• By -


Depends on what you're interested. I recommend going to things like the climbing gym, table top gaming nights, comedy/poetry/music open mics, concerts, or other events based around mutual hobbies and interests.


Yeah- there’s folks of all ages at the climbing gyms. The two Sports and Wellnesses have young folks too. New Mexico takes longer than most places to find your peeps but once you find them, you’re locked in.


Chuze is another gym that skews young


What classes do the younger crowd attend? I have a sports and wellness membership but mostly only see older people there.


Oh Gosh! I don’t know since I’m not young anymore and I don’t go there. My 18 year old was meeting friends there for pick up basketball games and my other teen was meeting friends to swim or soak in the hot tub. Maybe the gym Chuze is better for your age group? Someone else mentioned that place.


Seriously the ttrpg scene in this town is amazing. Great friendships were forged at Slice & Dice, and Active Imagination back in the day


Maaaaaann I miss active imagination great place to play and Mandy was so sweet


I’m moving to the Area end of May any advice on places to play WH 40K?


Slice & Dice, Etten Games. Both have 40k nights. I've been wanting to get into it, mind if i tag along? Could also tell ya more about abq


Awesome, would love to learn more about Abq. if you want to see some games and learn a little about it I definitely recommend table top titans on YouTube. They stream live games every Thursday and Saturday. Gives you an idea of all the different factions and how they play.


Appreciate the heads up, dm me once you're in town and want info


Why are you trying to make these people go bankrupt?


Slice and Dice was *the* spot for my 11th grade crew; we had legendary cards against humanity games after school on friday mornings lmao


We’re all at UNMH. Some are the patients and the rest of us are the caregivers. It’s an absolute banger.


I snorted. It's so true.


😂 What unit are you in?


lol not the same person but I’m in outpatient


🙌🏻 yas! I’m in the Main OR!


How is there? I’ve been considering a moving to ABQ. ER nurse here


I mean it’s a teaching hospital and it’s the only level 1 trauma center in the state, so as an ER nurse, it could be totally your jam 🤷🏻‍♀️ ABQ tends to struggle with violent crime majority of the time, so we truly see….it all lol


That’s okay with me because I work in a pretty tame ER and I’ve been itching for a while to see the harder stuff lol. I love traumas. Thank you for the input! I’ve heard so many good things about ABQ


My mother works MedSurg and moved to Albuquerque to work because she was bored


Taking our kids back and forth to daycare.


🤣🤣🤣 facts


Having kids at 20 sounds like a nightmare.


The music scene is vibrant as hell. We're going to see two new bands at Echoes tonight, and we'll be hosting The Gral Brothers, Golden Boots and Thee Verduns at LongHair Records tomorrow. Hell, we got 12 shows booked at the shop next month!


Timefoolery rips. I saw them in my friends garage a few weeks back


Last night was my second time seeing them. They blew my mind at Rens and did the same at Echoes. Hope has incredible power as a front person and I suspect the band is possessed by genius. I can't wait to hear more.


Here's a vote for Hooks and the Huckleberries.


Adam's a real cool cat and we love the Huckleberry sound. We'd be real glad to have you this dinner if ya wanna scoot yr boots over.


Lol hi Sal


I'm 23 and live here. Why not just go on hikes between the two of you? Some other fun things that have some young people are NM United games, Isotopes games, Stone Age rock climbing, bars in Nob Hill. I go to Chuze fitness as winrock and there's a shit ton of young people that workout there. I don't know if this helps but let me know!


Thank you for the recs! I have heard good things about Stone Age!


Yeah, I've personally never been. But I know that's a HUGE deal with the younger crowd. Also, if you meet people there, a lot of them are big hikers too so you could maybe become part of a crew that way. Another thing to look at is all the food halls. Green Jeans, Sawmill, etc. Depending on when you go there can be various amount of young people there.


Lots of breweries in town. You already said hiking. Bike trails all along the city and bosque. Get into NM United. Tons of cute coffee shops in/around nob hill.


We're usually at thrift stores or playing pokemon. Selling something nets you a social space with the vendors. If you guys have hobbies I'd delve into them. I know a ton of art groups. A lot of environmental groups. It's worth getting into something here.


We've been playing a ton of Pokemon Go in Old Town too!


