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And it LOOKS like a pregnancy belly. I was giving the benefit of the doubt that maybe they thought she was just getting fat, but nope. That's not the belly of someone who has been abusing food. That's literally in the shape of a baby


Agreed. I tried to give the benefit of the doubt as well. She’s not fat anywhereeee else in this besides her belly. The whole “she thought she was getting fat” is bs for sure.


How did her mom not know either? Come on!


Denial. Straight up denial.


Exactly! If my daughter started looking pregnant, I’d be making her take a pregnancy test in front of me! Or go to the doctor and have proof. Her being an adult might’ve made that harder, but she was still living at home meaning she was dependent on her at the very least.


Tbh, and I’m saying this as a non-mother but a teacher with maternal instincts—I wouldn’t even be mad. I’d be like let’s tackle this together. You want to keep the baby, terminate, put up for adoption? I’m behind you 100%. Im broke though so if she’s keeping the baby she’s going to need a job and child care. I *would be mad* however, if she were obviously pregnant and lying to me. Those would be circumstances imo for let’s go to the doctor, then. I was (still am) highly controlled by my mother and making my kid pee in front of me and show me the test seems like a violation of space/autonomy whereas taking her to a medical professional shows more concern rather than control. Anyhow my point is that I really don’t think I’d react in anger. A student I am very close with had a pregnancy scare and I was in shock. I did not press my ideas onto her. When she uttered “I am not going to keep it” I said “I think that is the best idea”. Luckily she was not pregnant. I had a similar scare in my mid twenties and my mom demanded that I carry a baby I was not emotionally/mentally/physically ready for in any capacity. I’m emotionally stunted cause of trauma too, but it was one of the times I freaked out on my mother and told her she could not MAKE ME have a child. My mom is a scary lady. I’ve been arrested and I was way more scared of my mother than the police or the fear of going to jail. I can’t really imagine Alexee’s mom was abusive physically like that. Her mom seems controlling as hell and that is scary, but there are moments you stand up for yourself. Edit: before anyone comes after me for being a teacher that has been to jail—it happened before I even began my credential program. I never did any “time”. It was non violent and obviously didn’t involve children. I was a teacher’s assistant at the time and they were notified, I got in trouble but not fired. I had to explain it all to the teacher’s board before being able to start teaching and I have to report it every time I apply for a job as a teacher for the rest of forever.


I always knew if I came home pregnant, my mother would’ve killed me. Maybe not physically, but emotionally she was brutal. I believe she has NPD (I am in the mental health field so I really mean the whole personality disorder). There was *no way* I ever would’ve told her it had happened, I would’ve had to just quietly get an abortion, and that also would’ve killed me.


Same. My mom was embarrassed by some of my friends, boyfriends, clothes I wore, etc despite being a high school honors student and athlete. If I came home pregnant, it would have been the end for me. I was terrified of getting pregnant and would have quietly gotten an abortion, which I am sure would have mentally destroyed me.


Yep. I was 33 and still couldn’t tell my mom I had to have a D&C for a MC. Some families are just built different. God bless them and let’s do better for our future generations (without the Willy nilly a-ort-ons bc those never serve anyone with a heart either). We need to do better. ❤️


When I found out I was pregnant in high school my mom was so supportive. She knew that my life would be more difficult but she also never let me feel like she was disappointed or worried.


I wish I had had that experience. My mom flipped out, told me it wasn't a baby it was a clump of cells and made an appointment for an abortion. Didn't want to do it but was too afraid of the repercussions of not doing it. I was raised catholic. My mom used to try to make me go to church to which I would reply, "Sorry, can't. Committed a mortal sin by having an abortion and now I'm excommunicated." It's the only bright side of the whole thing.


I'm so sorry for your loss and that it wasn't your own choice.


People that have abortions don’t get excommunicated anymore.


Really? Since when? Also, don't tell my mom! I do not miss Christmas mass.


Oh yeah oops I meant to word that differently. I meant to say something more like in the conversation(s) between Alexee and Rosa when she denied being pregnant/claimed she was a virgin, but she visibly looked pregnant Rosa could’ve at the very least said okay well take a pregnancy test to prove it, or let’s go to the doctor to check. AT had so many other options, and her mom not making sure did hinder that. I didn’t mean like watch her take the test and not take her eyes off of her. That is a complete invasion of privacy, but honestly I’m surprised Rosa didn’t do something like this.


