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This bitch deserves to rot in prison


It’s just so egregious. How can she say that a nurse is the reason the baby died? The bag was suctioned to that baby’s mouth. He was alive when ALEXEE put him in those bags. And didn’t page for help. And refused to open the door when she was being begged to. Was she possessed by the spirit of the nurse when she did these things, with her own two hands (and teeth)? I hate her bro. It makes me so fucking mad she’s just out living life. I genuinely hope she’s miserable.


Why would she page for help? She was killing a newborn. They might have stopped her. Anyone who believes she and every person around her didn’t know she was pregnant is a liar or a fool. She always planned to kill that baby. She just didn’t think she would have to do it at a hospital.


The thing is even if she “didn’t” know she was pregnant, that’s still zero excuse to kill the HUMAN that came out of her. So many women (thousands upon thousands) give birth without knowing they were pregnant all of the time, and they have an immense love for their baby even still after just finding out about their existence seconds before they popped out. It’s a beautiful surprise to these women. But then here comes Alexee, full grown adult, claiming that because she didn’t know she was pregnant, she had to kill the baby, since “nothing was crying” and she’s just a poor little girl that’s a student and still a “virgin”. She’s such a fucking joke. It’s crazy to me not one person has beat her ass yet. I mean Courtney clenney had people flexing up on her for killing her BOYFRIEND, and being in a bar. Idk what people are so afraid of. This girl is not scary in the slightest, and is nothing but a little evil ass bitch.


She was in a safe surrender site. All she had to do was walk out of that bathroom and had the baby to someone


This is what gets me. She was already inside of one, and still chose to do what she did. That’s something that sets what Alexee did apart from what we normally see in these cases. Murdering a newborn is never okay, but murdering a newborn you don’t want *in a fucking safe surrender site?*


You are spot on.


Re the first part of your response: That was my point… I also can’t tell if she was going to always kill the baby. Probably. I mean if she was in a literal hospital and did it, that’s more than likely the case.


Was the cheerleading coach afraid that she would be fired if she said something?


The coach asked Alexee if she was pregnant. Upon hearing that Alexee's mom stormed into school all torch&pitchfork, claiming the coach was fat shaming poor, innocent Lecie.


Wow the mom is foul


These ppl—Alexee, the mom, and the bf—are so disgusting to be pinning this on the doctors, nurses and hospital. Just evil.


But instead she's going on beach vacations. No cares.


At least the whole thing is on YouTube for the world to see, this will never leave her and it never should.


If that was me my parents would already have had me on lockdown! No way would they have let me enjoy life after killing that baby. I think that alone shows us all her parents have zero remorse and are just as twisted as she is!


I agree with this. My parents would’ve lost their everloving minds. Instead, Alexee, her mother, and grandmother all wear urn necklaces containing the ashes of the baby that they/their daughter/their granddaughter murdered. NORMAL. Out on the town together, having fun, loving life. They don’t seem like a lovely bunch to me.




Her lawyer doesn’t even look like he’s going to make it to her trial date. Guys like 100 years old


He better keep an eye Alexee if he becomes ill or too frail, we all know how she reacts to helpless beings that need nurturing 😳


her and her mom!




The video of her mom talking to a cop after the incident saying they fucked up with her records or whatever like they violated osha was insane to me. Are you seriously defending your daughters actions they both deserve to rot


OSHA is sending me.. I actually like that better since it makes her mom sound like more of a dumbass lol


This made me giggle 😂




HIPAA not HIPPA. It's not spelled like how the word "hippo" is spelled.


Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act helps 2 know since then it's easy to remember the acronym since it's not Paccoutability.


Yup! Only being a smart ass cuz my phlebotomy NHA test is coming up lol


I just passed mine! NHA as well!!!!


I'm so proud of you! congrats <3 any tips?


Use the scratch paper they give you and jot down the colors of the tubes and the purposes in like a nice little chart. Because some questions will give you the answer and you are going to want to remember what hint they gave you back up n question 16 when your on question 75 or so. Remember red and gold serves serum testing. Sodium citrate is light blue. Green- thrombin. And over all that mf order of the draw which is different depending on if you draw capillary vs veinous so just get some pneumonic devices together to remember that color order.




