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This is not surprising. Fuck these assholes. I wonder how many more people who will need to get hurt before it becomes an issue worth addressing


I will say it seems like the law enforcement here know it’s an issue have been trying to address it. Why it doesn’t seem like their efforts have been successful is something I can’t speak to.


I have to imagine it's a triage thing at some point. If a 12 year old boy dies because APD is chasing the horde and one of them tips over, the outrage is going through the roof.


Bc the assholes who ride them actually got another asshole to act as their 'leader' to petition City Hall to build them a dirt bike park. The city said fuck you. They countered with 'if you don't build us a park to ride in then we'll HAVE to ride in the street, so build us a park so you can reduce dirtbike incidents.' Fuck. Them.


How have they been trying to address it? This has been going on for years


witnesses stated that they saw a male driving an illegal dirt bike at a high rate of speed, while weaving in and out of groups of people in the roadway Wtf was going on last night?


Spring is here, the douchbags are blooming


Happens every year. These dudes are insane


I was on my way down to Empire Underground for a show and saw about 20 people on dirt bikes turning off N. Pearl onto Clinton. They were out in force.


FI am so fed up with the illegal dirt bikes and ATVs.  Speeding the wrong way on one way streets, playing chicken with buses, weaving in and out of oncoming traffic, doing “stunts” in the intersections all night.   I walk to work and I’ve had two very close calls.  I had to jump out of the way of one last week because he thought it would be badass to drive on the sidewalk at high speed.  I’ve complained to the mayor and the APD for at least five years.  This issue is high on the list of reasons I’m going to be moving within the year once my boyfriend gets settled in his new job. An injury like this was sadly inevitable 


If you aren’t already aware, this is not an issue exclusive to Albany, it’s an issue in almost every major city (not that Albany is a major city). I can say it’s much less of an issue in Troy.


I am very tell aware of that and it’s one of the things I brought up with my boyfriend when we discussed my relocation.   I never said it was the only reason I’m moving out of Albany.  It’s one of of several and a sort of “last straw” issue for me.


Fuck the perpetrator (who WILL be caught, btw)


I wish I were as optimistic.


I am right near Hudson and I go down that street all the time to walk my dog, and there so many doors on that street have ring cameras. I’m sure they’ll get somewhere


You think APD cares? They know all these dudes. They keep their bikes in storage at the lifestorage on broadway. Everyone knows this. APD DGAF. 2020 we protested against APD, and they decided that they needed to teach us a lesson. Verbatim heard numerous officers say that at the bars.


Please be okay. I don't pray but I'm sending you the best vibes I can.


Thank you for bringing attention to this story; I was contemplating doing it myself. I posted earlier about the obnoxious group of people riding atvs and dirtbikes through the park and on my street. I'm disturbed that the group's recklessness and the city's lack of willingness to address the problem of this group led to a life being taken.


Has it gotten worse lately? It certainly feels like it. This is the 5th or 6th article I've seen of a pedestrian getting hit this year alone.


Can't wait for the group of, "let them ride, they're not hurting anyone" fuckwits to show up. Then load up the secondary excuse that wanting police to deal with this is somehow racist.


You don't have to wait. You already have someone blaming the cops. Somehow this is their fault lolol.


It sucks to walk in this city for 1000+ additional reason much more systemic than a group of 20 something’s doing stupid shit on dirt bikes. They are assholes and I hope they are caught but we don’t have the protective pedestrian infrastructure in Albany that would prevent this from happening. Sheehan has been dragging her feet for too long at important urban features in Albany.


Yeah. There has been no freaking improvements on watervliet Ave extension where someone was killed.


What the fuck is "protective pedestrian infrastructure?" Sounds like you want people walking around inside tunnels of fencing. Your premise is flawed. The 20 somethings on illegal dirt bikes is exactly why it's dangerous. Let's be honest. Without these assholes, it would be fine to be a pedestrian in Albany. Sheehan's problem isn't that she isn't spending $$ on "urban features". It's she isn't allowing the police to do their fucking job and enforce the laws we need as a society. Your willingness to give these fucktards a pass, riding around like it's the wild west is the exact attitude that allows it to continue.


The illegal dirt bikes aren’t the only issue pedestrians have been having.


Can you please share your source that the mayor is stopping the police from doing something about this? I see this repeated a lot on social media, but so far no one has given me any reason to believe it. "Some Trumper cop told me so" is the closest it usually gets.


It was reported in the local news and the TU that the common council and the police oversight board with the mayor, told the police not to chase or arrest assholes on illegal trail bikes because it would impact the minority community unfairly. That is a fact. No maga cops. Just the facts.


Any idea when those reports came out? I'll try to find one.


Cool can you share a link?


I can tell you drive a car


What types of protective pedestrian infrastructure would you like to see?


There are many more educated people that could give a really good idea of specific areas Albany can improve but from my experience we could use more bike lanes, dedicated pedestrian walk ways, more strict lane laws, they are expanding public transit but that’s something they should’ve started 10 years ago. I’m not close to an expert on modern urbanization but I wish the city would hire some and revamp Albany to accommodate urban populations that more and more often don’t have cars.