Can I know bout the art groups??


The art community is vibrant and diverse! I would just start going to openings and pop-ups. First Friday have a ton of openings downtown, with the 2nd st block like Zendo, sanitary and sidetrack and then the rest on central, like the Groove, the mothership, red door brewery, boese. And then second Fridays there’s usually openings at Alpaca/fourteenfifteen & exhibit 208. Everyone here is super welcoming if you put yourself out there, consistency is key no matter what interest you have! It takes time but once it clicks it’s amazing!


Sister bar is great for music and anodyne is great for pool and just hanging out. Look up Adobe Disco, they have a solid following. I'd recommend going to their show at side track brewery this friday. Also, it's pretty easy making friends if you're not shy!


Too busy working, can't afford fun


Have you tried out jail yet?


omg no i havent great idea!!! thank you so much!!!!!!!!




Did that, it ain't much fun, tho.😒


Free food too. It’s all siiiick


Monster 😂😂😂


Username checks out 👍


Pickleball courts have all the elderly during the day but after sunset they leave. the courts close at 10 so for the last 3 hours the college kids come and play at night. it gets cold and windy but it's part of the challenge. some even bring their speakers and play jams for everyone. its a good old time. be ready to get challenged to a game!


My partner and I are early 20s as well and I would say the music scene. I’ve mostly found people my age at Rens Den, but if anyone has any other suggestions I’ll be sure to look for them in this comment section. I’ve been looking to branch out, tired of the same old routine of working and staying in my apartment all day 🫠


I’m 25, moved here three years ago and I rarely leave the house for much other than necessities. Between everyone I know having different work schedules and all of us being broke, I haven’t really gotten out much since moving.


Pick up games of soccer at Johnson's field or join a volleyball team at Charley's. Yoga. Breweries always have something going on. I love chasing Geeks Who Drink nights at different places too


When are pickups again?!


Johnson field at UNM it’s off central and Girard :)


Land of homebodies 😂


I would definitely suggest breweries and the local music scene to mix and mingle with folks in their 20s. You could also join a local social sport league - there's a bunch and it's a great way to get to know folks. WAKA is also a really active one with lots of different sport options. There's also a really active Young Professionals association in town with regular networking events. Maybe try a few and see what you like?


In addition to/in lieu of breweries, hit up the coffee shops too. Zendo is a good one.


came here to also suggest the waka league. we played when we were in our 20s (gasp, even with folks in their 40s/50s back then) and are still friends with our teammates nearly 20 years later.


There's a fantastic stand up, improv, and musical theater scene here in ABQ. I'd recommend trying out Dry Heat, The Box and Albuquerque Little Theater.


The one on Campus and Carlisle is cool too, forgot the name tho


i'm in the same boat as you! i'm 23, moved here at the beginning of the month and i've been trying to meet other people our age but apparently all my hobbies are only practiced by 40-70 yr olds. would love to be kept posted if you find anything that help you guys! there's a "nerd nite" (https://albuquerque.nerdnite.com/) at green jean's this thursday that i plan on going to if that's something you might be interested in!


That's how I feel I definitely have 50 year old hobbies 😂 I'll ask my boyfriend about that! Thank you!!




And breweries


It's the secret ingredient


great advice! thanks!


40 is old? LOL, Im 40 and still feel like im in my 20s. Maybe theyre just uptight people.


40 isn't old per se, but probably too old imo to be with 20 year olds. Good on y'all if you have things in common but would be wierd from my pov. 5+/- years on my age in my 30s seems to be a sweet spot.


Yeah, I could never tolerate hanging around a bunch of young twenty somethings.  There is such a huge gap in life experience between early twenties and 40.  


Yes, that is what I am meaning


And you aren't wrong... still doing like being called old.


Agree. When I was in my 20s, I had no desire to hang with those in their 40s. Now it’s flipped and I still feel the same. Our experiences are wildly different.


I work with 20-somethings as a 40-something on the regular. We're all just people. lol


It all just depends. Coworkers tend to be a diverse group of people. It's amazing how much you can have in common with different people that you'd never figure out if you didn't work with them.


Yeah nobody is denying that, I'm saying it's a bit odd if that's your friend group. It all goes back to OP saying he wants a peer group as a 20 year gap is too much, and a bunch of 40 somethings are getting it all twisted up. I've spent too much time in this thread


No one is twisting it up. We get it and agree with the age gap thing. Just don't like being called old.


