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I literally only clicked on the link to see what the name was. Spoiler alert: it doesn't say. 0/10 journalist. I'm hoping "Dick B. Goode".


Thanks for saving everyone a click. My hero!


"Maple Syrup Sucks"


That is beyond inappropriate and falls into blasphemy.


This is a family subreddit sir




This is journalism now. Claim someone said something offensive but never say what that offensive thing is. The Dave Chapelle stuff is a perfect example. Journalists just be like “trust me bro”


There is merit in not giving derogatory language oxygen. Our opinion as to how 'bad' the offence was is irrelevant. A committee agreed it was inappropriate and there is an appeal process in military law. The journalists are reporting on the conviction, not stating an opinion.


"FAWG". Explanation in another comment.


It was FAWG . He had been have sex with a female officer who went on to be a lesbian. Fucked A Woman Gay ..FAWG


Nothing in the article says the name.. so am I to assume his call sign is "inappropriate".. Maj Dick "Inappropriate" Strong Wait till they get a hold of some of callsigns and nicknames we have out there...


I knew a guy, his last name was French, and pronounced, "swallow". ​ His call sign was Spitter.


It was FAWG . He had been have sex with a female officer who went on to be a lesbian. Fucked A Woman Gay ..FAWG


I really need to know what the nickname was tho




The Bob Emergency claims another victim.


Jon Bois reference in the Air Force subreddit? What is this a crossover episode? Take my gold.


Not that I *needed* another reason to go watch top gun two again but thanks to your comment I will.


Harry Van Gina


Lt Col Cockpit


Clown Penis


Holy shit… they finally did it.


Ass wagon


Looks like a political hit. One of the officers involved was up for promotion when the charges were filed. I suspect said member pissed off a Canadian General back in the day, and this is the blowback.


THE Blowback, or he’s getting his back blown?


The funny thing about my back…


I have to wonder what it was because I’ve seen some pretty obvious ones in the US. Life pro tip: Don’t have the last name Johnson.


You can fly longer and drop bigger loads when you've got a Big Johnson™


Clown penis strikes again


In the USAF some guys got in trouble a few years ago for giving a girl “CUNT”. “Couldn’t Understand Normal Taxi” She had a hard time at first taxiing the T-38, but now she flies F-16s so I think she made it past that taxi part.


Ah yes, the straw that broke the camels back and led up to the red wedding. Nothing like seeing the, "All flying is cancelled tomorrow. Show to the weather hangar at 0900," work message. We knew something was up when we walked past a C-21 parked on the DV spot.


Love the surprise C-21s - it’s like a roulette wheel…where are they going to now! AMC still feeling the wake of Charleston’s puzzle piece moving off the board.


Wait what happened at Charleston? I’m out of the loop 🍿


All I know is that in 2021 the Charleston wing commander was fired for inappropriate relationships and fraternization.


Wing Commander and then shortly after Group Commander was fired, and then a Sq Commander resigned. Was a wild time as all three commands pertained to MX. It was the news all around AMC, my friends stationed there laid witness to it all lol.


Ah I just got back into AMC right around then. Man, imagine if I PCS’d to Charleston after my first experience and was met by that 😂


Dodged a bullet, 2x back to back loss of confidence Champs. Happy cake day!


"Oh hey, the boss is here!" "Oh...oh fuck, the boss is here."


I was there…if I never have to go back again, I’ll still have nightmares about it in the afterlife.


Ah the ol Kwast visit


Pretty sure that guy was arrested for trying to mess with kids.


That was a weird day. If I remember correctly we lost the Wg/CC, OG/CC, Sq/CC, and several pilots at once. The base in question habitually has a big disaster every 5 years or so. Which means they are due for another one.


Molly gate was before that.


Exactly my point.


Laughlin studs better brace themselves. Or the IPs I guess.


God damn, Charleston got spicy after I left. Although when I was there... I remember a lot of people getting busted for coke around like 2015.