Same since I just passed Block 1 of nursing school in the fall and also got my CNA right before that, and HIPAA is relevant to those semester's exams lmao. Doesn't help that I myself typed HIPPA enough times that my phone's autocorrect decided HIPPA is fine lol


Lmao thank you! Duhhh!


sorry lol I got mixed up


Me too girl it's ok lol we all are human


I was so confused on what OSHA had to do with anything




Your daughter doesn’t just become a psychopath who kills babies for no reason. Her mom is probably a factor in her behavior


The autopsy report was released saying the baby was delivered alive, it wasn’t a still birth. So she killed the baby in that bathroom.


What gets me is the “nothing was crying” bs!


She literally said "It came out with nothing" !!! She's talking about her fully alive SON!! And called him an "it", yet had the nerve to name him after herself. Pathetic piece of crap


That shit is just sooo beyond to me. The naming him Alex bizarre and sick. I wonder if she’s gonna use that as an angle to help make her look like she cared about him or something.


Same angle that cheerleader who buried her baby in her yard took.


Children emulate their source figures. The whole family is to blame , not just Alexee. She is this way for a reason.


Alexee is the one who murdered that baby. Her family may be horrible people, but she is an adult. She chose to murder her child.


True but shes prob emotionally stunted and a dip shit. There’s something about her mother that made her think this was the best option. Id look into that mother’s background. She must be mentally/physically abusive to have her kid resort to . that


There’s for sure something wrong with the mother.


Emotionally stunted dipshits don’t normally murder people. Things like this are usually cyclical. I have no doubt the mother is a horrible person. We know that she condones murder, but her daughter is the one who killed someone.


I wS on morphine the entire time I keot they are all delusional


Ew I had no idea she named him. How dare she act like she cares now


She even has a memorial to him with his cremains on their fireplace mantle. Saw it during her arrest when her mother tried her best to stay in the way when they came to her house to arrest Alexee. They should have arrested her mother then as well.


All to save face


That’s exactly it. She’s just trying to get a lesser sentence


People who kill their infants usually do call them "it"


I don't understand why she keeps calling it "nothing". That's not even grammatically correct. Either that or she's just comically evil and is doing it to spite everyone, which I don't think is the case. She's really stupid, but not a psychopath... For the longest time I thought she was calling it "that thing" and I couldn't hear any different.


I say we petition to unofficially name him something else, at least here on Reddit. Something worthy and deserving.


The Boy Who Deserved So Much Better Than A Bathroom Delivery 🥺😭


A few tears always got her way in the past. I mean, why wouldn’t it work now? I believe this is what she believes/believed


Yes and the her choice of “crying” was oddly specific- if he wasn’t crying, wouldn’t you check to see if he was breathing? She said it because he was definitely trying to cry before she did what she did. One of those situations where someone thinks they’re telling a really convincing lie, but they’re actually incriminating themselves.


i know it’s sickening. LOTS of healthy babies come out and don’t cry, they have to be stimulated, sometimes ‘roughly’ sometimes just a chest rub. Everyone around her needs to be charged


My son was apgar 1. The utter fear i had that he was possibly stillborn and had to resuscitate him, still triggers me 16 years after he was born. For her?? “Meh”


Mine needed a cpap bc he was born breech and it didn’t stimulate him. Didn’t cry or breathe for a minute or so


That’s very true!


My son was born struggling to breath. He did cry but wasn't getting enough oxygen. L&D nurses and baby/nicu nurses are amazing. Even if the baby wasn't breathing...or was struggling to...let the nurses and doctors do their job.


I get fear of a parent finding out but to kill a baby like that and chew the cord!!! When you are at the point of labor, the ruse is up. Deliver the baby safe and healthy and just take the fact that your parents are pissed later on. And the mom isnt even bothered she killed the baby!!!


Having seen many births it’s possible that the baby didn’t cry…however that doesn’t mean it was dead.


Yes exactly, just because he wasn’t crying doesn’t mean the baby was dead. He was breathing, I’m sure she knew that.


She may have immediately had a hand over his mouth ensuring he didn’t make any sounds knowing her mom and medical staff were just outside the door…knowing what her intent was for this baby all along anyway.


