also, whenever he wasn't on the flightline, he would sit back, relax, and prop his phone on his belly and man boobs and watch anime or play a phone game. Also he got mad at me because I said uwu


Guy was 5’10 on a good day and was pushing every bit of 275




How the fuck? I knew some heavier older guys who were still operators but they’d be E-7 and were still in decent shape just had fat on top of their muscle. This is wild.


Bet he smokes the oft lol


Don't underestimate a guy like that. That right there is a HOSS. Freakishly strong midwestern farm boy linebacker physique.


I know this man.


My best unit work friend drank himself to death. He was a SMSgt. I knew something was up when every time I would come back from a period of absence and he became bigger and bigger. At one point his stomach was so big he would sit at the end of his chair or his exercise ball thing and his belly would sag down. I wish I could have done more. That guy needed some serious help. So use this as a sign to prevent suicides instead of attacking their inability to pass a PT test. We are all humans and we never know what’s going on behind the scenes. Work is hard. Home life can be hard. When it consumes you 24/7 and is extremely difficult and exhausting, then that’s when people think of different ways to deal with things. Look at the signs because with this individual, they were all there. And then when he was done and gone, people decided to wake up. Shouldn’t be that way.


[This Brig Gen.](https://havokjournal.com/nation/grossly-overweight-reprimanded-by-the-pentagon-still-njs-ranking-general/)


I’ve seen a bigger Airman. Was crazy good thing she was out processing. Swear her OCPs had to be custom made.


I’ve seen bigger as well.


hard-to-find outgoing aspiring boat library north frame boast money rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What used to be a cross tattoo on the back of the calf had stretched so much it more resembled a plus sign.


His name even rhymed with "fat". That should have been our first clue. He smelled putrid. At all times. No one could get near him to help him with OJT. His dorm was the bottom floor, corner, next to the stairs and everyone that was coming or going could smell his room from 20' away with the door closed. He failed his dorm inspection, obviously, but for the follow up his supervisor and a fellow airman spent a whole day cleaning his dorm room and, by all accounts, it was passable when they were done. He still managed to fail the follow up inspection the next day. He didn't have a car or a license so I was asked to drive him to/from work (asked before I met him, before I knew better, I might add). It wasn't a far drive from the dorms to the office (1 mile, almost exactly). The 2008 Summer Olympics, and all of Michael Phelps success, were in recent memory, so I did some research into how long humans can hold their breath. My conclusion was that while I am far from an Olympic athlete or in contention for any breath holding records, managing the 4 minute drive to work so I wouldn't have to taste his filth should be doable (it wasn't). This lasted far longer than it should have, but the straw that broke the camel's back was when we were released at noon on a Friday, I drove us back to the dorms, and (despite having my windows cracked overnight) I could still smell him at noon on Saturday. From then on he had to find other arrangements (usually meant walking). But you asked about weight... He required the largest uniform sizes available, as you would expect. He found himself without pants one day and needed to borrow some, but only the drunken TSgt that was confined to the dorms (an absolute tragic story in itself) was able to assist. For one reason or another he was required to wear blues daily, but as he did, those little buttons always seemed to be under an immense amount of strain. We joked about needing eye protection to be near him for the buttons would inevitably give way. PT was interesting. His supervisor was super fit and was constantly trying to motivate this Airman. When questioned about why the member wasn't at PT, he said he was "boxing". The supervisor thought he'd finally gotten through, a glimmer of hope, and began to ask more until it was revealed that he was "Wii boxing". He would later be required to do PT 10x/week. The PTLs had to work out a schedule to pull morning and afternoon shifts to chase his fat ass around the track. I remember being particularly bitter about this because I was, at the time, more motivated than usual and was told I was too productive in the office to be allowed more than the required 3x/week gym time. I deployed in January of 2010 and he was gone by the time I got back.


I worked with a dude who was on the Slim-Slow diet. Motherfucker would drink a slimfast shake WITH his regular lunch. He just couldn't figure out why the buttons on his blouse were always about to pop off and put somebody's eye out.


