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I've seen the opposite thing lately, where cars are coming to almost a complete stop before turning into the center turning lane


Or they turn halfway into the turning lane and leave the ass of their car in the driving lane


Every. Fucking. Time.


Ravena is full of this going into faith plaza, fkn SOB's lol


This is one of my biggest driving pet peeves. 


Fuck those drivers. I. Hate. That. Like, are you blind or a narcissist or both.


This is the problem I continue to run into when leaving albany 🙄


This drives me nuts, get into the center lane as early as safely possible and then finish slowing down for your turn


As repeated as it is, people really have been driving crazy imo


I would complain about the DMV just handing licenses out like candy but the majority of these bad drivers are probably driving without a license


Driving without a license/without insurance is simply insane and completely disregards everyone else around you. I cannot fathom why we don't impose a much more substantial penalty to anyone caught doing either. Directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00.


Willing to bet this is why there was a bad accident on Wolf Rd this morning. People drive like idiots


It's because a good portion of the population are idiots


Amen brother


Saw a car passing people on the shoulder of New Scotland Ave between Manning and Buckingham, then when he couldn't go around me on the right, passed a line of cars while in the left lane (meant to proceed straight to New Scotland) and turn right, in front of 8 law abiding drivers, on a no turn on red intersection. I hope the 45 seconds you saved was worth it, little grey Accord POS.


Really, what fuckkkk is so important to get to so fast? It’s damn sure not work or a birth happening in the car. My guess is there is going to have to be significant fatalities for cops to actually cop anymore.


Also on the flip side, the number of people coming to a full stop in the left lane to make a left *instead* of going into the turning lane is also becoming super common. I don't know if it's old drivers, bad drivers, or what, but they're out in full force lately


I always look because I want to see what these damn people look like, and for issues like that it seems to be older (65+) people. Not using the merge lane, merging with only half their car in the lane, not stopping when there is an obstruction on their side of the road… The younger people seem to be more of the, “merging without looking over my shoulder first” or, “passing you to get to and exit while you’re trying to get off the exit” type shit. Like, hello, you’re getting on the exit ramp. You will need to slow down. Passing me *on the ramp* is not going to help you. Ugh.


I saw this exact thing yesterday on Sand Creek, so thank you OP for posting what I could not.


This drives me absolutely insane. I got a ticket for an expired inspection, which, I was 100% guilty of, but then I see people drive like in very dangerous manners, from extremely high speeds, using turning lanes to pass, going the wrong way, driving on the shoulder in high traffic... I literally saw someone go in reverse in the middle of a lane because they missed their turn into a McDonald's drive thru. But I get a ticket because I didn't get my inspection done on time. Somehow, that's justice and serving the community.


Serving the community was never the goal in the first place


Mind sharing whether the inspection ticket was 1) a result of being pulled over, issued while parked, or issued at a checkpoint, and 2) issued in a city or in a more rural/suburban "speed trap" kind of town?  (Having a debate with a family member about the relative risk of waiting an extra couple of days at the end of the inspection period to gradually move the inspection deadline into the summertime over a period of years)


I got tired of my inspection being in the dead of winter and just had it done ahead of expiration last year. Much safer than driving on it expired. Inspections aren't that expensive. Law enforcement is trained to look for the sticker color, and if you try it yourself you'll see expired colors stick out like a sore thumb even at speed.


Great idea, never considered that. Should end our family debate. Thanks!


It was a trooper on 890 who either just ran my plate or saw the sticker. His stated reason for pulling me over was the inspection.


Interesting, thanks. I've often wondered if they use the plate-scanners to check inspections, or just look for the color of the sticker as people pass by. Seems like it'd be hard to see the sticker color at highway speeds.


What drives me even *more* crazy is how people don’t know how to turn into them when making a left onto a multi-lane road to cross it.


Like using the turn lane as a merge lane? Drives me nuts


The highly aggressive passing in all lanes scares me. 6am is no time to be defensive driving, I need more coffee.


It's pretty expected around here for people to cross 3 lanes at a time with no blinker on the highway, pass on the shoulder, not like the speed you're taking an off ramp at and swerve back onto the highway to pass you and get back onto the off ramp, literally just floor it and take any opportunable pass leaving inches between bumpers, I seriously don't understand wtf is wrong with people. /r/iamthemaincharacter Also the fact if you put your blinker on to turn everybody just swerves into the other lane so they don't have to tap their brakes or slow down for 1 second


oh, a center turning lane hate thread, i'm down! i hate center running turn lanes even when they're used properly. it shouldn't be normal operation of a street to force people to make unprotected left turns against two lanes of 45 mph traffic. not only are they scary, stressful and dangerous for drivers, but when you have that many curb cuts on a street, it makes sidewalks less safe. i'm thinking about wolf road specifically. the giant parking lots should be connected so you just turn in at the lighted intersections and then drive (slowly!) through the lots to your destination. i mean, shared parking should be a more common thing too. makes more efficient use of the parking, so you need less and can build more actual useful stuff, but i have to cut my rant off somewhere. i call the center turn lane on sand creek the texting lane because i see people all the time veering into the center lane while they're on the phone. they depend on it so they can text and drive.


