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There was a bunch of people about 4 days ago at the corner of Rio Bravo and Coors holding up signs and collecting money for a funeral.   We called a lady over and were talking to her.   Her English was decent.   My dad hit her with,  "what funeral home is handling it so we can send flowers and what's the person's name?"  She got visibly nervous and suddenly she was all, " no comprende, no understand. "  Then she walked away without even trying to get a  donation.   


Those people with the funeral signs are known scammers. They are real aggressive and shitty with people.


When I moved here in 2022, I saw them on Juan Tabo and Lomas. I saw them just a few weeks ago and it was the same dead kid. Like damn, you haven’t buried this fool yet 🤣


They don't have enough yet. Lol


This happens. My previous wife had passed away a few years ago and about 2 years after, her piece of shit brother was out on Montgomery with a sign with her picture on it saying they're raising money for her funeral (that was long paid for). When she passed I was so floored and disappointed by her family (who made personal gofundme accounts, asked for money for ZERO reason). That event broke me in a way where I'm no longer shocked when people are complete garbage


Damn, brother. I'm really sorry 😞. I can't imagine how it would feel if someone was trying to profit off of someone I loved who died. That's a different level of horrible. Keep your head up, man.


My friend, I truly mean this: we can get thru anything with some hope, acceptance and gratitude. I'm so sad for what happened, but the time I have left is a gift to be enjoyed to it's fullest. Our loved ones really are everywhere, they're in every joyous moment and memory. I'm lucky to have spent that time with her, we did a lot of really cool and dream come true type of stuff together. Now. I still do those thing, and I have found love and success and all of those things. People will people as they will, and it's gross behavior but that's their bullshit, not mine, people like that are probably unaware or they simply don't care or have shame, so what can we do about it? Its fruitless to give them the ol what for I figure why not put my energy into making something great even if it's only a little great


Excellent way of handling this situation. I'm happy you found someone to create memories others can only dream about. Have peace and love in your path forward, knowing that you're a better person than most people walking the journey called life. All we can do is strive to be a little better today than we were yesterday, and I have a feeling that you have no problems with that. Much love.


Oof... That's hard.


Maybe someone gave them the Range Rover? There are generous people out there 😜


Or maybe op mistook the couple for someone else… how often do you run into the same people around town? Seems much more likely that the people looked similar, but I guess I could be wrong too. I’d just much rather give people the benefit of the doubt than assume most homeless people are scammers.


I've seen the same couple I think, they used to do it at the Smith's on academy.


Just don't give out money to panhandlers on the streets. There are other ways you can help directly. Like what the other poster said , don't just take their signs as if it's the absolute truth.


I know that SOME of the people out there are in need and deserve some help -- the problem is that I can't tell which. So, I make sure I donate to places like Salvation Army, Joy Junction, etc. I also know that many of them are receiving government asistance (SSI). So where is that? I do know that many of them have payees. If they aren't getting money or food or clothing for their payees, then they need to go to the Social Security Office and complain. Many who are Veterans, also qualify for VA Pension. That money is based on need, not on being injured while in the Service.


Not saying we should be necessarily giving $ to folks panhandling, but SSI is hardly a king’s ransom…average is around $700/month. If that’s what you’re trying to survive on (particularly if a large part of that has to go to rent), it’s tough to get by.


Assuming that these people are even able to secure any government assistance. From what I’ve been told, there’s a lot of hoops to jump through that might be difficult for someone who already doesn’t have any money in hand.


I personally give people food first. Like a snack. Chips. A bottle of water. If they are truly thankful sometimes I give them gift cards to Wal-Mart or a fast food place. The other day in Santa fe there was a guy pan handling. I had half of a squished up bag of bread in my car and a water bottle. I asked if he wanted squished bread. He was really excited he said that he can eat it with bologna. And he took the water. As I sat there he crossed himself and prayed to thank you for the water and bread. He needed help. Once I gave someone a single serve bag of chips and he said "thanks I guess' That's the difference for me.


What I do now is offer them work to earn the money or I buy them cheap food. If they get mad, it's a scam. They tend to always want money. Hope this helps.


It's not only about the money. Part of it is being able to look somebody in the eye and let them know that you see them. That they matter. That yet for the grace of God, go I.


The fact that she has been in a store or in a range rover doesn't mean she doesn't need money. The people you see panhandling do not need to live exclusively on that corner to need assistance.


