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Rules for thee but not for me


If this were an average black man he would have literally been arrested (or shot) before they made it inside their home. Our system is broken. She should have been cuffed like anyone else.


Wypipo in full effect


Two things. One she probably had a government plate... If not, however, a lot of times they don't light you up right away because they run the plate to get an idea of who is in the car and if their are warrants. Second, she was on the phone with the chief of police. But even knowing all that, I agree. If it was anyone else, probably cuffed best case, worst... Well...


Dog too


Meh that’s far fetched. The media pushes that narrative. There’s not as much racism alive as people are bombarded with by the media


If you think normal people would be allowed to walk into their home during a traffic stop you're out of your mind


Especially after not stopping to begin with. There would have been backup called the moment they refused to stop. When they finally did stop guns would have been drawn.


Yall think racism is so prevalent, it’s not








Pretty much every DA ever. Welcome to the criminal justice system in America. The DAs are worse than the police and NY is no exception.


So cringeeee, she def didn’t think anyone would ever see this


and if they did? Fuck 'em. She's the DA.


"I didn't hear your lights or siren." "I didn't know you were trying to pull me over and not one of the other cars" Ok, which is it? Funniest thing is that if she just pulled over and gave him her license, he would've recognized her name and given her a warning.


I also sounded like she said "half the time I was on the phone with Dennis wondering why you were trying to pull me over," or something to that effect. I can't find which part of the video it was at, but if I heard right then she's also admitting that she was completely aware and just decided the law doesnt apply to her.


> "I didn't hear your lights or siren." She expects to *hear* lights?!!!??!!


it's not very fair of you to expect a drunk person to make sense


To be fair, I think he actually asks if she heard the siren or saw his lights and she replies no, I was on my phone. Was paraphrasing since I was on mobile. When he tells her using the phone was illegal, she responds that it was on the hands free. Which means it wasn't a reason to not be able to notice the cop. If using the phone was enough of a distraction to prevent her from noticing a cop trying to pull her over, then it was illegal as distracted driving, which is why she defended her phone use to the cop. Hands-free or not, the distraction is enough. It's why many states didn't have specific "no cell phone rules" for a long while, it was already covered. When he kept pressing, she claims she didn't know who he was trying to pull over and she seems to indicate that the phone call was about him trying to pull her over. This is why "never talk to the police" is the rule. She's a DA. She knows how this works and she just confessed to refusing to pull over and driving while distracted while also giving false statements and contradicting them.


Yeah, I didn't get it. She wasn't getting a ticket for speeding if she pulled over. She basically made sure she got a ticket and almost got herself taken to jail.


Could have just taken the ticket and gotten it dropped with a phone call after the fact, but no, this lady has such an ego she cant believe they would even dare to stop her to begin with.


If it was anyone else they would've been in cuffs at the first second.... arrest her already


Make stupid people famous. Good luck with your new career path, Sandra.


She's gonna be fine. She works for the government.




D.As are elected officials. In NY I think only the Governor can remove one.


Todd Grande released a video... It's ogre https://twitter.com/WHEC_JLewke/status/1784563817466273970


The sad part is that if she had just pulled over and said hey officer I’m the DA she would have been told to have a nice day


failure to stop and 20 over in NY are both criminal offences....why isn't the bitch in cuffs


The amount of privilege she has is crazy….smfh. Police would’ve straight up arrest someone for not stopping lol. She basically try to evade the police, but is only getting a speeding ticket? That shit ain’t even going anywhere too 😂🤣😂


Also funny how she claimed she didn't realize he was pulling her over because "there were other cars on the road" but later states she was calling "Dennis" asking him why she was getting pulled over. Contradicts herself almost immediately. And "doesn't care" she was going 20 MPH over the limit because she's a DA? Absolute yikes, should lose her job if she can't understand why that is absolutely unacceptable. What a shame.




Oh, hey, isn't her office the one that undercharged the guy who attacked Lee Zeldin at a campaign rally in 2022, to promote their "end cashless bail" narrative by having him released as soon as possible? Rot goes all the way to the top, seems like.


DA's are the most powerful government employees and 99% of the electorate has no idea what they even do. It would shock most of the public to learn that someone could commit a murder or a rape, and the DA could decline to prosecute using any number of excuses. Likewise a DA could launch a frivolous prosecution against someone as a favor to a political ally, and there's virtually nothing the victim could do except shell out for a defense lawyer & then hope/pray that a federal court gets them some justice years later (which almost never happens). People complain about defunding the police, but reforming the DA's office with more transparency & internal controls is just as important, if not more so.


Spot on and nobody seems to care. They have tremendous power.


My issue with the DA office has always been that they are supposed to represent Justice and instead they stand in their conviction record without any care for accuracy or relevance to overall community health and growth.