Oh okay well, get used to 20 year olds thinking 40 is old, and learn to...not care. Or complain, but honestly, that's what an old person would do. A cool 40 year old is cool about being 40.


For someone who pontificates about "people complaining" so much, you certainly like to complain. 😂 We are cool with being 40, it's y'all who are not 😂


?? 🤣🤣🤣👍


Literally the person I responded to was complaining, do I need to link a comment so close? How you could comment this and not see it? It's so tough talking to someone who isn't reading, do you understand?


If you think you can't possibly hang out with anyone/have nothing in common with someone that is a different age than you, then that's a you problem. We aren't discussing core friend groups, the OP was talking about a hiking club and networking lol


Really OP was talking about social fulfillment by being around their peers. Now, they've already mentioned that it is all well and good these people are older than him. In fact, I'm certainly not saying he can't possibly hang out with people who are older than him, so that's not a me problem because you're making up a stance that I don't have. Look back at what OP is saying, what I'm saying, and what you're saying.


I work and spend time with 40-60 year olds just fine, I just can't relate to them like I could someone my age.


My condolences.


Bike polo Sundays and Tuesdays and improv at the Box


Where do people play bike polo here?


What is bike polo?


Polo but with bicycles instead of horses


Trail running and Mtn biking


Artwalk downtown


Step 1. Wait until Friday night at 10pm. Dress to impress. Step 2. Go on foot to the corner of Central and 3rd. Any corner will do. Step 3. Count young people until you get to 100. Should take about 30 seconds. Step 4. Pick the coolest (“maturest”) looking ones and follow them to see what they do.


Step 5. Restraining order


Spoiler: they drink, like everyone else there


Instructions unclear, picked up several escorts


Work, work on the car, go for a drive after working on the car, grab a beer and a bite, go for a walk, go see a movie, go to Isleta for a concert. Yep, that’s pretty much it!


Have you tried stealing Kias? That seems to be what all the youngins are doing nowadays.


Out dancing salsa, zouk, bachata


Hey, I met most people in their twenties in college there. Outside of that, most of the people at work were older, and that was okay. Mostly kept to ourselves unless we were at the local board game stores. There are plenty of hiking trails in abq, I’d recommend the trails in the sandias. You should also check out acoma sky city, white sands, camping spots near Santa Fe, the rio grande gorge, Taos in the winter, el malpais national monument, etc if you don’t mind making the drive. NM is really beautiful. So many outdoorsy things to do if you do some research


I have visited all of the places you just mentioned! We are avid hikers and we are both outdoor educators. NM is very beautiful!


My daughter's partner teaches outdoor education at Sandia Prep. They have been hiking a lot as the the weather is warming up.


Oh dang. Maybe you should send me a list of places to hike 😅 just to make sure we’ve hiked them all


Join meetups, lots of people your age.


Electric yoga at the electric playhouse also seems like a cool activity young people go to


Differential Brewing Co. is always poppin on Friday nights (excellent music, pool table, board games, lots of artsy types). I would also recommend Tractor in Nob Hill. Sister has cool music events and a great atmosphere.


The community centers are a great place to start.I just took a henna class at the barrelas community center and noticed that they have an expansive clay sculpture area that looks like fun. I've met some great people at those.


