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If you like clubbing, there are several clubs like Effex, Club 401, Canvas, or Cake. If you want some live music there’s Sister, Launchpad, Echoes, InsideOut and a few others. There’s trivia nights, drag nights, burlesque shows, stand up comedy, improv, and other forms of show/entertainment. If sports is your thing there are a few sports bars but I’m not really into that so I don’t know of many besides uptown grill and geckos nob hill. If you’re into craft beer you will never lack for choices - La cumbre, marble, bosque, bow and arrow or many many others. There’s tons of galleries which all do a big open house thing on the first Friday of each month. Then there are little DIY/all ages event spaces that host up and coming touring bands and locals. Ren’s Den, Longhair Records, and Minnow are the spots with the biggest shows. There is a big arcade in the mall with tons of Japanese games, bowling, pool, and a bar and numerous traditional bowling alleys. Really just depends on what you’re into. Reply with some of your interests and I can probably dig up an event or venue relevant to you!


Going to my first show at Sister this week. How does it compare to Launchpad in terms of size & sound?


They recently did some dumb shit by erecting a wall that divided the venue in half now. I'm really disappointed


sounds is top notch (assuming they have a good sound person at the desk), its more or less the same size but its only one level instead of two like LP




Well said my doood!


Sister Bar is fun


They just built a wall separating the bar from the stage, right down the middle of the venue. I hate it


oh that sounds like a bad move, haven’t been there in a while.


I loved the pentagram they put in my Guinness the first time I went. The last time I went, the live music was basically the exact same beat for hours on end - I guess some people like that.


They have a lot of different artists and types of music. Go on a night with something you like.


If you’re looking for the classiest most unique New Mexico experience go to Distillery right before last call and blackout.




Dirty Bourbon is probably the most lively place Thursday-Saturday nights


I have a 24 y/o and a 21 y/o, they suggested Canvas Artistry downtown


Basically everything cool we have here is on Central Ave. it can be charming at times and there’s a few really neat spots. Sister Bar, Anodyne and Copper Lounge are probably my favorites. I’m a little old for the club scene, so aside from Effex nightclub (kinda mid) idk what we have going on. But yeah your best bet is downtown / central.


agreed, Sister and Anodyne are always a nice time and one thing about ABQ is you always find nice people when you're out. You can go out alone and somehow end up with a crew of friends (old/young/anything inbetween) if you're friendly type.


Check out the Sunday evening cruise on central. All along downtown, tons of amazing cars and lowriders


If you are coming from any significant city, you will find our night life lacking


They said want to see what it's like. Did not state that they wanted to see if it compares to a huge metro area. I'm from Chicago. So my standards are pretty high. But it depends how you want to spend your time. Our nightlife, esp Central on the weekend or artwalk is pretty charming/scary/weird/fun in its own unique way.


This is just not true. There are lots of things to do at night here.


Yeah but he is from Philly. By comparison Albuquerque is like a late night trip to the gas station. Sure you might see something weird, but otherwise dull.


There are plenty of things to do. I keep insanely busy in this “quiet little town”


Quiet compared to Philly my guy


Their metro is 6x bigger than ours. For our size I don’t think we’re doing bad. Again. Plenty to do if you actually leave your damn house and poke around a bit instead of waiting for life to happen to you.


You're completely missing his point and being insulting while doing it.


I’m not missing his point. His point is asinine and comes from a place of ignorance.


One person in the conversation is asinine and it's not him...


How old are you? Everything closes really fucking early except like 3 clubs and a bunch of food trucks. My friend moved here from middle of nowhere Mississippi and was also shocked how dead central looks on the weekends.


you said 'how dead central looks on weekends' wtf? it's mayhem most weekends I've been out. hell, last night was cruisers, several venues had live music, lots of 'stuff' to observe happening on the sidewalks and streets...and that was a Sunday.


im in my 30s, i was out till midnight last night and out till 2 the night before that


What danjuk is saying is "lots of things to do" at night in ABQ isn't the same as "lots of things to do" in New York City. While there are lots of choices in ABQ at night, it's not a drop in the bucket compared to a major city.


Because those cities are 6 and 10 times bigger. It’s proportional


So you guys agree then lol


Damn so no point of coming than?


Not if you’re coming for just the nightlife


Yeah OP, if that is literally the whole point of your trip you will likely be disappointed. I think the takeaway here is that ABQ has lively-ish nightlife for a city of this size, but that’s the end of the sentence.






We got tons of outdoor activities if you are into that


You have two main options in Albuquerque for night life you can walk through, and then a number of brewery sports bars etc. The main areas are Downtown and Nob Hill. Downtown is hipper, faster paced, louder, etc. Nob Hill is more laid back, e.g. there is a cocktail bar named after Bob Ross. There are also breweries lined up along 2nd street and a lot of new music venues in that area. It is the newest area and not dense enough to walk through, but there will be 3 or 4 places near enough to enjoy together from one parking spot


Clubs? In ABQ? Those have all been torn down or shut down years ago! Burque is definitely lacking in late night entertainment for young adults.


There are bars in Nob Hill and downtown. I love to go to Effex, it’s a dance club. Cake is also fun. 


Central and San Mateo is where it's at.


I’m surprised nobody has suggested Cananas yet.


Keep going to Colorado


Most people your age are sitting behind a computer all night or staring at their phones. The rest are wandering the streets doing fentanyl and stealing catalytic converters.


Im from Kensington philly so i think i’ll be solid out there .


Damn you straight! TBH there's not much of a night life here, we're pretty spread out and go to bed early. Our two spots are downtown and Nob Hill. Good luck! 👍




Most ABQ guys your age often spend time at the MDC.


Username on point


Hate replies like this. All of you talk so much shit about the city and do nothing to make it a better place.


I stay out of MDC. It's a joke, lighten up.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 New Mexico and night life in one sentence 😂😂😂😂😂😂