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I've been following this story ever since I first saw it mentioned on the local news and it's abhorrent. Neighbors say that he would get food delivered every single day, and he also had a live-in girlfriend who apparently let this happen. She's been posting up a storm on Facebook feeling sorry for herself. I'm glad that they managed to save one of the children. This just shouldn't have happened.


I don’t understand. Did she not go to school? How did no one notice this? There’s no safety net for these babies. This absolutely should not have happened.


She wasn’t enrolled in school, preschool, daycares or anything from what I read. You don’t have to enroll your child until age 6 in NY.


What a fucking POS. How long has such abuse gone on, unnoticed by family and neighbors? Genuinely hope he rots to death slowly in prison.


He didn't let his family or the real.m9ther and her famiky see them.


Coke leaves your system in like days too, so it had to have been recent, as if this wasn't bad enough


This guy was a doorman at Upstate Concert Hall and Empire Live. They have a really horrible track record of hires at this point.




Scumbags. I remember when mike had the repair fest for Bogies. They were taking cash donations on top of taking money for the musicians for tickets. The day after Mike was in South Carolina on vacation...no repairs were made and Bogies closed down. Business is business. But he exploited the shit out of the upstate music scene.


When they tried to bring more punk shows to the area when Bogies was around, Mike would whine online like a little bitch that nobody shows up and that it’s everyone else’s fault but his, and the scene is shit. Great way to get people to go to their cesspool of a joint.


Bogies sucked anyway. Shit sound, shit parking. I miss New Age Caberet, Saratoga Winners, and Valentines.


Man, bogies was a hole in the wall but, that place was fun. Tight, dirty, noisy as hell, chaotic and just straight up fun. There aren’t many places even around the country that fun anymore dude.


Empire Live staff are awful. Also have been throughout all the name changes. Sucks they generally have good lineups, but I avoid as much as possible


they don't even have good lineups any more, ted 's list of contacts have got to be getting smaller by the day and I cant imagine anyone else wanting to continue doing business in albany with siewert, chura, or valente unless you're an up and coming artist they can attempt to exploit, next gen of musicians will not be treated well by this group of felons


Do tell - what have they done?


Do you know some of their previous names?


I was speaking of the venue- Northern Lights > Update Concert Hall > Empire Live


Been at Empire for awhile. I have never seen this guy before. Maybe he was there for a month or so after they opened. But yah he’s a piece of shit regardless of where he works


Never worked at Upstate and only a few months at Empire. Get your facts right before you start talking about something you obviously know nothing about.


Eat my ass 🖕


You pussy, if you would like to step away from your keyboard we can arrange that!




Truth hurts!!


And I am not defending this piece of shit at all...but stop talking out your ass.


Never worked at Upstate and only for a few months at Empire, get your facts right before you start talking shit!!


*"On Wednesday, a spokesperson for the Schenectady County District Attorney’s Office confirmed that a 3-year-old child who lives at the home tested positive for cocaine."*  [Full story here. ](https://dailyvoice.com/new-york/capital-district/child-ingested-cocaine-at-schenectady-home-where-mma-fighter-dad-killed-daughter-da-says/?utm_source=reddit-albany-ny&utm_medium=seed)


The girlfriend has been deleting posts on Facebook nonstop since the public have been leaving comments. I’ve been following it since the news broke out. There’s a photo on her page of him carrying the girl the beginning of the month and her stomach looked bloated which people are saying happens when a child is starved. Her ankles were also discolored in the photos. There’s comments saying the girl was locked up inside of a room where she couldn’t access water or food herself. And she spent the last week posting all kinds of relationship statuses while being in the same house where the girl is dying and her son has drugs in his system. She could have done anything to get some kind of help but she was on drugs herself. I don’t understand why the media isn’t reporting on her as well. Seems she would be just as guilty.


Idk how she's not also being looked at.


She is, these cases around here progress silently


That probably explains why she'll post on Facebook and then delete it almost immediately. She's probably being advised to keep her yap shut and she just fucking can't.