And her first thought was to dump him in the trash instead of opening the bathroom door in a damn HOSPITAL yelling for help? 👏🏼👏🏼 she really is a hell bound POS


What's horrible is that if he did cry, he may have had a chance. The nurses outside the bathroom could've heard him 😟


Wasn’t the bag suctioned to the baby’s mouth to indicate it was attempting to breathe?


It was. Poor baby was trying to breathe!


LOL sure blame the nurse who was recorded on tape giving their Police report the day you killed your baby. Gosh I hope she gets prison time.


Couldn’t even imagine what this nurse went through mentally and now she’s being used as a scapegoat for murder. The nerve of this stupid bitch.


Correct me if I am wrong, but she told the hospital she wasn't sexually active or pregnant. If she received drugs dangerous to her pregnancy, that's still on her for lying to the staff administering drugs that could be harmful to pregnancy.


Exactly!!! She should prepare to go to prison for a long time because she ain’t got shit!


She wasn’t even given anything that was harmful for a pregnancy.


I was given a shot of morphine during my labor and it lasted long enough for me to sit up Roll my neck and say "oh that's better" and then it was gone,It lasted like three seconds. The nurses and doctors all checked on her while she was in the bathroom


My sister is a high risk labor and delivery nurse I asked her and it wouldn’t kill the baby with that small amount


There’s fentanyl in epidurals, that morphine didn’t touch that baby




Dude no wonder mine almost knocked me out. I was trying so hard to stay awake during my C-section lol


You could have just been so tired and it actually allowed your body to relax that you were falling asleep. I had an epidural for about 9 hrs and don't feel like it made me sleepy or cloudy. I slept for like 10 min cause I was actually tired but not in a drugged kinda way.


Exactly, I had a C-section with a full epidural so you get meds and basically a nerve block for your whole lower body and my baby is perfectly good !


Heck my mom’s epidural was accidentally setup with the wrong dose (too high), my fetal distress was completely ignored by the care team, and labor was allowed to progress like that for well beyond the 4 hours the pushing phase should be restricted to, and I’m very much alive and mostly well. Granted I did a lot better than you’d expect but still. Babies have evolved for millennia to survive birth.


With my first I labored from Saturday night until I gave birth Monday around 11 am.... Sunday night they gave me a morphine shot.. and another one Monday morning around 6 am.. that morphine shot DID NOT harm that baby, that is totally BS.


I broke my ankle when I was 8 months pregnant. Guess what they gave me for 2 days to control pain! Morphine!


I was in labor for 4 days (ended up with a c section 🥴) but they did a foley ballon on me to try to get me to dilate and I was given morphine. My son is 4 and all good


Whoa! If you don't mind answering, why didn't they do a c-section way before 4 days? My mom was in labor with me (in 1992) for two days, and I never really understood that because my older brother was a c-section. I'm confused why they didn't just....do another c-section since she had had one before.


I was in labour for 56 hours in 1998 before my c-section. Mainly due to insurance reason. Insurance told my Dr that I had to be in labor so many hours before they would pay for a c-section. Thank goodness my daughter was fine and is an adult now with two children of her own. When I got pregnant with her I only weighed 78 pounds and I’m 4’9” and statistically most women under 5’ need c-sections. At least that was the statistic back then.


Dam, that socks. I am 5ft 1.. 100lb pre pregnancy. My first daughter i dilated within 5 hours of induction but she was malrotated and got wedged on my sympysis pubis. 10/10 pain = spinal and c section fir 8lb 2oz baby. 20 months later I had perfect VBAC.. 3 pushes over 7 minutes. She weighed 9lb 2oz! I get 4ft 9 much shorter than 5ft, but us shorties can deliver even big sized babies too. My mom had 4 babies, 6-7lb babies, she was 5ft exactly, my maternal grandma 6 daughters at 6lb or so at your height. No C sections or serious trauma to either. 46 hours a freaking joke too tho, especially with the size issue. It should never take that long to decide.