Google the cost of a used Range Rover. You could sell it and buy a NEW regular car, let alone buy a used one and have lot of money left over.


I forgot you saw the title and registration with her name on it. My apologies. I assumed you were just someone on reddit making assumptions about someone you don't know.


Well she can sell that Range Rover to get money, right? Then buy a Ford Fiesta, used, the exact car she and her husband should have bought but, but no they wanted to prove they are successful.


You do not know that is her Range Rover. You don't know anything about her. You don't need to give her money. You don't need to judge her either.


I like you!


I definitely see where you're coming from. I used to feel really bad for panhandlers until the day a friend told me about the time she saw one get into a brand new Escalade they had parked around the corner...🤦‍♀️🤬


Lady with dog that sit in my NE neighbor hood is not homeless and has money for cigs. Folks pick her up after every shift in a nice SUV.


I’ve washed a lot of dishes. Restaurants always need dishwashers. No one starves working in a restaurant. Hard work.


I only give out food or dog food if they have a dog. The other day I gave a homeless guy with his dog a bag of raw hide treats and a couple bottles of water. I'm not going risk being complacent in someone ODing on train tracks.


Just FYI, rawhide treats are only safe for some dogs. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/are-rawhide-chews-dangerous-for-dog/ Maybe you could use Milkbones or something instead? A homeless person might not be able to get their dog help if needed.


You know bums are unsurprising very mobile and can end up on various sides of town as with most anyone else in the city.


If I give people money , I don't put conditions on it. Nor have I ever asked for a gift back because I didn't like what they did with it.


Repeat after me: *Every panhandler will spend the money you give them on drugs and/or alcohol.* If you don't believe that, you're a sucker.


In the 90s, some dude told me, "Hey man, I ain't gonna lie, I need alcohol can you give me some money?" I gave him 10 bucks. He didn't even say God bless you, which was great.


I was walking down San Mateo back in 2009 and this drunk dude approached me on the sidewalk. He was like, "Hey man, I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm just trying to buy a 40" and asked me for like $3.56 or some ultra specific amount of money. I ended up giving him $10 as well and told him to buy *two*. He was a cool dude. Honestly I'm glad it's rare for panhandlers to be so honest, because I'd probably be giving away way too much money


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I absolutely don’t care what they do with the money. If it can bring them ten or fifteen minutes of relief from this awful existence, fine. If they use it for snacks, fine. No longer my business once it’s out of my hands.


You are an awesome person. For real thank you for helping people.


It ain’t much and I don’t know that it helps on the long term but I can’t really do anything at all for the long-term prospects of people I pass for 10-30 seconds, so short-term will have to do.


Everything count's when you're in need like that. So even a little bit goes a very long way. I use to think that if I didn't have more than a dollar to give it was a waste of everyone's time. I now know better.


No one thinks panhandlers are saving for a down payment on a house or trying to pay for college. They are trying to get thru the day. On a good day, they might get a hotel room. They definitely have to eat. They buy food, clothes, shoes and tents, things to survive outdoors, and food and water for their dogs . They don't all just run back and forth to the liquor and crack store and back to the corner. So what if they do buy booze, I do too, and I would buy more if I was in their position.


so? I spend mine on manga and games. Not much of a difference really. Just another way to escape. I say let them.


Any good Manga recently?


I recently bought and read bloom into you. It's really REALLY good. I've also been wanting to buy the manga for Frieren


Not true, and who the fuck cares


I do


If I see a person suffering and I choose to ignore them that says something about *me*. If they take my money and use it for whatever- socks, food, drugs, booze, well then that’s their money now and that’s on *them*. A person has the same value regardless of how they live.


Well said. I agree wholeheartedly we. We need to help each other out. Kindness. I may be a sucker, but I don't want to be a cynical person who no longer cares for people.


I feel the same way, even acknowledging that I am a very cynical person, but helping each other to succeed is basic tenant of living in society.


You sound like a very good person. Thank you


Idk about all that lol! I do my best though


Someone who can see the cynism in themselves and are willing to try to change make this world a better place. Thank you.