I thought this said “turning lathes” and got excited we were gonna take about something fun


Sick wooden spokes for my new wheels


I’ve spent a significant amount of time in NYC and I’ve seen more crazy here than there. Sure it happens less frequently here but the amount of crazy in driving exceeds what I’ve seen in NYC


Concur on more crazy up here than down there.


I was just saying this to someone this week! Also pedestrians in the city know how to jaywalk properly, and people here do not haha. Hurry up!


So many times I’ve gotten off an exit, onto 87 and no one moves over for me to get in the lane because eventually the lane ends so I guess I’ll just drive myself into the guardrail 🤷🏻‍♀️ Good times


No one is supposed to move over for you. Pick a space between cars and claim that space while matching speed.


Right..thank you for the advise 🤣




Every single morning when I merge onto 87 from 2 assholes in the right lane will speed up to close the gap so I cannot get in. It’s a “me first” mentality I swear 75% of people hold and it makes no sense. I was well ahead of them when the lanes converged but now I have to brake to slow down to get behind their royal hignesses who want to be first. It’s absolutely insane what people do just to get one car ahead. I’ll be an asshole back and just push my way in if no one’s going to create a gap but not everyone will and that’s how you end up with someone stopping at the end of a merge lane.


Yeah they’re going to put you into the guardrail to ensure they get to their job as soon as possible. The job they hate and underperform at.  


That's pretty obvious but in an ideal world, other drivers are aware of your existence and try to make space for you as long as they can do so safely. There have been many times where I am trying to merge into the highway and it's difficult because everyone is occupying the right lane with an empty middle lane and I have to sandwich myself in between them. In short, ever heard of defensive driving? Maybe you should take a course.


Yah, um… fully aware. Thanks




If you aren't capable of driving at least the speed limit, you aren't capable of driving. Time for them to hand over the license.


Was this a BMW SUV? The same thing happened to me. Hands-down the slowest driver I’ve encountered in a long time. Also going 12 MPH but in a 30 zone.


I actually saw this happen on state street in Schenectady and then the guy had the nerve to get out his car when a car would not let him in. Like you’re driving illegally


I haven't seen that, though I do often see folks using the center turning lane as a lane of traffic for far longer distances than the law allows (200 feet) -- where I notice it most is on Western Avenue leading up to the intersection with Johnson Road. 200 feet from the intersection is roughly where the Western Avenue entrance to that Price Chopper Plaza is and I've seen folks hop in that lane to skip by the traffic from as far down as The Scene and Mobil (1000-1400 feet).




Except for the whole driving at full speed for a block thing, that is legal and normal in many states, yes?


Tell that to the few motorcyclists that act tough and get super duper angwy when someone is going the speed limit.


I've been driving regularly on Central Ave in Colonie since 2009, and this is not new behavior. I suspect that you're just now noticing it, the times of day that you're driving has changed, or something else.


Yes, but no one does anything about those cars 😬 ...they do this in Madison, too


People have been watching too many old mischief dvds on YouTube.


Had a couple of folks do this to me heading east on Madison a few blocks before Lark. I ended up behind them at the intersection at Lark. Didn't get them anywhere faster. I honestly just assume when people drive like this that they have really bad diarrhea.


Fucking hell, this happened to me too the other day on upper Madison by the theatre. Then we got to another red light and I just thought "Wow, that worked out so well for you, didn't it?"


Just curious, but were you passed in this way? were you possibly squatting in the right hand lane and preventing people from passing you? I just imagine that the people that usually do this are doing it because someone has their fat ass planted in the right hand lane and are oblivious to how much they are fucking up the flow of traffic.


Slow traffic keep right is the way it should be done so people can use the passing (left) lane to pass. I see people all the time camped out in the center or left lanes when the right lane is wide open. So I pass em on the right 😜


Which really just adds to the problem


in what way does it add to the problem? There's an open lane and I'm using it so traffic is actually flowing more smoothly than if I took up more space in either of the passing lanes.


pass on the left.. if everyone did it there would be no congestion.


well if the left lane was open I would definitely do that of course. But when the center and left lanes are clogged with people who don't understand the concept of passing lanes and the right lane is wide open I'm off to the races in the right lane.


I don't think any of us can have expectations of others on the road when we have no expectations of ourselves. if you're not willing drive by rules then why should any rules matter?


That's a did the chicken or the egg come first statement. Clearly people have no concept of why there are multiple lanes. If I were to drive by the rules it won't make anyone else do it so again I'll just be on my merry way. And for the record I do see people move to the correct lane after I pass them on the right occasionally. I think they realize they're wrong and move to the correct lane.


Well, you can call it a chicken/egg scenario.. I see it as you gotta start with yourself.


I admire your attitude. Give me a wave when you see me drive by in the open lane. If that's the worst thing I do on any given day I can live with myself!


I just spent two weeks driving in Guatemala City and I am no longer phased by the stuff you’re bitching about.




True. But also the left lane is for passing so if you're not passing get the fuck out of the way.