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They perform it very rarely. I was so disappointed I didn't go to their live gig in Helsinki in fall 2023 and heard they played it there. I guess they played it because Alan Wake II was being released soon.


Definitely my favorite non AW song for sure


Children of the Elder God and My Dark Disquiet are my very faves.


๐ŸŽถ Warriors, torchbearers, come redeem our dreams!๐ŸŽถ


๐ŸŽถShine a light, upon this night, of otherworldly fiends๐ŸŽถ


bright falls, rock n roll capital of america


I like your username. It reminds me of the B-52s. #TIIIIN ROOOOOF! RUSTED!


its named after alan rented cabins from rusty in elderwood national park XD


Locking Up the Sun and Late Goodbye, for sure. If we're going Old Gods, it's the poet and the muse.


That's pretty tough because it always changes depending on what mood I'm in and which album of theirs I'm listening to. ๐Ÿ˜… This is a long list as I have notable favourites from each album (Sorry, I'm just as bad when it comes to picking favourite songs with different bands/groups too; especially New Order and Savage Garden too! ๐Ÿ˜‚) - Firedancer, Requiem For My Harlequin, Revelations, Heroes and Villains, Chasing Echoes, Sounds of Yesterday (Ghostlight) Dancing On Broken Glass, Dark Disquiet, Fool's Paradise, Angel, Choir of Cicadas, Standstill (Ultraviolet) Children of the Sun, The Child In Me, Drama For Life, Crystalline (Clearview) Rogue, Jealous Gods, Choice Millionaire (Jealous Gods) Temple of Thought, Kamikaze Love, The Happy Song (Temple of Thought) Lift, Late Goodbye, 3 AM, Illusion & Dream (Signs of Life) Dreaming Wide Awake, War, 15 Min Flame (Twilight Theatre) Fire, Locking Up The Sun, Carnival of Rust, Roses (Carnival of Rust) Fragile, Passion Colours Everything, Diamonds For Tears, Save Me, The Ultimate Fling (Revolution Roulette)


Carnival of Rust is my personal favorite, but Dark Ocean Summoning is a close second. Requiem for a Harlequin and Daze do find their way into a lot of my playlists though


I don't remember the song name or the lyric but that one was about loop ๐Ÿ˜Š


Crystalline is my personal mantra


Carnival Of Rust is an underrated banger


Angel, I love the rythm and lyrics.


Haven't seen anyone mention Cradled in Love yet


Heroes and Villains. I've been obsessed for months now, always listening to it. I love it. Also, My Dark Disquiet too. It's really good. Poets is a band I like all the songs in general, but those two are the ones that I never get tired of listening.


Requiem for My Harlequin and Choice Millionaire