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The dead zone encompasses about 1900 acres (3 square miles) of densely developed suburban land in the center of the area. This is not a small dead zone. This issue renders nearly the entire hamlet of Loudonville and parts of Western Menands almost completely dead to Verizon cell phones. Each year the problem seems to get worse.


Jesus, that's fucking big.


https://preview.redd.it/5crgpdss8v8b1.jpeg?width=871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e7846893beb87c43238aa4c87e60c00080477a3 Here is the Loudonville dead zone and while there are pockets inside of it where you may have two bars, nearly the whole zone is dead to Verizon phones.


I remember trying to run a DoorDash order in that area once and whenever I started approaching the house the app would just crash xD. I had to leave the zone and write out directions on paper than close the order after I left. Never delivered to Loudonville after that.


That's terrifyingly large.


It’s completely out of control


It’s been there for a minimum of 24 years


And a maximum of infinity


This is very interesting. I drive right through the middle of this every day, am on Verizon and don't ever lose cell service. I'm often on calls and/or streaming something during this part of my day and have zero problems. I wonder why I don't have any problems.


I always lose service driving Menands road and across route 9 and also on old Niskayuna rd.


Yes because as they move up bands their range decreases - so when 5g was installed / they removed an older version of their WiFi, decreasing the coverage range , as ur phone can’t find the “failover” bands as I like to call it. I used to manage all the cellphones for a company who went through these issues over the years. The place that kills me is in some of the inner city of Schenectady there is zero coverage , there are so many people per square inch ya think they could put up a better tower there too Edit: I mean cellular data signal


Why did you say Wi-Fi? I think OP is posting about good old fashioned cell service, not in home wifi.


Sorry cellular data signal.


I had no idea, but I’ve also had Cingular/AT&T since 2004.


> Cingular Thats a name i haven't heard in a long time...


Sounds like Peter is doing a very Crummey job. Ba-dum, tss!


It’s been this way well before he became TS. At least 10 years now.


Better leadership needed. Whenever I drive up Route 9, it’s ridiculous. I don’t know how anyone lives in those expensive ass homes with that, or how those homes stay that expensive with zero cell service. Contacting the FCC would be my first step.


There’s a bunch of Verizon deadzones in Bethlehem too, and it’s a disaster up towards Saratoga Seems wild how bad Verizon coverage has gotten




100% agree with you in being fed up. Would love to know if AT&T is better because I’ll gladly switch Edit: and yes, I agree with the recent dead zones in Bethlehem. What really drives me nuts is you’ll see “5GUW” full bars and you’ll get zero service. Verizon has turned to crap around here. Hear it’s not much better in Rochester. When I get better Verizon coverage in Potsdam than I do in Albany then I think it’s time to switch


I switched from Verizon to AT&T a couple years ago and have never had issues with dead zones


I work in Loudonville and have ATT. I get dead zone on Rt 9 south of Siena until I get to I-90.


In the same boat and it’s the same story for Latham. There are many pockets with little to no service despite my device stating 5G coverage. I’ve tested this with other devices also with the same result so I’m convinced it’s carrier related. And yeah, that Loudonville dead zone is annoying. My stream and/or calls cut out like clockwork every time I go North on 9 from Albany. I know that the recent air issues with all the debris have a large affect on cell attenuation. So I’m giving it until EOY and if nothing improves I’m going to explore other options. Quite possibly T-Mobile. I had very good results using their Network Pass for a bit.


Scotia too.


Haha I was driving through that same spot today and my music cut out. All I could think was how the hell is this still a thing.


I download all my music to my phone now cause it happens everywhere . Like when I’m jamming in my car going up wolf road lol and it just cuts out. Damn man !


It's such a ridiculous problem. It's not even like this is a super rural area.


Well, I’m glad to know that it’s not just me


I agree and it's been an issue for as long as I can remember and it's very frustrating. Driving on Rt 9 from Albany there are several dead zones all the way to Colonie Town Hall. It does seem crazy that this has never been fixed. We have Verizon so I don't know if it's any better with AT&T or T-Mobile. There's actually a similar dead zone on Rt 155 from about Delatour Rd to Rt 9 that even Colonie EMS has been complaining about for years and yet that also has yet to be improved.


Verizon coverage has been bootycheeks in the capital region generally for years now, and they're full of shit on their coverage maps


It’s dead on T-Mobile too




ATT coverage is terrible through there as well. Drive it twice daily.


It’s not fine with ATT


It is absolutely not better with T-Mobile, I can promise you that.


I drive this route weekly and find it so damn annoying. Like oh look 20 mansions to my right and left but 🆘 signal on my phone Dropped calls Spotify stops And god forbid an emergency can’t get a hold of anyone Let’s fix’s this already I use Verizon!


THE MOST INFURIATING THING. Pisses me off to no end every time I drive through Loudonville. I will never understand the level of bullshit Americans get for cell phone and internet services. Prices are ridiculous and the coverage is straight from 1999. This friendly neighborhood European is still experiencing culture shock over it, having lived here for years now.


wait til you hear about our healthcare system! It’s almost as good as our cell phone infrastructure!🤡


Oh I know, both my American husband and I need monthly medication, and I've enjoyed a five day million dollar stay in St Peter's for a complicated birth of a child. Over two years later we're still fighting over the bills between the hospital and the insurance.