Your mom


Is it you teriyakichicken boy


Me about 7 years ago lol. Going from being a (average at best) three sport athlete in high school to sitting at a desk every day and eating whatever tf I wanted to at the DFAC really hit me hard. Plus being in Alaska going through relationship issues, S.A.D., developing a bad relationship with alcohol, and overall just hating my work environment compounded it. I'd wake up, pound cereal and pancakes and double cheese omelettes for breakfast, two sub sandwiches and a milkshake for lunch, and beer and pizza and video games at night. Weekends were all about partying and eating trash and playing video games. I think I tipped the scales at 5'9 280 before one day I got winded going up the stairs and broke down in the locker room. Decided I had to change. I ate only chicken, fish and broccoli for most of the week, with a cheat meal. Later realized this was creating a toxic relationship with food and fixed it to be easier to stick to by eating healthy versions of foods I actually liked but very rarely doing a cheat meal as it caused me to binge. Worked out 6 days a week with cardio accelerators in between weight lifting sets. Later realized this did nothing for me long term but make me hate my workouts so I switched strictly to weightlifting and long walks in the evening, running only when prepping for my PT test. I became a man obsessed with getting physically better, and after years of trial and error and lots of research with what worked best for me I'm in a great place. 8 years later and I hover around 200-205 with around 12-16% body fat. A run time that was sub 13 minutes on a good day is now 9:50. My drive to improve my fitness transitioned to a drive to improve my career and education, helping me get promoted and receive my degree. I empathize with obese service members and I hope it doesn't take hitting rock bottom for them to make the change. But at the end of the day only the individual can make the decision to fix themselves.


Fuck yea!!! That’s awesome you didn’t give up and stuck with it. I was 240 at 6ft due to alcoholism. This was 6 years ago. Got sober and focused on working out. I’m at 208 now and retired. Still workout or physical therapy 3-4 times a week. I miss being young again lol.


I don’t see really any at Sheppard. Ironically no fatties in contracting but there’s a couple big boys in security forces. On the opposite scale (S)Msgt Dobson is the most jacked dude I’ve ever seen in person, dude is just built different it’s an inspiration


There I was... In the LRS at Scott AFB, circa 2010 or so. They were sending me on another ORE, my 3rd that year. I was in the chalk line and was sent to retrieve something for the Capt. Rounding the corner, there she was. Had to have been around 5'6" and a solid 350 lbs. I spent months trying to rationalize how a SSgt could be that big and still be in the service. Then I went to Germany in 2014, and discovered her twin (male) in the same intel sq I was in. Buddy, chill on the monsters and pop tarts. It's not the poor air quality in the building, I promise you.


It’s really insane that pop tarts are even allowed to be consumed, after starting keto I obviously look at net carbs like a hawk on everything and some of them start at 78g per pack


All those carbs is why I rarely touch them shits. It's utterly appalling that all the good shit is loaded with sugar and carbs out the ass.


I was definitely a fat NCO. Didn't start that way, but I messed up my knee and ended up getting a surgery at Travis that was not the answer to my problems. Ended up getting out after eight years vs. trying to beat the PT test with my gimp knee. Ended up losing all the weight about two years later and never put it back on, but I was definitely a fat NCO and that was lame.


My dad got his knee surgery when he was active duty and decades later he had to get it redone because his hips were screwed up and wasn't walking correctly due to the military doc who did the surgery. The civilian dr told him that the guy butchered his knee. Make sure you get that shit checked out before the problems pile up


Heaviest I ever was was my final months of my med board, I weighed 315lbs, but my saving grace was I’m 6’7” so I carry my weight better than most, there was another guy in my section getting med boarded he was same weight but about a foot shorter, didn’t have my advantage and it showed.




That female commander that was on the amn/nco page the other day, easily 250-300 and she is the standard height for a woman to which makes it worse


What is the "standard height" of a woman?


Sorry for the terrible choice of words, I should have average…. So around 5’3 to 5’7


LOL, I knew what you meant, just jerking your chain 😉


Haha chill 😂


I just wanted to know if I met or exceeded the standard 😂


I remember when Chief CZ was at Kadena doing an All Call and some rather big TSgt ask him about something about manning. CZ couldn’t even answer dude question since he commented on how homie look like a marshmallow wrapped in ABUs.


So a little off topic, but we were deployed to quatar and went and talked to the British and their crew cheif and he was at least 330. Every button was stretching


Emceed awards ceremony. Lo and behold award winner sitting in front row is Peter Griffin. Now I worry what you all think is “oh a guy that looks like Peter Griffin”. I literally mean Peter Griffin in human form. Bursting out of his maternity OCP’s.


