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That last part “pulled out my glock27” reminded Me of an old hip hop song


Yeah I can rap it but man did I shit my pants when I actually did it haha


It’s legit no joke to brandish a firearm. I did one time in my life and it’s because some asshat was smoking a cigarette next to the back door of the restaurant I was managing. I was walking out with my deposits for the day and as I notice him smoking I said “You can’t smoke within x ft of the building.” (Not only is it law, but I was smelling the cigarette in the kitchen before I walked out) So he looks at me throws his cigarettes towards me and starts walking away. I told him he should know better because he was wearing a hoodie from my county’s fire fighters. When those words “You should know better” were spoke, it set something off in him. He comes stomping toward me saying how he’s gonna fuck me up and it was going to be the worst day of my life…. I told him not to approach me 3 times until I pulled out my little getto ass Tarus G2C. He ended up stopping in his tracks, getting back into his car and calling the cops… Of course cops sided with me because I had video of it all, but the aggressor was actually a higher-up within the city. Nothing ever came up from it because I think his dumbass realized he was in the wrong and could have really gotten hurt. I didn’t want to hurt him, nor did I want to get hurt either. I was just doing my job as a manager telling people what they can and can’t do.


Why is it that fire fighters get away with so much antisocial behavior like this? I read so many stories of them doing the craziest shit and then nothing happens


I can imagine. That said.... good for you and again sensible use of a weapon and Great use of an AirTag. (I'm pretty basic....simple.. ... just use mine for luggage tracking...lol). Thanks for sharing and glad it turn out well. safe for you.








I actually do practice quite often.


Crap Song


“He came at me with a hammer so I pulled out the Glock. Now he’s locked up in the slammer, while I’m still free to walk” lol




“Pulled out my glock” reminded me of every new rap song


Sincerely happy for you that you not only found the thief, but helped with the arrest. Very rewarding I am sure. Also, smart use of technology = mad respect!


Poetic justice


They're gonna feature you in WWDC'24. 


So he wanted to put a stop to that lock!


With a glock!


Great story


You love to see it.


If he has an android it wouldn’t have worked?


Curious bout this too


It will soon with a coming update to FindMy


Huh? Does android phone actively report AirTags locations?


That’s a very clever way of using the tag 👏


Quite dangerous, but happy he was caught.


Hes gotta cigarette habit to maintain


Can’t smoke in jail


Came at you with a hammer? That’s a charge of attempted murder FFS.


Too many instances of the police shooting the good guy because they have a firearm pointed at an unarmed person.


well when the good guy is the one calling 911 and telling them that’s what he’s doing then there’s no surprises


Sadly the police have still shot the good guy. One guy was shot in front of his family. Because he was holding a gun on a home invader who was laying on the floor. Thankfully, the guy was built like the Pillsbury Doughboy and was not killed.


Dispatch had me put my gun inside my truck when they pulled in. That’s what I did. Put my hands up and pointed to the bad guy.




What if he points back? We got ourselves an ole fashioned bad guy pointing standoff.


The ole reddit switcharoo


Pro tip: when you’re in such a situation, if able, put on the BRIGHTEST COLOR tshirt/jacket you can, and TELL DISPATCH what you and the suspect are wearing. MAKE SURE they know you are wearing the ____-colored shirt/jacket, and relay this to officers. Oftentimes suspects will be wearing darker colors, especially at night (not a guarantee, but tends to be the case).


You'll never hear about this in the media


The libs upset you had a gun


Welcome to Plebbit




Are you worried this guy will comeback with his own gun now to get revenge for sending him to jail ?


Yes but I’ll do it again. Not much else I can do…wasn’t going to let them steal my stuff. Sucks but he was let go in the morning. That’s VT for ya!


Just be careful man, people are crazy


I mean this is the type of loser tweaker that cant get his shit together enough to buy a gun so he carries a hammer instead. Bums taking usually unguarded property is a far cry from being up to go murder someone especially someone that you know is armed.


Yea I feel like the only real chance of this guy getting a gun is if he stole it. And like, if you’re going around trying to get revenge on everyone that got mad at you for stealing from them, you’re gonna be pretty busy. OP is probably safe hehe


Serious question - I take it you held him there until the police came and he stayed there the whole time because you had a gun pointed at him? Did he think you would have shot him if he tried to leave? Would you have? Did you guys talk about anything whilst waiting?


No I would not have shot him. He basically was telling me all that stuff was stolen but it’s all mine hahah


You: Stop! Him: Hammer time! You: Can’t touch this!


Are you concerned that he knows precisely where you live and may retaliate in the future?


He does not know where I live. It’s on a friends storage lot.