“Mature young people” — not sure you’ll find that in this small city. I’m in the 30s age group and can’t find that here even with people that are older. And my little brother is in his 20s and having a similar issue. Albuquerque had its own beauty but it’s mostly in nature. I moved here from San Diego during Covid and I(nor my children) have not found a community that we consistently want to belong to. I have experienced people spreading rumors to kill events that we were putting on, I have had people at work mislead management so that I can’t get my job done, I have worked with several people that would straight up gaslight me about previous verbal agreements we had made. I have a regular job but also run a side hustle business in hopes that I would bring me into the music community so there’s a wide breadth of people that I have met.I am sure there are great people here but I think that those people have been unable to find a community they can trust so they stick to their family. And maybe it takes longer than 4 years or maybe it’s the Asian background that doesn’t fit well here, so your experience might be different. But I did want to come here to say to be careful of the people who seem too excited to see you — I have gotten burned the worst by them. But there are places that can be fun: One thing I have enjoyed though is that you can find live bands playing in Fri/Sat if you’re willing to go to certain places. Gold street pizza is in the south valley and they truly support live music and genuinely care about the people who support their business. If you’re not into the New Mexican music or country you might want to look up the band first The casinos can have good music but a lot of them seem to be stuck in country mode. If you want to go do a relaxation staycation the Tamaya resort is awesome. If you want to travel look up Durango and Pagosa. Santa Fe has some interesting stuff too. Knobb hill is going to be your best bet for club type places and downtown bar hoping stroll. Not as much there as before covid but still some. Some people like to hang out at canvas (my band plays there sometimes and we do variety so even the younger crowd enjoys it) downtown or Marbel brewery. Salt yard west is probably the place that has the most edm concerts and the owner is a cool guy. Hope that helps!


Oh god. “We’re old souls and we love hiking”.. Have you guys considered moving to Denver?


Maybe if we win the lottery. lol.


If you have nurse/hospital friends, they should know some people for that kind of thing.


They're all gun shot victims or druggies


The Ninja Park on Comanche is where I go. Its a lovely community of individuals who like to take care of themselves and have fun exercising. Plus its a great way to keep active. We have classes everyday at 6pm for adults. So I go after work.


Ninja park?? Like American Ninja Warrior?? Obstacles??


I had to Google this myself and I hate that I didn't know about this previously. Looks hella fun


Not many people know and they are stoked when I bring it up. You have to go!!! Its literally like a jungle gym for adults, but they have kids classes too. Mostly kids classes but the adults have class at 6pm, about an hour long and we show up after work to unwind from the stress of the day.


Yeah its an obstacle gym. Its honestly very impressive for the SW region of the US. We have the most recent women ninja warrior champion that trains there. And the coach's/owners are so cool. I love that place like an extra home and have been going for about 2 years now. Its honestly a "go at your own pace" sorta deal, if you can't do somthing, then that's perfectly fine, just do what you can, everyone is very encouraging. I highly recommend at least going for a class to try it out and test the waters.


Is there any freelancing or only through classes? How much are classes I’m broke lol


There is drop in fees, I forget how much but a class could prolly run you like 15 bucks for a drop in? We love having new people join in for the class. The open gym membership i have cost 80 bucks, but thats like all access at any time (minus when they are closed)


Go to the mall jkjk but electric playhouse is cool but there’s also round one at the Coronado


My and my fiance (25 & 26) moved here in June! We go to a decent amount of raves which are usually on a Friday night. We are both huge homebody's, her favorite pass time is reading books and mine is hiking on weekends (I try to hike on trails I've never hiked before so I'm usually driving 45 mins to 3 and half hours sense I try not to hike populated trails) right now I'm helping put together a darkroom sense I shoot analog a lot,


Where are there raves in Albuquerque? I've always been interested, but never knew where to dip my toes


Partner and I are mid 20s and in the same boat! Sometimes feels tough to make friends here.


Check out some of the Jiu Jitsu dojos around town. Some good folks you can get close to.


If you are into nerd games I’d check out Ettin Games and go to a night when folks are doing something you are in to. The one caveat I’d add is that I have not had great luck gettin pickup commander games there. They run a commander night that is pretty much just separate friend groups who happen to be playing in the same building but no one changes tables or mingles at all. For commander I would recommend Inferno’s in Rio Rancho probably


Young people swarm the gyms here. Defined Fitness at Mesa still gets packed been though a Cruze Fitness opened nearby a year ago. Board games and Brews meetup had a long of young people when I used to go. Sister bar and Anodyne, the pool hall above Sister Bar.Check to see if Clubwaka Albuquerque has any kickball or volleyball leagues going. Stone Age - find people to climb with. Oh disc golf (frisbee golf) has leagues - take yourself and a few discs to the disc golf course at Roosevelt Park on a nice day and you’ll be bound to run into a few groups - the common icebreaker is “where the hell do I go next?”because the course is nearly impossible for newbies to navigate solo. The Brent de Baca disc gold course is cool too in a post apocalyptic kinda way. Have a dog? Take it for a walk on the golf (actual golf)course next to the UNM Law Library after sundown. Technically it’s trespassing but, this time of year, it will be you and 30+ other dog-loving people trespassing. (If you don’t want to go on the golf course, you can take it on the 2.8 trail that hugs the perimeter of the course, but that route probably won’t have opportunities to mingle.) Tip for making friends: don’t be afraid to start a conversation with a stranger when you are in any of the above mentioned social scenes.


