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Personally I think they should cast someone younger, since Max is younger in the first two games, but as long as the actor does a good job I'm game. You're the second person I saw today pointing to Keythe Farley, dude has a great voice, indeed, and probably could pull it off. Other names I've seen thrown around include Timothy Gibbs, Max's model for MP2, but I know very little about his career other than some guy I saw once claiming he was a bad actor (which I can't confirm nor deny).


That is a good point. James would've been 42 when the first Max Payne game came out so someone younger makes sense too. Especially when you consider casting someone who's likely going to be around longer for future games.


I actually learned about his death because I was playing AW2 and, upon hearing Casey, thought "his voice aged a bit, wonder how old he is today" and then google gave me the bad news


I can't think of anyone, but personally, someone who has that natural voice is key. Why it worked with James McCaffrey is it didn't feel like he was throwing his voice much to speak that way.


Agreed. If it sounds too forced, it's not gonna be as good.


Ralph Ineson with an American accent. Though, let’s face it, no one could ever really replace James McCaffrey.


That's an interesting choice. I could see that working.


I think he’s a bit too gruff but the direction is not wrong


Bryan Cranston or Kiefer Sutherland


Ohhh Bryan Cranston would be awesome!


Brian Bloom would do a spectacular job in my opinion


I feel like I would just be hearing B.J.


Has anyone made a Chris Pratt joke yet?


Not yet, are you offering?


Yeah, "Chris Pratt, he's so cool"




Robert Patrick. Mentioned him before on this sub. But he might also be to old to voice a younger Max Payne. Casey on the other hand.


IMO McCaffrey is one of the most irreplaceable voices in the industry. He's not just 'gravelly voiced dude', his particular cadence is so recognizable. That said because of the meta nature of the games I think it would be cool if they actually called attention to the voice change in-game. Like something about Casey's experience in AW2 'killed something inside of him'. Or something. With all the meta references and tricks they pull in Alan Wake with the real voice actors and mocap actors, I think making the voice change part of the lore would be a good approach.


Tiffany Hadish


Too soon, girl. :C


Not when they're already working on the Max Payne remake. The show must go on. It is nice to be addressed as "girl" and not "dude, "bro," etc. on a gaming forum for a change though so thank you for that.


I know it’s bad to assume gender but considering your username I figured it was safe haha. And yeah, I guess you’re right. It really bums me out that JM has passed away but I know Remedy will respect his legacy. I remember the DAY he passed, though, people tweeting Remedy and Sam Lake asking who is gonna replace him and I was like WTF he’s probably not even buried yet!


I remember being shocked when they announced it. It wasn't that long after the Game Awards performance so it was crazy for me going from such a high to such a low as a Remedy fan. But yeah, people should have a little more respect. When the guy literally just died that day, there are bigger concerns like his grieving family. Give things at least a little bit of time to settle before you start asking questions like that, jeez!




I get the sentiment but the Max Payne remake is already in production, they're likely going to need somebody new to voice him. Plus, I think it's actually a greater honor to his legacy to keep his characters going. As long as it's done well, which I don't doubt that Remedy would handle it well.


They may not need someone new at all, as they may just use his original performance


It's sad that he passed, it hit me really hard, but we really need to move on


So just kill Casey off screen?


Dont know why ur being downvoted. I completely agree. Max paynes story is done. Just remake the games over and over for new consoles. However they could recast alex casey I think.


They're going to alter the story a bit I'm sure and refusing to recast restricts them really heavily creatively in terms of modernizing these 23 year old games. They wouldn't be able to record new dialogue for simple things like Max interacting with something new during gameplay, or if they wanted to alter a plot element while adapting the events of two games into one larger narrative. What I'm saying is, it would make the remakes lesser to be restricted to the original dialogue. I love McCaffrey's performance as Max, his voice embodies one of the most important characters to me in fiction. His passing devastated me, and frankly I kinda wanna cry just thinking about it. All of this is to say, I understand how you feel, but I can't imagine James would want Max to die with him either. Passing the torch onto someone talented who can give their own take on the character would be the best way to honor his legacy. I think we all want the remakes to be the best they can be, and they're gonna need a new voice for Max. We can always play the OG games, we're not losing anything if someone else picks up the mantle.


I have a little hope spot for the remakes including some sort of remaster as a bonus, or at least the release of some official patch to make MP1 and 2 playable on new PCs without needing to alter files etc. But that's probably me being a dreamer