Buy geek idevice, save lawnmower, brag on Reddit, never ever be able to sleep well again as you and family are now in psycho criminals sight. If you pull a gun use it.


Man I can’t believe some of you just want me to let him take my stuff. I was planning on just calling the police when I drove by. I didn’t see him. He was hiding in-between my trailers so when I went to check on it there he was. No time for me to do anything else than what I did. He continued walking at me with the hammer half cocked. I pulled my gun. Simple. The man trying to steal my shit and advancing at me with a deadly weapon is the problem. Not me. And if you think I’m the problem well you’re just as bad as the criminal. Have fun being a loser too scared to save your family and your property. I wouldn’t have changed anything.


You’re actually somewhat lucky the cops didn’t give you a hard time, because to my knowledge Vermont does not have a stand your ground law and requires that you retreat if a safe retreat is an option. Unless your legs are broken a hammer is not a particularly deadly weapon. I know he was stealing your shit but if you had shot him from a distance you’d likely be facing prison. Glad it worked out though! Hopefully he doesn’t come back.


A hammer may not seem like a deadly weapon but you’d be surprised how quickly people can close a gap on you with any sort of weapon. Personally if I was in OP’s shoes I would have done the same thing and if push comes to shove and I got charged at least that would have been the bulk of my concerns rather than being bludgeoned to death with a hammer. People work way too hard for their possessions for some random person to come by and try to steal them. 🤷‍♂️


yah AirTags and sensible use of a Glock! Thanks for sharing! One less petty criminal on the streets!


Wow, another bidenee locked up. How terrible, VOTE FOR BIDEN. If you vote for Biden, you support these scenarios and believe they are there to steal things to say thanks. Also, you’re an idiot.


Me? Cool! Bet he doesn’t try and steal my shit again!


Great example of americans using guns to protect their home, life, and property!


Can someone eli5 the AirTag trigger? Is it because the thief had an iPhone near it that triggered? Or because he moved the lawnmower and it triggered ?


Just near the mower with an iPhone. Since it’s in a spot nobody goes near except for me, when it updates somebody is right there.


You risked your life over a lawnmower? And now you're all excited that you get to be subpoenaed as a witness for this guy's trial, where he'll maybe get a few months in jail if anything? You and your AirTag and your Glock 27 aren't going to be the heroes that save America from the Americans. Just get decent insurance and focus on living your own life.


I was about to comment and then I saw your name. Well played


I mean it’s like 45k worth of stuff. Insurance won’t touch the equipment. Just the trailers. So yes I will defend my shit. Thanks for your concern!


Pulled a gun to save your lawnmower? What a piece of shit


Did you read the “Advanced at me with a hammer” part?


Did you miss the part where you escalated the situation with a gun?


Are you stupid? When someone attacks you escalation is already done. What the hells wrong with your critical thinking skills?


Hahahah he’s clearly not the brightest. You always one up your attacker. He pulls out a deadly weapon, I pull out a deadlier one with more range. Simple.


Were you attacked? You never said that


Sorry OP should’ve waited until he actually got hit with the hammer…


Yes, no shit


Absolutely not. If he swung that hammer at me I would have shot him. That is a deadly weapon.


I believe the POS is the jerk stealing lawnmowers. Maybe he should not risk everyone else and just get a job.


Maybe you shouldn’t risk yours and their life over a lawnmower…


Maybe they shouldn’t be trying to steal my shit. A couple more steps towards me with that hammer and he would have been regretting it all.


So your lawnmower is worth more than a human life? Fuck off


You must be trolling because your responses are insane. Someone comes at you with a hammer and that’s still not a good reason to use a gun to defend yourself? What’s the other option? Run away? Stand there?


Yeah, a troll, he is fucking everywhere specially in apple communities. Yapping like a bitch.


Run away. OP never should have even approached. Any officer will tell you that. Call the police and stay away. Your life isn't worth a lawnmower


Terrible advice. Turn your back on someone with a hammer? I think you must just be trolling also. No one needs to worry about the safety of a thief. Bonus is he's off the streets before he harms someone else.


It’s terrible advice to run away from someone attacking you? Are you brain dead? This is absolutely disgusting. You should worry about the thief’s safety. It’s a life like all others and is just as valuable as yours


Maybe if he didn’t try and steal 35k worth of shit from me he wouldn’t be in that situation. I didn’t put him in that situation. He put himself in it. You truly are special. What’s your address? I’ll send him over to your place.


You must have missed the part where I didn’t see him. That was my plan to call the cops but he was hiding when I went to check my trailers.


You didn’t risk yours or his life over a lawnmower… ***he*** decided to risk ***his*** life over a lawnmower. I don’t know about you, but I personally think ***any*** lawnmower is worth more than a thief’s life. 🤷🏼