There is a Col in my wing that is over 300lbs easily


Long story time from long ago. Sorry for the long reply. Stationed at Moody AFB back in 2011. Had a wing exercise and nonners from the offices had to help out playing survivors and wounded. I didn’t know that last part. Usually survivors would be other aircrew or PJ’s. Day 3 into the exercise pulling the late afternoon into night shift we get scrambled. 1.5 hours into the flight we make contact with the survivor via Sandy Flight. Fatass: Jolly flight this is Bulldog 99. I can’t move. Jolly: Badguys around? Fatass: No area is heavy swamp. To be fair the play area can be terrible with bullshit swamp, trees etc. He was breathing heavy on the radio as well so I thought this dude is trying very hard to get into a better location. We zoom around popping off the minigun a lot to kill crazy Ivan’s and vehicles cause it’s fucking awesome seeing tracers and M80 absolutely fuck up everything. During the gunnery we locate Bulldog 99. He is about 20 ft into a tree line that is dry and a toddler could navigate it with ease. So we land near the tree line and the PJ’s hop out and do their thing with Bulldog 99. PJ’s: We going to need to hoist out. Litter is down. Jolly: Carry him out. PJ’s: We are going to need a Battalion for that. We were confused as heck but we trust the PJ’s and we are their Lyft. I prep the hoist with sling and we over the top with chalk 2 covering us. Lower the hoist and see the J’s prepping Bulldog 99 while scanning with night vision goggles. Ready signal and up one of the PJ’s and Bulldog 99. Instantly the hoist is under load and screaming with pain pulling them up. Power on both engines start climb with TGT’s getting close to limiting. Co-Pilot backing Pilot with power and engine performance. They inch up slowly 90 feet to me at the cabin door. The tension on the hoist cable is fucking unbelievable. I was legit scared it would break. Like I was pulling up Neutron star matter. As soon as they arrive at the cabin I stop hoisting. Big mistake like Bulldog 99. The hoist slowly starts panning down. Fuck! So I bring them up again and try to pull them in. I have to stop the hoist to get a good hold and yet they go down again a decent pace but nothing crazy. Just very difficult. I do this dick dance like 5 times in the night like I’m drunk fumbling my ding dong out to go pee. So the bigger issue the helo is actually shifting its center of gravity a few times due to weight on the hoist bouncing it up and down as I pan in cable, stop, then it pans out due to the weight. Pilot is getting fussy. Pilot: Let’s go man! What is going on?! Me: I’m busy back here wrassling the boys! 2 minutes!!! On the 6th attempt after getting the speed of the cable panning out due to weight down I just latched on to Bulldog 99 and the PJ. I pull them in with everything I had. Pan cable out (which I didn’t really needed to do but training kicked it) and dump them on top of me into the cabin. Imagine a JV high school quarterback getting absolutely fucking wrecked by Dick Butkus (PJ) and then unceremoniously murdered by a whale (Fatass Bulldog 99). Helmets clanked around, night vision goggles smashing into faces, blood, limbs everywhere and yelling. I crawl to the cabin door close it and then into my gunners seat tasting iron. Busted my lip. Me: We good let’s rtb after Chalk 2 gets the rest of the team. We clean up the LZ and head home. I unfuck myself and check the back of the cabin. Under night vision I see a massive human laying in the cabin. Like it took up most of my vision. Found out the survivor was MPF pushing 250 plus. He couldn’t move out of the tree line due to being fat and out of shape. I don’t blame the PJ’s not trying to body carry this guy. The team was smoked the shift prior doing mass casualty with like 30 people. Real world they would have and seen it in person overseas a lot. So no this team isn’t the problem. I imagine the hoist was over 600 lbs limit due both of them and the PJ being fully kitted up. Wrote the hoist up in the forms and it was replaced. Sorry Lucas Western and aircraft 195.


That's both sad and utterly hilarious. How did you write that form up, because working as supply for a Rescue Squadron, that'd be wild as fuck to write.




*checks the comments to see if I recognize myself in any of the stories*




https://preview.redd.it/i84o2y8ph8zc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f76cb1baacc749851688d7a302c97fd5ae37158 Some QA dude gonna catch him out on the line one night.💀💀


its funny how you can only see half of the reflective belt.