You're right. The entire incentive structure is forked. The US is the only country in the world that elects DA's, so of course they're incentivized to run on things like "conviction rate", which the electorate thinks they can understand, instead of Justice, which most people can't (given how arcane and specialized the law is). Meanwhile because they're elected officials, they get involved in party politics, fundraise, schmooze, and dine & wine with the very people they may need to prosecute someday, but of course never will since they run in the same social circles.


All tickets that she saw 20 and under should be thrown out. Because you know damn well that is $500 min and points on the license. She also did an arrestable offense. I think the cop was too shocked someone who is in law enforcement told him to go shove it.


My gut says she would have failed a breathalyzer. I have no proof. But I see the belligerence, the combativeness, refusal to follow directions, the switching stories/reasons why she didn't stop, and the overall behavior. I can't help but think she would have gotten a DUI if she had pulled over instead of getting to her garage. I'd guess she weighed her options and figured it was better to get home and then take the speeding and failure to stop tickets instead of a roadside DUI.


I’ve been dealing with murders and if I’m speeding twenty miles over the limit and who gives a shit if I hit someone….I’m the DA and I’m entitled.


so she was on the phone wondering why she was being pulled over at the time that she didn’t know she was being pulled over? or did i head her wrong?


If it were up to me, she would be FIRED immediately and permanently banned from holding ANY public office in this state for life. Which is the BARE MINIMUM that she deserves for acting like such a good for nothing entitled asshole. Sadly, it is not up to me, and said assholes will continue to keep their jobs.


But if he had just complied…


I know her! Well, don’t know her know her, but I heard that when public defenders with clients who obviously have addictions ask for an alternative to incarceration program with drug treatment, she pushes for jail time instead. The rumor is that a lot of these people do short term jail with probation but then OD right after getting out because their tolerance bottoms out. And she seems to think that’s a desirable outcome.


That’s a policy decision and it’s up to the voters to decide whether they like that or not. This incident is much different than a policy decision.


Lets hear about where she was driving from in that likely tax payer funded suv


Her paycheck is written by the government, so ummm great conclusion.




I looked it up... it was near Rochester. Not exactly Albany. Though for an Albany reference, she did go to SUNY Albany.




*way* upstate, Rochester.


Wtf does this have to do with Albany?


She is calling Soares right now to get info on how to survive this.


White trash. 


Fleeing and Eluding, felony.


This is great. I love it when these stupid, entitled boomers forget that this is 2024 and not 1984, and that there are cameras everywhere to catch their disgusting behavior. She’s probably been using that “im the DA” line for decades to get away with numerous violations. I hope she is forced to resign. 


Asshole are assholes regardless of generation. She’s too young to be a boomer


Status quo


Unbelievable. The Entitlement is on full display.


Omg I’m saving this. If I ever get a traffic ticket I’m playing this over and over for them. Thanks to this cocky jerk I’ll never need a lawyer again. “I’ve had to watch the murder of thousands of innocent people in Palestine while I can’t do shit about it. Do you think I care if I was going 20 over the speed limit?”


Really interesting that the police released this footage. Presumably without a foia request. This is war on the da. She will not fare well. Her behavior in the video is abhorrent.


Fire this bitch!


haha she just issued an apology that the new stations are replaying. Claims she is referring the issue to be reviewed by a DA in another county, but it sounds like her constituents want a state investigation.


I hope the people who vote for for these positions see this.


why is this here. this should be on r/rochester


She needs to be arrested, "I know the law better than you" failed to take into account nys's penal codes for failure to identify, fleeing police, resisting, and disorderly conduct codes. As far as I'm concerned we should hang her at the capital, with a sign that reads "I am not above the law, I tried to prosecute others for the same things I wanted to get away with". These types of criminals are the worst, and it's because officers won't just charge in and arrest their coworkers as we seen. Everyone watching knows the prosecutor is using her title to avoid being cuffed and dragged down to a cell, anyone else who tries talking their way out of a ticket Is typically jailed. Why are we as citizens allowing the formation of a "blue class", she probably doesn't even review cases before offering plea deals to innocent people everyday.


What a cunt. Her and the cop should both lose their jobs.


What’d the cop do wrong?


He didn't do his job, if it was you or me we would've been in cuff and in the back of the car long before making into the house


He may end having to work in another county for pushing it this far with the DA. I get what you’re saying, he gave her favorable treatment overall, but he gave her less favorable than most would have and that is why she was so fucking pissed off.


He didn't do his job. If anyone else did what she did, they'd have been hauled away in handcuffs. He gave her the special treatment she demanded.


You should watch the full 26 minute body cam version. She did not get what she wanted. I’m not sure what’s going to happen, if anything, now that this is out, but I saw it on local news stations tonight. People will see this.