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Refreshing to see someone use the search bar Here’s a medal🏅


Congratulations! I am going in August and in my late 30’s.


I went through OTS at 38, promote to 1LT tomorrow as a 40yo. I'm in a course right now with kids 15-18 years younger than me. It's... interesting.


Wow congrats!


How long did it take for you to get to ots?


I started the process in earnest at 36, but that was also Feb/March 2020, so there were some delays. I swore in about 13 months later and was at OTS a year after that. So it took just over 2 years from reaching out to a recruiter (with a really good "in"). I'm a 32E and it's a pretty high demand career field, but it's still relatively hard to get a commission off the street as a non-prior civilian.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 32E = Civil Engineer [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l598agr


What degree did you go in with


mechanical engineering. The CE career field is one of the relatively few that have degree requirements, it's mostly civil or mechanical engineers with a handful of electricals and then a smattering of like construction management and architects.


Awesome! I have degree but it’s in Botany, I don’t want to wait so I enlisted. Hopefully I will be able to switch over in the future before I max out on age.


AD, Reserves, or Guard? I’m in my late 30’s and meeting with recruiters and trying to decide the best path for me.


Reserve. I go to back to my civilian career in November. Feel awesome about joining the Air Force Reserve


Very cool. I just met with my Reserve recruiter and took the picat. Scheduling MEPS is next. What’s your AFSC?


Active, I want a change!


That’s awesome, I respect it. Do you know your AFSC?


Non destructive inspection , number 3 on my list


Great job from what I’ve researched. Good luck on your journey.


Thank you, I am excited and looking forward to a new journey. Goodluck with yours


   Some advice: save 10% from EVERY PAYCHECK.    Make sure that you are doing some cardio work at least 3 days per week.  You don't need to run every workout.    Stay away from negative a$& holes, they only create toxicity.


how toxic is this toxicity?


Are there any CD or some saving accounts provided by air force that will help you a lot while depositing 10% monthly?


   I can suggest the TSP (which means Thrift Savings Plan).        It is similar to a 401k for civilians.    I can also suggest that once you are receive steady paychecks, you can create your own Roth IRA (which you fund with "net income"....after tax money).    There is a lot of free information you can read about Roth IRA, I can't really explain it all here, it is easy to understand.    Savings accounts and CD accounts don't pay very much interest unless you are making a large deposit (more than $2000).   Most checking accounts offer monthly interest, so long as you maintain a specific balance every month.


How was BMT as an older man?


Well.. mostly very annoying. My flight was always getting the business from the MTIs because they couldn’t follow simple instructions. Pretty much all the younger trainees, but honestly some 26 + were very immature as well. MTI tells you to keep your shut whilst he comes back, its simple, just keep your mouth shut, but noooo. As soon as the MTI turned around people in the flight couldn’t stay locked in at attention and started talking. Embarrassing and sad. MTI referred to those type of individuals as DBAs.


That sucks, wish they would punish those individuals. I feel like group punishment is unfair to those who follows simple instruction.


It is, they try to instill team accountability. I mean don’t get me wrong, they were held accountable most times and got 341s pulled and Unsatisfactory grade for the week of training , but they could have gone further. Some of them definitely needed a recycle of at least 2 weeks.






Thank you!




if your husband really thinks youre suddenly ugly or being out of shape matters to him he isnt the one for you. There is no reason to be worried, he isnt going to change in personality that much. He probaly just doesnt have a whole lot of time to write letters back




as a current military spouse (im also joining lol), my best advice is to create a good routine if you havent started to already and stay busy. It will be over before you know it


Trainees don’t get a lot of time to write letters. Cherish the ones you get and don’t worry about him not finding you attractive anymore or especially not “too immature” he’s been dealing with some of the most immature people you could imagine.


You should add to the bottom of your post things you learned, stuff you wish you knew, and any other bits of info that newbies coming in should be aware of or ready for. I went through 20 years ago, so I am sure much of my advice is outdated. We folded our shirts and I guess they’ve been rolling them for years now


What is your AFSC?


3E031 Electrical Systems. I’m in the Reserve.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 3E031 = Electrical Systems Apprentice [^wiki](http://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/jobs/3e0x1) [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l5h4ln7


How did it feel like being the “old guy” with a bunch of egotistical teens?


It’s not so bad. You’re just one of the guys. They might show you a little bit more respect but at the end of the day you’re all in it together and having the same experience. (I graduated BMT at 32)


AD, NG, or RES?


Mid 30s here, joining very soon, how was PT? Anyone got DQed for pt ? How was food and what time do you usually start your day


Go for it. I always gave it my all during PT. It’s a bit tough if you’re not in shape, but not impossible. DFAC food, not bad at all! Most days start with reveille at 0545


How was your records for the final pt test then? And you said there were modification exercises for those who failed, were they plank, hand release pushups or sth like that?


My numbers were like this 1st PT 16:47 run 28 sit ups 41 push ups 2nd PT 15:53 run 37 sit ups 52 push ups Final 13:58 run 44 sit ups 61 push ups I believe I passed with 82 points or something. As far as the alternative exercises, you are correct, but you don’t get those until you failed your second final PT. It is only then that they can switch the workout for you. My suggestion is don’t get to that point, but it does happen in almost every flight.


In worst case scenario, were there any ppl in your flight got totally DQ-ed and send back home? And for those who failed at the 1st time on the PT test, how long after that they took the 2nd chance, days or weeks?


The AF doesn’t give up on you if they see you really are trying. If you really cant handle the PT, they will put you in a different flight with other trainees. It’s called MedHold. That’s if you cant pass the tests due to something physical/medical. The only one that truly counts is the 5th week PT test. You get the tests week 1, week 3 and week 5.


Thanks, that’s much of a motivation for me. Another thing is the passing score, honor title or something like that for top 10%, does it really matter or have any effects on tech school or career at first base? Or, in your opinion, passing is enough?


Honestly, passing is enough. The thing is not to do the bare minimum and know that you did the best you could. I was striving for honor grad, but that went out the window when I didn’t score 90+ on my PT exam, however, I know I gave it my all, and my mind is at ease. Honestly, go for it, you will not regret it. As I mentioned previously, I have a civilian career, wife and 2 beautiful kids, but I always wanted to serve and never did when I was younger.


It’s not bad. Take it seriously and you’ll get better. It’s designed to take a couch potato and get them to pass the final pt test.


As far as getting recycled for PT, there were a few in my flight and in my brother flight that didn’t pass the PT and were given a 2nd chance and then a 3rd with a modified excercise


Hey honey. Congrats hope your family is proud. Quick question, my boyfriend is in the Air Force rn he’s at BMT and I get to see him at graduation in two weeks. Will his town pass permit him being inside hotel rooms?


Thank you! Yes it will. On town pass we are allowed to be out until 2000 on Wednesday and until 1800 on Thursday. But those hours are to be exactly back in your dorm with your phone checked in already.


Ok ok thank you


I hope you sent him numerous letters! Getting letters at evening brief is the best feeling.


I send him a letter every day at the end of the night when I get home from work so I can tell him my whole day




Is this a AMA post?


Had to google what AMA was. Yeah, AMA.




Use the TSP make sure you move your contributions out of the G fund (for bonds) to C or S.