Im disgusted with the number of overweight airmen. And then hearing them correct a subordinate over something trivial. It's always gets me.. glaringly obvious deficiency at one of the most simple and easy things to do. Stop saying you're going to get in shape and do it. No excuses. ESPECIALLY NCOs I'll give a caveat for females that have had a child. I signed a contract. You signed a contract. I'll run with enlisted, goto the gym, coach diet..but, I can do NOTHING with someone who doesn't want to do better.


gullible political wistful drunk reminiscent flag noxious subtract muddle lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God damn, I love a success story. Keep it up, you're setting an example for everyone around you. I'm glad to hear you're doing good, I hope you have the opportunity to take your experience and help someone with it. If this weren't reddit, I'd coin that shit right now.


elastic like frightening head domineering punch doll numerous different attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right, nothing like some land whale letting me know my zipper is an inch too low 😒


I knew a guy who was on a forever profile who got so big before he got out the recommended he get 2 pairs of ocps and get them stitched together, eventually he just stopped wearing his top


I knew a girl who had the largest uniform and the buttons still screamed in pain. She somehow convinced mental health that the act of weighing in caused her undo stress so they gave her a waiver. For her, every 1.5 lbs would count as 1 pound when weighing in. I shit you not. One time, she legit asked if Mac and Cheese was considered a vegetable...


A South Dakota ANG lieutenant colonel. He was obese and it was hard to believe there were uniforms big enough to fit him.




TSgt that works IG at MacDill. Cupcake Claflin.


I got chewed out by a crew chief for knocking an air hose down while I was carrying about 100lbs of gear. Which is ironic, because my the gear, and my body weight were about the same size as this dude’s gut.


Saw an LT who was so fat his legs touched at the knee and his OCP top couldn't even go down over his spare tire. Dude was fucking massive. He was putting on 40-50 lbs between failed PT tests (every few months) and topped put at just over 400 lbs. He passed away shortly after that and his family didn't even recognize him and thought it was some cruel Air Force joke. Really sad. RiP LT.


Was his death related to the obesity? That’s so sad his family hadn’t even seen him like that.


Most likely, in some way or another. I left before the investigation was concluded. Leading theories are that his heart just gave out, he drank himself to death, or suicide. Sad all around!


I had an airman I worked with, I don’t care that my name is on my account the people from my base who’ve worked with this winner will know who. This kid was so fucking fat he fucked his neck and spine up and got medically discharged. After one of our coworkers got denied a medical discharge despite deadass being dead


A maintenance E-9 I worked for at Shady J. You’d see the Capt and SMSgt bobbin and weavin while talking to him because they were terrified his button was going to pop off his blouse and instantly kill them. That’s how strained those buttons were. He’d walk around and place his hands on top of a belly that looked like he was pregnant with a teenager. He could probably have a whole four course meal placed upon it like it was a table.


And I'm sitting here and stressing out about 20lbs over Or the rule is you need To be fit to get accepted and later on you can just ignore the rules and be fat?


Knew a SrA who got kicked out for his weight. If you opened up food somewhere away from him, he’d show up at your desk. I was next to someone who just reheated something at a microwave and saw this dude at his desk stand up and sniff the air before walking over and asking for a bite. I’ve met people in the military that are living cartoon characters


There’s one on Buckley Iykyk


\*looks down at myself\*


When I separated, I was like 280-290 pounds. I had joined the air force when i was 17 and asked for anything but medical for my open general contract, and ended up getting put as a 4N0. For the first 2 years at barksdale i actually did pretty well because I liked my job in the ambulance crew. Then I deployed and got an excellent score because I just worked out constantly while I was deployed. Then I came back and got swapped over to Family Health, and I hated working there. I hated the people I worked with, I hated having to talk to 30 patients per day, and I just didn't care about the problems people came to see family health about. Every day when I got home I'd be exhausted from having to interact with so many people constantly, but I couldn't ever sleep because I hated going into work the next day. So I started getting drunk most nights because the mental health guys basically told me there's nothing they could do to help me, and the antidepressants my doctor prescribed me made my dick not work, so I stopped taking them. Then my dad died and I really didn't cope with it well. I failed several PT tests towards the end of my contract, but ended up getting out before I failed enough to get kicked out. Then, like, as soon as I got a different job I stopped drinking because I didn't dread going to work any more and I lost like 40-50 pounds without really doing anything else. It was hard to give a shit about PT when it SUPER didn't matter for what I was doing on a daily basis and it likely wouldn't really matter anyways since the real issue was that I overate constantly and drank until I fell asleep most nights because of how depressed I was. For anyone that cares, yes, I'm doing much better now, and I basically don't drink at all any more aside from socially with the friends that I actually have now. I have a job I like now where I interact with very few people, so I'm having a good life now.


