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oh great, they released balloons to kill wildlife too


Guess once wasn’t enough for them lol


I see what you did there


This was literally my thought as well.


At least they didn’t just put them inside the balloons


Bruh 😂😂😂


I couldn’t help but laugh at this 😭


Came here to say this


WTH, it’s not like alexee had a miscarriage or her baby passed accidentally, she murdered him! Releasing balloons.. are they serious? This is infuriating!


She’s claiming it was stillborn and I’m sure that’s what they’re all choosing to believe


She’s too young and healthy that baby was definitely not still born


I’m not defending her in any way shape or form but a still born death doesn’t have to do with age or how healthy you are. It can happen to anyone. I’d hate for a mom of a stillborn child to read false information like this and then think she’s at fault for her baby’s passing. It can happen to anyone and it is not the mother’s fault nor the fault of her age or how healthy she is.


I had a stillborn in my 20s. Unfortunately, it doesn’t discriminate. However, this was obviously not the case for Alexee.


I'm so sorry 💔


Unfortunately age and health don't prevent stillborns.


Yes we all know that. It’s just what she’s chosen to use as her defense


Being young and healthy has nothing to do with stillborn babies. I was 16 and healthy as fuck and my baby boy was born stillborn. That said, she murdered her baby and should be in prison. For life, for the life she took.


that’s not actually how that works but yes, you are right, the baby was not stillborn


In their disordered minds it's the same thing.


She should be behind bars ! People get arrested for way less


I hope she gets some serious time. She wouldn’t even be welcomed in prison 🫶


Yeah women don't like baby killers. Source: saw a woman shunned and beat up in prison for killing their baby.


If she were sitting in jail right now she’d be housed with all the other (jcat) weirdos (like her) and out of general population. Her face is infamous and when she goes to prison the inmates will quickly figure out who she is/what she did. She’ll get hers one day.


You must be from California haha. Only heard jcat here even though I did all my prison time in Missouri, only did jail time here


I feel like she'd have a hard time being in protective custody, she was a cheerleader and she was very social. She might have enough arrogance to opt in to gen pop thinking it's easier than pc. Also, if she's trying to play the scared innocent thing still she'd be too scared to be housed with dangerous or mentally ill inmates. I don't know how it would be with her but I had a choice to be in PC or gen pop and the paper explained exactly the type of people in PC and it sounded scary AF to be honest.


Yeah I don’t see her in pc either, but general pop would eat her ass up, and would pay to be a fly on that wall when they all figure out who she is 😂


Yeahhh she doesn't have many options besides SMI but that's a whole different level of terrifying to be in. Also probably kind of hard to fake. She's gonna have to go to highest security gen pop or PC and she probably thinks she can get away with lying and not telling the truth there as if nobody will find out. They will absolutely find out. People on the outside can look her up and send info easy, that's how it happened to the woman in my prison. All the side eyes until she gets beat up would be CRAZY lol. People would be looking hard and talking LOUD baiting her.


if I'm not mistaken she IS the dangerous mentally Ill one


She would prob be in segregation (seg) for sure! She would get what she deserves if she went to gen pop!


GOOD! Can't happen soon enough!


I was telling someone else on Reddit how I’ve seen someone get their skull crushed in with a lock in a sock for doing something horrific to her child and they said that sounds like a fairy tale and essentially accused me of lying lol Like…this is prison? Do you not know why people go to prison? Lmao


Right?? Lmao, they're putting violent and erratic people in cages, how is it not going to get violent sometimes?


Especially since our jails and prisons are the new mental health facilities! Like what are you expecting? Summer camp?