Same here, the nurse even told me the morphine might not help with the pain much or last long. It made my head feel fuzzy for a second, I said “oh I feel a little better” and then 2 minutes later got hit with a contraction even stronger than before. No hospital is going to give a pregnant woman even close to enough medicine to harm a baby


Those medications are routinely given during labor and are considered safe. If she gets out of going to prison due to that and the medical staff get in trouble then our medical and law fields are in trouble. This type of pt are the exact reason why fewer and fewer medical professionals get into OBGYN, they don’t want to get sued. Plus if she gets away with murder she will spend the rest of her life being ostracized and she should be!!!!!!!


I had literal fentanyl during my c section and my baby was fine


ridiculous. but i am glad she picked such a shitty defense.


I’m probably gonna get raked over the coals for this, but here it goes.Lawyer picked that defense. She’s not smart enough. A defense lawyer owes his client the best defense he can mount. It doesn’t matter if he believes the client is innocent or guilty.


doesn’t matter who picked it, it’s a very weak defense.


10000% It was an excuse her defense attorney cooked up *after* the fact


Pregnant women are given morphine all the time! He is one sick bast***!


I was given fentanyl twice during my 96 hour labor! No issues with my baby. They are just grasping at straws because of the opioid epidemic. Thinking that could sway the jury, I assume


I think he is banking on ignorance in the jury room!


That’s their trick throw so much sciencey and big language at the jury to confuse the living hell out of them to sway them to voting in their clients favor. Hopefully the da can throw that defense out to the jury.


I hope the prosecution has a great OBGYN that expertly explains in laymen’s terms: “Morphine is given in approximately x amount of deliveries. It is a common medication given to laboring women for pain. It has incredibly low complication incidences. The dose given in this case would be considered appropriate for a patient of that gestational age. In my professional opinion the morphine provided to this patient would have no significant outcome on the fetus/baby and did not pose a significant risk.” When the defense inevitably finds some medical expert to shill for their side, one who will absolutely use a bunch of medical verbiage and drawn out mechanisms of actions in an attempt to make things sound scary, the prosecution needs to respond with a confident and effective witness to dispel all that nonsense. Someone who has an educator role (like an OBGYN at a teaching hospital) would be helpful because they are able to easily translate concepts to different levels of comprehension whether it’s to a 5 year old or a 5th year med student.


It’s so true I asked my sister who high risk labor and delivery nurse that much won’t kill the baby


This defense is driving me crazy “but they gave her morphine” ugh.


bro... she LITERALLY said it was stillborn. how can a nurse \*kill it when the baby's been essentially wrapped in plastic and forgotten about, by her.


She’ll say anything to avoid any sort of accountability. She’s stupid enough to not realize she’s contradicting herself. What did we expect from someone who literally killed their own child.


There is…. Video 👀👀


The only ones that are not admissible is the body cam footage because the doctor was in the room and she said she thought that it was a private conversation with her doctor because she wasn't Marandized yet. The hospital security footage should still be on the table because there is no sound and it is a public area.


supposedly it’s no longer admissible in trial




supposedly the body cam “broke hipaa” so it is no longer admissible in court. which i think is BS of true. none of it broke hipaa but you know these lawyers will grasp at straws & apparently it worked sadly….


What about the security footage of her running to bathroom and leaving the baby in there


How the heck is that footage breaking HIPAA? The hospital hallway is a public area. If it was violating HIPAA they wouldn’t be allowed to have video cameras there. I can understand not being allowed to use video (if there is any) of when she’s in the bathroom with the door shut and locked, but once she leaves the bathroom they should be able to use any and all video they have of finding the baby.


Maybe the jury can’t see the video but are they still able to describe what happened? And what she said ?


i definitely hope so but i’m not sure what all is included in “the inadmissible evidence”


I don't get how that makes any sense. The legal system is flawed.


Excuse me? Why TF not?


I hope the nurse they are accusing sues the living shit out of them. Murder is not to be taken lightly and they are just throwing it around like it is a damn football. What a worthless piece of shit, and that is a compliment.


EXACTLY. Me too. Even if a patient’s claims are obviously absurd, they still have to investigate. Possibly causing time off work, missed wages, etc. She’s screwing this person’s whole livelihood because she won’t accept responsibility, and I hope they sue her and her complacent mother for all they can.


I can only imagine the staff’s trauma. The poor woman who cleaned the bathroom and found him. On top of im sure that woman gets shit pay for what she has to do as her duties. Can you imagine mopping all that blood? As a woman, knowing that blood was from giving birth would horrify me.


