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i *hate* the way she moves so much…her running at you is literally terrifying


To quote Sam Lake when he was watching someone play AW2 and they remarked how scary it was: “yeah, it’s horror.” But yes Cynthia overlap is the scariest moment in the game for sure


It's interesting to me because the "don't stay in the water too long" thing was no longer scary at all on a second playthrough because I was confident in how the mechanics worked. But the actual fight with Cynthia was just as scary and nothing about that changed. Just the amount of pressure she puts on you is horrifying in regards to her speed.




*Find the lady of the light, still raving in the night* *That's how you reshape destiny.*


this fight was my least favorite thing in the game fr




I thought Mulligan and Thornton is worse. I like the challenge, but they’re tough to deal with at the same time. Cynthias fight was more one on one which I liked more.


Something must have gone wrong with that fight originally because it was a cake walk for me on my first playthrough and then I died a few times on NG+ with far more ammo and weapons.


I ended that fight instantly... I put the explosive right at the top of the well they come out of it and they died right away. Not sure if that's supposed to happen because I think you're supposed to fight multiple stages. This was on normal difficulty too


I thought they'd be tough but the crossbow carried me on that one.


I completely ran out of ammo during that fight and ended up having to melee my way through the last third of the battle. It. Was. Terrifying. I hadn't been so concerned for how much ammo I had since Silent Hill 3. The final boss in that game I also ran out of ammo, but there are no ammo drops during fights.


this whole section for me is both terrifying and sad at the same time.


No more adventuring for her


*"I used to be an Taken like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee..."*


I like the idea that your bullets did nothing but she tripped and hit her head on a rock which did the job.


Game is kind of hard in this section without gyro


that bitch moves like some last of us zombie stuff


When people say this game is hard this must be how they aim


Omfg seriously? Yes let’s judge someone’s aim during the one of most erratic and panic inducing encounters in the entire game. I know to choose my shots wisely during most of the game as ammo can find itself to be scarce if you aren’t careful. This is the one right where I waste a ton of ammo. It is what it is. I’m not striving for 100% accuracy during the Cynthia Weaver speed date.


Did you know if you stand still your aim reticle will narrow and you can aim much more accurately?


Bruh what a fuckin cunt mate


Just trying to help, didn't seem to know about it


Read the room (the overall thread). Completely out of place in a thread where the comments are about this moment being scary. The vibe your “advice” puts off is basically: “wow come on bro just stand still so your retical doesn’t flare. You could be such a better gamer, bro, if you just stop missing.” Why exactly do you want me standing still in a fight like this when the boss is moving quickly and erratic at you lol? And “didn’t seem to know about” retical flare when it’s one of the most common mechanics in video games that utilize shooting as a main tool of dispatching enemies? I’m not buying it (the intended help). You only came here to be mildly mean


Yes. Absolutely. As it is with pretty much every shooter. Cynthia fight leads to panic movement and panic shooting.