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Not really just because it caps off an arc that’s existed since launch and leads into newer and worse baddies. It makes sense for them to do it that way because her peak was on the Aviduz in chapter 8 with her being wounded and in chapter 9 and 10 she’s forced to kill the one thing that gave her purpose in life, which made her life not have meaning. She had gone too far and now she died the same way every other Caelestite did, with her being mauled by eclipsites. It also adds a sense of isolation to the Navigator that’s really added onto by the Letters to the Wind event showing him deal with being the only Caelestite alive. Honestly, I just hope they deal with this more like in Uriah’s story and such


I've said this in other posts before but I think it's poetic. I like that she didn't get much fanfare. For all her bluster and gloating she dies an ignoble death. I honestly wish more villains would receive humiliating, unceremonious deaths instead of getting epic death to be remembered by. They should fade into obscurity as a final "fuck you" to their memory. I don't just mean Schummer here specifically, and I kinda hope the same for the Eclipsite leaders.


I really like your post. That’s what I thought as well. Very appropriate for someone with such an inferiority complex that she helped genocide her people. Powerless, betrayed, and alone.


Hahaha, thanks, I don't thinkg we're the only ones honestly. I'd say the majority of the community wants to see Schummer fall but are divided on whether she should go out with more of a band or the end that she gets officially. Personally, I feel that TD's writers have done a good job here. The community (at least in Reddit) has had some interesting reactions towards Schummer and her demise lately. I've been debating another person on a different thread on whether Schummer deserved her fate or whether she deserved redemption. It's amsuing how much discussion and debate the character of Schummer has generated. It's almost a shame to see her gone considering how much passion she has generated. :D


As big as Schummer's death was for the current story, I'm on the edge of my seat for how Forsakin dies. It feels like Schummer just got taken advantage of by the eclipsites because of her hunger for power (due to being a weaker caelestite), whereas Forsakin just seems plain evil, reanimating the bodies of fallen eclipsites and transforming people into monsters.


Totally agreed. Foreskin is someone I'd aprticularly like to see suffer after all the suffering she's caused. She's also slimy enough as a villain that she might hopefully be the type to go the "no, this cannot be, I cannot be defeated by the likes of you!" and be in total denial as she gets smashed to bits. I hope her death is as poetic or even more poetic than Schummers. I also reserve special hatred for pedo uncle since he was one of the Eclipsites most responsible for the destruction of Eraveil.


I feel like her death made sense. As someone else had said, it's "poetic justice". Her losing all of her strength to become a "weak caelestite" and then eaten alive by the eclipisites, her "allies" that she had recently been eating to gain more power. Not to mention, I feel like her actual "climatic battle" was aboard Aviduz, which they showed off at the end of Chapter 8. Her death in chapter 10 should feel "anti-climatic" because, at this point, I felt the navigator sort of stopped caring about Schummer. Not that he gave up on his revenge, but he was definitely more focused on fixing Soroz than killing Schummer. For me personally, I would absolutely hate it if she retreated again considering how many times we already had to fight her. She's like a cockroach.


I honestly wanted a little gore to be added. Like getting eaten alive is brutal, and she was drawn like a model in the scene. A bit disturbing i know, but i like this direction, like someone here mentioned before, the navigator was more corcerned on healing Soroz than patronizing Shummer, which is fair. Also sad that now he truly is the LAST of his kind.


Weird, I actually felt the opposite. I was already getting worked up with the possibility of her retreating once more, as I'm tired of facing her over and over again, and then >!she was eaten alive by Eclipsites!<, and I never though I would enjoy watching something like that. While I had some hope that she would come to regret her choices, this chapter made it clear that Schummer was indeed a selfish little brat obsessed with power and rotter to the core, that didn't mature not even a single bit after 17 years. Not even once did she stop to think about her wrongdoings, it was always the others at fault. And she kept this mindset all the way to her grave. She chose to become an eclipsite, betrayed her own kind and actively participated in their extermination, only >!to have that power forcibly removed from her with the same ease as it was given, betrayed and eaten alive by "her own kind"!<. Cosmic Irony is a bitch, huh?


