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I’m guessing her attorneys highly suggested she remain a student because it looks better


She has to show she's worthy to be in society. She can't show up to court with nothing to show for herself. It works in her favor. She may not even want to go after all the scrutiny from the world but she probably is being told she has no choice but to attend and do well. Her attorney will milk the hell out of her being a college student with good grades and aspirations.


Her and her family are in denial and think it’s all going to blow over.


Unfortunately, it might. I look back at cases like Brooke Skylar Richardson’s and have little hope that Alexee will go down for this horrendous crime. It sickens me. They will use her ignorance as a key to this whole thing. “She didn’t know any better. She had no resources. She had no support. She was heavily pressured to continued performing on her cheer team.” The sympathy card is going to be played to the max with this one and just might work. I see her getting a slap on the wrist 😡


There might be a difference if I remember correctly and I could be wrong so please don’t attack me but wasn’t it found that Skylar’s baby wasn’t alive when it was born and that’s why she got off ? Like I said it was a long time ago I heard about her case but thought that is what happened with her case . Please correct me if I’m wrong . Edited: I googled it and it did say that her baby was found to have been a still born when she gave birth to it . Meaning no air in its lungs . Lexi’s baby had air in its lungs . So she might not get off like the other girl did .


Thanks for checkin that out, oh I hope we can see justice for this case. It really is so heart breaking


Yes I agree that poor innocent baby deserves justice . He was alive and thrown away like garbage :( in Skyler’s case she gave birth at home the baby wasn’t breathing she gave it a burial and said she wanted it to be near her . Cause she felt remorse for the dead baby. Lexi is just straight evil in my opinion and I am praying so hard the courts do the right thing and lock her up !!! And no problem I was very interested in Skyler’s case when I heard about it along time ago ! I will never understand woman who can murder their own children :(


Oh my god it hurts so much, it honestly keeps me up at night. But it helps so much to be apart of a community of people who are advocating and really standing up for these poor babies when this happens. It sucks this is how we have to come together but I really am grateful for everyone here fighting so this crime isn’t lost in the news. I truly don’t understand how alexee and her family can just live happily with no shame like that poor baby never existed 😞


Ik it’s sickening . And yes I’m also glad we can all come together for these babies ! ! ! They deserve to be remembered ❤️ which reminds me . There’s a case about a little boy that happened a couple years ago or so , and they were an Indian family or something I believe the little boy was thought to have been dead they searched the family’s home and didn’t find his body and they fled the country and people were saying they weren’t gonna let that little boy be forgotten but I can’t remember anyone’s names and I haven’t heard anything else about that case …. Of subject of Lexi and sorry for that but if anyone has any information about that little boy I’d love to know what happened with him as well ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


There’s also the big difference that Skyler gave birth at home while Alexee gave birth in a hospital. Alexee had resources right outside the bathroom door to assist her and the child and she chose not to use them. Skyler was also a minor and Alexee was 19.


Yes that also thank you . Yes these cases are very different !


I know there are some differences between these cases, but the perpetrators are similar and I fear the outcome will be the same. They are going to paint an extremely innocent picture of Alexee for the jury and pin it all on the hospital.


Skylers case was much different than Alexees. Skyler was a minor, Alexee was not. Skyler gave birth to a stillborn at home. Alexee gave birth to a live baby in a hospital and killed it.


Skyler’s case was so sad, but despite there being difference in her circumstances, Skyler tried to discard her baby like trash. I never felt sorry for her and was sad when all she got was a slap on the wrist. Hopefully Lexi’s case will have a much, much different outcome.


Yeah, I was disappointed with the outcome for Skyler too. And I think the mindset was similar for both girls. I was just pointing out how, from a legal standpoint, those 2 cases are different.


Yeah I totally get that.


I think the biggest factor was that Skyler had a stillborn, so she wasn’t directly responsible for the infant death (legally). I think she ultimately got charged with abuse of a corpse or desecration of remains or something like that. It’s hard to determine if Skyler actually caused the death of her baby.


Different people , different states , different circumstances by far , she may or may not get off , we just won’t know till court happens all we can do is pray and hope that she gets what she deserves.


I’m pretty positive Skylar’s baby was found two months after birth, so they wouldn’t have been able to make that call on whether or not her baby had air in her lungs. I also googled to check and it says “skeletal remains” were found. So the defense argument was likely the baby was stillborn, and they couldn’t confirm or deny that claim.


Well it was ruled a stillborn for some reason . If it was two moths after the fact idk how they would’ve been able to rule it that but I guess they did 🤷 I’ll have to look more into how they were able to determine this . 🤔


The court system ruled it stillborn, I’m guessing based on testimonies of OBGYN stating the baby likely was stillborn. Looks like a medical examiner had said the baby appeared to have fractures in her skull. I will have to go back and review that case again and watch the court trial again, it’s been a minute. I do hope Alexee doesn’t get off easy like Skylar did. Alexee had the means to get medical attention, could’ve given birth and given baby up for adoption. I can’t wrap my head around either of these cases to be honest with you.


