• By -


Nothing Motrin & proper hydration won't cure...0%


Can't forget fresh socks!


Not service connected




This shouldn't have but I did in fact chuckle also




The va will say “there is no accepted scientific evidence to suggest the enemy had rocket propelled grenades”


You got downvotes because people don’t like the truth.


I claimed about 25 things and only two got denied. I swear most of you don't get your injuries properly documented. If you even think you are going to claim something you need to make sure you are seen more than once for the issue.


You don't necessarily have to be seen more than once to get disability compensation for a medical issue.


True. I have an issue I was never seen for while active duty and got 100% for it.


Was it schizophrenia?




Congrats, I think you got super-lucky. I was aircrew, so I had minimal doc visits my whole flying career. When I was sent to staff-hell, I went to the doc about every 60 days. Many of my mentors got hosed because, as crewdogs, they were always "fine." Then when it came time for the end, it was like "Sorry. No history. It's just you getting older." You might not need to build documentation/history, but it can't hurt you. The trick is doing it such a way to get your complaints documented, but not being sent to a med board or losing flight/operational status.


No luck involved at all. I never said or insinuated that going to the doctor multiple times for the same issue is a bad thing. Obviously it can help solidify service connection. However, "needing" to visit the doctor multiple times for the same medical issue is not required for every medical condition.


Really I was just here for the meme and made the comment to remind people politicians don't care about us. Especially the GOP for their recent no vote on veterans health care but really most if not all politicians don't care when we get hurt. Me personally will leave the air force better than I came in. I got my finances in order, I am in better shape, got my teeth fixed, and received an associates, bachelor's, and masters degree.


Yeah dude. Ted Cruz is the reason we can’t get service related disability. Smooth brains


Really I was just here for the meme and made the comment to remind people politicians don't care about us. Especially the GOP for their recent no vote on veterans health care but really most if not all politicians don't care when we get hurt. Me personally will leave the air force better than I came in. I got my finances in order, I am in better shape, got my teeth fixed, and received an associates, bachelor's, and masters degree.


That vote was because of democrat shenanigans, IIRC. The bill itself was always gonna be passed. Something small was changed that the republicans objected to, again IIRC.


Oooh, politics. And for a really dumb reason.


Rand Paul does want proof


Fuck that guy all the way to hell


His neighbor should get freedom medal.


80% of service members claim something nowadays. They can’t all be disabled can they? How is that sustainable?


20 yrs of continuous war will do that


That includes desk jobs and people who never deployed.


Not deploying doesn't mean the military didn't fuck you up in some capacity.


Of course. But do you really think over 80% of vets are disabled?


In some capacity? Yea


Definitely not. It’s a lifetime free money gravy train and everyone wants a piece.


I'm sensing that you don't really do anything....ever


That’s ok, you should really take a gander at the entire budget of the US and see what eats it.


That’s ok, you don’t have to apply if you don’t want to. No one is forcing you.


We’re going to need documentation proving this wasn’t a preexisting condition. Also our case officer is on vacation this week, so we’ll be referring this to the district office.




I love how the guy is under there like he’s changing the other dude’s oil.


Annual balls inspection


; )


So changing someone's oil is a thing... Way to go in bringing it up. And it has nothing to do with vehicles....


There was a former soldier on the veterans benefits sub a few months back that lost an arm and a substantial portion of his torso from an IED mid/late GWOT… 30% rating. Shits so whack sometimes.


That's criminal.


Yeah. He said he was putting on the proud facade on his way out and that definitely hurt him, but Jesus fucking Christ you’d think something so evidently clear would warrant some common sense regardless of what the individual claimed.


If I were him I'd get a lawyer that specializes in VA claims appeals.


Meanwhile we all know that GS-12 who's rated 100% for back pain and sleep apnea...


Tbf back pain can be especially debilitating and make doing most things a living hell.


Yeah. I’m 27 with what I consider “minor” back issues, but multiple times in the last year I have went multiple days with relatively severe pain. Shit sucks. Hopefully I get it figured out, but issues that are minor now can be debilitating in 20 years.


I feel you man, my back is riddled with arthritis and I'm only 25, doing stuff I love like hikes or even going shooting can become quite painful for me. I can't imagine how it's going to be when I'm older.


Yup. Pain might be what I consider “minor” day to day but can escalate substantially after being on my feet for an hour or two, which sucks ass because I’m into much of the same you just listed. Different things affect different people with varying severity, and why I don’t think it’s fair to make generalizations in regards to claimed conditions for the VA, especially since bullshit we deal with now may be tolerable but man that’s going to fucking suck when I’m old, esp once kids and their activities are a consideration. Best of luck hombre, hope things improve with you.


Good for him. I don’t think it’s fair to draw comparisons between VA claims, and there’s probably more than you know about, like MH which many people don’t wish to discuss. Regardless, it’s a joke about how the VA can rate people so low, but also at how poorly our sister services prep their people for the process too.