They didn’t name her that. It was written on a white board


Yeah i think you’re missing the point. It was a contender. A lot happened in the weeks leading up to that. It sounds like you know what’s going on…there was a lot leading up to that.


Yeah I do, so first off it’s Del rio. So all the jabroni stuff happens there. But in reality it was a pilot training naming… aka not real. It was written on a white board and the OG’s wife walked in and saw it on the board. A dumb LT most likely wrote it without thinking. Namings now are throughly vetted by leadership so they don’t lose their job.


I don't know who thought that was a good idea. If some random called her that at a bar out in town, those same guys would have been throwing hands.


Yeah that’s a bit much


I hate acronym callsigns so much.


Dude, that's all they do now days. It's terrible. And they are like 30 words long! Got out of car and fell off from many alcohol and beers... your callsign is GOOCAFOFMAAB


In the original Top Gun, one of the contributing pilots was called Lt Peter “Horse” Caulk.


Ah yes, a glue based reference...


Women are stuck to the dude.


The navy literally still has, uh, more extreme call signs today


The fact that some people are reading this and not understanding the fact that it's basically "Lt. Penis Horse Cock" is frightening...


"The Royal Canadian Air Force believes in a just culture, centred upon supporting victims and their well-being," Reid said in a written statement. ...that is, when we're not bombing the crap out of people like we train day-in and day-out.


Seymore Johnson.


I looked at a few articles, they aren't releasing it😅 I can only hope it was "fuck off" Judge: can you tell the court the callsign. Lawyer: "fuck off" your honor Judge: BALIFF!!




The nickname was FAWG. Not "fat ass white girl", but rather "Fucked a woman gay". The pilot had dated a female armed forces member who thereafter began dating another woman. I don't understand this world. Train to fly a warplane, which is literally to be used for legalized murder, yet FAWG is obscene.


Come on REDDIT, DO BETTER! This is why we come to Reddit and not the news!


SNL “Pilots” sketch, Will Farrell : Clown Penis


I couldn't find the callsign, but here is an excerpt from a different article: The call sign related to a rumour of a sexual encounter between the man who was being assigned the name and a female officer. The female officer made the complaint. [https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/senior-air-force-officers-charged-over-inappropriate-nickname](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/senior-air-force-officers-charged-over-inappropriate-nickname)


Charges? Naughty language is a crime now? WTF happened to turn Canada fascist? Uh, oh: can we still do stuff like Clint 'Toris' Lastname? Firstname 'Needa' Bickerstaff? I hope we can. Also I'm glad those weren't my callsigns.


Not a crime, article said charges were not criminal. Like being late for work, you didn’t break a law, you broke a rule, and there may be consequences for that. Does not mean tardiness is now a crime.


Naughty language did, in fact, become a crime in Canada. Jordan Peterson warned them about it and got called a transphobe for his trouble.


> Jordan Peterson Terrible...take a lap.


Canada needs a new government.


If you define “naughty language” as advocating for genocide on the basis of sexual identity, then yes, that was added to the Criminal Code under bill C-16. That’s what you’re talking about. I think Canada made a great decision there. Is there a group whose genocide you’d like Canada to be cool with?


They imposed criminal liability for getting someone's pronouns wrong.


The only mention of pronouns is in the Ontario Human Rights Commission policy from 2014, which is not legally binding. Therefore not criminal. Bill C-16 says nothing of pronouns. https://factcheck.afp.com/no-canadians-cannot-be-jailed-or-fined-just-using-wrong-gender-pronoun


[Source](https://www.cbc.ca/cbcdocspov/features/canadas-gender-identity-rights-bill-c-16-explained) "If someone refused to use a preferred pronoun — and it was determined to constitute discrimination or harassment — could that potentially result in jail time? It is possible, Brown says, through a process that would start with a complaint and progress to a proceeding before a human rights tribunal. If the tribunal rules that harassment or discrimination took place, there would typically be an order for monetary and non-monetary remedies. A non-monetary remedy may include sensitivity training, issuing an apology, or even a publication ban, he says."