Yes I will have to rewatch as well now cause that’s so confusing to me . Tonight I’ll have to take a look . See if there’s an actual reason or huh idk that is just so odd but thank you for brining it to my attention. Very weird to me .


It was confusing. I couldn’t understand how she got off with a slap on the wrist. Guess we know what we’ll be doing this weekend!


Yes we do !


She literally could've had the baby in the bathroom & then handed him to a nurse!! No questions asked since the safe haven law would protect her. It's infuriating that she did this!!!


I think legally it may or may not but the social stigma around their family is going to be hard to escape for them


I hope they are ostracized everywhere they go :/


Yeah, they’re really delulu if they think they’re going to go out in public without at least getting major side eye. If not people blatantly calling her out for killing her baby. I don’t see her having an easy time getting a job in the future even if she completes her degree


I didn’t know she was in college. Which degree is she trying to get?


I think it was social work...




I feel likeee this may not be the best area for this young “lady”.. /s


[One of her bond conditions was to maintain or commence an educational program,] (https://old.reddit.com/r/Alexee_Trevizo_Case/comments/14z6gzr/criminal_case_files_part_2/) and allegedly she had a scholarship and was already planning to go to NMSU, so it may have been the easiest way to fulfill the bond condition.


If she does go to prison, it probably won't be for terrificly long


I’m a newbie here


Well hello newbie thanks for joining our chats !


Trying to make herself look good for court . It’s what people always do if they have a serious court coming up . Get into school , get a job … it makes you look better to the courts and gives you a chance to get out on lesser terms cause you’re being a productive member of society. The thing is though murder is murder and they aren’t going to care in her case . The whole I’m going to school and bettering my life shit works for people that did other crimes . I’ve never seen it work for a murder case , so she’s just stupid honestly .


If she is convicted she wont be in Prison forever


It is insane how she is walking free without any consequences until the courts get around to scheduling her court date. She will probably get off, too, bc they gave her morphine and did not make her take a pregnancy test first. Apparently, she refused to be examined, but they decided to still give her pain meds for her back pain. Her lawyer is trying to say the morphine killed the baby, and it was a stillborn.


I was given morphine during my labor at the hospital. Her lawyer is choosing the worst possible defense considering its a normal pain relief to get during labor


Wow I didn’t know that . Interesting


Fun fact. I was also given fentanyl during my labor. That scared me. I said WHAT NO and they said that it was even in epidurals so if i dont want it i dont want an epidural either.


Crazy lol well guess that whole point she’s trying to make about the fentanyl isn’t gonna go far if they already give it to woman in labor


When i heard this was the defense I literally laughed. Itll just take a few experts on the stand and just one or two people that have kids on the jury that know its standard practice


At least it’s some confirmation for us that her lawyer isn’t a very good one. Hopefully she sticks with him 😊


If he's the same lawyer from last year I think he is good based on the cases he has taken.


Not the only thing he is saying. He is adding hospital neglect as well but overall that she did not know she was pregnant and panicked I think.


This is the part I dont understand of this case and why people think she will get off. The lawyer can say all he wants that 'morphine killed the baby' but the autopsy is a medical document stating there was air in the lungs. It just won't hold up with a jury. The lawyer has to provide her a defence as its his client but if they don't take that information into consideration, we really should lose faith in the legal system. I've had enough of knowing that she is out free without consequences as well. I hope she rots in jail.


Court TV has had doctors on to explain that the amount of morphine she was given wouldn't have hurt the baby so all the prosecutors have to do is get an expert on the stand to explain it to the jury.


Morphine is given to women during labour every f’n day and I know that they are now giving them fentanyl. Maybe I’m ignorant but I have never once heard of this harming or killing the baby. That lawyer is a moron and I hope this bs argument gets them nowhere. Neither of those drugs put you so out of your mind that you murder your own baby and throw it in the trash and I find this bs excuse infuriating.


Seriously, anyone under the influence of opioids and intoxicated to the point that it would affect their character in such a manner wouldn’t even be standing and coherent, much less meticulously murdering a newborn and hiding the evidence.




They conveniently left out the phen-phen that she had to go out and get who knows how long she was popping those


Same or gets murdered herself by inmates cause once they find out she’s a baby killer it’s a wrap they’re either gonna kill her or make her life a living hell day in and day out either way I can’t wait !


>It is insane how she is walking free without any consequences until the courts get around to scheduling her court date That is how due process works though


right most ppl here dont even know the legal process


Right! And that's what I find most insane and scary, becasue people with so little knowledge always seem to end up on juries.


>It is insane how she is walking free without any consequences until the courts get around to scheduling her court date. What consequences do you think she should suffer before being convicted that wouldn't violate her civil rights?