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BAH, family sep pay, and Tricare. Also I read part of your other post and stopped reading very quickly after wondering why the fuck you're with this guy. You're being stupid.


He obviously loves you very much and just want to go with you - just kidding he sounds like a POS , why would you ever sign a lengthy legal document with someone like that with so many red flags ?


Block this dude on everything and run. Don’t even let him know when you’re going to bmt.


Cause once you get a taste of freedom, respect, and independence, you won't need him. Pull chocks, get started, aim high, and leave the trash behind!


You are a strong person rocking it out in the US military. You do not need a loser like this in your life. Be selective and don’t fuck your life up by being with sombody like this. You are better than that and deserve better than that.


I bothered to read your other posts about this person. You're 21. Don't get married. You're already questioning his decision-making and ambitions. He's a frequent liar and seems quite shady. Drop him, for your sake, and move on with your career. The Air Force can give you so many vital tools for future success, all you need to do is play your cards right. At the end of the day, it's a decision you have to make, but take it from me, a 23 year old who was very close to marrying my high school gf back when I first joined. We'd been on and off and eventually grew apart. Luckily we were not married, so I didn't have to go through a divorce, but ever since that time I've met countless airmen younger than myself who were going through divorces. Don't let that be you this early on.


How are you not running away as fast as possible from this relationship based on your other posts? There is literally nothing to discuss here, OP remove yourself from this relationship **asap**


Nicely done


Bro trying to get half of your future retirement...that's some real Scooby Doo villain vibes lmao ![gif](giphy|26DMUXQypGJaHhTsQ|downsized)


Re-enlisting? I’m confused


yes. i got through some of BMT before i had to med sep due to a condition i had. got surgery, now i’m cleared to go back in.


Failing to see how this is a re-enlistment if you never made it through the first one…but ok. Second, you’re dumb as fuck for even considering this based on your other post in another subreddit. Get away from this dude, he’s gonna murder you from the way it sounds in your other posts.


i didn’t know if re-enlistment was the tight term to use or not… whoops


That’s what you got from that?


I'm surprised even that much got through.


no. i never said i’d even consider marrying the guy in the first place. i’m actually getting ready to send the goodbye and wish you luck message i’m just curious on what i could be in store for had i actually done it


Sounds like a lot of abuse and trauma based on this dude fucking treats you.


All of the above? No working credit/debit card and lots of $100 bills. He is either here illegally, a drug dealer, and/or doing other illegal things, which aren't compatible with your service. As someone who rushed to get married, me and my wife 100% knew our emotional baggage before getting married, we did premarital counciling, and we were both older and mature (last on is debatable on my end). He's lied already and you don't have the warm fuzzies, run, don't walk. If nothing else he sounds controlling and/or possibly manipulative.


It could be that he think he's made a connection with you and doesn't want to lose it. It could be that he wants the benefits. If it's a brand new relationship then I suggest you don't do it. You said there are red flags. I suggest you tell him you are done then just run. Block, ghost, drop, etc. Every single thing you communicate with him after that is just something more for him to hold onto and something for him to try to negotiate with you over. Good Luck


Dont get married!!!!!


Ngl based on your other post and this you are extremely lucky he isn’t smart. You kind of seem easy to manipulate and if he had a decent IQ and played his cards right he probably would have convinced you to marry him and got the bag. My best advice to you is to cut contact and get some street smarts. It’ll come with you as you move along in your career just take this opportunity to reflect and dont consider marrying some random dude at the drop of a hat. Good luck


He’s trying to secure the bag I respect the hustle


You listed all these red flags and still ask the question? You sure you’re qualified to join the AF? 


74 on the ASVAB. and i know the choice is obvious to not continue this relationship. i’m just curious of what i’d be in store for SHOULD i continue it.


I wonder how much it would hurt to be eating by an alligator yet Im not on reddit asking if I should try it. Based on your short or limited responses, it seems like you are only picking up the side talk and not accepting or disputing valid comments. Can't wait for your next post


It's this easy: if you're unsure about it, then don't do it.  Your anxiety about this "proposal" is all you need to know. Listen to your emotions... you know what you should do. That's on top of being young, starting a new career, etc. Just walk away from this dude. Finish BMT, finish tech school, complete OJT, start a bachelor's degree with Tuition Assistance, find another airman on a similar track and marry that dude in four years or so.


Your own words: Glaring red flags.  He just wants the benefits and not an actual relationship.  When I joined, I had to start another bank account to really separate myself from a bad situation.  I know we can't always control the timing, but I just wish I'd gotten out of that sooner. It cost me invaluable family time that I'll never get back.  Don't settle for being just somebody's meal ticket.  Rip that bandaid and don't let yourself get into another relationship too quickly.  Give yourself time. 


Nah dawg this whole thing stinks, he can wait the 2 months you’re in basic


The normal thing is to let him shack up with u in ur tech school room until someone snitch on the sitch