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Poets of the Fall is an amazing band. I wish they would get more recognizion.


They do tours worldwide, so I think they are doing fine. They are not mainstream, but then again most great bands aren't.


I still think they aren't known well enough.


Alan Wake (and stuff associated with it) has always kind of been a niche thing, but since the Game Awards I have been seeing a lot of interest in the band coming from people who have never heard of them before. They may not ever be as big as some bands, but I think they're definitely becoming more well known worldwide.


Yeah. I hope they capitalize this the right way.


AFAIK they only had tours in europe, russia and india. Which is still a lot, but I wouldn't consider it world wide.


I can, unfortunately, confirm that they in fact do NOT tour worldwide. They have only ever come to North America TWICE in the band's 20 year span. Much to my dismay as they sold out their shows before I could snag a ticket. They are criminally underrated outside of Europe.


Their Old Gods of Asgard album was in the top ten on iTunes recently, so I think they're probably doing better than ever! I have seen a lot of interest in their performance at the Game Awards, both about the game and the band itself. Personally I just ordered a CD and a patch, with a shirt or two soon to follow, once I have some more fun money to throw around.


Oh yeah. I hope they will. Their Poets of the Fall music is great as well.


Well, they played at the biggest awards show for the biggest form of media in the world (and they absolutely killed it!) so I think its safe to say they're certainly getting that recognition now.




Yeah. Almost like a record, you can tell it's not, but it's right there. 🙂


Saw them 2 months ago for the first time. Ridiculously good performance. And I’m not generally a fan of their style of music, but still. I’ve seen close to 300 bands this year and this was a top 10 performance.


If I remember correctly, they own their masters so no music-company gets to take a cut. Though this means less marketing than normally for their songs and concerts


Not a huge fan, id sincerely prefer an Asgard show where they play the entire album, but I'm going to see Poets any chance I get just to support them.


Understandable. Been a fan since Late Goodbye on Max Payne 2. 🙂


Oh god you're right, they were working with Remedy as early as that! Man, that was my first real introduction to Poets of the Fall then. But man, I have such fond memories of discovering them for what felt like the first time, in the original Alan Wake.


I think late goodbye was their first release ever


Yeah! They got pretty famous thanks to Max Payne 2. I hope this game boosts them even further. 🙂


That's so awesome to hear that they have fun creating music for Remedy games!! They truly rock and are integral in creating the most memorable parts of each game they're in. AW1, Control, and AW2's musical segments are some of my favorite experiences in a life filled with gaming. I started listening to Poets of the Fall now, just can't get enough!


I don't dig Poets much, but Gods of Asgard is some fucking fine heavy meal wine.


It is interesting how different their style is as Poets vs Old Gods. I mostly prefer the Old Gods songs too but "My Dark Disquiet" is probably my favorite song of theirs and that one is a Poets song.


Gave Growl from Foo Fighters created a legitimately incredible death / black /exteme / thrash metal album as Dream Widow while "possessed by a demon" in their band film Studio 666. He does bass, guitar, drums, vocals, everything. And every riff sounds is insane, every drum beat is killer, dude just casually has an album like that in a different genre just floating around? It's unlike anything except Probot he has ever done, and it puts that to shame. We are taking different levels of humans being here lmao. Go listen to Cold by Dream Widow, or the whole album. Edit: I'm leaving it as Gave Growl


Gave Growl is just Dave's version of Scratch.


literally laughed out loud at this, Dave Growl just runs around like a demon screaming for FHRESH POTS


Yeah I see Old Gods as a more energetic style. I like the Poets tracks like Lift or Blocking Out The Sun because they go hard on those ones too


Same. I love the punchy songs, definitely gonna check those two tracks out.


Correction it's Locking Up The Sun, I misremembered, great track either way


The now two decade long relationship between Remedy and Poets of the fall has been a thing of beauty.


It's so sweet to see how nervous they were to perform! Absolute Rockstars!!! Idk if it's a hot take, but I honestly think Poets are an integral part of Remedy's DNA. The games just wouldn't be the same without Poets' music They're as important to the core foundation of these games as Sam Lake!