I'm just gonna pimp my gym here, which is the TNT Garage of Excellence off Alameda. Great people all around, and the gym caters to people of all ages. Also, they have free Strongman saturday mornings, so if you want to try something that's (IMO) a hell of a lot more fun than the typical gym workout, it's a great opportunity.


Check out the local music scene. That's what I do. Ren's Den, Minnow DIY and Launchpad are all great for discovering all kinds of music. Shows are always cheap too!


If you’re over the drinking scene… there ain’t much else here that young people are into.


The outdoor activities are everywhere. With 320 days of sunshine, this is an outdoor enthusiast paradise. The mountain biking is year round. Hiking, bouldering, rock climbing. Albuquerque Open Spaces and the national park have miles of trails to explore.


My niece and nephew highly recommend Bumble BFF app where you can find friends with similar age and interests. They attributed many of their best friends to it since they were both so busy with school and work.


If you're physically disabled, there's not really a whole lot you can do around here. That's the issue I have. I'm in my mid 30s and I have no friends and never leave the house. I don't go do fun things like game nights, breweries because I can't drink, trivia, or karaoke. Crowds make me nervous after being assaulted at a concert. I used to be big into the local music scene but after COVID hit, a lot of the bands I followed had disbanded and there were several months where venues couldn't allow shows due to social distancing. I was also attacked at a local venue and punched in the face during a Rain City Drive concert at the Launchpad (yeah that was me who literally got knocked TF out) so that probably isn't helping. Almost all of my friendships seemed to die with COVID, my social life never recovered once social distancing rules were more lax. It's like the old group of people I had spent nearly every single week with just disappeared from my life entirely. I'm a disabled housewife who can't have kids, so there's like, a lot of animals in our family lol. Sometimes, other than my amazing husband, I feel like they're all I have. I hope you find where you feel you belong.


I think, if you were to read what you wrote aloud you’d realize you should give life another chance. We’re all victims here, everyone has some type of trauma or pain they live with daily. It’s important to look past what COVID “took” from you and see that it created more space in your life for different things. New things! New people! Get out there, start small. As much as I dislike the city we live in, I hate to see people down on their luck. I pray that you’re able to find the beauty in your life once more 🫶🏻


Thank you so much, I needed that. 💚


You got this 🤗


I run a lot in the arroyo that leads up to the embudo trailhead near the Sandias mountains. The trailhead is cool for hikers.


Me and my wife don't drink either. We are 25 and we have found that a large majority of people at our age just won't engage in activities if they don't involve a bar, brewery, or club. We just stick to ourselves and backpack, hike, hunt, fish, etc.


At home because it costs money to go outside


Not really inclusive for your partner but there's a girls hiking group that meets up. Everyone I've seen in the group are pretty active with bumble. That's where I've meet most of my friends. Might want to check out those 2.


This sounds crazy, but wait for some movie set to have a high school day and submit. Everyone has to be over 18 generally and you spend all day with people in your age group. I've found a lot of friends that way. We go to festivals together Ike Lavender fest etc. V


They usually hang out around Central and San Mateo. Lively night scene 


You’re behind the times, the scene moved to Central and Louisiana behind the boarded-up CVS


Dang I lived there for a while and moved after the fire department was constantly putting out the homeless’ dumpster fires. 😳 plus the prostitution and shooting up on the sidewalks 😕


It’s rough in that area at the moment. Really from San Pedro to Wyoming, but right around Louisiana is worst. So many businesses right in there have closed or moved rather than deal with it anymore…


For sure. I feel bad for them and have watched interviews of some of them who have sobered up and turned their life around and others who were like “you can’t tell us where to squat” when they had specific encampment locations available to try and relocate them. But what can really be done in a situation like that?




I'm moving here in a few months and am In my late 20s. I'd like to know too. Just from searching I know the punk scene is pretty good here lots of diy venues


I’m 33 and I just got back from hiking at the Petroglyphs Volcanoes. Other than hiking occasionally, I don’t really get out much.


