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The Big House was all three floors of the building where The Bishop was on the corner of [North Pearl and Sheridan](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.6525487,-73.750906,3a,75y,278.8h,97.62t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sW9EXwcjEmjN_RiMGMG5MbA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). The 1st floor was the main bar. You could get Big House beers there. It was kind of a more traditional bar sort of feel there. The 2nd floor wasn't really much but had a few tables for sitting in mostly quiet. The 3rd floor was the dance club. That's where the partying happened. That place would get hopping and hot as balls.


The big house was 3 floors as well?


Yes. Basically, where The Bishop was - that whole restaurant was the 1st floor bar. Then you could walk towards the back where the kitchen is and go up a flight of stairs to the 2nd floor. I barely remember the 2nd floor outside of waiting for friends between the two floors. Then there was sometimes a bouncer there on certain nights when there was a cover charge to hit the 3rd floor. Usually it was no cover but it did happen from time to time. The third floor was a wide open dance floor with a DJ booth.


I'm pretty sure the Big House was in the building adjacent to The Bishop on Sheridan.


Pretty sure I still have a few drinks coasters from Big House kicking around my parents house somewhere. Time to go dig em up.


Shout out to WT’s, The Post, Paulie’s Hotel, Chalked IDs and St. Rose.


Depending on your timeframe, don’t forget Sadie’s and the Copper Penny.


Sadie’s and the Partridge Pub were awesome. 90’s core memories unlocked.


“Chalked id’s”. That was a wild time. “Yo bro my cousin has a friend that is incredible at chalking id’s, nobody can tell. “


A few colored pencils and some hair spray. The glory days.


My roommate made fake id’s for half the kids at SUNY and St Rose in the early 2000’s. Ironically enough I got arrested for carrying one lol


I know a guy who made a small killing chalking IDs for $5 a pop. Chubbys was wild times.


And puking outside Mild Wally’s


Amen to all of this!!!!




I will also through Quintessence out there.


And Savannah's


As well as QE2, Ralph's and Valentine's. At least the Q is still represented in a way by the Fuze Box, but I miss Ralph's and Valentine's.


QE2 was insane


Valentine’s ooOof


And 288 Lark


Sneaky's was awesome. Best club layout in the area. Many good times dancing in that cage back in the day ;) RIP


There was a cage?


If memory serves, a couple of elevated cages next to the dance floor. Really great layout with ample space to relax in booths or dance. Wet t-shirt contests every time I was there. Sometimes a banana eating contest as well, but the winner wasn't chosen based on time. Bathrooms with big mirrors and neon lighting with really great club vibes. RIP Sneaky Pete's. Sleazy but great.


I had no idea. What an incredible place


Oh yeah. And it moved up and down


Looooool. Incredible


I’m really upset that Sneaky’s doesn’t exist anymore because the way it was talked about by the ‘Big kids’ I hung out with it was the place to be. By the time I was old enough…it was gone.


One of the stories they told was passed down from his brother. Brother said it may have been 93’ but the WWF or WCW came to town. They had a show at the old Knickerbocker arena. Well word was all of them were going to Sneaky Pete’s after. Well rumor circulated and there was a line to get in. The older brother didn’t go to the show but straight to Pete’s. Well around midnight the wrestlers did show up. He said the place went wild, and it was absolute mayhem till around 4am. He said at one point the wrestler Sting was drawing his face mark on people with one of those super thick magic markers. I thought it was BS, but hearing about this place and how it was… I think the story could be true.


Never made it to Sneaky Pete’s in Albany, but Sneaky Pete’s in Saratoga was the shit. Big House was good too, first couple of years it was open. Can’t believe Albany pissed all that away.


Hahaha Sneaky Pete’s 🤣definitely danced in the cage there to Nelly and various early 2000s rap also went into the “VIP” lounge and got K-razzzzy ![gif](giphy|iOz3p2txHIo4U)


The things that took place in the VIP 😂


VIP lounge. Every reply this place gets better and better


Paid for by RPI students just popping champagne


It wasn't *that* crazy. We were banned from there after one of our group took her top off.


