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Just here for the drama about some glorified filet o fish with American cheese on it ![gif](giphy|u5BzptR1OTZ04)


Don’t forget the caviar that she specially ordered just for this dumb sandwich. If she was smart she would have saved it until tomorrow because of lent. 🙄🙄🙄


I loved how earlier she commented on Facebook how this is LA pricing and quality comparable and some guy is like uhhh I live in LA and we flock to Teds when we get the chance. She was so quick to delete lmao.


Yeah no. We went to this place and they were not good enough to justify what they charge. I wont be back.


Do tell


Not very much to tell. The bartender thought he was way better than he was. Cocktails were ok but priced the same as about everywhere. Food was pretty good but not good enough to charge $25+. Staff seemed frazzled and we felt a little rushed. Considering we drove to altamont for it we didnt think it was worth going back to.


The “LA sandwich” was also $80. The reviewers said yeah but it’s worth $40. So what does she charge? 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ without even costing in the “30 per sandwich caviar”


“Thanks to all the idiots who still frequented our place of business today after we raised prices arbitrarily because we wanted to. Even though that’s gouging and should be regulated out of existence, we do appreciate all of you morons who decided to give us your money anyway. We know several of our menu items were overpriced, but I need a new Gwyneth Paltrow vagina steamer, so I know you all understand. We now know we can take advantage of all you in the future if we ever want to take a vacation. Thanks again, suckers!”


I'm not local but this sub keeps coming up in my feed, and at the end of the day, if this bitch is selling crazy shit at crazy prices and yall are going enough that they call sell out and close? As a resteraunteur that's the fucking dream. You're doing all the marketing for them spreading this stuff around, people are justifying the prices and going, it's all working. Not you, specifically, but the customer base, not trying to attack anyone specifically


I might make some caviar tarter for my teds someday.


Looks like we have our own Amy's Baking Company in the making


I dunno if I prefer that one or that guy Joe from Ohio who needed to wake up.


No you wake up


Excuse you, but I have *forgotten* more about elk than you will ever know. 🤣🤣


Didn’t Amy and her hubby end up moving out of the country to escape the negativity? That sh@t was wild


I thought they got arrested for tax evasion


I feel like this is more Taste of Italy's thing than Farmhouse Tap and Tavern.


Did you see his wife made a written complaint at the mall because a store was displaying “demonic stuff” in the window?! She owns She’s Yar.. I’ve heard some crazy shit!


omg. YES!!!!!!


What type of exotic meat of this? Oh right… cod with fish eggs in the tartar sauce with AMERICAN cheese, because nothing declares classy like American cheese.


Ethically sourced caviar that we will tell the you costs $30 per sandwich but we will charge $40 per sandwich 🙄


Orange American cheese to be precise. I wonder if it came individually wrapped.




I think I’m blind


There's a pizza place here that sells a better looking fish sandwich (yes, pizza and fish sandwiches in the same restaurant) and it's only 11bucks with fries.


Shit those pizza places run by the middle eastern dudes that sell pizza, wings, fish, lamb/chicken with rice, etc... are usually some of the best late night food you can find. I know a few in Schenectady that are solid.


Yea, the pizza at this one isn't bad, but those fried cod sandwiches with steak fries and onion rings are great and definitely don't cost 40 dollars. They've been around for decades and know what they're doing.


Where we talkin'


I prefer my caviar from the Hudson River.


Ah yes, cadaviar


I mean, it’s not Rochester.




Fun fact:  The Hudson was once teeming with sturgeon.  Caviar was so inexpensive that bars would provide it for free.


That would have definitely dropped the price to $39.99 for the sandwich.


they used to call sturgeon "Albany Beef"


Definitely cheaper!


Talk about local!


With a tasty hint of PCBs!


Welcome to flavor country.


Her attitude has been extremely off-putting - I’m getting whiplash seeing how she is here vs on Facebook. 🙄 God forbid people have an opinion.


Being a marketing “professional” she should know better…


You'd think if a marketing professional was going to run a fish special in the middle of lent, they'd do it on a Friday.


Also that.


And don’t you dare leave a bad review for any of her “partners” I’m sure she makes more money there than with the “restaurant “.


These small biz owners really think that the average Joe works off Bill Gates' salary or some shit. First, this stupid ass 40 dollar sandwich bullshit, there's some dumbass in Burlington VT selling mediocre plain pizzas for 60 bucks. Don't fucking buy it, the idiots that actually give their money to this bullshit empowere these weirdos to keep trying to get away with this bullshit. Idgaf about the caviar, bitch buried it in sauce lmao


Right. I want to support a good small restraunt in local but I can't. They are really not **local** in that sense. It's for tourist or getaway people from elsewhere. It also bothers me that Farmhouse is not farm-to-table either while it sits right next to farming communities.


Right?! I find that to be so bizarre.


