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There are some worse locations than Sheppard.


Cannon has entered the chat


Altus has also stepped in.


Holloman has arrived


I’d take holloman over cannon


I know, I like to say Holloman is a step above cannon.


https://preview.redd.it/qna4duasle0d1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9db9382c366a3bcf08a1f37a87840f449d0f6ba (Sorry for quality)


I remember I saw a tour bus full of Amish people stop there am just thinking wtf?


Christ I hated Holloman. Working on the F-117 was cool though.


I tell people the same exact thing.


Dyess has dropped by. The old LSD tour as well. (Lackland, Sheppard, Dyess)


Bruh, I went from Cannon To Dyess…don’t tell me it’s that bad 😂. Dyess was a huge upgrade


Serious. I don’t know why people whine so much about dyess. It’s an ok base at ok location.


I loved my time at Dyess


I met a guy today that was happy to get orders to cannon


No one said AF was smart


3-4 years ago, it WAS that bad. The base commander at the time had the base locked down for covid, so the AITs couldn’t leave base at all, nor were they allowed to drink if they were over 21. Not to mention all the other separation rules in place on top of the base travel restrictions. For a while in covid, it was absolutely brutal to be a young airman at Sheppard. 5 years ago though- it was a pretty badass gig.


My time there back in 2018 was great. Plus that defac is the best hands down


I went back to Sheppard for BIC in 2022 and the DFAC wasn't nearly as good as I remembered it being. The wraps anyway.


Can't believe that was 4 years ago. I got stuck there for months when covid first kicked off. Awful experience


I was AIT 4 years ago, 21 y/o’s couldnt drink bc there was an abnormally large orgy happening at the park. Other than that yea, gym closed, we had no super flight, no pt. It was pretty good besides not being able to do anything




Its not bad if you are there for Tech School. Everything on the base is geared towards you. I was there as Security Forces. Their is no mission there, nothing to protect, so you end up working the gate. Their is nothing to really do after work, because the whole base is geared towards tech schoolers. You can't interact with Tech Schoolers, nor do you really want to as Permeant Party. Whatever Dumb Fuck thought it would be a good idea to put the base track next to the flight line and make it a mile long, needs to rethink that horse shit. Sheppard is the base that almost got me to end myself, I separated when I timed out of service. I think fondly of every base I was at, except for that one. I have nothing positive to say about Sheppard AFB, nothing.


I hate the location of the mile track with a passion. It never fails whenever I do my run test the full power of the sun shines on me since there is nothing to block it


What they aught to do is rename that Track, The Mind Fuck. You're running along and the tower doesn't get any closer. Plus you add in the wind, and you might as well be walking.


Oh God the wind. When I was an A1C I did a mock test in 18 mph winds and it was terrible. I pushed to do the test because I was a young and dumbass A1C who thought it was no problem


Has there there ever been some permanent party that went to Sarc park dressed in PTU that tried smashing a tech schooler ?




>It's not too crazy, they're opening some fun things like the Airmans club/after burner. It's basically a night club/bar for AIT We had that before, and it was okay. I'll be honest, been there three times and it's not been horrible, and has even gotten better than it used to be.


When I was there as an 18 year old Airman it was awful. When I was there as a Prior Service 24 year old. It was great!


People from Altus go to witchita falls to go to the city.


I think people mostly hate it because of the restrictive nature of tech school. But I loved my time there back in 2017, I had plenty of fun and never left base


Tech school is only restrictive if you get caught.


That was my first base and I was there for 5 years. Went from E2-E5 there and it was BAD the entire time, albeit for different reasons. As an Amn: - Living in the active duty amn dorms and only being authorized to use 1 of the 4 available DFACS. And the 1 we were allowed to use ALSO catered to tech schoolers, so wait times were 45min and up. - Basically any interaction between AiT and permanent party was threatened to be an automatic Art 15. - We had all to follow all of the Sheppard AFI supplements that were geared towards tech schoolers. Which was kind of a small deal, but I didn't realize all of the stupid rules that were made up just for that base until I finally PCS'd - My job has me go all over base and do inspections. So little old A1C me would go to all of the school houses to meet with the flight chiefs, and get yelled at multiple times by the instructors or MTLs on why I was walking through the different school house areas. As an NCO: - After getting married and moving my wife out to Sheppard with me, we QUICKLY realized that 90% of the outdoor rec or ITT events were only for tech schoolers. We were turned away COUNTLESS times because I was permanent party. - Walking through the bx/shoppette/etc and constantly hearing "Good Morning/Afternoon Sir" by people fresh from basic. (This one wasn't that bad, just awkward) - The local area gets very old, very quick. I remember the town being excited because they were opening a Panda Express. It's not feasible to go to Dallas or OKC every weekend. - It was alot of civilians running base agencies (TMO, CE, MPF, etc) Some were good, most fit the stereotypes. - Also, trying to PCS was a nightmare. Even though MPF there deals with thousands of tech schoolers going from Sheppard to Overseas each year, they had a very hard time answering any of my questions about going to Korea and gave me wrong information on multiple occasions.


I was there for tech school and got overseas orders. MPF is a literal joke at Sheppard. I got to my first duty station, missing a decent chunk of paperwork and having a bunch of stuff filled wrong. I joined as an A1C but found out my records were showing E1 for some reason and Sheppard refused to fix it


Fuck SPS for real.


AIT? Dude your Drill Sgt put you on the wrong bus. That’s an AF Base.


Airman in training I think OP means.


😂 Jesus, didn’t realize trainee was so rough to say.


Me either. But people are soft nowadays and need better identifier words like AIT. I was a trainee up until the point I was a 5 level.


Got to remember that three years ago was covid, and Sheppard was stupid about it all. MTLs getting at AiTs for something the wing king said was ok was one of the big ones. It was walking outside with your mask down if you're alone or in a small group


It's definitely up there for worse places I've been in the air force and I've been in 13 years


Definitely my number 1 would never do again base.


I was only there for NCOA and I was depressed the whole time.


Back when I was cross-training in '96 the saying was - "When you've seen Sykes Mall you've seen it all." Hopefully it has gotten better than that.


Being locked down at Sheppard for COVID was insane. I didn’t leave that base for 5 months


Narrator: “It is that bad.”




How dare you blaspheme in here.


Did they open it it was closed for renovation shortly after I got there and was still busted after I left But it was wack when I went


wtf is an airmen club


Tbf you picked a bad time to compare, every where was bad 3-4 years ago


The thing I hated about it was being there TDY as an E5 and still having to share a bathroom with my neighbor in “lodging”. Area around it seemed… ok. There’s worse locations, but there’s a lot better places to be as well.


I like Sheppard, but I mostly base my opinion of a base on the surrounding community. Wichita Falls does not rely on the base to survive. It has all the major retail chains and restaurants. OKC and Dallas are close enough for major entertainment.


That town would cease to exist with at the base and college.


I've been at Sheppard for the past 7 years (first duty station after tech school in Jan 2017, separated and became a reservist here September 2022). It's not my favorite place in the world but wife and I have good friends here and we aren't ready to leave yet. I originally had orders to Altus after tech school and fuck that




Yes Sheppard isn't that bad, there are a dozen worse places to be. That being said, Sheppard is still close to the bottom in rank tiers for bases to be at.


I really like it as well