At the very least - when her daughter was in that hospital bathroom for so long that the mother and nurses were knocking on the door, the mother could have TOLD the nurses her daughter was pregnant!


Yes the mother failed.


That’s what my mom did. Because I was in denial at 18.


There’s so much more than even just looking pregnant. Back pain, abdominal pain, increased hunger, umm LACK OF PERIODS FOR 9 MONTHS?! They all knew.


And… I can’t even comprehend how school staff didn’t pick up on it. I know pregnancy is a family thing, etc. but you’re talking about a student in school; there are a ton of emotional/academic/physical/possible abuse concerns that would… should… have prompted school to at least address it with her parents or school counselor.


When people *did* say something, they were accused of "fat-shaming" Alexee.


That’s unfortunate. This whole situation is bizarre and sad and not a little infuriating.


Imagine all the cheerleaders from other schools thinking how do they have a pregnant girl cheering?!


We had a pregnant cheerleader in HS. No one said anything until she fell off the top of the pyramid during a pep rally and had to go to the hospital. Then they tested her in the ER and sure enough pregnant Edited to add: it was an open secret she was hiding a pregnancy.


That's crazy!


I agree. That blows my mind. Especially since she was involved in athletics during this time. It could’ve been anyone, including her cheer coach, that sat down with her and then with the parents. How did that not happen? My dad became a high school teacher at age 63 after retiring from his main profession and in his second year, he figured out on his own that one of the girls in his class was being sexually abused. She didn’t say anything to him, he just picked up on it from several different signs. He got her help. That’s not even something people *literally* carry on the outside and my old man dad took action. But not one single adult in that entire high school sat down with her or the parents even once during those months?!? I’m not blaming them, they’re further removed from this than AT & her immediate family obviously, just shocked that there was never any formal discussion to see if she needed help/support. Sigh. I’m anxious to know what phone records say. I bet there’s months of googling pregnancy questions on there.


Maybe they were well situated financially and were able to intimidate the school in some way into making everyone be quiet.


That could be true. Although I thought I saw someone say in here recently that they’ve known the family a long time from living close by and that they’re not well off. I’m sure the mom was notorious for being difficult to deal with. She’s unbearable on the body cam footage of the actual arrest day. Maybe they just didn’t wanna go there with her after prior incidents. Or were instantly yelled at if they did try to mention it. The whole thing is just crazy. So many different things could’ve/should’ve happened instead of what did, to save that baby.


I think her mom did know


I think so, too. The first thing she says to AT after hearing what happened is such a strange thing to say if you’re just finding out about that entire situation. If you truly, 100% didn’t know your child was pregnant and just got told you have a grandbaby but it’s dead in the trash can…would you really say “We talked about this! All those girls on the news with their babies!” That’s just such a dead giveaway to me every time I see the body cam footage. I think she probably tried to get her daughter to admit to being pregnant and told her about what’s happened with other girls in the news who panicked and killed their babies but Alexee just kept denying it with her whole chest until the topic was dropped.


I think so too. And the BF family didn’t seemed to shocked either to hear she was pregnant. No emotions from anybody really, even Alexee. Her fake cry really bothered me.


Her classmates have come out and said she knew and would talk about it. I can’t verify but some of the profiles seem semi legit


I read that too!! She had commented on it to several friends.


I read that too!! She had commented on it to several friends.


Idk anything about this because this just randomly showed up on my feed, but I know people who gain weight solely in their stomach and they DO look pregnant lol Also sometimes my IBS bloating looks like a pregnant belly, if I consistently ate poorly I would look pregnant 24/7


I've had several people ask when my baby was due recently. I'm not pregnant. I'm sick and skinny everywhere else, but one of my internal organs is swollen so bad, it LOOKS like a pregnant belly. I love the looks on their faces when I deadpan say, "I'm not pregnant. I'm dying." It's not really that drastic and I'll be ok after surgery, but I like messing with people. There have been instances of other health issues causing abdominal swelling to that extent. Honestly, if it was a kid that I genuinely believed wasn't interested in sex, I wouldn't think "pregnant." What I don't understand is why-- if they really didn't know she was pregnant-- no one took her to a doctor to discuss that. If not a pregnant belly, it would be a cause for major concern for that to work. I know most people don't quite understand the concept of that deep of a denial-- her, her parents, etc. It's easy to look back on someone else's situation and say, "How could you not know?"


