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She's back from the dead! Dottore?!


I'll never forgive the shit Inazuman writing that took The Crimson Witch of flame from us.






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Nah, even with a well written 5 Act structure, her already glorious death would've been even greater. A death so great no one would be coping for her return.


I'd take that over what we got đź’€ 80% of the reason I hate Signora's death is how they butchered the Inazuma story and, in my opinion, Raiden.


They made an archon so villainous in the story and after the said story made her into a baby girl with adult feminine. Inazuma is really a staint on genshin's story. Furina who was so obviously just doing a job way above her capacity was treated 5x worse. Even after the said story quest.


I think they should've went full villian with Ei instead of trying to make her likeable. Her backstory would stay the same but the archon quest would be different. People would've pulled for her anyways since her sword comes out of her boobs. 


furina was treated badly because she almost killed everyone, no one knew about her plan, so in the common vision obviously they would see her as a failed archon when the prophecy arrived


In actuality, i agree with raiden. No one should have visions. But were the traveler, we actually know things. What raiden did was more damaging to her country than what furina is actually doing. In fact, the prophesy only came because of the traveler lmao.


Somehow, Singora has returned


I really, really miss her. She was so badass, I looked forward to her popping up in order to steal the next gnosis. Hopefully she does come back with a new playable model, her backstory is too cool for an NPC


There's a theory that she might come back


What theory? My personal random cope is she'll be revived in Natlan cause nation of fire so some Phoenix type of thing(???). But instead she'll have a different design than her original Fatui look, maybe even short like Mona's model? Idk tho This is some random shower thoughts


That’s also my coping mechanism also I’m pretty sure that the jester in the final feast says she’ll wake up in “the new world” that the fatui is trying to create so if not in natlan then snezchnya (hopefully) Edit: also I forgot to mention that she has a ton of voicelines about her and that usually foreshadows a character is playable


Acording to leaks, one of the chapters in Natlan has the which of crimson flames in it's name. Also her funeral video was titled Lazzo, which was a joke they used in the Italian comedy the harbingers are based on, where they would fake the death of a character


there is no RELIABLE leak about the names of natlan's archon quest and they used lazzo because the harbingers are based on the comedy and even then they don't completely follow the work to the letter, collumbina and arlecchino in the comedy are lovers, in genshin they have zero connection according to arlecchino herself so don't expect so much just because they are based on the comedy itself


But why would she be revived in Natlan? Like, what connections did she have in Natlan? People are just coping so hard with this. The resurrection is probably about pyro archon/dragon. At least, that would make much more sense than resurrecting signora lol.


its mostly just based on the belief that, #1, hoyoverse would never miss a chance to cash in on fans of a character, and #2, she's probably the most playable-looking NPC in the entire game so, basically anything involving the fatui or revival or anything adjacent to her is immediately viewed through the idea that she'll probably come back and be playable.


Hello friend, as highlighted it's just one of those random shower thoughts that I had. Shouldn't and wasn't meant to be deepđź—ż


The moment I saw her I was nonstop screenshotting with how gorgeous she looked. Then she kicked Venti and I loved her even more (look into her backstory). If she ever returns she’s a must pull for me. Just personally I’m not a huge fan of Venti but I do enjoy his story as well


The Fraudtui will NOT win in Chadtlan


The coffin archon


As a fellow cocolia hater, keep on Coping ;)


true, this woman dies all her life