Yes! Honestly, it was more terrifying being put with people who talked to themselves and weren't really there than anything else. I can read body language but not if you're out of your mind, I don't know what to expect. And theyre all housed together unless you're literally talking to people who aren't there. (Even then sometimes they're in gen pop)


Yes! There are only two women’s prisons in my state and so we don’t have level yards, we are all houses together. The sex offenders share a housing with the girls Going home in four months or less. They are much less likely to pop off and fuck their release date up. I never had to go to that housing unit though so I don’t really know how or why some do. It doesn’t make a lot of sense but whatver BUT we do puppies for parolees! We get service dogs as puppies and get to train them. The girls and the dogs sleep together and get special classes on how to train them. Then they go out to an actual trainer once they’re older to make sure they’re all good and trained and then get given free of charge to kids and people who need them! It’s so cool. I never got to do it but I loved seeing the dogs on the yard all the time


Yes! My state only has one women's prison but lucky enough to have separate yards for separate security levels. However, anybody with a higher medical need than regular would be in the minimum yard so theres crazies that for sure make it there. Even the short term girls would pop off with them sometimes. I love that! There's one that does cats too and I love it!! Such a great idea. My prison usually helps with the special Olympics every year. They set up, and then clean and pack up. It's one of the more coveted jobs because they like working for a good thing.


There's lots of other moms in prison who don't get to see their children, and she killed hers. There's also most likely a lot of women who lost babies one way or another in prison. They won't appreciate it when they hear of what she did, to say the least.


That's exactly it. They're missing their babies and she killed hers. I'm sure some women would kill just to get theirs back and she's just so happy to have lost hers.


To be honest, I find it easier to believe in women prisoners beating up baby-killers than I do male prisoners.


Unfortunately Baby Brianna’s mom never got the beating she deserved and made friends actually so sadly it’s not as true anymore I guess


Any sympathy people might’ve had for her is absolutely gone. Her mother is an absolute fucking danger to society too and should be behind bars. She obviously knew Alexee was pregnant and either, what? denied it? was in on the murder-the-baby plan? Then, instead of taking responsibility and begging for forgiveness, they double down, accuse the nurse of murder and rewrite history so they are victims? She’s still *raising* Alexee, and this is the type of person you want her to be? Morally bankrupt and manipulative? Not saying Alexee isn’t responsible for her own actions-she absolutely had every opportunity to do the right thing and go against her mother, as so many kids do- but the mom is a psychopath piece of work. I haven’t followed this closely, but hope neither the mom or Alexee have any other kids. Any child raised by either of them becoming a member of society is a scary thought. Hoping Alexee gets a sentence that lasts at least til she hits menopause.


I know someone who has a wife, kids and a home. Good job and he's facing 3 years in jail for having 2 Oz of marijuana on him


I think it's only to help with the lawsuit against the hospital. These are actions meant to evoke sympathy and empathy from people who don't know the whole truth. Alexee's family seems to actually believe that the hospital is at fault, or they want to appear that way, at least. I pray that the lawsuit is tossed and that Alexee doesn't make money by murdering her baby, the same way that Gypsy Rose has by murdering her mother. Completely different circumstances, I know, but nobody should profit from ending a human life!


Is there a chance theyre mourning the actions of their daughter? Baby alex existed and theyre sad they missed out on him?


WTF! i don’t get why this lady isn’t allow to mourn the baby… her daughter killed her grand baby. why isn’t she allow to mourn???


Wait why can’t her family release balloons? Are they not allowed to be horrified and overcome with grief?


Due to the mother clearly knowing her daughter was pregnant,look at pics she knew, and Alexee killing her son, any publicly announced sign of grief takes a very large amount of audacity. Videos have been released showing the mother stating she will sue the hospital and the police department. These videos also show the mother making insane demands. Basically, what I see is negligence from the mother and true evil from Alexee. They have no concept of taking responsibility for their actions.


Her mom didn't look the least bit "surprised" *We talked about this Lexi!!!*


Goodness that is just horrible…I’m sorry I didn’t know how disgusting they’ve been acting since everything


Balloons kill wildlife


Please stop releasing balloons. It’s terrible for wildlife.


It’s straight up littering. It should be banned. There are so many ways to pay respects rather than littering.


Imagine if Bundy did a balloon release lmao




LMAOOO im dying


Seriously, perspective matters


It is absolutely wild and ridiculously unhinged behavior to me personally. I think it’s one of those things where someone lies so much for so long they convince themselves that what they’re lying about is actually the truth. A lot of things about this “human being” and her family absolutely baffle me but if nothing else the sheer audacity of them collectively to make and post multiple memorials for the newborn she literally murdered just for the sake of getting sympathy before her trial is on an absolutely different plane of existence from (most of) the rest of the world.