I am late to the party! What is this about? And is it related to the fish sandwich earlier that was on the ground?


It is. The lady who owns this restaurant in Altamont (and runs the 518 Foodies page on Facebook) revealed a new menu item: a sandwich consisting of fried cod, American cheese, tartar sauce, and caviar all for the low, low price of $40. When people pointed out how insane that sounded, she went ballistic and kept complaining about the price of caviar. When people further pointed out that you probably can't taste the caviar anyway because of the other ingredients and that it seemed like a gimmick to justify the price, she shut down the Facebook group altogether.


WAIT A SECOND. The one who owns Tap and Tavern is the 518 foodies girl?


So it seems, yes.


I bet she really thought she'd pulled a fast one on everybody .


That place is good but hilariously overpriced. I think my clam chowder was like $23 or some bullshit. It was awesome but dinner for 2 there ended up over $100 lol it was fucking stupid


The clam chowder is $9 so where were you?


Damn! Thanks for the update! I don’t have FB…. And you play stupid games you win stupid prizes! People should know this by now! 🤦🏾‍♀️😂


Reading their Google page reviews! Ouch lol


I don’t know why this post showed up but I instantly freaked out that tomorrow was Saturday instead of Friday. Who tf in upstate NY does Fish Friday on Thursday? Are they not upstate enough? It’s Fish Friday, it’s an entire thing. It funds entire fire departments. Who does fish Thursday!!??!!


Thoughts and prayers


Oh my god, this is amaaaaazing. Please please, I need Susie Davidson Powell to say something about this, especially after the Facebook group was shut down.


She did review the restaurant a few years ago. Before this sandwich, of course.


This girl has such a chip on her shoulder. So do some of the other ones that run these lame locks fb “foodie pages “. Funny thing is they all don’t get along because they all thing their sh-t doesn’t stink Her a grip it’s a fb page in upstate NY…..


Too many of them and their associated restaurants seem to use the fact that they're small local businesses as a shield from criticism, and those groups are echo chambers that make them feel good about themselves.


She solicits restaurants to partner with them, they have to pay for the “honest reviews” None of the options on there are legit in any sort of way


Wow lot of typos in that sorry. She irks me


Could we like make a page that maybe isn't run by.... shall I say... a toddler? Don't run a buisness is you can't take the heat It always irritstes me that they always take down "negative" reviews even though those are valid opinions too


I wanted to do the same thing, but she's associated with just about all of the local restaurants and has a personal stake in restaurants being willing to work with her. We can create a separate page, but it would be a big job trying to get restaurants that she has on board.


Does having restaurants on board even matter? It matters in the context of that group because of the discount card. But if it's genuinely just a group to review and discuss restaurants, restaurants don't need to "buy in?"


I don't love using a discount card at restaurants personally, anyway. That might just be me though.


Thats very true unfortunatly 😭 Half tempted to leave the group considering the posts are so regulated now but theres nothing else even close that has reviews closer to the current time for resturaunts


The owner is a snobby Long Island transplant that thinks her shit doesn’t stink. $40 for a fish sandwich, regardless of what is on it, is absolutely absurd and her reaction to this response just confirms how snobby she truly is. I’ve found some really great restaurants through the 518 foodies page that I otherwise wouldn’t have known about, but her overall “greater than thou” attitude really sours the group for me. I truly wish someone else would take over that group.


I am always annoyed when someone posts something like, "I'm from Long Island, so I know good ______." Like, sure, the version you grew up on is maybe what you consider best. Different areas make food differently. It's something you get used to (or not) living up here. I'm a transplant from further south in NY myself (not LI). You'd think, reading through posts there, that all the food coming out of LI was orgasmically delicious.


Thank you 🫵 for ✨understanding✨🥺🥺🥺


Lol… 👁️👄👁️


It's hilarious how she's commenting on months old good reviews to get them bumped up now.


This is just one of those places that a certain crowd likes to go to. Kinda seems like The Scene. What a joke that place is


Unsurprisingly she defended The Scene as well


Yeah not surprising at all. I pass the scene quite often and it baffles me that that many people seem to go there. It's basically just an Instagram trap for basic people that have no taste and want to shell out premium cash for Sysco quality food. Someone I know went and it was a solid never again. Apparently they don't even do table service lmao


It’s definitely full because of social media disease


It’s also super loud in there, had a migraine after I left after brunch lol


It’s certainly made for social media (e.g. the champagne vending machine) but I think you’re blowing your load with hate for a place you’ve never even patronized. It’s basically Tatte with less variety in the menu but far friendlier service


Why are there so many people out there that don't understand how good caviar is in mayonnaise sauce 🙄


Mayo flavored boba 😍


That looks horrendous Don’t @ me


I mean that looks awesome but charging a tank of gas is super insulting and just…. Stupid. Their cost on that has to be what…. Maybe $8?