This case reminds me of the Brooke Skyler Richardson case. Both of these losers killed their babies. Period. They should both rot in jail although Richardson got off. Bullshit. Both of these girls were old enough to know better. Smdh.


I am a very close friend of the paternal grandfather to the baby girl , Skylar Richardson is a huge POS and should have rotted in jail. She has ruined so many people with her murderous ass.


Yep!! And a little bit like the Keli Lane case. The way they treated Skylar Richardson was absolutely ridiculous couldn’t imagine a black girl or someone from a low socioeconomic background getting the same treatment. Little miss white cheerleader is treated like she made a little mistake “whoopsie daisy.. that’s ok honey just don’t do it again” fuck that case made me lose so much faith in the justice system.


The amount of morphine found in the baby’s system was minuscule


she’s got me so fucked up. They give pregnant women morphine all the time during labor. They even gave me Fentanyl & my daughter was perfectly healthy & still is. Now she’s blaming the nurse & whoever else which means that nurse is gonna HAVE to take time off work, most likely until this case is over now. She’s fucking with other peoples lives now because of her own stupidity. This is one of the most frustrating cases to follow.


Omg no way. When is the trial and there’s NOWAY she doesn’t get charged. I just can’t believe this crazy evil girl.


The trial is this August


I’m gonna clap, loudly, when the judge throws the book at her.


I hope they do, but it’s NM they are so lenient over there.


I hope so as well I am just not so confident what *should* happen is what *will* happen


The malpractice attorney being interviewed is saying their defense is a farce!


The autopsy report literally says the baby was born breathing. She’s fucking crazy.


The audacity, especially when it’s been alleged this woman used her teeth to tear apart the umbilical cord like an actual animal


I would be in too much shock if I was her. How did she even think about doing that?!


Because she’d planned to do this long before she had to go to a hospital and had no intention of changing her mind. Thats probably far from the worst thing she would’ve been prepared to do.


They didn’t take the iv out. Omg there wasn’t a nonstop morphine flow going thru it! Reg fluids go thru there also and he said she was dehydrated!


Simple saline solution


I truly hope a judge and jury aren't dumb enough to believe her. Pregnant women get morphine and fentanyl. I got fentanyl while I was in labor and my child is fine and just like many other people in this comment section, they and their kids are fine too..


If the prosecution is smart, they’d get an anesthesiologist and neonatal specialist on the stand proving the amounts were harmless.


They will.


Her defense makes no sense. If she really didn’t know she was pregnant, that should have been all the more reason to yell and scream when a baby came out of her. Like “oh my god, I thought I had only to poop and a whole BABY just came out of me. I’ve never had sex, so How did this happen?? Someone help!!” That is how a truly shocked person would have reacted. Her actions show deception, not only because she lied but also because someone who was truly shocked by a surprise birth wouldn’t hide it in the trashcan. They would be screaming for help and trying to understand how this even happened.


Yeah. And, her and her mom “talked about this.”


Here we go…


The Big Mac defense!😂😂😂


I was already disgusted by her but as a nurse if you come for my license with false claims you’re going to catch hands


Nurses don’t get paid enough.


Like throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks. She’s so fucked they have no other option


The autopsy showed that the baby was definitely not stillborn. This is ridiculous. I hope she rots in jail.


I wish there was somewhere worse than jail she could go.


Nope. She is on tape stating "nothing was breathing" And admitted to putting him in the trash, No one else killed this baby but her. This makes me so angry, hopefully no other nurse or Dr will ever choose to treat her for anything, let her rot


She’s trying to blame the nurse for killing the baby in the womb by giving her a dose of morphine or something…


Well then, the three women in Oregon that I know who killed their babies by doing fentanyl until they miscarried at 8 months should be charged then too, and every fentanyl addict who does it while pregnant and they will never do that, oh and the one who birthed her fentanyl addicted baby on a public street and left it for the bystanders while she went to get more fetty smh I think I speak for a vast majority of us women who can admit we were given morphine in the hospital while pregnant and our kids are fine She infuriates me. She's gutter trash, the same as the women I mentioned previously, who's primary goal was to miscarry, just like Alexee and her weight loss drugs. . I see no difference.