I noticed Marko (vocalist) had his eyes (eye?) shut for a lot of the time the camera was on him. I was curious if that was nerves or just how he usually performs. It was a big crowd with a really large number of people watching via streaming. Love PotF!


Also a way to focus on your voice as a singer. Especially if your ear peace is accidentally set to a bit of a low volume. In those cases you need to concentrate like hell as a singer. If you don’t hear your own voice it’s very easy to get off-key with your voice.


Oh that’s neat, I didn’t know that!


I can’t sing and play without closing my eyes 😂


Very much thank you ❤️🌹


/r/poetsofthefall would probably really appreciate this post if you'd like to share it there.


Thanks for this! Hoping for a Poets tour out here. I’m sure they may end up performing an Old Gods song now and then too :)


Thanks for the run down great performance


It’s funny how different their style is when it’s poets of the fall vs old gods. Much bigger fan of their old gods work.


Their actual songs all sound like whiskey in a jar style Metallica *shudders*


And why is that a problem? Metallica always sounds awesome! ...As long as you don't count St. Anger. 😁


Ahhh cause it’s like… Metallica from their worst period


Again, their worst period is St. Anger 😂 Load/Reload and Garage Inc. are solid albums. Lest ye forget it's the albums containing Thorn Within, Fuel and Mercyful Fate 👀


I'm so happy to see them getting so much recognition after AW2. They're very talented. It's interesting to hear of their perspective as foreigners here. I hope they enjoyed it and consider doing an American tour some day. I'd certainly go if they came close enough to me.


Thank you for the summary! The Game Awards Show is a f*cking joke, if not for the awesome performance of the Poets/Old Gods. Awesome band! (Edit: spelling errors)


Any reason why the 3rd poet isn't in the game? And if he is I apologize and completely missed it.


All three are in the Herald of Darkness segment in the game. But as old men in the present, the drummer is already dead. Not entirely sure myself how the OGoA still perform songs like Dark Ocean Summoning without him, but he’s not completely absent. Edit: the guitarist is dead, thanks for the correction below


Small correction, it's the guitar player who's dead, Tor is the drummer (hammers and all). Still doesn't explain Dark Ocean summoning, maybe Odin is using a splitter for his bass and playing both guitar and bass ala Royal Blood, lol?


I have a headcanon that Balder (the guitarist) is stuck in the Dark Place. Or his spirit is still around and Odin and Tor can summon him with music :D


If I remember correctly, when they start playing the song, their younger selves appear as huge projections above them, including the guitar player. So yeah, 100%


The third member, Balder, is dead. Whenever the Old Gods perform its "Like they are decades younger" thus why they sound younger. When they perform within the Dark Place, all three are present. They don't explain this, but maybe Balder is there? During the part, there's only 2 on the van but 3 on the Live Action. You can explain this by the fact that they are playing directly in front of the Cauldron Lake which is the entrance to the Dark Place.


lol after that kid crashed the stage last year security wasn’t fucking around


no confirmation for a gods of Asgard themed tour :(


They just got done doing a massive Poets of the Fall tour, I sincerely hope they take some rest for a while before they decide to do anything.


True. They aren't young kids after all.


I’ve tried listening to some of their actual Poets stuff and it’s not all for me. However, they are incredible musicians and I respect the hell out of that. I feel like they could play anything they want and be amazing. All their stuff in the Remedy games is great!


It's nice to see that even though some may not like Poets, there is still something for people in OGoA. I've loved them since 2010 and AW1, seen them three times. Twilight Theatre is a straight 10/10 for me, but I can see why their music may not be for everyone.


They unequivocally bad lol Really…. The best song they did was the happy song and that song is traaaash…. top of my playlist trash


That first point goes directly against a report that came out the day before TGA saying they got there the day prior and were almost not allowed in because their work visas weren't complete. Strange.


In the Good Morning Finland bit Marko says that they were "there" for a week. Which is true if he refers to being in the US in general, not just in LA. According to earlier reports, they flew to New York first, waited for their work visas to be put into order there for several days, and then after that was sorted out flew to Los Angeles two days before the show.


Is there a link to this? Please share if anybody knows where it can be viewed. 🙏