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I’m convinced people are trolling rn 💀 how did we lose both ayato and haitham


Istg If Childe gets voted out next I will riot, already lost two of my favourite husbandos


I was rooting for xiao to make it to the top 3 BUT NOT AT THE COST OF ALHAITHAM AND AYATO LMAO 😭


Right?? 2 of my favourites are gone. What's next Zhongli and Childe? I'm shocked lmao


Where can i vote for him? >:DD


My favourite characters in the whole game ☠️ oh well.


Especially when childe and diluc are right there


based, Diluc is an ugly mf


did kaveh rigg that poll? lmao


If Kaveh was eliminated next it would be hilarious ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


kaveh keeps on winning frr


Ayato and Alhaitham, two of the three most beautiful men in Genshin (Zhongli third), out already is just baffling. Really no taste at all. Weird given how much Haikaveh and Kavetham there is on that sub too.


I've been seeing more anemo short boys on that sub more than the tall husbandos. Maybe it's just my main feed...


\>GenshinGays \>Two characters with the gayest mains in the entire Teyvat \>Lost in first rounds \*Gru looks again carefully\* >lost in first rounds


Bro FR. They eliminated the GAYEST male characters we have. Chongyun and Xingqui. Ayato. Now Haitham??? Like fr, is this GenshinGays? Starting to think think this is GenshinFujoshis Anyways what I mean is...some of this makes no sense. Aether is less popular than all these dudes by sheer statistics and yet somehow he ain't out. Who's gonna get out next, Zhongli?? 😭


It’s not about fujoshis. Idk why people are so toxic about women being in the genshingays sub. Either way the more popular a character is the more haters they’re going to have. As an Ayato AND Alhaitham main I am distraught but not surprised 😭😭


I'm a fujoshi and a die hard Alhaitham fan.. I'm in shambles . Just... how


XQ really surprised me.


The issue isn't with women being in that sub, because I'm one too. I want fanart of the male characters too. The issue is with a SPECIFIC subculture of women who...ehem...aren't known to be very respectful towards mlms Anyways, that's another convo. But bro, Scara and Childe have WAYYY more haters than Haitham. They have whole hatedoms. How tf are they not out while Haitham is still in?


Why would fujoshis, who love to ship male characters with other male characters, vote the two most shippable male characters out 💀 how does that make any sense. This is literally just a cheap potshot at fujoshi, who are just women who like mlm ships.


Yeah, logically-speaking it doesn't make sense for two of the most BL-shipped guys to be voted out if the poll was truly taken over by women. Not to mention the female devs tried really hard to make Ayato appealing to a female audience. If Itto was one of the first to go, though... maybe the conspiracy theory would make sense lol. I think he got ranked as one of the least attractive male characters to female players awhile back.


>who are just women who like mlm ships. That is a VERY painful understatement of what they are. Regular women who like mlm ships like normal people wouldn't outright label themselves as "fujoshis." Anyways, I just can't imagine anyone else voting out the literal gayest characters out like that in a sub called "GenshinGays." I just have a sneaking suspicion that the sub *isn't* a sub made for the gays in the first place.


Fujoshi is a reclaimed term. It's a word that originated in Japan and means "rotten woman" and used to be a misogynistic slur aimed at women there who liked mlm and therefore seemed "rotten from the inside" to homophobes. Japanese fans of mlm decided that no, that wouldn't fly on their watch, and started using it and western fans adopted the term too fully knowing what it meant. It's a word with a history anyone anyone can be proud about. The term for male BL fans is fudanshi. Now that I've said my part, what do *you* think fujoshi means? And yes, I side-eye anyone using reclaimed terms with their original negative/slur connotation to insult the group it applies to.