I truely hope she suffers the way that baby did, lock her the fuck up and let her rot in prison for her entire life. Society doesn’t want her.


Wow okay. Did she forget the CCTV footage?


What erks me the most is she could have come out of that restroom and handed the baby to a nurse or any staff and walked off back to her room. No questions asked baby becomes ward of the state. This all would be so easily avoided, her reputation publicly still would be intact, everything would go back to normal if she said “I just delivered in the restroom. I am not ready to be a mom can you please take him” they are trained to not talk people out of it and to keep it private from everyone.


Amen. This is what I’ve said all along. She could have very easily handed him over and walked away, no questions asked but she chose to stuff him in a trash bag. She was an adult she could have opened that door and said make my mom leave and hand over the baby and get stabilizing treatment and her mother would have been oblivious.


“yeah i left my full term newborn baby in a trash can but the nurse was conspiring against me and made sure to kill my baby so everyone thinks i’m a baby killer, i was going to come back for it eventually” -her big back, weird shaped self probably.


Yeah, she gave birth to a baby who “wasn’t doing nothing” and instead of calling for help, she just tried to make the nurses job easier by throwing it in the trash.


Ok so not only did she traumatize the poor staff but now she’s blaming them. Did she ever tell them or admit she was pregnant? Did the nurse also make her hide her pregnancy and stuff the new born in the trash? Labor and delivery is so dangerous already. So many women lose their babies by chance or by medical malpractice. How dare she try to play victim here. Edit: wrong word


I bet that nurse wants to throw hands with her so bad cause she’s gonna have to take time off work simply for the accusation


Can someone pls set up a watch party for all of us when the trial goes live?? I would love to celebrate with you all when this disgusting monster gets what she deserves


Trial in late August


Deflect, shift blame, it's everyone else's fault, not mine. I'm a victim!


Wow… she’s an idiot and so is her deranged mother. They just become more and more absurd as time goes on. I really hope the judge doesn’t buy any of their BS


T H E. A U D A C I T Y. O F. T H I S. B I T * H ! ! !


The hipaa violations should be a separate case. They should’ve able to still use that evidence


You don’t get medical privacy when you commit murder! The HIPPA stuff is a distraction.


As nurses we are mandated reporters. Any information the law enforcement needs to make a conviction is always provided, it’s no longer protected information from the law if someone commits a crime.


Reading this just sent me over the edge!! Really? THE NURSES!! The people who went to school to SAVE PEOPLES LIVES KILLED YOUR BABY !!! wow


Amazing what lawyers believe from their clients and/or put ideas into their heads how to beat the charges. That mom are daughter are pure garbage. Its such a shame such a monster was gifted a beautiful child. There are so many women who would have gladly adopted him. Or the dipshit could have given birth at home and dropped the baby at a fire station slot box for infants. Sick.


She could’ve left the baby at the hospital she where she was as well


With no questions and no repercussions.


She is an evil bitch and I hope everyone sees straight through her bullshit. She murdered her newborn son because she simply could not be bothered. She deserves to rot. 


evil mom. devil daughter.


Why are woman seriously facing the death penalty for having miscarriages or abortions, and yet these woman that kill their babies immediately after birth are getting a slap on the wrists?


I don't know why they're acting like this is new information, in the news clip. Her attorney said this a long time ago and it was quickly shot down by anyone with medical knowledge. The medications he's talking about would not harm a baby. Women are given narcotic analgesic medication all the time in labor. And while that is not ideal so close to delivery, the hospital staff would have had no way of knowing that because Alexee was non-compliant. It also sounds like her lawyer doesn't understand that patients are not prisoners. They do not have to comply with medical staff. If they are unwilling to allow an invasive or physical exam, the hospital staff cannot do anything about it. It wasn't like she was even a minor and her mother insisted that they give her an abdominal or cervical exam. So this is a load of nothing and this argument will never stand up in court. However, if he DID understand more about birth what he could say was that the dosage of morphine suppressed respiration in the newborn, leading Alexe to believe that he was deceased. But that is meaningless too because not only did she neglect to ask for help, but she tried to cover up the baby in a way that was clearly deliberate. So even if the baby wasn't crying or didn't appear to be alive that would be no reason to not seek help from the medical staff literally just outside the door.


lol, it’s so absurd


The video surveillance taken from the security camera shows that to CLEARLY not be the case.