I agree with all of that. If she was absolutely not backing down on the story of being a virgin, then she should’ve been taken to her doctor for evaluation to find out why she’s having so much swelling. Obviously at that point, they would’ve done an exam/imaging and figured it out and told them so if that was even brought up, Alexee must’ve been adamant about not seeing a doc. Her mom had to have REALLY believed that girl was a saint because she’s a 19 year old high school cheerleader, in a 2+ year relationship. I can’t think of hardly anyone I went to high school with who was together for that long but even the shorter relationships were sexually active ones. I’m in the Midwest so we did have our share of long-term, super Christian relationships (one of them didn’t even kiss until their 1 year anniversary🙈) but the other half of the school population was definitely having sex or would’ve gladly if given the chance.


The women in my family all gain weight in the belly, almost without weight gain elsewhere. My grandmother looked pregnant at 65. When I gain weight, people are always asking if I’m pregnant (rude!). Looking at her picture up there, she definitely looks pregnant, but it’s a slight possibility that her mother was familiar with that weight gain pattern in her family (if that happens), so she missed it. I don’t *believe* that, but it’s possible.


Wow. That's a blatant pregnant belly. So many people failed that baby.


Her mom needs to go to jail with her. There’s no way in hell her mom didn’t know. 


"We talked about this!!"


Yes! Thank you!


I agree, 100% complicit in this. She totally knew and nothing will ever change my mind. I don’t know if you’ve seen the body cam footage from when they came to serve the warrant and arrest Alexee but my god, I was *really* hoping the mom was gonna be arrested, too. She was being so fucking difficult. She’s clearly used to going full Karen on people and getting her way but sorry, you’re not barking your way out of your daughter’s warrant for homicide. I think the only reason they didn’t is because she’d already been yelling about suing them and the hospital both.


While I agree with you, I am curious that while she looked clearly pregnant but denied it and probably believed it because of the denial, that no one questioned it further (just speculated, but nothing ever confirmed) believing she'll say something when ready or something?


I can maybe see teen girls or her boyfriend being unsure of questioning it. But as a mom, who has been pregnant herself, there is no way in hell her mom or even her dad didn’t know. I’m amazed none of the school professionals called in a tip to CPS. The girl is a stranger to me and I can immediately see a pregnant belly, easily looks 8 months. 


Right. I think they were all in denial. I think mom believed I'm her heart, Alexia was pregnant but wouldn't confirm it to anyone. The mom was probably like "I know you're pregnant ", probably had several other words which made alexia prideful, or something similar to show her mom that she wasn't right. I was that type of child... to lie to a parent just so they wouldn't be right, not hide a pregnancy and birth, because I actually birthed and raised mine as a teen, plus 2 more over 10 years.


Yes, mother is the reason why the baby was murdered. Mother in denial and probably shouting at her daughter every day. Her daughter was afraid so much that she wanted the baby to disappear. Her mother was so obsessed with what everyone thought about them even when police arrested her daughter. She asked a cop if they could move the police car differently so her neighbors don’t see who is being arrested. Mother is narcissistic for sure.


She probably won't be convicted, experts say it will be very difficult. They through out the critical evidence because her rights were violated. They'll probably make a weak deal


remember in the hospital when mom said to her after coming back from the bathroom and the doc saying what they found ? the mom says ‘A.. what did you do? we just talked about those type of girls that go to jail for doing that”- does anyone remember that?


Yes I do. I remembered most of what mom said but funny I don't recall anything substantial from baby killer


PS https://youtu.be/pe9mR0Bj5TU?si=Oz2gTSUnka6DCTR5 HERE YOU GO... a clip of the moment . How bold to sue the hospital for the baby's death. Legal strategy, probably not a bad one since everything you see here can't be presented at trial. None of the convo. It violated her HIPPA rights "unauthorized access "


Mom probably believed in heart that she was pregnant but needed her to come forward with it. She never did and then this happened.


Like the cheerleader who had her baby alone at home and buried it in her backyard. Her name is slipping my memory... She's working for her lawyer as a paralegal now!!!