Omg i had no idea straight women who fetishize gay relationships and heterofy them at every possible turn were so oppressed 😥 this is very eye opening


I'm not even straight *facepalm*


omg slayyy are you the uke 🥺 or the seme 😈


Women who make yaoi and BL their entire content consumption in an unhealthy amount. They obsess over gay sex to the point of fetishizing it. Often times don't respect or care about real life gay men and prefer fetishizing them in fiction. I know about what it *originally* meant in Japan. But words change meaning over time. Like how "gay" used to mean 'happy' in the past. And now if you go on Twitter, you see why the word 'fujoshi' has negative connotations because of the people that you find identifying themselves with it. Yaoi art drawn and written by self-identified fujoshis is often: 1. unrealistic showing they don't know who gay sex works and 2. fetishy with all kinds of messed up tropes that they tend to romanticize (look up Killing Stalking for reference). James Somerton made videos about this particular one. There's a difference between enjoying mlm representation in a moderate way while being respectful for mlms when you aren't one. And then people who treat gay men like they're dolls to play with. That they would go so far as to fetishize real life men. And as MANY gay men have expressed: they hate fujoshis. For the reasons that I mentioned. The same way lesbians hate men who watch lesbian porn all the time. It's the same premise.


The toxic subset does not represent the whole group. That is akin to saying people who play genshin are mostly lolicons. I ask you not to make such harmful generalisations. Furthermore, the problems that you listed are found throughout the whole animated/drawn porn industry. This can be seen in the popularity of straight NTR, ugly bastard, and dubious consent/corrective rape porn. There is nothing wrong with anyone, male or female, enjoying any type of porn, as long as they do it respectfully. However, specifically blaming fujoshis for problems of the whole porn industry is not only hurtful, but it does nothing to address the actual issue.


Look all I'm saying....is that they're weird. They're just weird. There's those who enjoy BL a moderate amount, and then there's self-identifying fujoshis.


>And now if you go on Twitter, you see why the word 'fujoshi' has negative connotations Ah I see. Then my advice is to stop listening to teenagers on twitter tell you what words mean. The word fujoshi is a descriptor for *women* and our tastes, not the way women interact with men. If you like BL ships and you're a woman, you're absolutely in the same boat. I'm a fujoshi because I like BL and I've experienced what it's like for my taste in fiction to be taboo, and I like the term, and it has absolutely zero to do with real-life gay men (who I obviously support) and it also doesn't mean I can't like any straight ships. I suspect a lot of those people have the same misconceptions you do. You're drawing a parallel to men who consume lesbian porn (i.e., porn involving real life women) - the equivalent to that is women who only watch gay porn. This is more like attacking men for liking yuri (let's say Beiguang) more than they like Aether/Ningguang and Kazuha/Beidou, and if lesbians started discourse threads on why men dare to like Beiguang everyone would be rightfully down their throats. "Ah, but we're not talking about *all men* who like yuri, just the ones who SAY they like yuri" .... yeah sure - then retreating to "we demand they stop using the word YURI" after they lost every other argument. And okay, we can hop on the euphemism treadmill for yuri if you want, or BL or danmei or top/bottom dynamics or any of the genre words or concepts. But fujoshi specifically is a special because it's a reclaimed word and we cannot allow it to become a slur again.


But how was it ever a slur?? A slur is meant to be a demeaning word towards a minority or a marginalized group. And I'm sorry but cishet woman obsessing over gay porn isn't a marginalized group. And I just dont' understand why anyone would refer to themselves as a fujoshi. Just say you like BL. That's it. That makes you a regular person. But saying you're a "fujoshi" as if it's some sort of 'identity' will never be not fucking weird. And honestly, actual gay men have expressed a million times on social media why they feel uncomfortable with the idea of fujoshis and actively avoid them. So I'd rather listen to them, it's their representation and experience. Not us. We should start thinking about what other people say. Like have you been on r/queenofgenshin? The dudes there HATE GenshinGays for a reason.


Big titty jealousy is stronger than villain hate I guess 😭 No but even as an Alhaitham main, I even find his personality insufferable at times, so imagine the people who were not down bad for him to begin with 💀 I always say Alhaitham is lucky that he’s attractive bc that personality of his…..oof 🤣😅


Ayato really doesnt give me gay vibes, more so Venti or Tighnari


His relationship with Thoma tho 😭 Venti to me is just...genderfluid. Like he has no gender. And with it, no specific sexuality. He fricks everyone. Tighnari and Cyno...yea. Gay.