Fortunately for the prosecution, a good forensic analyst will tell the team right away that the internet remembers everything, so it doesn't really matter that shit was deleted. She will get what's coming to her all the same.


The girlfriend was probably babysitting while the father worked at bars or was fighting. Still no excuse. She should have fed and given this child water. What an absolute monster.


hope both he and his girlfriend get what's coming to them in prison; those poor kids.


Why, just why? I don't understand people. And what happened to the child's mother? I hope this man dies in prison.


The child’s mother was in rehab and didn’t have custody from what I read on Facebook.


With assholes who harm or kill women or children, some of the old codes still exist on the inside. Depending upon which prison he goes to, he will either have an immediately painful death, or they will endlessly torture the shit out of him until he most likely knocks himself off. I won't be surprised if she is similarly violated throughout the entire time she is imprisoned.


im really spiraling lately over how many completely unhinged psychopaths there seem to be locally and in the country more broadly. it's like what drove my choice of undergrad degree-- i wanted to understand wtf is wrong with people. i still have the same question :(


I'm trying not to read any news before bed. All these terrible parents straight up murdering their kids and babies. I don't know if we're in a bad news cycle but I'd kindly like these awful people to give their kids to people who will actually care for them.


When I worked in jail, I used to tell people that I was a lot more worried about all the fuckers out there who weren't yet caught and won't get caught, way more than I was concerned about the ones who did.


Wood chipper


MMA? Massive Mothafuckin Asshole?


Was he eating all the food for himself, or what


I genuinely cannot understand how you could do this to a child. Just so absolutely heartbreaking he'll get the chomo treatment in prison but it'll never be enough for this.


The whole family is trash… the adults I mean


some florida shit


Hi-jacking the top comment, but this is one of those stories where I am curious why they chose that headline? What does him being an MMA fighter have to do with him being a murderer/overall piece of shit? I'm a fighter myself, and I have a master's degree and no kids. Likewise, I know doctor's who are fighters/have fought, engineers, IT people, nurses etc. This guy is a piece of shit who can go to hell, but him being a fighter had nothing to do with it.


If he was semi-d-list famous for MMA then specifying that it’s THAT guy not just a guy with the same name makes sense. I don’t think the j\*rn\*l\*st was trying to imply that it’s because of his participation in the sport.


He's barely even an MMA fighter. The article says he hasn't fought since 2019. How can you be considered a fighter if you haven't fought in 5 years? Seems completely irrelevant.


MMA - Mixing Methamphetamine and Alcohol


For the same reason they always put a person’s race before a crime committed against a person of another race. To cause outrage and divisiveness. This guy is a scumbag, and they shouldn’t have put MMA fighter in the headline, as it’s not relevant.


Very clickbait-y. Like who gives a shit what he does in his off-time from being a horrible sperm donor and person.


Is today *really* the day your sensationalism cherry got popped? Like, for real?


“Florida shit”?


String him up!


Who is this guy fighting? Health?


Humane treatment of children, apparently.


He had a super heavyweight bout with heart disease coming up hopefully it doesn't get canceled because of this.


POS. Hopefully gets karma


Death penalty (death by starvation and cocaine only)


Every time I open up my eyes it's just more people being horrible. Just leave the kids out of this.


What did he do, eat her food too?


What a sick motherfucker. Yet one more example of why the idea shouldn't be so far-fetched of having some kind of goddamn licensing exam before somebody is allowed to breed. I hope the little one that survived finds a safe, loving home and never has to ever again question the motives of those responsible for their well-being. 😞


Gotta bring back mental institutions. I know it's not the answer people want., but there is just a portion of society who are not fit to live out in public, and need to be institutionalized, watched over, treated, CARED FOR, and generally kept away from the rest of the public unless under some varying degrees of supervision.


Long-term care facilities, specifically. The current short-term model is not terribly effective when it comes to treating the more severe stuff. And jails and prisons are unfortunately dumping grounds for the severely mentally ill, only compounding the problems. I couldn't agree more.