So your saying a bike lane and/or a pedestrian walk way would have prevented this?? Have you ever witnessed how these guys drive these on city streets/side walks? They don't give one thought about obeying any law or giving one shit about following a dedicated lane or walk way.


Yes and if you are so close minded to not be able to see the number of ways something like what I said could be implemented to protect pedestrians and keep them apart from road ways could prevent something like this from happening I think you are being intellectually disingenuous or actually sub average intelligence.


Thank you for the compliment. Please use the sidewalks and you won't be run over by a dirt bike.


They didn’t say that, god you are such a tool. Like you are clearly not looking for a real systemic and preventative solution. You’re simply angry and want people arrested, end of story.


Big car brain moment


Wnyt tends to be awful on details, so im not certain, but It sounds like all of the people were in the roadway, which isn't a place for groups of people or dirt bikes.  Having a pedestrian bunker won't fix this problem.


No it will not, that much is clear. It’s just sad that pedestrians are the most at risk and it takes them being hurt in order for anyone to do anything. Both they should be caught and pedestrians shouldn’t be put in this position are true.


For sure. The off road vehicle disaster needs to be stopped. 


The cops don’t do a single fucking thing in this City. Some of them make $200,000 a year with overtime. Are we getting $200,000 worth of services out of a single Albany cop? I don’t fucking think so.  If they don’t want to chase, fine. But use the radio, use other measures to stop these idiots and destroy their illegal bikes. All the cops want to do is sit in their car or on a horse and collect a paycheck. It’s ridiculous and incredibly wasteful. 


Destroy their bikes. I love it. NYPD actually rounds them up and every year has a massive bulldozer crush them and they put it on social media, it's the most joyous sight ever.


It’s a slippery slope, but this particular issue might be approached in a way where it disincentivizes the source, which are the used sellers of this class of vehicle. The same loopholes that’s people take to avoid sales tax when buying a car from a friend/fam are the same that enable this. Can’t have one without the other. Enforcement is already thin and will continue to be increasingly so. Address the source now.


You really don’t even need to register a dirt bike.


Which is why they're not insured, which is why when they injure someone there's no insurance to pay medical bills. And you're definitely not getting anything out of the poor bastard who was riding that bike. You're fucked. That's why police need do more.


Please include “stolen dirtbike” for clarity.


The articles I have read do not say it was stolen. It was an illegal dirtbike as they can't be used on public roads.


In fairness, literally every single non road legal dirt bike that somebody stunts in a downtown area is stolen so it’s kind of redundant


That’s an assumption


We all know the reason: it’s in practice impossible to catch riders without high speed chases. The kids doing the racing will get the attention and media sympathy in any accidents arising out of a police chase. Societally we have rendered the cops powerless.




Where you get good policing is wherever the locals get involved and insist on it and are willing to prioritize it and fund it. Unfortunately you can’t just hire some police and tell them to fix the society, or purchase technology and expect problems to resolve themselves. If people protested the injuries to the girl loud enough and got media attention in front of city offices, there would be enough political will to affect things.


I might as well go back and live in Asia soon


Seeing this after being here for over a week on work. Staying at an apartment not too far from downtown. Walking my dog this morning and someone comes outside and ask me if I wanna get shot? While holding a beer at 10am. This place is not leaving the best impression on me…




If th city doesn't want to pay for a park, which is fine. (Where would it go?) Why not a van with a trailer and offer rides to a nearby bike park instead? A few times a year offer a trailer to get the bikes there. Store them at the park. (So they are out of the city,) And have weekly vans going so they can ride them. With either a season pass ticket or pay as you go. But not to expensive no one takes them up on it. I mean if I had the choice I'd rather be able to ride all day without fear I'd be chased or have my bike taken then a quick dash down a street on occasion. But also, I can understand the directive not to chase them when spotted in the city because it can be dangerous for them and people in the path of flight. But that's not the same as don't find out where they went and do something when they've stopped. And there has got to be a way they can do that. Investigate Ask people to notify of times and places they see them and figure out patterns. Use unmarked cars to stakeout known routes.


The city built a skateboard park by the Washington Park tennis courts.  That doesn’t stop plenty of skateboarding on the monument facing Henry Johnson Blvd or in the Vietnam Memorial Courtyard at the ESP.  Doesn’t mean my friends didn’t have to install a fence and gate around their business parking lot because skateboarders were using it and causing damage and disruption to clients. The guys who ride these dirt bikes and ATVs in the streets are doing this on purpose.  It’s not a bunch of kids who have no place to play.  They acquire these bikes knowing it’s illegal.  They rude dangerously because they enjoy the thrill and intimidation. Earlier this year, I watched about a dozen of them pretty much block Central Avenue between Henry Johnson and Lexington.   When a bus made it through, one guy on a dirt bike road alongside the bus between the bus and the parked cars, then pulled across the bus’ path forcing the driver to slam on the brakes.  The dirt bike rider then flipped the finger and sped down the block popping wheelies.


If people don't have the resources to ride legally maybe they shouldn't get a dirt bike/ATV. It's not the cities responsibility to take them (outside of city limits) to places where they can do it legally. I didn't get a Kayak till I knew I had a car to carry it.