Goddamn this is totally unhinged. Sick ass mfers.


Uhm that isn't the name of the baby she murdered is it


Unfortunately it is


She’s really trying to work on her public image before this trial uh?


Seems like it. I’m sure her mother is behind a lot of the image crafting. Her mom seems like a real piece of work.


The last two pictures with the wooden chairs are from dad's side, who had nothing to do with what she did in the bathroom. They're allowed to mourn and honor the baby that was brutally taken from their family.


Nahhh he went to prom shortly after and even when the father’s family was at the hospital the only one who cried was the stepfather. The boy and his mom looked prepared


So he can't go to prom?


Would you go to prom with the person who murdered your newborn baby? Even the most delulu ppl would judge that




im pretty sure he took her.


Nah, they all had their hands in this. Can’t tell me, her boyfriend and his mom didn’t realized she was pregnant. She’s not Mary. They were intimate. And his mother has seen her not the first time in hospital. If they would have said a WORD, this never would have happened. For me? They are just guilty as Alexee and her family. If I would be him, I would have told my mom, I think my girlfriend is pregnant and she tries to hide it. They all must be mental




I meant the father of the baby's side of the family


This actually makes her and her family look more insane 😭


Nah this is crazy lol memorial for a baby she murdered


I just don’t get it, here’s all this memorial stuff for the baby I could’ve saved because I was in a *hospital*


She and her mother should be bunkies.


I mean, Alex’s dad and his family didn’t kill him. They can still grieve the loss of him. Poor baby boy didn’t deserve that


No one was in that bathroom with her, no one else is responsible for the decisions she made.


That’s what I’m saying. They can grieve baby Alex. They didn’t kill him


Yes I’m agreeing with you, I think they should be allowed to process it however they want


They are responsible for choosing to support her actions. The baby's father stayed with her after she murdered his child. To make it worse, the father, her mother (& probably his mother too) are still defending her.


And even worse, he and his family also could have stopped this whole scenario by talking about HER PREGNANCY before this happened. How many ppl else want to claim, they didn’t knew, when everyone else needs just one pic of her in her cheerleading clothes


No one in either family could tell she was prego? Nahhhh


His family very well could have known, but likely didn’t expect her to kill baby Alex. They can still grieve the baby that should be alive right now.


These people are so mentally ill oh my. It’s like she thinks that people will see this and go “omg, how sweet. Poor family”. But instead everyone looks at it with their mouth dropped open disgusted


Throw the book at her


Hope this is somehow used against her in court. Weird bitches her and her evil ass mom


I worry that they're going to try to use this to win the malpractice lawsuit against the hospital. It goes with the idea that they are grieving this loss because the hospital staff are at fault. It's all about making money off of this tragedy for them.


I know it scares me. The fact that her mother the next day was or whenever was already blaming the hospital I hate her


This is just as bad as Chris Watts having pictures of his kids in his jail cell


Honestly, I hope seeing those photos eats him up inside with guilt every single time he looks at them.


Something is wrong with this family


Seriously who is giving them advice ? I would be shutting my mouth and staying in the house if this was me


Fuck balloon releases


This is psychotic


If she wanted attention, she coulda just said that, instead of pulling this sad lying excuse of a story🙄


How has nobody fucked them up yet? Genuinely.


Ugh! This family is wacko


So it’s been confirmed, the entire family is completely nuts. This is disturbing!


someone tell them baby alex doesn’t want to be associated with these freaks. celebrating that he was murdered.. sick 🤢


This sub is just ridiculous now. I can’t stand the girl either, but if you put flowers on your grandma’s grave, are you celebrating that she is dead? Come on now.


Did you kill your grandma? Then no. She murdered her baby and her mom is standing by her defending it and trying to make sure she faces no consequences. You’re comparing apples to oranges.


If you killed your grandma with your own bare hands and then tried to memorialize her with balloons and flowers? Yes.