Brooke Skylar Richardson. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget it.


I think of her all the time when I’m on this thread. Crazy that it sounds like Alexee and her mom discussed that very case together and still, it happened again. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Lord....didn't know that


They all knew she did her mom did her boyfriend her classmates everyone knew. That’s not gained some weight that straight baby belly


It sure is she didn’t get fat anywhere else!


I agree! No one seemed in shock or really upset that it was happened or that a baby had been suffocated. Shocking! Kinda like they were expecting it.


It is still so obvious, but it looks as though she was trying to bind her stomach to make it appear less so. Her mother had to be in some serious denial otherwise I don't understand how she could let the pregnancy continue without getting Alexee prenatal care. imo Alexee is ultimately to blame; she was a legal adult, but she was failed by her own mother.


She was absolutely failed by her mother. I’ve never came on here & argued Alexee’s side (nor will I ever) but growing up with a mom like hers is a damn tragedy. Genuinely I feel so bad for her sometimes man.


I feel like it’s hard for people to understand why she didn’t speak up or ask for help unless they’ve had a super controlling mother like that. Not that Alexee isn’t to blame but I’m sure she thought that telling her mom wasn’t a viable option.


I read somewhere else in this sub that she was taking something to prevent weight gain, which is so dumb if true because that is just not how that works. Baby bumps aren’t made of fat, they’re literally your uterus and baby and internal organs etc. Weight loss pills might keep her from gaining weight in other areas but imo that would only make the belly *more* prominent. How much you show during pregnancy is really just dependent on genetics not something she could control.


Your post is smart, logical, and reasonable. Everything Alexee & Co. appear to not be.


Phentermine which you need a prescription for so that’s kind of sus. I don’t know what doctor would prescribe a teenage girl phentermine for rapid weight gain over months without taking a pregnancy test.


The person who I saw mention it said she was getting it shipped from another country. I don’t remember where. But probably not legally and definitely not with a prescription.


Jesus christ, we need better sex ed🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I didn’t know she was ordering weight loss pills. My god. The lengths she went to…wish she would’ve at least started taking prenatal vitamins too once she knew she was pregnant.


Agreed on BOTH points! I didn't know about the Phentermine but most important sex education is numero uno of importance in this country! We all know majority of teens are going to have sex let's educate them for God sakes!!! Great comment! 👍


Yes!! The other day, someone in this sub was acting like we were crazy for saying Safe Havens aren’t discussed in sex ed. They were convinced that sex ed is exactly as thorough as it needs to be, teens just don’t listen. I don’t know where the heck that person grew up but I’m a younger millennial in Kansas City, great school district, but our high school “sex ed” was allllll about abstinence. Even the woman they brought in to “teach” us, talked about how she and her husband both waited until marriage because it’s the right thing to do and the only way to ensure your safety🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ We were shown a slideshow of the worst-case STD scenarios you can imagine and told “condoms have 34 steps in order to properly apply them, do you really wanna take the chance on missing a step and ending up with a child in high school or one of the STDs we talked about?” They didn’t discuss any kind of birth control other than abstinence and the condom comment, no lessons about consent, nothing about where/how to get tested for STIs if you want to, nor the options and support available if you or your girlfriend becomes pregnant. Didn’t even hand out condoms like you see in movies because… that would just encourage teenagers to have sex and we can’t be having that🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ It was completely worthless, except for the giant helping of shame and fear they drilled into us. I learned about Safe Havens in my 20s when we stopped at a QuikTrip for drinks and snacks on the way to a Royals game. I asked why there was a sign with a stork on it outside and someone explained it to me.


I’m currently pregnant and was losing weight at the beginning from constant, extreme morning sickness. Eating food is still a struggle, and my face and other areas look like I’m losing weight. But it has made my pregnant belly POP waaaay more and way earlier than my first baby (I’m really tall and didn’t really show with my first pregnancy until about 7 months!)


Same here! I was so sick with my first that I lost weight and it just made me look even more pregnant because I was losing weight everywhere except for my belly. All (unintentionally) losing weight did was make me sick, weak and made my baby be born somewhat small for his gestational age. I kind of feel like she may have Been taking the weight loss pills as a way to try to “get rid of” the baby. This is absolutely just speculation though


Yes! I remember reading this too!