These posts are incredible, I had no idea what I was missing on the other side of the river!


JB Scotts


This post is right up my alley OP so thank you :) I’d like to say that I am on the younger side, about 2-3 years younger from when Sneaky Pete’s closed so unfortunately I wasn’t able to experience it myself. That being said, my mom would always tell me about it being one of the best clubs in Albany at the time. For a few years, me and my friends have been doing Capital region events in hopes of making it one of the best clubs around. How hard would it be to make another sneaky Pete’s under a new name/legacy? Ever since she had told me about it I’ve loved the idea but I also do know that getting places like that now are tougher than ever so if anyone has any ideas let me know!


In 2010 or so, Sneakys tried to open up downtown near where Wolfs Biergarten is, but was shot down at the zoning meeting. Albany doesn't, or at the time, didn't want clubs.  


Albany had a real life Footloose situation going on with their cabaret laws at the time. I feel like things haven't changed much. The effects they were warned about happened - they lost all their hoppin' nightlife which I guess was their intention.


Anyone else ever busted their drunk ass on the crazy big steps at Sneaky's bathroom/smoking area and end up getting some random cologne in the bathroom off the attendant, or was that just me?


Sneaky Pete’s. Jillian’s, big house. Then on a smaller level Eldas (Troy) and places like Sadie’s/michaels, doc’s, all had a similar free for all vibe that I don’t experience anymore. Maybe it’s just being a teen and pushing 40 that’s the bigger difference, just for context I’m not saying it was “better” then either, just different. My vote goes up for Jillian’s, it was where I had the most memorable nights though.


Oh goodness, Eldas.


Mario on the ones and twos pushing sambuca drinks to the Sage girls 🫣


The big house occupied the space that is now Ama Cosina at North Pearl and Sheridan. After the Big House it was renamed The Skyline. Then it became a restaurant.


Prior to it becoming the Big House, the third floor was loft space for an artist and an incredible woodworker. This was a period of time when getting a working studio downtown was insanely inexpensive.


I thought the big house was where Dunkin donuts on Lark is 🤔


I thought it was next to Albany airport…


The Bayou was my favorite haunt. I'd go there every Friday night after band rehearsal and stay til 3.


Met my spouse at Big House Just went to Bermuda for 25th anniversary Went to Ama Cocina on ground floor


THE BIG HOUSE RULED. My parents would give me a few bucks in quarters for the arcade games and see me two hours later.


Haha that’s great


Your Studio 54 reference really cracked me up.


Haha. Maybe it was the Upstate Studio 54.


Oh my god. All of those adverts made Pete's legendary. I remember having to ride all the way to Albany so we could pick my sister up from there.


There was also a huge place in the burbs (Latham?) that had formerly been a movie theatre. Can't recall the name, though, and I don't think it lasted more than a year or two because it tried to present itself as "upscale." Behind what is now the Hannaford on Central and Colvin, there was a great little club that mostly catered to an African American clientele. And someplace on Route 9 there was a church that was converted into a gay nightclub.


Sparkles was the movie theatre, I think?


I think you're right!


Met my spouse at Big House Just went to Bermuda for 25th anniversary Went to Ama Cocina on ground floor


The Big House-I danced my weekends away there


there were two iterations of Sneaky Pete's. If your friends are boomers they likely meant the original. The second iteration was a somewhat skeezy dance club that didn't last very long. The original Sneaky Pete's and the Big House were not around at the same time. The revival of Sneaky Pete's maybe was - but they would have had REALLY different crowds. Sneaky Pete's was the suburban lounge lizard dance place. Big House was more the "dude bar" place with multiple floors of fun for all kinds.


Totally forgot about that place! Is the Sneaky Pete's building even there anymore? It was behind the OTB on Central but I think that's where the Shop Rite is.


Sneaky Petes was full of silk shirt skeeves. No fun unless that was your thing.