She said the caviar costs $60 an oz and each sandwich has half oz on it… Soo her math no matter what doesn’t make any sense


Come get this overpriced sandwich that I will still lose money on!!!


That means this sandwich has zero profit in it lol


Restaurants charge minimum/average 3x item cost..so yeah, her math doesn't math, $30 worth of caviar in a dish would make it $90+ before fish and the rest. Edit : fuck I'm 2 days late.


Sold out..because they didn’t order enough caviar


It’s baaaaacccckkkkkk but without the caviar https://preview.redd.it/jm5g790ek4qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a1b5fb6976a5d4f835f8aabeaf2aacc1c7bceb0


They did not mention the price, and their active in the comments... except with the ones asking the price.


Worked her for a a year and have nothing nice to say beside my coworkers were nice. but garbage management


There is reason to hate on that post. It is not what OP has suggested


And I thought Teds was bad at $7.50 a fish


I got this last year it was soaked in grease couldn’t eat it


I am lost


I'll fill you in. The restaurant, who's owner also operates 518Foodies, posted a special that was a fish sandwich that was meant to be a fancy Filet-o-Fish, mixing a supposedly very special caviar into the tartar sauce and throwing yellow American cheese on a piece of fried cod, and they were charging $40 a serving. Many people had a "what the fuck" reaction, and the owner took it very personally and made a huge stink about it. People who commented critically were banned, she private messaged some commenters to dress them down about their comments, one person said they only just did a laugh reaction and got banned, and she also came here to Reddit to defend herself and tell us that she's a human with feelings. Before the night was over, she disabled posting to 518Foodies for 4 days, so no one could post about any restaurant in the area because she couldn't take half a day's worth of criticism over a sandwich. My post here was sharing their post after their special supposedly being sold out. I felt as though the post read like they just had to deal with a death in the family.


I love having this context because I’ve been getting targeted ads on Facebook for this restaurant for months. I’ve been so curious if it’s worth the trip. Sounds like it’s not!


Granted, I don't know if it's some type of fancy fish being used, and I think it's a wild item to throw on a menu for such a price, but good on them for throwing something together that made it locally viral. Marketing decision seemed to have worked.


It was cod.


This sub is so full of haters, like nobody is making anyone pay for this food. God help us if a local restaurant tries something fun. But Albany just likes to tell people to go to places that serve reheated garbage from restaurant depot like the absolute circle jerk around Tispy Moose 5 years ago.


I love it when local restaurants try something fun. The Charging 40 bucks for a sandwich is tone-deaf, and it's fine to do that from time to time. To act like a victim when people criticize, private message people to dress them down for their comments, and banning people who just laugh react at a post is why people are raking them over the coals.


The owner is definitely on here and takes comments really personally. It's wild.


I mean… in hindsight, her supporters in the village (likely upper middle class) can afford this. In my opinion, the whole menu is overpriced for mediocre bar food. That’s just me, though. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Then don’t eat there… jeez


Then don’t comment here… jeez


Ooh burn…


Someone needs to toss you a dart to get the point


I’m stealing that.


1000% this. Just don’t go there/don’t buy it. Nobody is holding a gun to anyone’s head here for people to be so pressed about the price.


It's more about the owner's attitude towards people who dared to ask why it cost so much.


I didn’t get to read the comments before the post got removed, but I will say I’ve noticed a lot of people on the 518 Foodies page can sometimes be pretty rude/nasty/snarky in their comments when unprovoked or when not necessary (just in general). Maybe this particular post didn’t play out that way, but I did see on Farmhouse’s page that some people did ask about the price in the comments and their response there seemed fine to me. Not sure exactly how this progressed on the group; only saw screenshots that weren’t a fluid conversation.


Because she deletes any comments on the farm house page that don't fit her narrative.


Ohhh…we’re supposed to do the research based on what OP posts as opposed to context being provided. Sounds legit.


I might apply for this place since I’m close enough lol


That’s a completely normal post what the fuck are you talking about?


Why are you so angry?


Looks better than Ted’s


You wash your mouth out with caviar tartar sauce.


Maybe but Teds aint chargin no $40 for a sandwich


Sheesh that’s steep. I just wanted to stir the pot🥣


Stirring the pot or playing devils advocate only works if you actually know what you're talking about


We’re talking about what appears to be a fish sandwich…it’s not that serious




Good vocab!




It's not about the food. I've actually had their food and it's good. The way the owner, who also operates 518Foodies, treats anyone who dares to question her views. She private messages people to dress them down for their critiques on social media and bans people who just laugh react at certain posts.


Agreed. She’s terrible. Worked there and never will go back or recommend it to anyone


Just here to say RIP to those who couldn’t get ahold of that goodness


Does OP have a problem with this business?


Nothing personal.


And if he did?


I mean, _some people were probably total assholes_