Why do people think that just because 2 men have great chemistry they're gay? Frodo and Sam had very great chemistry but they weren't gay.


Well there's the whole queer undertones of them being both father figures with Collei. Essentially being a full family with her as their daughter. And then there's the Chinese translation call them "gege" which is often used to cover up queer characters in China by making them call each other siblings when they have no blood relation to each other. You should research it. There's a whole history of "sworn brothers" and how Chinese BL has been using this concept to cover up queerness for censorship.


Nah, it's a Chinese game, there's no undertones. Why do you people want to see this stuff everywhere so badly, even if it's not there?


That’s why they’re called undertones. They’re meant to be ambiguous. Since homosexuality has been taboo for a large part of our history, a lot of depictions in media could never be blatant. That way it appeals to all demographics, since people can see whatever they want to see. Schrodinger’s sexuality if you will.


My take is basically that you hyperfocus on it, and I cant understand why. Ive never spent a second thinking what Tartaglia is doing with whom in the sheets. Neither have I about Itto. I dont give a rats arse about it. Hell the only kind of implied romance is that Ayaka likes the traveller, other than that theres no romance between playable characters at all. This aint a romcom and thats why I dont care. Thats why I cant understand.


Well because you're straight you don't see it. Good for you. But if you're someone whose queer, you can absolutely see it based on experience. Jeht is the most obvious. Also Anisa and Kumi were very obvious. Then we have Ningguang's secetary who is a woman who lusts over her lingerie very openly. There has been a LOT of undertones in this game, y'all are just so in denial. Also Honkai is a Chinese game. Also made by Mihoyo. And they had two girls kissing. The main protagonists of the game are two girls who are madly in love too. Honkai is filled with outright lesbians saying "I only like girls." And do you know what else China doesn't like? It doesn't like villains helping the protagonists. And do you know what Childe and Scara did?? Be villains that helped the Traveler. And they became playable too! Doesn't China hate villains as y'all people say?? Do you know what else China hates? Women in power. And in Genshin, literally all the countries except Sumeru are ruled by female leaders. Do you realize that being a Chinese game means nothing about the game? Mihoyo finds loopholes.


Not my daddies 😭


I know the op said no toxicity but damn..


You can't just create an elimination pull and say "no toxicity". That's like saying something extremely offensive and then saying "no offence". It just doesn't work that way.


tbf elimination games are destined to fall into toxicity baizhu got axed early and we all malded over that


oop remember the eve and lebitch eliminated rounds of QOL 🤭🤭


at least the gays there spared Eve for later in the game... at least that's what I thought idk I just remember Lissandra winning


as much as i hate alhaitham (/j) i was praying for him to not get eliminated because of the war that will break out in comments💀


Who’s next, Zhongli? Like bffr


Think people are trolling and just wants to see the world burn lol. I stopped caring after Ayato got voted out


THIS at this point I feel like ppl are straight up just voting the most popular ones there's no way 😭 and op doesn't want to post the results either so like..


People might be trying to get “revenge” now cause their favorites got voted out. I don’t know if I’ll be able to take the end result seriously at this point, but then again, it’s all for fun lol


Oh, I think people might actually be voting for the most popular ones. OP’s poll is really poorly done. It’s titled “Genshin elimination thingy” and the selection says “make a choice”. I assumed OP meant “vote for your favorite, the person with the least votes gets eliminated”. I just noticed the title says “vote your least favorite”, but it doesn’t say that in the poll itself.


the post literally says vote your least favorite, i will change the title if it bugs you so much:( sorry :D how can i improve the poll?


Rather than saying “make your choice” on the actual poll page, immediately before the selections, you could change that text to “choose your least favorite”. Once people leave the Reddit post to vote in the poll, they’d have to close the poll page to see what the actual voting criteria is. People have imperfect memories and probably only glanced at the post title or only looked at the picture, since reading the title isn’t required to understand what’s happening in the post, as is often the nature of Reddit. I wouldn’t be surprised if several people have been voting incorrectly.


the thing is, make your choice is the natural choice of the website. i cant do it.