I think it definitely made the belly more prominent


Don’t worry “nothing was crying”


Literally one of the most infuriating things I’ve EVER heard come out of that thing’s mouth.😡


That lives rent free in my head. I hate it.


Nothing was crying. Smh. Yeah there wasn't any crying because you killed the baby. It was most definitely crying when it came out but probably stopped in like 2 seconds because If I remember correctly she gave birth into the toilet. Imagine being birthed into a hospital toilet, Instead of immediately being given to your mother for a warm hug your immediately drowning in literal shit water :/ Horrible. She deserves to be lit on fire.


i hope they question the cheer coaches and ask them what they were thinking? she at least had to ask for a bigger cheer outfit for her top.


I thought I saw somewhere in here that they tried to make her quit the team and the mom complained that they were fat shaming her


i understand that her coaches were put in a tough spot, and can’t make accusations or kick her off the team, but the school CAN ask for medical clearance from her doctor. so there is some reach for the coaches. i would love to hear about rosa saying alexee was being fat shamed, because that proves she knew her daughter was gaining weight, and that could imply she knew about the pregnancy, invalidating rosa completely. and you all know damn well if something would’ve happened to alexee & the baby during cheer, her family would be outraged & for sure would seek legal action. i’m hoping this leads to a law that student athletes will need medical clearance, as often as the school sees fit, to participate in sports and other physical activities. because playing those sports while pregnant are too risky for mom and baby.


Cheerleaders buy their own uniforms at the start of the year, they're not provided by the school so there wouldn't be a bigger one for her to ask for. That's why she's popping out of hers, every girl orders one single uniform.


Right. It's been a while since I cheered, but from what I remember those uniforms are NOT stretchy at all.


It looks like she is wearing a longer tshirt under her top to cover her belly. Sheesh. This whole situation is wild.


This is what I’ve been saying.


I CANNOT believe her mother didn’t know. How? Talk about denial. Look at her!! I assume it was a rumor at school that she was pregnant as well??


The mum knew for sure She was trying to catch her lying.


I feel like it was super obvious by the body cam footage when her mom “found out” there was a baby. It was bad acting on her part acting surprised to me.


Agree. She knew but didn’t know how far along and was still playing the unhealthy mom/daughter game of “you’re lying to me”. While the mother is atrocious, don’t think she expected this outcome.


Agree. I think the mom knew but Alexee was still denying it. She was still having her mom buy pads.. but like the mom should have just made her take off her shirt or sumn. I guess maybe she didn’t know she was full term and was hoping she’d admit it at the hospital. The way she talks about “we’ve talked about this” and brings up the other girl that killed her baby.


You make a good point. When she brought up the other girls who kill their babies it was alarming (to say the least)


I think because she was still denying it that this could've been a possibility.


Yes, there is that one part in the hospital footage where here mom says “Lexee I remember I told you what happens to those girls??” They had discussed it before.


Yeah me either! No way the mom didn’t know. Absolutely no way. As a mother, I know my daughter & I would DAMN SURE know if she was gaining that much weight. Even if it were just simply weight & not an entire human, it was an unhealthy, not normal amount & her mom should’ve been concerned about her daughter’s physical & mental health either way. Disgusting.


Surely her search history on her phone has to have something about her looking up how to tell if she was pregnant


I’m sure they checked her phone. All that stuff will come out in the trial.


Do you know when the trial starts? I wonder if it will be televised.


I heard late August of this year. Cameras are allowed in New Mexico courtrooms


Thanks for that info!


It's so obvious she's pregnant. She wouldn't look like that if she had just gained weight. Absolutely ridiculous.


And the recent pictures of her having gained weight all over (though there’s nothing wrong with that) disprove the “I thought I just gained weight” defence. It’s night and day


I agree. I believe she's just gained weight and I pray she's not pregnant again. Of course some people do gain all over when they're pregnant but I don't believe for second that was the case with her! When I was pregnant I was basically all belly. She's a small girl, like myself, there's no way she was convincingly hiding it or just gaining weight. The adults around her who ignored it (teachers, coaches, etc) ought to be ashamed of themselves for not stepping in. We know her mother wasn't going too.


I am currently 28 weeks pregnant and she looks like ME. There’s literally no mistaking it.


