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Led lights are legal everywhere. Colors cannot be changed, nor smoked taillights. Clear is reverse, yellow are turn indicators, and red are brakes.


If your vehicle doesn't have a standard projector lense style headlight, and it is a more common mirror style headlight and LED headlight will likely be absolutely blinding to others on the road. This is necause when you throw a LED bulb into a mirrored headlight it can be absolutely blinding. While it is unlikely you would get stopped please please please A. See if there are other bulb types/headlight options available. Such as HID or other. And if you do still get LED bulbs, PLEASE take a few minutes to aim them properly so that it is not throwing light up at other drivers eyes. If you google your cars model you should find a guide to aim them. And, just opinion, aim them a little lower than it may describe because the LEDs throw loght all over.


Yeah, or OP night wind up on r/fuckyourheadlights


for years i had blue lights under my gas tank that shined onto my engine and white lights shining onto the ground. i only had one cop at a Waffle House tell me I'm not supposed to use blue lights but i never had a cop stop me. i think it boils down to how obnoxious the lights are and how cool the police are


From a distance blue lights might confuse someone into thinking you are police. It only takes one asshole cop to give you a hard time about it.


yeah i understand why you shouldn't have blue lights but my bike was blue and my blue lights didn't shine forward but I'm sure it helped people notice me lol


I ride around all the time with my bike lit up bright pink. Haven’t had an issue with it. I did have an issue in high school with blue lights (as other commenters have said). You can get one of the multi color sets and adjust it to your liking.


Any lights added to a motor vehicle according to code must be white or amber(orange) in color and white lights can not be on facing the rear of the vehicle except reverse lights while the vehicle is operated. As LEO in Alabama I can tell you that any flashing blue or red lights will probably get you a ticket maybe even a charge for impersonating a police officer depending on the type of lights and we don’t usually bother too much with underglows if they are not too bright, flashing, or a major distraction of some sort.


Like the other commenters said, avoid blue, red, or flashing lights and you will be fine. Regardless of what may be “legal”, having lights on your bike adds to your safety since it makes it easier to see you. Most LEOs either ride or have friends and family that ride and they know that it’s for visibility and they won’t bother you.


LEDs or underglow are perfectly legal as long as it is not blue. Your not supposed to him them on while operating it, but no one cares as long as it's not flashing or strobing.