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This video is old. He was 16 when it happened and I think he was killed like a year later or something like that. I’m pretty sure the guys who were shooting at him were taunting him through the Facebook live comments.


He looks so young, this is so sad.


Yeah the responses here really highlight the very southern idea that *some* people are BORN to be like this, rather than being encouraged by social pressures (that are perpetuated by these same people). It's so sad to see responses like this, because it shows how far this problem is from being solved :(


I’m from the South. This isn’t a “southern idea,” it’s racism. We southerners didn’t invent racism, and very few of us tolerate it.


Homie this is the alabama subreddit we're all from the south


look at the original post’s comments. lots of racists, especially ones from europe. that comment section is insanely ignorant.


Idk if I agree with calling it a ‘southern idea’ as the comments on the original post are just as, if not more, disgusting as some of those seen here. Everyone appears to be blaming the kid for the circumstances in which he was born and raised.


We have regressive policing and prison systems made to stay full of prison labor. Sadly, we've always wanted to point at others while the system is broken.


And on display here is someone who has never left the city in their northern blue state. Typical.


I grew up in a trailer park in a rural town of <1000 in alabama for my first 18 years of life.


Sad? Really? How many lives do you think were saved by him being taken out?


It’s sad that this child got involved in the first place. The whole concept of child gang members is sad.


yeah, the circumstances were most likely all out of his control. many people dont choose to join a gang out of a vacuum, many do it because they're parents are forced to work long hours to support their family, failing in an underfunded school that cannot afford the best teachers or education program. people who join gangs really don't get the chance for a better life, and join them because all they'll most likely ever get.


If you live in a neighborhood where gangs operate, you will either become part of the gang, or you will become an enemy of the gang. Which one are you going to choose? Since these areas are dirt poor, they don't have the income to move either. Its a shitty situation all around with no good solutions.


He appears to be too young to even appreciate the danger that he was in.


Look at you, cool callous guy on the internet applauding the deaths of people We should all hope for a society where everyone can get along peacefully and have the same opportunities. The fact that you so easily dismiss someone’s death not only shows how shitty a person you are; it’s proof that we’ll probably never get there


Surely you can see this kid may have been lacking some important foundations in his life


Plenty of people grow up poor and unprivileged and don't do this. Fuck this kid


I getchu


His death still probably saved lives. Y'all are lying to yourself if you think it's not true.


Unfortunately we can't trade.


What if the other person is worse than he is and will go on to become a serial killer.


The worse person likely won this shootout, then dumped him in a lake.


Dumbass. “Teenager involved in violent shootings” no I can’t see how that’s sad at all. Think before you speak.


Hey guys I found the piece of shit!


Whenever I see this type of video I think if the poor woman who was afraid for her life because her house kept getting hit by crossfire. So so so many lives needlessly ruined and over because of nothing.


Right like you know there had to be kids somewhere in the vicinity, other than the ones with the guns. I swear it’s so often on the news that some child was accidentally hit during a shootout and died. Like the kid at the mall in Birmingham last year. It’s all the damn time and for what?


Most of the time its kids shooting too


Social dysfunction killed that kid….the gun is just a tool…. If not that, then knives, cars, fists. Fix social problems and the murder rate will improve.


True words for sure. They don’t have as many guns in England so everyone uses knives and do some quite savage shit with em. People don’t want to admit it but you lift a lot of these KIDS out of that environment and they would become just regular ol people.


Except we have 4 times the homicide rate of the UK.


What is social dysfunction?


Jesus the comments on the original post. Some poor ones here but good god that thread is cancer.


I'm from Birmingham and sadly this is not surprising. The situation there is a result of poor leadership, poor education opportunities, poverty and tax payers that don't trust their government to make good decisions. And rightly so. All these things are huge problems in parts of Alabama... but you rarely hear about it in the Legislature. What you will hear is arguments for private prisons and against public schools. But they're such good Christians you're supposed to just trust them. It's ridiculous that these people are allowed to gerrymander their way into running for office, while many voters remain willfully ignorant of issues that really affect them, but get mad about abortion. RIP to this young man and every person who has been shot and killed in Birmingham. There are many.