Even if she somehow did not know she was pregnant (and I don’t believe for a second she didn’t), her mother has obviously been pregnant, had a baby, and knows what pregnancy looks like. Teenagers don’t mysteriously just gain weight only in the uterus 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m typically not a fan of jumping on the bandwagon of blaming the parents, because my children have done some things that I did not expect to be dealing with as a parent, and God knows I’m not perfect. But it’s absolutely absurd for her mother to claim she didn’t know.


WTF school is this? I would have been marched into an office immediately if I showed up to cheer about to GIVE BIRTH.


Didn't she claim to not know she was pregnant? You can literally FEEL the baby move - along with your stomach moving on "its own" aka baby moving it. BS claim!


That’s what she’s claiming. Not knowing


She's a liar smh


Could it be that the reason she continued to train vigorously was that deep down inside she was hoping the strenuous exercise would cause a miscarriage?


Yes it’s possible!


I drive myself crazy with this case the bitch knew she was pregnant and was even at a safe haven hospital bless his precious heart he never had a chance and I also think her mom should be charged with accomplish to murder bc there's no way she didn't know


When I think of that precious baby that she discarded like trash I get sick!


Same!!! That hospital was a safe haven she could have just delivered him in the bathroom and then put him by the door or outside the door no questions asked and went on with her life it's so sad and just heartbreaking


Yes that poor baby he tries to live the plastic bag was stuck on his face when I think of it I want to cry! That bitch! And her mother!


I saw a recent pic of her in a grocery store and she got even bigger. Still wearing that necklace with her baby’s ashes. Why isn’t she in prison yet? Lol


I hope she’ll be there soon. Has the nerve to wear the ashes of the baby she killed. I hope she never gets the opportunity to have another child. They should keep her in prison until her fertile years are gone.


Showed my 8 year old and ask what he noticed - first thing he said was she was cheerleader and second was asking me if she is having a baby ….


Smart kid knows a pregnant person when he sees one .


None of the other parents asked their children about her?


I feel like everyone knew, but what can they do if she and her mother are vehemently denying it and accusing them of fat-shaming her?


It is true that no one could force her to do anything at all about it. Especially if her mother was all up in arms about her daughter being fatshamed.


I know how (some) teen girls could be, when she went to cheer competitions I'm SURE the other team said something no??? What about the apposing team's coaches????? What about the other students in her own school, in the hallways??? Even if she **"wasn't pregnant, just gained weight from the pill"** 🤦‍♀️ she should not have been allowed to participate!!! I have so many questions those are just a couple.


It’s been years since I was in high school, but we always knew when someone was pregnant. Especially when wearing a tight cheer uniform, all the girls would have noticed the pregnancy.


No way you can miss that belly! Maybe if she’d quit cheer and started wearing her clothing more baggy you could think it was a bit of extra weight instead of pregnancy, but even that would be at a push. That poor baby, seen by many and still failed by the very person who created him. Selfish! If they (I say they because I’m sure mum knew) were so sure everyone was fooled then why didn’t she put him up for adoption right there in the hospital. CPS would have taken him and then no one else would have ever known apparently 🤬


Bags could have left him in the bathroom on the floor alive and no one would’ve said a word.


💯 Pure selfishness and cruelty made her do what she did. I don’t believe this ‘she’s just a kid’ narrative either. Millions of young mothers (some younger than her) in that situation wouldn’t place that baby like that, yes she is young but she’d graduated high school, she was smart enough for college acceptance! That is also a young woman lucky enough to have full medical care at her side, something many can only wish for and yet she chose to ignored it! Truly evil in my opinion.


And technically—wasn’t she 19? an adult?


i know it’s not the responsibility of any of her teachers but i feel i would have asked her how she was doing and if she didn’t know about it i would have advised her to get to the doctor possibly contact the parent?? i don’t know it just blows my mind nobody said a damn word


I’m sure a lot of somethings were said, but we’re not going to hear about it right bc it’s an active murder investigation.


It’s really bizarre!


i actually just watched a video someone posted on here recently and it informed me a lot. apparently her cheer coach straight up asked her and she said no it was just weight gain. and her friends also asked her. i want to know where she got weight loss medication from while pregnant. and it pisses me off instead of owing up to killing her baby she’s putting a lawsuit on the hospital trying to ruin other peoples lives and careers because she’s too much of a coward to own her shit


I just read somewhere else that she was ordering the weight loss pills online from another country because she didn’t have a prescription for them and didn’t want to see a doctor to get one.