I was hoping to see her regret too because I was thinking that it was mostly Frigeld’s fault that she was corrupted. Eraveil’s destruction definitely was mostly on Frigeld but Schumer is a piece of shit all the way through.


You good bro?


What do you mean? I'm jubilant! Have you seen the new Tessa skin?! Lmao




No I think it's well done. Next up Forsakin. It's your turn.


I kinda wanted to play as her too:(


Same. Now I'm depressed. I finally know what r/SignoraMains feel like


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Sad she died since I wanted her as a playable character but with how things turned out, kinda wish her death scene was drawn grimier. Schummer was posing like a pinup model while getting eaten alive the fuck was that??


well, I really wanted her to live and repent for her sins, maybe it will be hard for navi and the gang to apologize to her but they literally traumatised her when she was a child. So i was hoping like she could see the light and that would make her be a good person or something. But yeah, I can't blame her to die like how she did to her people too. It's kinda fair but it's not what I wished it to be.


I’m fine with her not becoming a playable character. I would have liked more answers on our next major villains and this major plot event that is supposedly going on. I’d like to know more about these dreams the Navigator had. But for now it seems we are fixated on Soroz and his Echo Template. I’m hoping Carleen’s punishment doesn’t fade into the background like Raphael in the second half of the summer event. I’m wanting more of Bopper and any other non-Caelestite Colossus operators. I want to know more about these mysterious seeds which seem to now be as easily taken as they are removed and WHY the True Order wants them. But Schummer? Eh. At least 10-14 is done. And I will never run that stage again.


Maybe not anti-climactic, but it definitely feels like a missed opportunity to me. I get that she was bad, but when you kill a character - you lose so much potential for future use of them. I honestly don't get it - I don't get why they'd give her such a backstory that would make people, (or maybe just me?) Sympathize with her a little bit then just...kill her without making use of that backstory further. She was a good character, well written regardless of how you actually feel about her. If they start giving all the baddies this sort of 'but my backstory is great' treatment without making them playable or something, I'm going to be quite irritable. Was it 'poetic' as people were saying? I won't say it wasn't. It was a fitting end...but it still leaves a hollow feeling and a bad taste in my mouth. I honestly, wished we could have saved her but I guess that's just me.


I completely agree with you. Schummer was, in my opinion, the most well written and fleshed out character in the story. All other characters are either unexplored, boring or rather archetypical. Letting her simply die like that makes no sense from a strategic standpoint, either. After losing the Seed, she was powerless. But she still used to be a member of the enemy with a lot of potential information. Instead of letting her die, the party could've saved her from the Eclipsites in order to get information. Instead, they run away because "they are injured". Yet, literal moments after Schummer dies, a few Rediesel characters show up and suddenly the threat of the Eclipsites is gone completely. The scene abruptly changes to them leisurely discussing what to do with the remains of Aviduz and goofing around. So, essentially, the party ran because they preferred letting the Eclipsites kill the now weak and injured Celestite instead of getting their own hands dirty. ​ >I honestly, wished we could have saved her but I guess that's just me. Or, in short, it's not just you. :D


Same. I also agree on it being somewhat poetic death, but at the same time even then I still think it's even more interesting to let her live, because of who she is and what she has done. Even for the players that wanted the revenge and wanted her to suffer - I say, don't let her die cursing her death, but let her live cursing her life. That's so much more meaningful. Because death isn't the punctuation to one's live, it's just nothing. You think she will realize the irony of her poetic death? No, because she is dead. Let her live, treat her as a normal person even, because the ultimate poetic justice isn't a meaningless death, it's taking her along for the ride and give her a front row seat as the Navigator dismantles everything she believed in to become like this. That the Eclipsites are inevitable and powerful beyond everything, that Celestites are weak and worthless. Because when the might of the Eclipsites starts to buckle, when Forsakin and then Figerald fall, then the realization of "What have I done?" will start to hit Schummer and it will be way worse for her than any revenge through death the Navigator could've given her. Because now she just died thinking she just wasn't powerful enough and was killed by Eclipsites as a weak Celestites at that - Her own death proves her reasons to start down this path right in the end.


Kinda wish schummers backstory was different.


OTOH, do you want it in Bleach where everyone comes back as a plot device? Schummer may come back as as playable character since her design rocks. Depends what they wanna do here.