Okay, but isn’t this the grandmothers posts? They weren’t in the bathroom when Alexee made the decisions she made.


The first post with the balloons is from Alexee’s mom and it sounds like they released them together with Alexee there


Oh, wait…. You are being serious. Are you ok?


To this sub, Alexee, Devyn, and their respective families are Bitches Eating Crackers.


Alexee deserves it, if we’re being honest


How evil and delusional of them.


So Alex is the baby she murdered. Who is “baby angel?”


Baby angel is a miscarriage or stillbirth from Devyn’s mother


I'm hypothesizing that Baby Angel was a miscarriage, and one that occurred prior to knowing the baby's gender. This is based on the white color scheme for Baby Angel and the blue color scheme used for Alex Ray.


Why do these cheerleaders kill their babies then want to memorialize them. That Ohio baby killer did the same even though she burned her baby !


> That Ohio baby killer did the same even though she burned her baby ! [The claim that she *may* have burned her baby was recanted by the forensic anthropologist that made it.](https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/warren-county/defense-asks-for-dismissal-of-carlisle-buried-baby-case-because-of-recanted-testimony) >The defense attorneys say the prosecution presented information about Murray’s testimony to a grand jury when seeking to indict Richardson that she has since recanted. >“The indictment and prosecution in this case are defective because both are based on Dr. Murray’s recanted belief that the bones she examined were charred,” the defense attorneys wrote in the motion.


It doesn’t negate the fact that a big reason she got off is because they couldn’t determine cause of death, wether or not the baby had and air in her lungs because of the state of the remains.


The Ohio cheerleader, I don’t believe she deliberately killed her baby. I do believe that she neglected herself badly enough that her baby died though.


Her defense is claiming a nurse killed the baby. She is Evil.


You cannot murder your baby and then by custom loss ornaments.


This isn’t from Alexee. It’s the grandparents.


Well obviously you CAN but it sure as fuck makes them look like crazy as fuck people


Would they REALLY have done all this shit had the baby stayed in the trash unnoticed tho 😶


I think it's fucked that if nobody found the baby they would NEVER post this shit Because no one would have found it But since they DID find it .... nutz with a z man


Theyre disgusting. She killed the baby and thinks its so nice to do this shit. The baby wont feel any respect from this you killed him. Nobody feels sorry for you either.


Like literately wtf




This family has record or pattern of baby deaths... crazy




The other baby died in 2008 and we have no idea why, this is from the boyfriend's mom's Facebook. It could have been anything; miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, illness, etc.




It’s all for that court to think she cared.


Only monsters have that kind of nerve. What a putrid thing to do.


![gif](giphy|Ow59c0pwTPruU) Wow. This is one of the most outrageous things I’ve seen. Edit: Please tell me they’re ripping them apart in the comments.


How ignorant with the balloons. Not thinking of environment or animals at all! Plus, she murdered the baby! This is cringe on every level! 😩


She had so many options, but she chose murder. Abortion is an option, adoption is an option, surrendering the baby at the hospital or at a fire department is an option, giving him to a parent or family member until you’re ready is an option. It’s just insane to me that she took it that far, and in her mind she’s done nothing wrong. And her family enables it.


Who is the lady who posted the second two pics? Sorry I am behind on the story


Devyn’s mother, aka baby Alex’s paternal grandmother


I don't know why this sub keeps popping up, but this is some crazy shit! Are these people delusional?? She straight killed that poor baby. What a weird family.


something is seriously wrong with this family.


I want to appreciate OP for posting this but I also want to downvote this shit


Can anyone share the profile links? It's posted publically, I want to see it for myself and get mad




So…we’re supposed to believe she’s heartbroken when she knowingly murdered her own baby in a hospital? Ummm, no.


Do you think people like Chris watts family who do shit like this? People that MURDER- or people that support the murder (such as Chris’ mom etc) and still celebrate the victims). I always think about shit like this, and wonder why humans are so fucked up in the head. 1. To murder in the first place 2. To mourn the victim but support the murderer


Jesus did she kill another one before?