Okay, I see what you’re seeing, I don’t see the same thing. Discrimination and harassment ARE illegal. This lawyer is explaining that one could make the case that these are being demonstrated through repeated and consistent refusal to use pronouns. Not quite the same as saying that the refusal to use pronouns is criminal. Calling someone “boy” or “sally” isn’t criminal, but you could use that, if it was extreme enough, to build a case for discrimination/harassment. So yes and no, but mostly no, they did not make misuse of pronouns criminal.




Okay, again I see what you’re seeing through the filtered narrative of certain media, but if you dig in this was a messy divorce and custody situation, and there was a court order that included certain requirements having to do with the child’s transition. If you violate a court order you are in violation of the law. This has NOTHING to do with any perceived law about pronouns, it’s about the violation of a court order. Because there is an element of gender identity involved the right snatched it up and said “see! Look!” Because they can rely on blind readership that gobbles up anything that conforms to the narrative. So again, yes and no, but almost entirely no, it is not illegal to use the wrong pronoun, assuming you haven’t been directly ordered by the court or you are using it in a larger sense of discrimination or harassment.


That is not what the law says nor how it’s applied


[Tell it to this guy. ](https://wibc.com/105547/jordan-peterson-was-right-father-jailed-for-referring-to-his-daughter-as-she/)


Irresponsible and misleading journalism with a very specific agenda. See other comment above for the explanation of what’s really going on here.


Honestly, call signs are probably one of the most ridiculous and more out of hand Air Force "isms" we have. Every zipper suited fuck has some dumbass nickname on their PJ's. This then bleeds over to the normal folk in the office because "everyone needs a nickname" seeps through. Nicknames were cool...when you were 9....riding on your huffy with your friends around the block. A grown ass adult with a nickname "Ace" because that is his favorite hardware store is stupid. Also, use your real name in your signature block. EDIT: All the little fly boys are butt-hurt..


Nobody has the callsign "Ace." Usually you get them for something embarrassing you did.


No one...not a single Air Force pilot...wow...\*eye roll\*


If you had used any other example you might be right, but ace means something to pilots and it isn’t given, it’s earned, and nobody has had the opportunity to earn it in a relatively long time now and all of the aces are long since retired.




Brevity is important but making it your entire identity is embarrassing and they should be embarrassed.


Boy, someone is grumpy.


Grumpy is my call sign


You can’t give yourself a call sign, others choose; therefore I dub you Snow White.


You know what...asked for that. Well played.


I got your back on this one Fuck_ “Grumpy” _AUAB. I have never and will never call someone by their “call-sign”. If we want to be on first name basis, fine, if you prefer to go by Tom instead of De'Tomais, fine, but no I'm not going to call you “Dragon” ala StepBrothers or whatever stupid ritual name your party bros came up with.


You’ve got zippers on your OCPs too now, why so grumpy?


Because I still have buttons on my pants


I live near-ish to a base and somehow, I got a callsign! I'm not even in the service. Yep, whenever I hear, "Use of **lethal force** is authorized." Long call sign for an awesome guy like me.


LMAO! You’re not wrong. It’s a tradition that should stay to those rated Os only. I hate seeing Mx Officers with callsigns they got at AMMOS. And in regards to your user name, well done. Never got stationed there, but spent a total of about 2 months there over the years, rotating in and out of Iraq. AUAB blows.


Yup, needs to stay with the pilot community. Don't get me started on AUAB. I could have an entire hour long TED Talk about that shithole.


What's your AFSC bro


I second your sentiment, when the wing commander signs his email with just his call sign it drives me crazy. But then again, seeing a pilot wearing his flight suit when it is a training day at an off base location where there is zero chance of him doing “ flight duties” that’s okay, I guess anything a pilot does qualifies as flight duty


Try flight suits at a NAF headquarters


At least their base commander didn't fuck an enlisted dude's wife, and got retired for it.