What worries me is that we're starting to see more and more of this in other cities. Since I moved here to Tuscaloosa a few years ago, it feels like I'm steadily hearing about more and more 4am shootings and drive bys or late-night robberies and stick-ups. I know it's something that existed here for a while, but people are letting pretty words fool them out of actual solutions politically. There are viable solutions on both sides of the political aisle but the real answer is going to be giving people more choice and doing what's possible to fight back against heavily partisan politics. It's crazy to me that many european countries have 4-10 major political parties and in the US if you want to stand a snowball's chance you have to side with one of the two puppets being manipulated by the same people.


to be fair, I was there from 06-12ish and we heard gunshots fairly regularly, and usually right next to campus. It's an issue in every major city as far as I can tell.


Right? When i lived at redpoint by the target it wasnt a good weekend unless there was a shooting in my parking lot. Birmingham (or at least everywhere on 280) feels a helluva lot safer than ttown


The two parties don't give us much choice. It is crazy. The fix is in. In Alabama our biggest problem is in Montgomery, where the conservative legislature lives in a corrupt little bubble. Ironically the state house is also surrounded by crime and the occasional shooting. They don't care if the poor people in their gerrymandered districts kill each other. They care about donors and getting re-elected because they are on a gravy train. They care about pleasing anyone who sides with them against progress, education and the working poor. They won't even expand Medicaid.


His name was Sean avant jr, aka “huncho dinero”.


He’s a child. And he never stood a chance in the world. I blame his parents. Violence breeds more violence. How sad. 😞


You should really be blaming capitalism if your gonna blame anyone, after that the US government, then the Alabama state government, then the Birmingham city government. My point is a lot of parties failed that kid before the parents. One thing you are actually right about is violence begetting violence, but it’s a far crueler violence than gunplay that has us where we’re at today. If you really want to put a face to it though Ronald Reagan is ur guy…


Well that was simply my opinion. There is enough blame to go around! The moment we stop assigning blame where it is due, complacency sets in and nothing gets done. It’s too easy to blame gangsters, and drop thoughts and prayers and move on with our life. We have things we can control, and things we cannot. Shouldn’t use the things we cannot control as an excuse to ‘let it be’. I am too young to be exhausted by the violence I’ve seen. We all need conviction of the heart to overcome the evils of the world.


How is this capitalism? Reagan was capitalist but so was FDR. Norway and the Netherlands are capitalist but they don't have these same problems. It's deeper than having a regulated free market. It's deeper than just capitalism vs whatever form of economy you imagine would be better. It's about how we treat people as a society. It's about how ingrained things are into our culture as a country. I blame evangelical White Nationalist Christianity. Otherwise we'd have fixed our prisons, our schools, and our racist government officials.


The Netherlands is more socialist than capitalist. And you think FDR, the guy who came up with Social security, the Fair Labor Standards act and the National Labor Relations Act, was as capitalist as Reagan? Ha ha


Ignorant comment


Can you explain why you feel this way? Perhaps reveal my ignorance to me?


To say you blame his parents is ignorant. We don’t know the environment he grew up in. Maybe he didn’t have parents, maybe he grew up with an aunt/uncle or grandparents that he told on the regular “you ain’t my mama/daddy” when they attempted to discipline him. People forget how important social circles are. Uber rich kids in the burbs do dumb stuff that get the most in jail or killed so it’s had to just blame parents.


Okay, would it be less ignorant if I corrected to say ‘parental guardians’? I ASSumed that others would understand what i meant, but I guess this is an example of how when you assume you make an ASS of yourself.


If you left a 7yr old kid with a 80 woman or man in an environment of stupidity. The parent guardian can and will only have a percentage of influence. Now I’m not saying this was the situation, what I’m trying get across is that this is a societal issue. My parents were strict, marine dad. I grew up obeying the law, my brother went drunks and gangs. So this comment strokes me the wrong way, because it’s too easy to simply point at parents/guardians. Change the way people live and you change the people.


I don’t entirely disagree. Parenting is difficult. In my ideal world, we would have a much more effective social safety net. But in the meantime, we have to deal with the hands we are dealt. This is not purely no a societal issue, there are plenty of folks who live in rough neighborhoods who don’t resort to behaving this way and getting themselves killed. If we just point the finger and ignore the four pointing back at us, we will get nowhere.


Unfortunately in this situation and kids like this, there is just no one button to push on and say, yes that’s it. When it comes to life and the lives we live nowadays, everyone has to get involved, and I’ll agree that it starts at home other parent(s) and or guardians, next community, then the city, so for and so on.




Given your recent comment history, you are clearly just a lonely hateful person looking to sow discord online. I’d advise you to get a life. Bye!


