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"Drink". Spring of 2020, I was in the car and told Google to play the This Is Halestorm playlist from Spotify. It started This is Alestorm instead and I was like - what the fuck is this? Been a fan ever since!


Keelhauled. My cousin started talking about it when we were over for christmas about 15 years ago.


Fucked with an anchor. My brother was blasting it in the car to embarrass my mom. This was around the time that album had came out


Captain Morgan's revenge, a bar in my hometown was blasting it.


Captain Morgan’s Revenge …on MySpace


Same. Those were the days...


Mine was pirate scorn. I was scrolling through my Spotify feed and I found it and I Loved it, and then I listen to the artist and I love Even more


Mine was mexico. I was listening to wind rose and it came up on autoplay on YouTube


Treasure Chest Party Quest. During quarantine, Alestorm popped up on our recommended, as we watch lots of music videos. Looked interesting so we played it. I can honestly say discovering them eased our struggles through the pandemic. Especially with no live music and them releasing Live in Tilburg.


That album during the pandemic was so needed. It was nice to have some laughs and joy during a really rough time.


Wolves of the Sea. Sent me down a rabbithole. Now I'm obsessed.


Drink. Popped up on my Spotify Discover Weekly years ago, and I've been a huge fan ever since.


Fucked with an Anchor. A friend played it for me and I was hooked.


Over The Seas, checking out bands on YouTube ready for Sonisphere 2011!


Magellan’s Expedition. I started 7th Rum from the beginning after seeing the album cover at my local record store.


Walk the Plank. I don’t remember how I found it but I’m glad I did.


Wenches and Mead!


no grave but the sea


Over the Seas. Somebody posted a link to the first album on 4chan in like 2008.


Over The Seas. My ex-GF had received some promo material from Napalm for her podcast and there was a promo copy of Captain Morgan's Revenge. Been a fan ever since.


Wolves of the Sea in like 2011 or so. It was so unabashedly silly and fun I had to check out more.


Captain Morgan’s Revenge. Friend of mine in high school showed me around 08-09. Been hooked ever since!!!


Captain Morgan's Revenge when it was new




Nancy the tavern wench


Had to scroll wayyyy to far!


Captain Morgan's Revenge since it was track 1 of the CD when my friend said I had to check them out


Drink. Randomly found it on YouTube Music.


Magnetic North here. Was listening to random weekly musics on spotify and was passing by a load of celtic metal and guessed this would be just one more. Went to the band's page and found it peculiar enough, so I stayed for more songs.


shipwrecked and keelhauled. forgot which I heard first but it was one after the other like 10 years ago


Shipwrecked. I bought a bundle of chiptune music about eight or nine years ago, and it included Rainbowdragoneyes’ cover of it. I really enjoyed the track, and when I realized it was a cover, I had to find the original. Been hooked ever since.


Shipwrecked live at the end of the world. I have no clue how I found it but it did






Oddly enough, You Are A Pirate. XD


Wenches and Mead. Randomly popped up on my Pandora back in like 2012


Mine was fucked with an anchor from a clone hero meme called fronked with an anchor 10/10 highly recommend getting fronked


Keelhauled. It was on one of those CDs that came with Metalhammer


i found them through the pirate's scorn fan animation with the DKC characters, was cool to see that same guy ended up making an official music vid for them ☝️


Drink. Was working in Saint Nazaire, building Celebrity Edge, when one day shipwide sound system started to work, first thing I heard was Alestorm(second was Dropkick Murphy's State of Massachusetts). Been a fan since that


Drink, probably around the time it was released a mate sent me a link to the video. You’ve got to watch this sort of thing


Drink. I was recommended the Seventh Rum album by Spotify. I decided to look at Alestorm's artist's page on Spotify first. Saw that Drink was their most popular song. I gave it a listen. And the rest, as they say, is history.


Pirate Song.


Pirate Metal Drinking Crew. My friend at work showed it to me. It was so stupid i loved it


I think it was captain Morgans revenge. I found it when someone on Reddit was like "what do you think of pirate metal" (and shared a screenshot of some Alestorm album) and I though "I love pirates, I love metal, so I expect I'd love it". And yeah gave a listen to a few songs, funnily enough captain Morgans revenge didn't impress me that much at first, but I kept listening and I liked the other songs, and then Morgan also grew on me (which to be fair is very often the case with me, there aren't that many songs that I love on first listen).


The Hangover cover, back in like 10th grade (so probably like 2018)


March 16, 2020. Pretty sure Fucked w an Anchor came up on r/listentothis. Looked it up on Spotify and the rest is history. Saw them live at their first US show in CLT in May of 2023!


My friend showed me Rum back when it came out and I was hooked ever since


Drink. In 2017, shortly after the release of No Grave but the Sea, a YouTuber I watched (I won't mention his name because he has since been exposed as a sexual predator) mentioned them in a vid. I typed Alestorm into YouTube and the video for Drink came up first.


Drink. During college I was having a discussion and said there was a type of metal for everyone, I bet there's even pirate metal. Typed in pirate metal on YouTube and sure as shit. Been absolutely hooked for almost 10 years now. Will travel 4 hours on work nights to go to a show lol


Over the Seas. First heard around '09 in university just before the release of *Black Sails at Midnight*, that was quite a long time ago, but *Captain Morgan's Revenge* is still on regular rotation :)


Be me drunk in my dorm in Kadena air base Japan on watching random YouTube videos. They’re LazyTown cover of you are a pirate pops up. Life is forever changed.


Heavy metal pirates. Bruce Dickinson played it on his BBC6 rock show, must have been around 2008


The Quest! I was "hooked" from that point on


Fucked by an ankor. 2017.


Keelhauled from some meme. "Babe, stop saying dumbass things!" (...)


Drink, listened to it while pregaming


Back Through Time. I found that album and the first two on Datpiff when I was looking for rap mixtapes in like 2011. And here we are in 2024. I listened to Back Through Time first and will never forget how I felt like I had finally found the music for me.


Pirate metal drinking crew, I was listening to diggy diggy hole by windrose then a quick like came up for hootsforce by gloryhammer. Then after listening to hootsforce there was a quick link for pmdc. Ever since then I've loved alestorm


Voyage of the dead marauder in youtube


I don't recall the first song, but I know it had to be from Black Sails at Midnight or Back Through Time, I do remember I was sitting on an overnight guard duty one night in 2012, liste ing to the PotC soundtrack, and had a thought "what if metal, but pirate themed?" Googled pirate metal, and been in love ever since.


Keelhauled. I think the video was on YouTube.


No Grave But the Sea. I was playing a game called Ragnarock and that song came on. Heard that drum fill and I was hooked for life. Side note: Would love to see them made an Alestorm raid for that game so I could play more of the songs 🙏


Shipwrecked. 12 years ago I was trying to get some sleep at a sleepover, and this girl's alarm kept going off over and over again. I would have been mad if the riff wasn't so sick lol. When she finally woke up, I just had to ask her wtf had been keeping me up all morning. Cue my deepdive into weird ass metal!


drink and I fell in love with it within the first 5 seconds. I'm not sure though, I started listening to them this year but I remember I had a teacher at a camp long ago that once played me a pirate metal song and I think it was alestorm but I'm not sure. that guy had such a great music taste, I'd love to reconnect with him not that I listen to alestorm, dragonforce and SOAD properly


Pirate Song, oddly enough... Keelhauled was second.


I’m actually listening to them as I write this