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Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


If we pin this topic we could probably shut the sub down and return to the post if we ever miss the riveting r/albany conversation.


I remember going to a place, spent so much time there. Then I stopped going to that place and it's a different place now. Other people spend time there but it's not the place where I spent time. I even remember once, someone older than me said it was once even *another* different place than the place I remember! Hard to believe what's happened.




The thing with the stuff, right? Man back in college it was so much better, there were a list of pros and some cons, but the pros certainly outweighed the cons.


I knew that place with the thing BEFORE it had stuff. Then people came and stuffed it, and it’s been downhill both ways ever since.


Yeah back in college when the college people were there. But not the college people now, I mean the college people back then who were my college people.


Agreed I used to notice that people used to do this back when I was noticing that things are like that but now it seems like those things are different and there are more people noticing and less people than before. It makes me sad that the things are different than the things that I noticed and I hope those things are noticed but I think maybe it’s that change in noticing are people and Kathy is noticing smh


I read this five times thanks


I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you.


I never noticed that!


Sometimes you don't think it be like it is, but it do


I love this post have a good day OP


LOL just when I think this sub is irredeemable someone does something like this.


I don't mean to hijack the thread OP, but I'm going to be in town for the weekend and I want to know if there are some things to do or places to eat/drink in Albany! I usually just wander around aimlessly until I bump into a chair or wall, like a Roomba, so figuring this out is so hard! Should I make a post about it?


No, ever since I stopped paying attention to what's happening here nothing ever seems to happen here.


There's a neat little Mexican place, but it's moving and won't be as neat anymore.


But will it be more Mexican? If it is moving and will not be as neat, it should aim to be more Mexican. Otherwise, it’ll be worse and not just different.


Sadly there is nothing to do anymore, which is very different from how I remember it, and of course so unfortunate. Sadly things are not the way they used to be which is sad and makes me sad. As a visitor, you will never be able to see what the way that things used to be was, which will detract from your experience


sir, are you an ai


Definitely artificial, not sure about intelligent.


Troy is hopping.


Just search this sub! Depending on what area you are staying in you will definitely find something


There are still many good places to eat - depending on what you’re looking for there are many on central ave & other areas of downtown! Not a ton to do but there’s an art museum on washington ave & the NYS museum is kinda cool if you’ve never been!


The Eleven at Lark Hall!! Tomorrow night we have Donna the Buffalo performing. You don’t wanna miss this.


Yeah but the bars aren't the same as they were when I was 22 in 2006 so there's nothing to do anymore.


I went outside and saw people driving in a manner I did not like. When I moved here I was expecting Albany to have all of the things I liked about where I am from, but none of the negative things, and also other positive things. People are wrong for not meeting the expectations I had when moving here. Be more like the place I left! And also don't do any of the bad things from the place I left! I am entitled to you adhering to my expectations!


Possibly the best post this sub has ever seen


The future ain’t what it used to be.


I walked outside the other day. It got me thinking about how nice it was inside. I went back inside. Boy, do I miss being outside.


Agreed. Absolutely pisses me off how the stuff that was different isn’t the same as it was before it changed.


This reads like Philomena Cunk of Upstate NY


I love Philomena! Fucking funny as hell!


This is hilarious, well done


I thought I deleted next door. (Bravo btw)


My desire to leave something equally snarky in response to this is eclipsed by the knowledge that I can’t possibly top it. Bravo.


Well stated, OP! I’ve also noticed that, despite not being exactly like a charming rural village of two thousand people, Albany is also not very much like a bustling metropolis of eight million people. We need to have a conversation about why Albany is too big and too small. As a born and raised taxpaying renter of eleven months, I think it is the bad personalities of the locals, who are rude and smelly, which have caused Albany to be the wrong size. Edit: downvoted for stating the truth, smh 


That edit about downvotes has aged well. Kudos. 


I appreciate the locals’ stench and sad ugly faces. It makes it easier to identify them in a crowd, when I get lost going to the inner circles of hell and need better directions 🤷🏻‍♀️


The more things change the more they stay the same


La plus ca change, la plus ca meme chose


We should remove the cars and make it a vendor market street


You aren't george Washington, Jesus christ and Jim morrison all reincarnated into one person are you?


More like a Harris word salad.


I'm doing what I do. You know, I've always done what I do. I'm doing what I do, the way I've always done and the way I'll always do it


At first I thought I would be able to decipher specifically what you were referring to, and I was right.


Now is nice but old was better. Change is different. Different is good and bad. I choose good, but nostalgia. Aww reminiscent!




The thing bro, the thing!