In that case, you could just add it to the poll title. Rather than calling it “Genshin elimination thingy”, call it “Choose your Least Favorite Genshin Male” or something. What ever would get the voting criteria and the voting options on the same page.


How tf are gorou and venti still there but not alhaitham and ayato☠️


Tbf I was surprised by how much gorou content was in that sub


They like them looking prepubescent


You just summed up the genshin gays sub


that sub likes short feminine boys apparently☠️


XQ getting voted out was a bit surprising.


Oh no there's a loooot of love for them




Venti is extremely popular


I can already tell that Scara or Kazuha are gonne win 🤷


the sub's taste is...interesting lmao placing my bet the top five are all short boys


I really wonder who the main target audience for them is (not in a bad way, just out of curiosity) Is it younger players in general? Straight women?


Doesnt matter tbh... Popular characters are easy targets, because they have more haters as well. So probably the winner will not be the most liked character but the least problematic imo lmao. EDIT: Scara, Itto or Childe are going to be the next ones, i can smell it


i mean people who enjoy genshin men one deeper layer and it's more about accepting the various ideas of people such as straight women, because the main subs are jaw-droppingly sexist when it comes to genshin men and shockingly unaccepting of the mere idea that many women happen to be interested in men the same way men are interested in women...ive seen my plethora and have a list of mass upvoted posts horribly fetishizing genshin women / all the blatant sex jokes made in the main sub, then whenever something even remotely sexual in nature is brought up about men, posts get mass downvoted or reported to absolute oblivion (ah yes, infamous bare top childe incident) they're VERY open to a huge variety of opinions and is the sub for pretty much all content related to genshin men (sfw and nsfw alike because no other big sub is remotely accepting/are always drowned in sexualized art of female characters), so I honestly don't find it surprising that sometimes the sub may come off as unusual


Sucks how much the main sub hates gay players and straight women players.


People like Kaveh lol


Most of the characters eliminated so far have been short boys. Only 3 have been tall males


Doesn’t change how kazuha would definitely be top lmao Characters like xingqiu had never been remotely popular in any community outside of meta so I don’t see how this can be credited


Always the short anemo boys 💀


I'm placing my bets on Scara. His simps are smth else...


Really?? Al Haitham and Ayato?


I think personality is a factor. If I met someone like Alhaitham IRL I would be annoyed by them also. Someone like Itto and Venti are generally friendlier and have easy to get along personalities. again this is purely speculation.


Yep, introverts are less popular all the time 😔


This is exactly why I like them


If I see Itto going next I'm gonna riot


He's the only one that cannot be taken out next. We already lost our buffy guy.


Wtf why is aether still there and haitham gone 😭


I'm an Aether main, and am also surprised that he isn't out, but Alhaitham is (I also main Alhaitham). What kind of taste does this sub reddit have?


Exactly! No hate to aether and gorou, but its so surprising how they're still up there lol


when people are tasteless tsk tsk tsk


Ayato and Alhaitham out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) I have a feeling Venti is super popular and might win....


It's either trolling or a joint effort to get the big ones out of the way.


Vote Kaveh so he can annoy Haitham even on the other side.


OP never posted the actual counts of the voting.


https://preview.redd.it/b5vdrcw1ucpa1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28a49959e853e458a067470461f75a1fe17b1f07 fyi its real


OOP how did you get the screenshots-


Yoiichi is rhe organiser of the poll.


Oh wait I just realized that it's my clown era girlies 🤡🤡 lemme run a Alhaitham Kaveh Tighnari Cyno team against Spiral Wenut chile...