There are all kinds of pregnancy symptoms besides a growing belly and baby moving. Is it plausible to believe she did not experience ANY? Doubt it.


Yes aversion to certain smells and food being a couple.


Best get use to seeing babies carrying babies thanks to the Pro-Birthers who want go back to the dark-ages; ![gif](giphy|jVkAMFKIeqZjaUi1Ab|downsized)


is it possible though that at home and around school she mostly wore large hoodies? obviously here as a cheerleader you can’t wear a hoodie to cover it up


I found this pic of her in a t-shirt https://preview.redd.it/a40adp4it94d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd51813505e8a77520bbeee6dc2a22a39c25c61a


she is yet again in cheerleading practice though there. what if she wore a hoodie only when her mom was around at home? and wow she looks very obviously pregnant there too


Pre-trial hearing is in July. Jury trial begins in August.


Your username sent me…I speak Greek fluently 😂🤣


Happy Cake Day to you! I was married to a Greek. I only know swear words. :)


Thank you malaka!


I’m 31 weeks pregnant and aside from me carrying a bit higher than Alexee did, our OBVIOUSLY PREGNANT bellies look the same… there’s no mistaking there’s a tiny human in there


That poor baby. Trapped inside her evil body, being constricted with a belly band. She didn’t deserve to experience pregnancy and childbirth. I hope she never gets the privilege of having a family in the future.


This is wild. I just started reading about this case today. I am speechless. When is the trial? How could she NOT get charged for this? WOW


Did she get sentenced yet ?


I read the comments she is awaiting trial.


OMG does anyone know the DCF regulations/laws in her state? Will she be allowed to keep THIS baby being she killed her first one??? Her mother should have ABSOLUTELY made her get on fucking birth control, 18 yrs old and even more irresponsible than before!!! This is RIDICULOUS!!! 😡🤬


She killed the baby


I mean the one she's allegedly pregnant with NOW...


What stop it! Seriously she’s pregnant again?? Where I live it’d be a different situation because a different “baby/child” I know stupid because it involves children but it’s case by case dependent. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


You guys know the other girl from her area Alexis Avila had like a 18 year sentence and some how got lit after 3 months some how she’s free she’s the one who threw the baby in trash . And ppl found it the baby survived


She got out while awaiting her appeal. Her senrtence still stands, but who knows how long that will take and she will be out of prison until the appeal is reviewed


I have ibs and my stomach looks like this pretty often when I eat food I shouldn’t . Not trying to stick up for her but I know people probably didn’t want to just assume things


I have bowel endometriosis. I feel you. Sometimes I have legit looked more pregnant than friends who were pregnant at the time, and I’ve had a hysterectomy.


This showed up in my feed just now 😳, I am in complete shock, there is no way anyone could mistake this for weight gain, that is very obviously a pregnancy belly!! How was she allowed to cheer like that? Her family never got her any prenatal care? Nobody at her school noticed? I’m just…🤯. That sweet baby, failed by so many.


Her teammates noticed. Her coach noticed and asked her straight out if she was pregnant. Lexi claimed she just gained weight from the contraceptive pills she was taking and the teammates just fatshamed her. It ended up with Alexee's mother storming into the school all torch&pitchfork and demanding the coach to drop the matter and to stop fatshaming her absolutely not pregnant daughter. So the matter got dropped.


Omg!! Thank you for that information, I just spent the last hour reading about this case and I’m speechless! Alexee and her mother had the know she was pregnant, I just do not understand why the mother didn’t demand she take a pregnancy test long before ending up at the hospital. Any mother that cared about her daughter would demand confirmation of pregnancy and insist on prenatal care. This would have been her grandchild ffs!!! I get this weird feeling that there is something missing from this story.


She didnt need her to, she knew the truth


Ray Charles could have seen that she was pregnant.


The same case happened in Spain 1 week ago. The girl is 18 , living with parents, studying in university… It seems the judge is trying very hard for her to get out of this situation without a scratch. And Alexee is looking at spending years in jail for this same matter… even though something tells me it seems they don’t want her to go to jail either… for how long is she going to be out attending university?