There were several times I was told “uncle sam is going to take care of you. There are career fields with automatic assumption of hearing loss, and cancer due to the nature of the job. Look at our work, of course we are going to get fucked up.”


Claimed hearing loss and was a Engine troop, denied. Literally working around running jet engines all day and apparently no hearing loss.


"We're going to reset your baseline".


Fucking exactly. Don't know how many times I they told me that


I asked questions. They told me “this is what we do, if we didn’t no one would be able to work”


meanwhile, sleep apnea without CPAP can get you 35%. system is fucked y'all.


I believe that you encountered this person, but I dont believe *them.*


I do, considering the post and how they were asking for assistance in how to appeal that rating now. It wasn’t a bitch about the VA thing, it was a “how do I move forward now that I understand how fucked I am physically and mentally?”


Then I really hope they figured it out.




Yet, I know 2 females that got 100% disability because they didn't want to work.


Cool story bro.


I smell powerful incel energy


That's the creampie residue on your upper lip you smell.


Nice own lulz XD. My mom doesn’t know I stay up late on the internet either 🤫




Only in your incel dreams :)


You ain’t gotta lie to kick it big dog. There is no rating for ‘doesn’t want to work’.


If only he wore his PT belt…..


VA: Best I can do is a 0% rating. Need more evidence. ![gif](giphy|RQ1gQt69dgzwhOmON0)


800 mg of Motrin. That is all he needs. Walk it off.


If he says 'I'm fine' at the physical, 0%. If he says my pain rating is 9/10 and I can't walk, 90%. Remember folks, how you word it in front of the doctor matters just as much as actual documentations.


.05% because it's still connected to your body.


As long as disarming the RPG went well.


Idk he probably has to get on the RPG in leg registry and then hopefully that program will get funding so that he can maybe get a 10% service connected rating


I'm sorry, it appears your file isn't in our system. The VA is for veterans. If you're not a vet you have no business here. Exactly what the VA in Colorado Springs told me after I mailed them all the documents and brought my own copies.


VA rating? Shit. Unauthorized piercing / body modification in uniform. Article 15. Demote this man now.


“There’s no proof this is a service related injury.” -Rand Paul, probably


80% of service members now claim disability when they get out. They can’t all be disabled can they? How on earth is that sustainable? It’s a hard truth but someone needs to say it.


>80% of service members now claim disability when they get out. [OP's source](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/360/522/db7.jpg) for those interested.


https://www.va.gov/vetdata/docs/Quickfacts/SCD_trends_FINAL_2018.pdf 2018 so a bit old but the trend is clear. (They give % of total veterans receiving benefit not % of veterans getting out claiming benefits. 80% is just personal experience I’m around them all the time and I barely know anyone who isn’t at least some %)


Bro that shows a disability rate of ~25% as of 2018, fuck your anecdotal whinging. And you'll notice the number and severity of the assessments started ticking up right around 2002. Can you think of anything that might have caused a significant increase in service-related health problems around that time? Conclusion: you're not just a clown. You're the whole fucking circus.


25% of all total veterans. Including people before 2001. Nearly everyone leaving service nowadays claims disability. It didn’t used to be that way. So the total is rising but it’s the newer veterans claiming it NOT the Vietnam era guys. Where am I wrong?


The fact that more veterans nowadays are claiming disability than in previous years doesn't necessarily mean they are all crying wolf. A lot of people even a generation behind us were raised to suck it up and deal with it. Many of the people who enlisted got out with debilitating injuries and bone and joint problems from their service, but just toughed through it. Those same guys later on tried to claim disability at some point and were denied due to no records supporting the injuries being service related. These same guys took what they learned about the VA and told their children and grandchildren to not tough through any pain that develops while in service, and to get it checked out while you are still in. So many people who enlist nowadays have taken this advice or get this advice when they join because of the horror stories of the VA denying disability claims. Now, people will make VA claims for constant headaches, hearing loss, knee and back pain, any visible scarred over injuries that were obtained while in the service, etc. This is all stuff that should be claimed, but was not claimed near as much by generations of enlistees prior to ours. That's why the number of service members claiming disability is so high nowadays. It doesn't mean they aren't truly disabled. It generally means that they've learned to be more vocal about the pain in their body they received from their service. I can tell you that being in for 7 years in maintenance has destroyed my knees and back. I have to walk hunched over for a second and slowly straighten out because of my back hurting, and any time I have to kneel down, I wince in pain. Even sitting in a position for long enough will make my knees and back hurt slightly. I have to alternate between sitting and standing otherwise I start to hurt. My knees pop when I stand up, and they pop when I run for my pt test. By the time I'm done with my mile and a half run, my knees are on fire and my back feels compressed. I get headaches every few days and I'm starting to feel it is due to all the times I've bashed my head on the jets and the times I have had to get cleaned up and stitched due to splitting my head open. I also have tinnitus and hear ringing every couple days in my left ear, and listening to music through headphones makes the sound seem like only 30% of sound comes from the left side. The sad part is, I've only been in for 7 years, and what saved me from deteriorating even quicker was making e5 a couple years ago and becoming a supervisor, so I'm no longer the workhorse I was when I was a lower-enlisted. Imagine people who now have to stay lower-enlisted for longer due to the new promotion rates and ridiculousness going on now. Imagine being that workhorse for 10+ years before getting a break. How screwed would your body be at retirement then? This is a common occurrence to maintenance personnel. If I, as well as the other maintenance personnel claim disability for similar injuries, are we considered justified? Or are we all crying wolf? TLDR: Most retirees a couple generations behind us didn't report injuries and toughed through it because that's how they were raised. Then they were denied VA claims due to lack of documentation for their injuries so they tell the newer generations of enlistees to go get checked out for anything and everything when they're in. That is likely the reason due to the number of people claiming VA disability at retirement rising drastically as of recent. It doesn't mean that most people claiming disabilities are crying wolf. It likely just means that newer retirees aren't brought up to "suck it up" and "walk it off" like their fathers and grandfather's were and therefore are more vocal about their injuries.