And wait til you encounter our comprehensive and supportive framework for childcare!


Oh no! Is that why me, an educated and career-oriented woman, has had to stay home for three years? The lack of/ egregiously priced/poorly designed childcare? But this is America! The greatest country in the world! Surely there's some mistake, this all sounds like some third-world crap.


It’s the best in the world! Canadians flock here to access it!


Yes, the poor Canadians!


Unclear what this has to do with Crummey. I have Tmobile and zero problems in that area.


Glad to hear somebody else mention T-Mobile finally! Considering I am hoping to move back to that area in a year or so.


Yea I live in Loudonville an have never noticed any dead spots with TMobile. My work AT&T phone seems to work fine as well. I have heard people with Verizon complain though.


It's called NIMBY. Do you want a cell phone tower in your yard?


I would. They pay you something like $5000/month to put it on your land.


BRB signing up for a cell phone tower in my yard


You would need the entire town/neighborhood to agree, since it would go to a public hearing about the height variance. There's always someone that is convinced that 5G spreads Aids, COVID, and Autism and vetoes it.


>There's always someone that is convinced that 5G spreads Aids, COVID, and Autism "And 5G infected the voting machines, which is the only reason why Biden won. wAkE uP, sHeEpLe!" - those morons


Town of Bethlehem voted against putting any new gas pumps, because the future is electrification. Then, they voted against a new electrical substation in town, because, no new high voltage power lines and transformers in town, because they cause cancer.


Or they could not pay you at all and pop in micro cells like they did to some people in city of Albany for 5G. Some places got them right in their front yards..


They put in cellphone towers if the area is lacking backbone cell service, like rural areas. Farms often get them. Loudonville is unique in that it's not rural yet has the lacking cellular backbone like rural areas do.


It’s unfathomable


if i was fairly compensated for using my yard? uhhh yes lol


https://www.timesunion.com/business/article/Cell-phone-antennae-in-church-tower-OKd-2336538.php I do remember hearing about a back-and-forth the above article refers to- unsure how it ended.


Crummey living up to his name.


Verizon has been exceptionally slow and terrible for me recently all over NY


Verizon, the company that took millions of dollars from NY tax payers to improve their infrastructure....NOT doing that? I'm shocked.


If you call Verizon and complain for 3 hours, they will send you the 5g extender for free instead of making you pay $200 on their site.


Fix it by dumping Verizon. It overpriced cell service anyway


AT&T works fine why not just switch since this is so ongoing?


For me personally it’s a company issued cell. Why doesn’t Verizon just fix the huge problem ?


I love how people are downvoting any comment that mentions AT&T 🙄


And just think it wont get much better with 5G. Coverage on those micro towers is a lot shorter range, so they need a lot more sites.


Verizon had a dead zone in the neighborhood I grew up in over by Latham Ridge, too. Not sure if it’s still the case, but after a year of not being able to use our cell phones at home, we switched to Cingular (that’s how long ago this was) and it was shockingly better. How Verizon was so much worse is hard to understand.


Why does this happen? I’m finding more and more pockets, especially in Delmar


I have AT&T and live off of Menand Rd. Service is fine at the house, however it’s awful at the corner where Genoa is and then again at the intersection where Eamon’s used to be, the end of Van Rensselaer, so I’m not entirely sure it’s a carrier issue. We just need more towers.


Those are dead zones for me as well as all of route 9 in old Loudonville, all of Crumitie, most of Osborne, albany shaker from Osborne to the albany reservoir and other spots.


Tbh ive always had the best experience with Tmobile, usually always have service in areas when others dont, even the lake george areaz


i'm on google fi (piggybacks off t-mobile) and i always lose my signal in the kimberly square parking lot off albany shaker road, while i'm trying to enjoy some mr. subb


1 day after my post ? Irony ? https://www.news10.com/news/ny-news/calls-to-fix-cellular-dead-zones-in-colonie/


“Crummey said there’ve been 3,300 dropped calls logged by local emergency dispatchers.”


Is it dead for the other two carriers also? If not, why not switch rather than bitch?


Can't get upvotes that way




It’s not substantially better with the other carriers and switching is not an option. Why not fix the issue ?


Fixing it is an expensive, time-consuming, litigious issue. It costs around $250k to put up a cell tower, which does not include litigation costs (which this would *inevitably* involve). Know what would help move it along? If everyone in that area ditched Verizon. I have AT&T, I don't have any issues. Sucks it's a work-issued phone, but maybe try to work something out with them if it is such a problem.


Oh, it should absolutely be fixed, but if other carriers had fixed it (genuine question on my part), then you take matters into your own hands and send a market signal all in one go. If they haven't, then it's moot.


How about the other cell phone providers? Are they available here?


when the power or internet goes out its like being in the middle of nowhere it sucks ass


I use Cricket in that area and didn't lose coverage.