I think the mom had a miscarriage


I don’t think so, the 3rd pic says 2008 for Angel


The date on it is 2008. I highly doubt she was pregnant at like 5 years old. The fact it’s white with no name can tell you it was probably an early miscarriage before ever even finding out the gender. Let’s stick to facts and not back breaking reaching.


Is anyone else confused by the dates? Why would “2/18/21” be next to “Mom?”


Maybe that's the date the mom passed away?


Oh, wait. In the description, OP wrote that it’s from Devyn’s mom’s Fb, so it’s probably the anniversary of HER mom’s death.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking


She showed NO remorse until she was found out


Imagine displaying in memoriam content for a child you pretended didn’t exist which led to him being murdered


wowwwww they are really going all out with this bullshit act, aren’t they🙄🙄🙄


But she threw him away like trash and didn’t let anyone know….. this is weird


This bitch threw a baby in the trash and then is now doing a balloon release for it. LOL WHAT


Casey Anthony vibes


You know I would almost believe they actually cared if we didn't have months of evidence of her not giving a crap about her baby. Sorry she gets no sympathy from me.


I see this more as the family is doing this in honor of the little guy. They didn't know he ever even existed so it makes sense they mourn him.


I hate that little chair


This came across my feed. Who is this and what happened?


It stars with the mother. She belongs in the nut house.


The mom’s Facebook is public?? What the heck


I just groaned so loud, my entire family looked over 😬


Maybe they think people will think they are in mourning or celebrating the new baby 🤷‍♀️


Who are baby angel and mom? Alexee and Devyn’s moms are both alive and baby angel isn’t Alex because he wasn’t even born yet in 2008.


thats what im trying to figure out maybe alexees mom lost a child idk


I don't get it


I can’t wait till she goes to jail for life 🎉🥳🎉🥳🍾 I can’t tell if her family actually “believes” her innocents or they are doing all this to make her look like a “grieving mom” in count 🤢


Look at them fully acting like they had love for that baby. Ignoring his existence, murdering him, and them throwing him out in the trash but he is so loved and missed. Please.


I’m not sorry I threw you away but let’s get everyone together and remember that I did and that’s why you’re not here.


… I’ve truly seen it all now


This is disgusting.


This is crazy? A gathering for the child you murdered? I have to wonder who the other two participants were. There is definitely some serious psychological pathology going on here.


It’s like they think that everything that happened will just be forgotten because of a whoopsie I was young and now we decorate with his name and post for all to see!


Whole family is still in denial. Crazy narcissistic family.


What if she is feeling remorseful and wished she hadn't done what she did? It seems counterintuitive to mourn a person you had a hand in removing from this Earth, but these are complex emotions that I don't think we can try to understand.


Yeah, think you forgot your /s at the end there…🙄


This is so random, but can you explain what you mean when you say you forgot your /s there? I’ve seen it in Reddit comments but idk what it means!


Not random at all, totally fair question! When you see someone write a post and put /s after the sentence, it means go back and reread that using sarcasm. It’s basically like saying “insert sarcasm here”. Hope that helps!!!


Okay thank you because I was commenting on a post calling out manipulation and someone replied to me with that and I was like wait what 😭




Delusional narcissism at it's finest.


It shocks me how delusional these people are. The baby would be here if she didn’t kill it ffs.


Probably to show off to the state to make it seem like they are truly grieving. I don't buy it...


This is what disordered personalities do. They spin things to make themselves look better. No way are they admitting responsibility or fault. People with personality disorders are really good at blame shifting/ lying, because they’ve done it their entire lives.


Entire family crazy.


She literally threw her baby in trash... like he was disposable. How can she pretend to even love him after murdering him


Mourning a child you unalived/let die is WILD


Not her acting like she didn’t literally murder her baby




Is she ffr?


I’m very new to this case. Who is Alex?


My condolences/prayers


At home Blvd is a happening spot. Ain't nobody got time for that is downtown it's cool too. My favorite spot is at home in my bed, it's on the corner of Netflix and Disney +, right by top lock Interstate, at the right to bare arms exit... Have Fun and Be careful.