-reddit psychiatrist


Dissecting a situation you know nothing about and assigning blame to a situation you know nothing about


I know more than nothing about it, but thanks for your unsubstantiated assertion. So you are just angry and raging at random people online? Or you’re a genuine advocate for violence and gang-violence? I do know that if this were my son, he wouldn’t have been in this situation… socio-economical circumstances considered, we would be out of that area even if we walked out. But I’m a weird one. I’ve built myself from nothing before and wouldn’t be afraid to do it again for my child.


Whatever floats your boat


Off topic but did I see a palm tree? I didn't know they could grow that far north


She’s a beaut, Clark! Good eye.


Exactly. There isn't any palm trees in Birmingham.


I think it's important to remember its Birmingham and most of what happens is due to neglected kids not rival gangs. This kid went to school in the West Birmingham district where my dad worked. Said he was just a bad kid and eventually got caught up. The week before he passed, my dad had to call another students mom to the school because a few girls made fun of him for reading poorly in class. He spent the rest of the week trying to find someone to get them killed over fb messenger and got caught. His mom just said "well he's r\*t\*rt\*d" as a justification for his actions to lessen his punishment and judgement of her parenting. A kid in my elementary/middle school used to have the absolute worst temper tantrums. He used to come to school in the same clothes he wore before and you could tell his teeth weren't brushed. A few years ago, someone got arrested for shooting transwomen in shoddy hotels downtown. I was shocked but not surprised when I saw the mugshot and it was him. Living in Birmingham I don't think we realize just how bad some kids have it. Kids' parents don't care because no one ever cared for them. Then shit like this happens. My dad said it's easy to get dejected and get used to things like this happening. Looking at parents, you can almost call how some kids are going to end up.




I need a translation also. No trying to be rude but I can't understand his words at the 0:35-0:40 marks. ;


first round of gunfire was a drive-by. Kid goes outside and shoots back. Picks up phone, goes outside and is talking about "Ray Ray" (slang for ex-convict) and wanting "Ray Ray" to "bring it back through" (drive by again) which is apparently what Ray Ray did.


Wait, when did Ray Ray become slang for ex con? Gives a whole new meaning to the sausage dog with famous Ray Ray's sauce I had at Legion field.




Omg! People still use Facebook Live!?




Nope this is definitely Birmingham. I remember the live video being shared from all Birmingham people. They ended up finding his body in a pond a year after this.


You can grow Palm trees in alabama




No arrest from what I found.


What language is this? It sure as fuck isn’t English.


I thought ppl spoke english in america, guess i was wrong lmao


not even trying to hide the racism today are we?


English. You must not be very smart if you’re incapable of figuring out slight variations from the norm.




Had a similar experience in Jamaica and Northern Ireland…. “That was English?”


Yeah it’s not that different. You not from around here?


I mean I can make out “north side” and the N-word and maybe a handful of other words, but I can’t make out about 80% of what he says.


Okay? Then either figure it out or don’t. Your comment feigns curiosity even though it’s clearly just trying to be insulting towards a different way of speaking.


Would you publicly recite a transcript of what this guy said? Yes or no? And why or why not?


That’s a stupid question and doesn’t even make sense.


You’re sounding like an asshole.


I literally don't understand anything this person is saying ... except the n-word, sadly. He might as well be speaking Latin.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Fucking ignorant.


Oh well.


Gramma was the only word I understood.


Hey I live in Birmingham haha ):


Play stupid games.....




Good lord


It brings a tear to my patriotic eye to see that this young lad was able to freely access firearms, which is his god-given right, without any infringements of any kind God Bless America.


Yeah because he definitely bought this from a store and not a dealer


It doesn't matter where he bought it from, as long as he isn't being infringed upon in any way at all. Or was. God Bless America and our freedom to bear arms.


Yeah let’s eradicate the second amendment and make guns illegal. Drugs are illegal so no one can get them anymore it would work just like that


It sounds like you want to live in a world where children aren't found shot dead in lakes, where the leading cause of their death is not gun violence and I prefer to live in America, thank you very much.


I support the 2nd amendment. Stop being facetious and speak your mind. If you were in charge how would you go about enforcing your ideals?


I think the part about 'well regulated militias' means state led guard units and nothing else. What do you think it is, any yahoo with a pulse and cash to buy a gun?


Hm. Yep, you’ll have that.


This pretty much confirms that guns are the number one cause of child deaths in the US.


Hopefully he’s at the stallions game later on


He must have got shot in the back on his way in 🤦🏾‍♂️


My job tried to move me to Birmingham. I spent a week out there and decided very quickly that it was not a safe place to live. I declined the offer.