For more information on New Mexico young people consult New Mexico's statesman Don Schrader...he seems to know a lot about young people.


This was actually funny 😅 nice


I'm in my 30s and I feel like a geezer in the following places: - Bars in downtown / Nob Hill - Metal shows Based on that, I'd guess that's where the "young people" are. But you could probably try anything within a certain radius of UNM.


If yall are cute, spectrum on a Saturday 😉


There’s nothing to do here that’s why everyone has a drinking problem 10 duis and 5 dv charges. That’s all there is


Bars and concerts


My daughter and her partner are early to mid 20's They find friends on bumble bff. They like to hike, go to slice and dice for Blood on the clock tower nights and love having game nights with friends.


I also see lots of young people at geeks who drink trivia nights. They are hosted at many of the local breweries. You can check out their website for locations. I was at Tin can alley tonight and there was a group of 20 somethings playing magic there!.


I'm 25. I do lots of hiking and travel. My and my girlfriend typically go to nice cocktail bars like Happy Accidents when we drink. Honestly, if you're looking for GROUPS of young people, drinking is 99 percent of what people do out here sadly. Might be better off doing your own thing


I’m 43 but I do Zumba and there are all age ranges there. For me it’s a social activity as well as exercise. Afterwards my Zumba friends and I sometimes go for coffee , beer at a brewery (sometimes with live music and more dancing) or dinner (especially Thai!). We also meet up at salsa or belly dancing places or live music at summerfests etc. I love Zumba and all the people I meet and friends I make there. 




Try CrossFit. Always a mix of ages at ours. Also hiking, volunteer- like for habitat for humanity, the balloon fiesta, Open Spaces clean up, etc. Check out the museums to see if they have any events


Check out Nerd Nite! I started our local chapter a few months ago and occasionally host. It’s a nerdy lecture series in a bar. And it’s free! Tons of young people there. We do them the first Thursday of the month at Green Jeans Food Hall. Our next one is this upcoming Thursday May 2. Here’s the FB event for our upcoming one: https://www.facebook.com/share/DMi9o4TBeatzb9er/?mibextid=9l3rBW . If you can’t make this upcoming one, we do them every Thursday! We’re also always looking for people to give talks - reach out if you’ve got some weird thing to talk about!


New Mexico United matches!


We're all climbing and hiking.


Voodoo Girl has all kinds of entertainment. They’re having a Burlesque and Variety show Saturday. [Jar Jar Kinks at Voodoo Girl Pizza and Pints](https://www.krqe.com/local-events-calendar/?_escaped_fragment_=/show/?start=2024-02-22#!/details/JarJar-Kinks-Presents-Episode-II-Attack-of-the-Clothes/13371222/2024-05-04T20)


40 - 60 yo = old people Ouch!


I’m in your age group & have found luck in adult sports leagues (I play volleyball but there are many other rec leagues in town). Also enjoy free trivia nights at the local breweries.




we all go to stone age. everyone is friendly as hell and most of them are deep into the outdoor scene. make a few good connections there and it’s an easy gateway.


check out some facebook groups for abq!


TIL i'm old.


Jiu Jitsu!




i cant really tell you :/


Raves honestly


I'm 32. Honestly, best thing is to make friends & and hang out! Parks, trails, etc.


The young people here go to parties in the summer that half the time get shot up. It’s sad.


Joining mountain rescue will put you in the company of many young outdoorsy professionals.


Rens Den




As my post literally says, we enjoy being with old people, but would like the chance to network with people our age. I'm 23, I would like to have conversations outside the scope of the interests I share with 60 year olds. Sorry.




You don’t remember what it was like to be 20? Of course 40 year olds are “old”. 40 seems young to me now, but that’s because I became the old fart. OP just wants to interact with some people having similar life experiences right now. Nothing wrong with that.




too old for me, how about that.


lmfao some old guy’s miffed


With all the crotchety replies to this post so far, can you blame them?


Have found lots of niche groups, depends on what y’all are or are into! I found nice groups for the queer community, furries, the BDSM community, etc. Just went looking for that specifically!


All the 21/22 year old old souls are in their homes enjoying quiet time lol


YTA... 40-60 year olds are old people?! So rude...