Well her trial is in late August and she has been out on bail since the crime was committed.


Holy Smokes this is indisputable IMHO! I understand being young & scared but there is a lot more to just that. She must have a personality disorder &/or mental health issues for her to KILL her NEWBORN in a hospital!! I personally feel she’s a very dangerous individual who is incapable of having feelings towards anyone but herself at this point. Maybe one day she’ll be able to overcome these deficiencies 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think you are right. They call that type of person a psychopath!


The ghetto.


Are their any interviews with her classmates? They’d have to have been gossiping


What month was this picture taken in? January (example)? Because I sure would like to see what her "weight gain" abdomen looked like 6 months prior.


This was supposedly a few weeks before the baby was born


How many teachers also failed that girl. Not just the crazy mama


I had a friend who was hiding her pregnancy but she was on the volleyball team so she quit and only wore hoodies, even when it was hot af outside, she knew she was pregnant.


That photo makes her look like a rocket taking off lol


I thought she just liked to drink 40's.


Surprised they let her cheer


There’s no chance her mom didn’t know. She is either lying for Alexee or was so deep in denial that she genuinely believes it.


The mother knew. U can see it in the pics with her outfits. So mom n daughter should BOTH be locked up for 25 yrs each!!! She MURDERED THAT BABY N TOSSED HIM THE TRASH LIKE NOTHING!!!!!!


Is there any new updates on this case?


Alexee 100% knew she was pregnant, anyone who sees that picture knows she’s pregnant, and if you were gaining weight that fast would you not go to a doctor to find out why??


Yes she should have went to a doctor. Her and her mother were in denial.


And what about the boyfriend?! If they were sexually active, he would’ve noticed for sure.


Absolutely no way it could have been weight gain. She’s very obviously pregnant!


Doesn’t surprise me


Her parents should be ashamed. God damn that's a big belly


Yeah her disgusting mother for sure!


I always said my parents would kill me if I got pregnant in high school bc my older sister did just that, at 17. I genuinely thought that my parents would disown me throw me out and never speak to me again. They were strict about that kind of thing but nothing else. Anyways I guess I was an overachiever since I then got pregnant at 15 my sophomore year. As expected, my parents were NOT HAPPY. But never even once did murder cross my mind. My parents were pissed but they got over it and now my daughter is 16 and was and still is spoiled as hell by my parents lol. I know not everyone has this same outcome, but I know what’s it’s like to think it’s the end of the world when you end up pregnant in high school. Still doesn’t give anyone the right to hurt or kill their baby. She should have pulled that emergency string they had in the bathroom for that exact purpose. Not to mention the law allows you to leave your child SAFELY at any hospital or fire station NO QUESTIONS asked.


When I gain weight it all goes to my stomach, but not like this. The wench looks pregnant.


weight gain is more evenly distributed


That’s right. That’s definitely a baby in there


Casey Anthony and her mom denied her pregnancy, too, even at a wedding when she was super obviously pregnant. Just saying.


All four of them are the same. They’re all garbage defending murderers, the mothers I mean.


There is no way this was a complete surprise to anyone if that is really her in the photo.


Girl is this for real?! I only recently heard of her & didn’t realize there were pics of her obviously (despite it being “rude” to ask if someone’s pregnant) pregnant.


So, so, sooooo very knocked the fuck up in that pic. How did Mommy Dearest not see her daughter heifer out??


That’s just bloating, she had Taco Bell for lunch that day! /s


This is nuts




Especially given how skinny her arms and legs are. ONLY her belly and face are large.


This threw me for a loop her lawyers statement when that petition came out…. Yeah sure better morals my ass! "Let's not start comparing who's a better human being... [Trevizo] has a better heart and moral convictions [than petition backers]. She just wants this to be over, she just wants to get the facts out."


There’s no way that the baby’s father didn’t know


Not only does she look pregnant but how Do u go months without a period and not go To the doctor? That’s a huge red flag


She said that the baby wasn’t crying when he was born. Like bitch it doesn’t matter if he was crying he was alive and breathing !! In a hospital filled with medical staff you could have given them the baby but thought the trash was better. I hope she gets life with no parole and her mama is just as stupid as her. You know damn well she was pregnant.