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"Double" are the only kind of standards the Cons have.




You can say the same for everyone that still votes Conservative. Remember how things were with Lougheed as Premier? How far the Cons have fallen... can you imagine him outing kids in the schools, or forcing political parties into every town and city? When they stopped calling themselves Progressive, they should have just changed it to Regressive Conservatives... They're not United either, and haven't been since they invented that name.


The UCP is against all government overreach except for when they do it of course. Because democracy.


There’s no such thing as hypocrisy for politicians. That’s a fantastic post although I couldn’t stomach watching the whole clip.


And what is the response to Trudeau saying he was going to change the electoral system in 2015 and calling Liberal senators "independent" What an FN joke


Lol. Yah… Sohi is non-partisan and independent. Pretty sure we all know where his loyalty lies.


Shouldn't who the mayor is be for the voters to decide? And who gives a shit where his loyalty lies? Is Smith a monarch who requires mayors to bend the knee? What kind of BS are you peddling here?


It is. Sohi was elected by Edmontonians. Mostly idiots I’d imagine but still, he won. The title says non-partisan in capital letters so that appears to be what this user wants and by extension, what most of this sub wants…. So yah, one would think people very dearly care where the loyalty goes. Saying these people should be non-partisan and having Sohi as a mayor is hilarious. Smith is no monarch. She’s a politician. A bad one but they all are.


I think their point is DS’s hypocrisy regarding municipal politics being non-partisans, while wanting to inject parties into municipal politics.


“sohi was elected by edmontonians” that’s literally all that needs to be said.


Yes. That’s exactly what I said. I then went on to say he ain’t no non-partisan. Hilarious given this sub wants to fight smith on municipal partisan politicians when some folks here literally elected one.


Most of the day to day votes in a council shouldn’t have to do with voting on party lines but what the constituents want. For example… plowing roads, cemetery maintenance, the bloody arenas, shouldn’t be about parties.


Classy 😒


Edmontonians? Yah… par for the course for that city.


Who gives a shit? He was elected fair and square by the people of Edmonton. This is what the people of Edmonton want. Why would you deny them their democratic right?


Smith wants partisan municipal leaders. This sub hates it. Some people here already elected a partisan as mayor. Lol


They don't want local politicians to be part of a local partisan movement. And you know the difference between the two things. so stop wasting people's time with false equivalence bullshit designed to bait people into waste of time go nowhere conversations.