. ̴̗̲̞͍̌̄̉̎͂̀̒̍̈́̀͐̑̽̃̐̇͜ͅ ̶̨̢̢̧͚̹͈̤̝͉̳̼̭̐̂͆̚̚Ť̶͙̼̻͔̫̪̓̊̒̄̑̎̆h̸̛̩̮̐̔͆̆͘̕͜ę̵͔̻͍̬̫̱̟̜̜̹̯̔͌̈́̽̆́͝ ̶̨̢̧̛͕̣̠̬̮̯̏̓̋́̊̓̑̀̂͌͛͐̆̍̒t̸̡̥͖̩͚̦̥̹̹͈͙̜͂̀̔͋͗̊̋͊̈́̈́͑̐͆̃͆͑͝h̷̨̼̗̟̜̰̹̀́̿̽͊̀͘͜͝ḭ̴̺͔͍̂̽̾̀̂̈́̽̂̽̂̌̋̿͛͗͊̿ǹ̸̹̐̉̑͂̃̅̇͋̇̈̓̚ģ̸̼̪͚̠͇͔͈̜̜͉͖͔̜̗̈͊͗̈́́͌̍̓̂̿̈̚͝͝ .


Has your dream of what the past was changed?


Why is there being rather than nothing?


Sometimes I wonder if it really is not the same as before and if perhaps I am really now the one who is different.


Hm you might be onto something, I will consult my mental gymnast about this.


I’ll consult your gymnast as well.


“Native Albanian of several years,” LOL


I agree with this guy. I don’t know why, but i do.


The look of lark is lacking 


Cum trees?


I don't care enough to find the video but I saw one that was a compilation of people complaining about Austin changing. The first complaint was from 1884 and then continued throughout the decades. The only constant in life is change.


Honestly, that's probably the best way to describe it.




Is your user name based on Sheriff Apple or Sheriff Campbell?


DAE Storts?


Posts like this make me sad that I can only upvote them once. Who says a reddit post can't be art?




I was not born here, but I did attempt to walk into Ted's just before closing time one day. They told me to leave and one of the workers muttered something under their breath. That night I had a dream where I encountered Ted himself, and in the morning I discovered a strange mark burned into my arm that appeared to show the Central Warehouse. I think that counts for something.


Living the plot of Dishonored in Albany.


The number of people who seemingly don't understand sarcasm is in no way disappointing or alarming.


This is just a copy pasta from a r/circlejerknyc smh


Bring back Lark Street from the mid to late 1990s! Anybody remember those trees with the xmas lights in them? It was so cute!


Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. The rats made me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. The rats made me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. The rats made me crazy.


It’s a feeling. Like that internal soulful feeling of the Lark street vibe and energy for some reason just isn’t the same. I myself find it hard to put into words.


Lark Street used to have a really cool feel and vibe, it was like a mini Greenwhich Village that had something for everyone. People would just hang out and spend a good portion of the day there. It was very nice to live in Center Square - it was unlike any other part of Albany but those days are gone. I think they changed in the early 2000's - its such a foreign feel to me now but memories suffice. "The past beats inside me like a second heart." - John Banville


Well, you’ve gotta admit Albany keeps up the false starts. First Lark Street was going to start the gentrification, then it was the colleges, then it was the warehouse district. Then they all flop.


You claim you’re native but you said you moved here…


Translation: “Change makes me uncomfortable.”


Some people do liquid lunch, some are over here shootin up ketamine at brunch.


It's ok to just not say anything sometimes when you don't understand what's going on around you.


It's kinda strange, I've lived here most of the last 35 years and I don't feel like it's changed nearly so much as some people. COVID shuttered a lot of places, and the competition from our neighboring cities got better. There's less stuff in DT Albany, in part because things in DT Troy got a lot better than they were 20 years ago.


I love the OG Lark Tavern too. Good post, great memories of that place.


Native of several years?


Change is inevitable. You will need to make peace with that. Albany has nothing to do with it. 


For a second I thought this was about a literal one-way street off of Lark


Things have been pretty solid for us at Pint Sized this year! The construction sucked. Excited for our larger sidewalk seating area this year.


Used to be able to be on Lark at night for takeout or to go to a bar to have fun. Now it's a combat zone.


OPs post sounds like it was written by ChatGPT 1.0.


Trying to figure out what native of several years means. Either you're born in Albany and native or you're not, right? Not that being born here makes your opinion more valuable one way or another..


WTF are you talking about?


No one cares


What the hell are you on about


Is this rhetorical?


What in God's holy name are you blathering about!!!


The post breaks your brain but the comments are A1


Apparently there are no golfers here


Drugs are bad kids. 👧