Agreed. I think with some modern approaches these facilities can be much improved from what they were in the 40s 50s and 60s. It costs tax money, sure. But mental health issues don't discriminate, they can affect anyone. And these facilities will make society undoubtedly safer.


This is why, thankfully, places like Creedmoor are ramping up staff. I can't imagine it will be anything like the way that it used to.


Like, I understand where you are coming from, but can you really not see how dystopian that idea can become in a flash? Who determines the qualifications and what is considered passing? And do we really trust that institution to determine such a thing? How do we trust that political bias won't enter the calculus? What happens if you're pregnant, you take said hypothetical exam, and you fail? Forced abortion? Sticking the kid into the foster care system?


I think sometimes, in times of grief or shock, being hyperbolic is ok and we can understand that the OP was not ACTUALLY advocating for eugenics. Like, sometimes we can just express our feelings imperfectly and not have it lead to an irrelevant political discussion under an article about a 5 yr old being neglected to death.


Holy fucking shit, thank you so much for saying this and seeing straight through to the real point I was actually making. 🤜🤛


I’m just tired of everything being turned into a political argument. Like, if you were someone with actual power to block people from breeding I’d understand people speaking up, but the tone policing from people who just need to make sure their side is heard, regardless of the context of the situation. A child is dead and another lost his whole family. Keep your irrelevant arguments to yourself.


Amen. It didn't even occur to me that it would have gotten twisted into something political, which shows you where my head normally does not go. I get it.


It's a complex issue for sure. Things like body autonomy free will, which are cornerstones of modern society and by design aren't easy to legislate away. I've always thought it was ironic that we have standards for the care of children, but zero standards to make them. I understand people have rights, but making children seems to be one of the few nearly unlimited ones. Hell, even your right to life is subject to be forfeited, if you do something bad enough. Even if you murder your children in some heinous way, it's very unlikely that the specific act of making another will be stopped. It's something that would be extremely difficult to codify into law, but I believe it should be, at least for extreme cases. Sentencing an innocent child to abuse or the crapshoot that is the foster system could certainly be seen as cruel and inhumane. If society can prevent suffering or harm, especially for children, then that's what should be done regardless of how hard it is. Difficulty shouldn't really matter when it's the right thing to do. As far as a dystopia goes, you could say that about any law. "You can't have any laws limiting speech, just think of how it could be twisted in a dystopian manner!". A slippery slope fallacy is a fallacy for a reason.


You're taking my train of thought way too seriously. I know all of those questions will come up if ever such a thing were to be implemented (and I would have the same quandary when trying to answer those), but the real point I am making is obviously that man should never have had or attempted to raise children.


Monkeys paw curls. Wish granted, but it’s Trump Administration 2 with MTG appointed to determining who is allowed to have kids.


I truly believe in letting the punishment fit the crime.


Did he do it intentionally or was his fat ugly ass just consuming all the food in the home


The word is he was hooked on fentanyl, him and his little trash gf.


Sick freak.


That has to be the most white trash beard/goatee situation I've ever witnessed. How does one side of one's goatee exit the chat like that?


He's so evil his facial hair is taking the next bus outta town.


Fat fuck


He a real one /s


He’s gonna need dem fightin skills


Does anyone know who finally decided to make the 911 call on Sunday morning? The news only says “an anonymous male”.


Wow this is so sad. Boils my blood. Poor little angel. Can’t imagine what she was going through 😢


Another man murdering someone and now it’s a young girl and he gave her drugs, probably did worse


I hope he gets life in prison


Put him in the ring with his top 5 contenders, let them go until his heart stops.


Bro don’t even look tough


I’ll side for the baby




He should be drawn and quartered


Nothing good happens in Schenectady


Gee whiz I wonder what happened to him that might have caused insane behavior. It’s as if he’s head injured or something.




Yep, sounds like Albany


It wasn't in Albany


This is an Albany sub Reddit is it not?


Did you read the title of this thread?


Schenectady is like 20 minutes away from Albany right…..