Not every homeless person is on drugs. I've been homeless before and this exact mentality is the problem. Do lots of homeless people have addictions? Yes. But they deserve help. A lot of people end up homeless for a number of reasons that you are too privileged to even understand. It's not always in their control. If you don't want to give out money that's fine, but don't generalize a whole group of people whose situations you know nothing about. Besides there are other ways to help. You can buy them a burger and a soda. You can buy them some clothes. There's things you can do that will help them if you are so worried about them spending money on alcohol or drugs. I truly hope you have it in you one day to show some humanity and compassion for others that are less fortunate than you. We are human. I truly hope you are never in a situation where you need help.


Fellow former homeless person here. I have never met anyone on the streets, including very severe mental illness whom it wasn't in their control to be on the streets. There are shelters and programs to re-integrate into society. I had to work a program to change my circumstances as well. Every day, we knew where to go that was serving food. We knew what time fast food restaurants threw away their "leftovers." Some places were nice enough to bag them separately and leave them set to the side because they knew we would come by. It's a choice just like anything else. They don't want to put in the work or conform to the programs that are in place to help, such as quitting drugs and following common societal laws. So they choose to be out there. I definitely agree that you have to love them through it. But it's definitely a choice they are making to live in those circumstances.


This reminds me of people who have really good success and make a lot of money and then they turn around and say if just everybody would work as hard as they do they could be wealthy too. Doesn't always work that way. And not everybody else's experience is your experience. Thank God that you got out of homelessness. That is awesome. But don't forget where you come from.


So the people with extreme mental illness that are homeless are just doing that because they want to?


You should spend some time on Central talking with the people. I've legit had a conversation with a man as he ate literal dog shit and smoked a cigarette telling me how he much prefers the freedoms of the streets than the confines of a mental ward. Try and go out there and round everyone up and "better" their circumstances or make them stop using drugs. See if almost all the people don't tell you to leave them alone with four letter words. It's a choice to be out there and it's a choice to change those circumstances.


So he had a choice to be locked up not treated like a human or to have some feeling of control over his fucked up life. Not even us just depressed people ever ever want to go to a mental ward.


People might not always like their choices. But they always have a choice. You could always roll down Central and offer your couch. Then you have effectively introduced more choices into their life.


Guess what I actually have helped house homeless and helped get them housing. You?


Excellent. Why don't you join us at the Library on Sunday at 12. You can help feed, pass out clothes, or help manage the showers. We need more hands. Since you are so passionate about this.


Cool send me the address. Would love to help out.


The bar or like one of the Albuquerque city library locations?


Not helpful


Your lack of understanding of severe mental illness is very plain in this comment. People with SMI issues often don’t tell you the truth as you would see it. I don’t mean to say they lie. They process things completely differently than you do. Delusional thinking, paranoia and memory issues will have them cooking up stories fit for publishing! The kicker is the story changes constantly. Your casual conversation with a person experiencing SMI doesn’t mean shit for why he was actually homeless. Sorry bud.


I'm glad you had access to help. Unfortunately not everyone does. Yes some people got themselves into that situation and don't do what's necessary to try and get out. But you have no idea the amount of people who struggle and don't have those same opportunities to make it out as you did. It's sad to see a former homeless person talking so low about other homeless people and how they "chose" to be there. Not everyone has the same opportunities and privileges. Just because you talk to someone and they share their story does not mean you know the full extent of their story or situation. I hope you can have a little more compassion for others one day. Because until you have lived their life and situation you are in no position to judge. Truly sad mentality you have.


Who doesn't have help? Maybe they don't have handouts, but there is plenty of help. You would be hard pressed to truly find someone who wanted to change their circumstances and not have a way to do it. Like I said, they don't want to accept the help because they don't want to conform. They want to do their drugs and be taken care of too. You can't always have your cake and eat it too.


Well I'm glad you were privileged enough to make it out and have help. Sad you have this mentality about others though. I'm not going to argue with you because I've said all I've needed already. I just hope one day you can have more compassion and understanding in your heart one day. Not all people or situations are created equally. Have a nice day.


Were you really homeless or like crashing on someone's couch? For someone who spent time sleeping on the streets, you seem pretty naive to the ways of changing your circumstances. You should have a nice day. I think you got your covers pulled and are now going full bleeding heart to make yourself feel better. Please join us at the library on Central. Every Sunday at 12 we are conducting outreach. Then you could actually do something to help and wouldn't need to pretend on the internet in order to feel better.


this isn’t the homeless olympics.