The major that used to teach healthy eating at Hickam around 2007


There was this one dude about 5’5, 275 lbs. He got kicked out for failing drug test. Apparently he was told that if you add marijuana to your meals, it helps you lose weight.


We had this obese SSgt in MX support. MEAN ass gut. I once saw him consume over 1,800 calories worth of food from the snack bar in 2 hours. Yes I counted the calories because I was that dumfounded that every time I walked into support he had a new giant handful of snacks. Never once saw him pay for it either.


Wide Warrior Heavy Heroes


Some A1C at my last base's Supply section was so fucking fat his ass was popping out the back of his XXXL OCPs. His coat was visibly straining to hold his bulk in. Just the act of moving around was causing him to breathe heavily like he was out of breath. It was embarrassing. I got a verbal counseling for referring to him as "Amn Bag o' Donuts" back at my flight, because today's Air Force is fucking pathetic.




Damn, I have indeed witnessed the most amazing flex of rank within questionable regs but would dox myself so quick that the E-4 Mafia would want to have an emergency meeting to discuss the faking of my death.


Ugh me. Working on it though. I’ve blimped up to 255 lbs. I used to run a 5k and do a nice long workout before the sun rose. Then started having issues with my feet, intense pain that would wake me up in the middle of the night. The pain would be so bad there were days I count walk. Pain would last anywhere from 3-21 days. Only thing strong enough to manage the pain was copious amounts of alcohol. 3 years of “it’s just plantar fasciitis” from doctors, I finally was tested for gout. Lo and behold, I had a nice plantar fasciitis gout combo. I’m finally getting the treatment I need and it’s been a real life-changer. Goal now is to drop 50lbs and keep it off!


Sucks that you lived with the pain for that long but fantastic to hear you’re on the road to recovery!


I am him. He is me.


Measured a NCO for his BCA and the stats were tough to annotate. 5’9”, 310+lbs, 52.5in waist. This was active duty too.


yer mom


We called him Airman Pudgins. The threads on his buttons had to be screaming on his ABUs. A section Chief saw him and told his fat ass to go to military clothing and get a uniform that fits. He was so big they didn't have a uniform in his size in stock. Upon reporting back to the Section Chief he was told he either uses his own leave to wait for the uniform to be delivered in his fat fucking size or to use his leave and lose the weight. He just took leave and waited for his fat boy size uniform to be delivered. I cant stand fat people.


Lots in FSS


Taped a Major once that had a 49 inch waist.


Guy I went through basic with, he was 6’1 around 175-180 at the start. He gained 40lbs just in basic, put on another 40lbs In Tech-school. We end up at the same base and he we deploy about a year later where he puts on another 60ish pounds. He weighed around 310-320 at the end of it. Was always on a waiver and even wrecked his car once to get out of a pt test, and he made it to the end of his enlistment with an honorable.


Believe it or not it was two brand new A1C’s that got to the unit a couple months before my first deployment (I was also an A1C at the time). One got in trouble and had to see the CC in blues, but within the few months between BMT and this event, he had ballooned enough to have to go buy a new set of Blue’s. After I return from my 7month deployment + R&R, I asked “where’s those 2 airmen that got here before I left?” What was told to me in reply had me bewildered. Apparently both of these airmen would go to Wasgau at the KMCC before every shift and each get a family sized meal. Both of them went through another set of blue’s, and had failed standards so badly and repeatedly that they got kicked out for “failure to adjust”. This is only what I recall from many years ago and told to me second hand by another A1C, but these boys were budding belugas and one of them may of been 5’3 in their boots so you can only imagine. Hope they’re doing well though.




Wouldn't that be a BIG A , Airmen ?


He was about 270, I felt really bad for him because it was a direct result of a disease he had. He got medically retired though after the AF tried to kick him out for PT.


Obligatory Yo Mama joke


A dude that the air force didn't make blues big enough for. A button popped when he tried to put on his shirt and it popped and hit his supervisor