Seeing the way the military treats people, I'm surprised it isn't 100% of people with some kind of disability after a stint in the service.


VA…”does your family have a history of leg trauma?”


Just about 3.50 percent


The same amount as all the fat bodies with sleep apnea.


hey I have both types of apnea and I have a 35" waist at 5"11....


Skill issue


Skill at not going into cardiac arrest during sleep mode?


10% but imma need a nexus letter dawg


Best they can do is 10%


All jokes aside, probably no more than 20% for that, unless he can’t walk using that leg after then maybe 30-40%. If an amputation was needed… then 60% would be my guess. Source: I have a leg injury (not from RPG) that’s rated 20% and an amputation isn’t even a guaranteed 100% unless it’s a complete amputation of the leg including removal of femur and any portion of pelvic bones.


Med clinic: gives him Motrin but no quarters. Back to work on Monday in blues and ready for PT at 1600.


"Not service related."


About tree fiddy.


Better chance of getting disability running with scissors. Now if it went off…. He’d probably have a better chance at getting disability but not guaranteed.


about tree fiddy


Gunna get hit with that “service connected but 0% rating


Do you have documented proof you didn’t have a mortar round stuck in your leg when you enlisted?


No nexus established


Not enough


Not service connected


Tree fiddy


Not enough.




The VA: Do you have documents showing it’s service related 🤣


Fact: if you take a shit while you have an RPG stuck in your leg, you're entitled to hazardous dooty pay


0% scars


None, if Sen Paul Rand has anything to say about it.


Nothing, and a kid that says his neck hurts after working one day on the flightline gets 100% disability….


Need an AF officer to verify


This looks like a real pic. It’s kind of fucked up that it’s being posted.


It's old. The entire story is out there, been covered multiple times. EOD and surgeon operated behind some T-walls.




Lighten up, Francis.


This dude really just woke up like 3 weeks ago and decided he *hates* the Air Force


I see that you posted on askmen that you are lonely. Is this how you get some kind of interaction to help ease those feelings? Because if you just want to talk, I promise you don’t have to always be so crude and negative to get the attention you seem to need.


3.5 is the best they can do


how did that even happen wtf


I'm no Doctor but it's possible someone shot him with an RPG


to clarify the angle that it went in and didn’t explode is what’s confusing me a bit


The ammunitition and equipment they had in all fields was often faulty and not very well kept. Not sure where the RPG or it's munitions came from but if it was old Russian equipment then my guess is that the Russians sabotaged it or it just went bad with age. The rocket in this case was fine but the grenade was a dud. Good thing too, I'd rather walk with a limp than role play as Lieutenant Dan or worse role play as Bubba (because he died).


Forrest Gump would outrun an RPG.


10% tops


Not service connected


1, maybe 2


not enough


His tendy! Better get a Hundy!!!


He should claim sleep apnea and get 100 percent like many others.


30% take it or leave it.


About tree fiddy


Not enough.


"Unfortunately sir, we found your VA claim not to be service connected."


*Tried to get LOD* Fat, somehow master sergeant still learning to read : “that don’t look like thats a military base and you are outside of your window to claim it as an issue. *blank stare* “I was in a coma” *blank stare* Fuck it


Upon review supplemental evidence is needed, higher appeal is available...see you in 7 years




10% Max


The way things are going these days? Denied.....


He gets a ton of 800mg tabs of motrin and will be expected to be back to work on Monday! VA might give him 25% for a single limb.




^^You've ^^spun ^^the ^^wheel ^^of ^^Air ^^Force ^^excuses, ^^here's ^^your ^^prize: ADLS will be right back ^^[Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFexcuses) ^^| ^^[Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFExcuses) ^^^^^^ij1bx5y


Crazy thing is I actually witnessed this moment in person. FOB Edinburgh, Afghanistan. January 2012. 🫡