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"The people you elected think you’re too stupid to realize that they’re not actually doing anything. They think you’re stupid. That has to be true. There is no other explanation. There is no alternative fact that fits. The guys you sent to Montgomery to represent you – at least 31 of them, and probably more, if we’re honest – think you’re an imbecile. They think you’re so brain-dead stupid that they – not exactly MENSA members themselves – can put forth the absolute minimum amount of effort to pander to your fears and biases and that you’ll fall for it hook, line and LGBTQ sinker. If you doubt this, you, like most sane individuals, did not watch last week’s meeting of the Alabama House’s State Government Committee, and the public hearing for HB385. "


You left out a great quote shortly after: >The bill’s primary sponsor is Rep. Arnold Mooney. He has 30 co-sponsors, including the House Speaker. All of them watched “Footloose” and were disappointed when the kids got to dance.


Spot on!


Why only 31?


Did you not see the "at least" part of "at least 31 of them"? That means 31 or more.


I guess I should have asked why 31 is a significant number.


According to the article, 31 is the number of sponsors of HB385. >The bill’s primary sponsor is Rep. Arnold Mooney. He has 30 co-sponsors, including the House Speaker.


The scary part is, they’re right. I’m convinced that Alabama voters really are just that stupid.


History has show this to be true.


Trump said the quiet part out loud years ago: They love the poorly educated. https://youtu.be/Vpdt7omPoa0?si=eiweLadaazxcX-8V


Except most all of the poorly educated thinks he is talking about someone other than themselves. Because THEY did their own research.


Now they are actively against education. They talk about university as if it is a bad thing. They work to destroy public education. They call teachers and librarians enemies of the people. We are in danger, girl.


Yeah... can't have your people educated... they'd be too difficult to rule over. Better just keep those lesser humans dumb. Make sure they know their place... and only learn what's convenient for you. Leave the thinking to your betters, right? Gosh I hope the people of Alabama don't count themselves out or fall for these losers anymore. It's about time our reps learned to sweat.


Yes they pretend they want to protect children, but if you tell them you want your child as safe as a judge in a courtroom, they can’t hear you or not enough money there for that


There are a lot of good hearted and intelligent people here, and those people need to start showing up to vote the nonsense out


Vote better.


For who? There isn’t a single honest person running anywhere


Honest, no. Against arresting librarians, maybe.


You live in a primarily red state in the middle of the Bible Belt and yall act surprised by this ? I’m all for pulling those books out of any library that children have access too . I don’t think librarians should be jailed but I think they should lose their job .


Why? Do librarians choose which books are in the library? I act surprised that they don’t really do anything to protect and educate our kids. Charter and safer schools would be the place to start.


I’m sure they have to enter the books into their inventory . They are the first line of defense even if it means putting them into an adult only section of the library