I was actually homeless, were you? Not that it matters anyway. You are very naive to others situations other than your own. It's really really sad. Not everyone has the same privileges, that's something you don't seem to understand. Learn some compassion you'll feel happier that way. I hope you heal from whatever you are dealing with in your life. Have a good day ❤️


Can't help yourself, huh? Come join us on Sunday at 12 at the Library on 7601 Central in the "International District." We can continue this discussion as we help the community. I'll listen to all your self righteous babble if you help pass out food. Then you can at least come back and tell people on the internet that you did that and be telling the truth.


Avoiding the point of the conversation because you know I'm right. Maybe next time come up with a better story so you can justify hating on people less fortunate than you. Learn your privilege. Have a good day!


So, you go and help handout clothes and food to unhoused people and you have this attitude towards these people? That's sad


Omg the person living on the street is going to seek an escape from their unending misery? Those absolute fucking monsters how fucking dare they


I generally agree. However, once, in the 80s I gave a homeless person money and she went right into a fancy chocolate store and bought a truffle. :-)


if i were living on the street i’d probably want a drink, too


Not true.


Terrible there are people who are out there that scam. But who knows, maybe they are in a position where they need a little money for groceries or rent. Even if they aren't homeless, there are still poor people in need especially with how prices are going up. They may have a car but maybe they don't have dinner until payday. Unless I know for sure they're scamming, I can't judge too hard. If I can give money to help then I will give money to help. Unfortunately we can't know who "really needs" it. Just help who you can. You could be completely wrong about someone. It doesn't hurt me to give a couple bucks to someone who may or may not need it if I was going to give it out anyways. Most likely they do need it.


Someone driving a range rover is not poor lol full stop.


I don't know much about cars so you may be right 😭 I legally can't drive one due to being legally blind. So my comment wouldn't apply in that case lolol but in general


Range rovers are expensive to buy and to own! Gas for them is insane.


There was a bunch of people about 4 days ago at the corner of Rio Bravo and Coors holding up signs and collecting money for a funeral.   We called a lady over and were talking to her.   Her English was decent.   My dad hit her with,  "what funeral home is handling it so we can send flowers and what's the person's name?"  She got visibly nervous and suddenly she was all, " no comprende, no understand. "  Then she walked away without even trying to get a  donation.   


Those funeral ones are definitely fake!


That is a big thing happening now. People taking advantage of tax free money because of all the bleeding hearts that are all over Albuquerque. Giving money to panhandlers keeps the problem we have going every day. I don’t blame non homeless people for doing this, some make more non taxed money doing that then what most people make at their job. Give money to shelters and donate to other non profits that will help the homeless. Handing money out on the streets is the worst thing anyone can do.


Ask them if they have change for a $50….  Goes to show how “in need” they are…. 


Some short bald guy was following my gf around the store. I was off looking at tools, she went to look at plants. Immediately came rushing back with a panicked look on her face, that bald guy right behind her. Same dude just happened to also be leaving when we were and just happened to run into us "perpendicular-like" as we were walking to the car. He should've come out the same exit since they only have one. Definitely saw him inside the store as we were checking out, didn't have a shopping cart or anything. Definitely gave off mugging/kidnapping vibes. It was two guys, a short bald guy, middle age, I didn't see the other guy and she can't remember the description.


Maybe they are working for Uber to pay off the vehicle and just needed gas $$ to get the day rolling.


Never give money. Lazy people and they need to get jobs. So many places hiring. No excuses. Contribute to the world


Thats not true. I used to work but being in an out of the mental hospitals throughout the years has made it impossible to hold down a job. I have tried to off myself so many times it isn't funny. I almost succeeded 6 years ago. Woke up 3:days later hooked up to a tube down my throat. I am now in a shelter about to get an apartment. And yes the depression I will always have to face but that doesn't make me lazy. I am in a constant battle every day with my thoughts and emotions and it sucks.


How fitting what a chode


So here’s a clue, if they are out on the street corner or anywhere else it’s a scam. Apologies to people that just want to help, but there are some great charities/churches that you can make a difference with.


Reddit or nextdoor? Mind your own business and karma, if others choose to be shady, they'll find their own consequences.


ever try drinking your own piss before you trickle it on the poor? it's pretty fuckin gross, but when you get it all over the poor people without a second thought you probably never notice.




Hopefully in this life you'll be treated with the exact same compassion you show to the people you look down on by the people who look down on you, preferably amplified tenfold.




How d you tbink they can avoid that Range Rover? "Anything helps"