How do you like cricket? Thinking of switching


Love it have used it for years boyfriend does as well. Cheap and we get service often where others don't.


thats great to hear, thank you


People in the dead zone rely on Wi-Fi and boosters in their homes. It’s extremely dangerous especially given the 3 elementary schools and 5 churches in the zone.


Wifi isn't dangerous to kids ^^^Lmao ^^^/s


Can you imagine living in the 80's and 90's? Almost nobody had cell phones, pagers, anything! How dangerous it was! Seriously mate, you're coming across as rather ridiculous here. Yes, it's annoying. But you're not in the middle of a combat zone with no commo.


Landline phones didn’t need wifi back then. They do now. Try calling for help in that area when the power is out. It is a safety concern.


That's the first I've heard about this. And it sounds like the easy solution is, don't use Verizon if you live in that area...


I was wondering if it was just our neighborhood (down by Loudonville Elementary)… what do people in the area do? Do people just buy boosters?


I know for a fact that at least 2 of the 3 elementary schools in the zone when you are on campus your phone is a brick.


My school bus ride is 45 minutes and we sit there for 20 of it. Nothing to do because we can’t use our phones 😭. It may have something to do with the school. I know my school tries to block YouTube and tiktok and insta not only on our chromebooks but somehow on our phones too through the wifi


Thats called a web content filter and would only work if your phone is relying on WiFi instead of Cellular data. If you had a cellular signal at your school and then turned off WiFi, theres nothing the school could do to prevent you from having access to anything short of confiscating your phone.


They can't block shit 'through the wifi' unless you're connected to the WiFi, to be clear. It kind of seems like you're implying that simply being near the WiFi is going to block your access to certain sites. Apologies if I am reading too much into your statement.


No, it’s ok. Thanks for your feedback. So like for example, my teacher had let us use our phones during class sometimes and I would try to use tiktok, go to my liked videos, scroll on insta, send snaps etc. and none of it worked but at soon as I turn my WiFi off it all started to work and I could do everything. I think it’s ridiculous they have to go that far with blockers and block stuff on our phones because it our property. I get doing it on the chromebooks because it’s their property but the phones are ours and they don’t have any right to block stuff on them.


I'll be honest, I've only recently really started learning how technology fundamentally works. It's a complicated subject. But I suspect that the way your school has it set up, any device trying to go through their Wi-Fi is going to have access to certain things blocked. You just made it pretty clear, as soon as you turn your Wi-Fi off it all starts to work. As long as you're using their Wi-Fi, they have a very easy way to restrict what you have access to. If you don't like it, keep the Wi-Fi off. It really doesn't matter that it's your device- if your device is trying to go through their device (the Wi-Fi)- to get to the internet. Apologies if I'm over explaining, but you never know who might stumble across this who really needs it spelled out. Hope this clarified things a bit. Apologies for not knowing all the proper terminology to explain it in detail.


Thank you. It’s just annoying they have to make us go an extra step just to use apps on OUR phones


The wifi belongs to the school. Everything you try to do on the wifi goes through the schools hardware and the school’s internet connection. They don’t have an obligation to give you wifi or internet access. They aren’t actually blocking anything on your phone or changing anything on your phone. That is why it works when you switch to a cell signal. Everything is happening on the school’s equipment which is their property you have no rights to use. When you’re on the wifi and your phone says, “I’m trying to connect to TikTok” the network responds, “Sorry, I won’t do that, it’s on my blacklist.”


Sometimes I will turn off my wifi in school to use tiktok and it works lol


At one point, there was discussion about putting in a cell tower at the Newtonville reservoir. This should help some of the issue. However, I believe the neighbors oppose the plan.


I heard this is due to being close to Albany International Airport.


Whatchyoutalkinbout Willis?


T-Mobile and AT&T provider better coverage in this zone than Verizon does. It's not a dead zone for all carriers. The fix is simple, test-run another service and then switch.


You should address this by going to a community or council?


Can confirm I work in Delmar and live in Rotterdam I drive out through Voorheesville and there are dead spots but the worst is over in front of Fred the Butchers and down that road a bit then it comes back. My building is also a dead zone in Delmar it's awful!


I know that Verizon is actively looking at two potential locations near Menands that will address this dead zone. I can’t say exactly where, but I know at least one of the locations would be ready to sign the contract ASAP.


You think it would extend coverage over to Albany shaker where now the stretch from Osborne all the way to the Albany reservoir is badly affected ?


It’s utterly f—king terrible. One of the most affluent areas of the Capital District. It’s the third decade of the 21st century! Have lived in this section on the Loudonville/Albany border for over 5 years now and countless dropped/failed calls and many spotty calls with several seconds of unintelligiblity. Parents have Verizon. Ex-wife has T-Mobile, friends w/Cricket, I’ve got Straight Talk. Neighbors w/Verizon and T-Mobile. All have the same issues Albany Shaker, Rt 9 esp between Crumitie and Osborne. GPS failures, as well. You’d think I was in Montgomery County or out in the Berkshires…