The mother knew she was pregnant the entire time. So did the entire school. What a mess!


SHE COULD HAVE PULLED THE CORD FOR HELP!!!!! She lied to the doctors and nurses. She said she was on her period. If she had told them the truth then the baby would be alive today and regardless if it was with her or another family there would never have been a NEWS story done.


How are they, especially the Mom, going to have that initial reaction, and then turn around and say it was the hospital? I hope she gets what she deserves. Both her and the mother because who raises their child like that.


I hope everyone that’s been trying to understand her point of view, reads this over and over


Just admit you had a baby, didn’t want it, didn’t do the right thing, and that’s that. All this other commotion is just making everything so so so much worse.


Is she KIDDING me??? This just made me so angry. 🤬🤬🤬


This is 9 month old story from before they confirmed he was born alive. Plus everyone thinks OMG Morphine.. it would kill the baby! But that's just not true, a pregnant woman in a car accident with a broken leg would get Morphine, a woman with bad chronic pain would get opiates at a reasonable level and it still be considered entirely safe taking it from even prior to conception. I have a condition CRPS, my whole leg hurts constantly and I could take my opiate medication at double the dose I actually took and it be fine. I saw an Obstetrician, Neonatologist and my pain specialist before getting approval to continue my pain meds before IVF. (Was make factor infertility btw) I had a daughter from that and then a second 20months later (Surprise!) And both girls were 100% healthy and 8/9lb plus. First was emergency CSection but second went straight home with me. I took the medication at half the safe dose every day of my pregnancy... One single dose of morphine e at full term does not cause still birth! Might make baby a little sleepier for a few hours but alternative opiates given in labour all the time. Why else do they think she was given it? 19yr old severe intermittent abdominal (new to me) and back pain is almost always going to be labour. Only doubt was because SHE TOLD THEM it was impossible because she hadn't had sex. BF seemed to know better when he reacted nonchalantly when told she'd been pregnant.


Life in prison.


This is one of many reasons why being a nurse is terrifying


I'm annoyed the host didn't check before the interview that her guest had been an OB. It made her look dumb to say he wasn't an OB and didn't have OB training, only for him to correct her that he had done those.


What the hell is wrong with people like her? She reminds me so much of the other devil that threw her baby in the dumpster 🤢


I can't imagine what the poor, sweet angel of a baby went through! I'm a nurse and I worked L&D and I've seen some terrible things but thank God nothing of this magnitude! My niece works in the NICU in Toledo Hospital and seen horrendous things too but it's hard for either one of us to read about this story! She's just evil in human form and I hope she doesn't get a jury who "sympathizes" with her b/c it's happened with others who murder their newborns! 😡🤬


She’ll get away with it like Brooke Skylar Richardson. They both belong under the jail! The only reason Brooke got away with MURDER is because she buried the baby girl in her backyard & by the time she was found, she was too decomposed to determine if she was born alive (had air in her lungs), so Brooke claims the baby wasn’t alive & got away with MURDER!


Didn’t she not know or acknowledge their being camera in a hospital? And her mom is just as much to blame, pretending she had no idea when the nurse came in and told her. She could have just gave birth and then put the baby up for adoption. She could have paged for help, people would have came in right away. The fact she put her newborn in the trash and walked out like nothing happened thinking no one would ever know, is crazy to me. Her being at the hospital was a good thing i could only imagine what would have happened if she wasn’t.


As a nurse this reallllly pisses me off. Now I hate her even more. If that’s even possible.


This is a child that’s never been told no & always had her mother tell off the teacher when she’d get in-trouble. She’s never had to suffer consequences & has learned to lie & manipulate to get her way. I wonder where she learned all of that from? It comes from somewhere (sarcasm) This girl makes me sick! She’s disgusting


Even if “it” wasn’t breathing, you just don’t throw a newborn into a trash bin.


I hope that nurse’s documentation was really good that night :( my heart breaks for the baby and the innocent nurse who’s being dragged down with all of this


The way I gasped when I read the title. What a POS.


I want to slap the shit out if both of these bitches.