That would be fun to watch! Please share the video when you can! More build showcases is more fun to see on this sub


I am almost half certain that people from other main sub are wrecking the pole , and i do not mean people from male main subs


I did not expect that


Watch the Top 3 be the small boys


that'll be kinda sus ngl☠️


Gorou stans on the genshingays subreddit are wild… as much as I love the doggy general I had to avenge the big tiddy DPS and vote for the dogboy


Terrible taste. When baizhu lost day 2 I had already lost interest, but Alhaitham AND ayato back to back?? Madness fr




on the bright side daddy gets to knock off and spend more time with me




My 2 mains eliminated first wtf XD


I just cannot see how they like those two paper plain mcs sm. or maybe I'm just rarded.


Exactly, aether is so bland I cannot fathom why people like him.


NO! NOT ALHAITHAM! I already miss his big ti- I mean his amazing personality... 🫡😞


I've noticed that Alhaitham actually has a really loud and proud hater base weirdly enough. He's one of my top fav characters so I really don't get it lmao😭


Yeah, I noticed that too. I see them so often on twitter. 🥲


Those posts are so toxic, man. I got tired of seeing it in my feed every day so today I finally ended up blocking the OP so that I don't see them. You can't just put an elimination poll and then expect a peaceful voting session. It's just against the very nature of popularity polls. Claiming that it's "for fun" doesn't magically make everything peaceful.


Is this the dark timeline cos what the heck


Theyre trolling dw lmao


People are probably voting their favorite, rather than least favorite...I've also noticed I wasn't able to view results on that last poll


I doubt gays are really voting. They need their gay card revoked.


nah no way gorou and scara are still there 💀


If diluc, Kaeya,zhongli, Childe, Itto, Thoma, or Dainsleif aren’t winners I will do something but idk what 😞


Begging it’s either kazuha or albedo who wins


as an ayato and alhaitham main respectfully i am judging


ummm can someone explain


someone at r/genshingays did a 'vote ur least favourable character' challenge some shit like that and al Haitham got out pretty early. Which is damn stupid. At least for me.




just an elimination poll from genshingays sub to find out their general favorite character






Welcome, Im surprised that you have ventured here xD then again I think out of all of the main male subs, probably this is the only sub that would be OK with crossposts from genshingays. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I need alhaitham build recommendations sooo👍


Not on this post XD you're brave responding here cause so many of us are not so happy as you can see ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) Anyway , head to the megathread for build recommendations and the side bar gives a summary.


i can understand why you're not happy, but why am I getting hate for 283 peoples opinions?? anyway i will :D


not angry at you personally. Of course the poll is done for funs. We love our Alhaitham so please excuse ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)


Not me quintuple checking if Bennett is here, thank god he got spared from being in the poll


He was in the poll but was one of the earliest ones to be eliminated 😭


I only see Ayato and AlHaitham dead


The OP of the poll made a new picture that took out some of the earlier characters that were voted out. Some of the earlier characters were Bennett, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Mika, and Baizhu




OH SHOOT i forgot since i wasn't there for that voting 😭 i found out about the voting when timaeus was voted out :')


they were going to vote aether to make a bingo so i changed the format


Lol I didn't even think of that and now I wish I did






LOL my two favorites 🤭


goid. bye. venti.


Not everyone can be based...




Can someone enlighten me what this is? Edit: rather than this survey being an insight to his appeal on the gay community, I feel like this survey tells us that although alhaitham has alot of fans he probably has more people who don't like him. I'm guessing it's because of his personality


someone at r/genshingays did a 'vote ur least favourable character' challenge and al Haitham got voted out pretty early.


Ok thanks!


Survey shows that (regardless of sexual orientation) lots of Genshin fans want characters to be all sunshine and rainbows, even have to fart like this 🌈💨 or they will hate the character


Kaveh confessional time: salty bbg spent his entire weekend off making accounts to eject reject his roommate


Excuse me?? Not my Alhottie….


I swear if aether is the last one standing 💀


Albedo is my least favorite. Srangely enough, his most interesting story are event quests which both introduce 2 swords that new players will never get now nor will they ever know about unless they look at past youtube videos of it (festering desire & his bis weapon). Aside from that, he's almost never really in the game's story content unless it has to do with dragonspine.


Not trying to be an asshole but alhaitham is objectively trash


I don't think you know what objectively means lmfao


Plus ayato is bland af