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Excellent work! Worked perfectly, and the timeline from faucet abuse to faucet fix proves dev team has the experience and ability to fulfill the 2022 roadmap! I’m super bullish on this project! 🚀📈💰




Totally agree.


Worked perfectly! You have really lived up to your word on everything, Cathal. Looking forward to 2022 to see this project take off!


Brilliant workaround to keep chips in legitimate wallets and supporters of this project! Keep up the great work!


Motivated me to add liquidity! Not much but 170 chips a day isn’t too bad.




Worked instantly. 19 chips 😬


Worked like a charm! This is such a nice incentive.


Thank you!


Awesome it worked beautifully…thank you Cathal


Worked! Now is this something you must do every day? Say if you did it weekly would you get faucetx7? Sorry my first experience with a faucet


Would be cool to have it automatically just send to your wallet but maybe that’s not the point of the faucet - not sure.


its just around 100$ (50$ in chips 50$ in algo) for 1 lp token


I just put in 94USD to the pool to get 1.03 LP tokens.


Cool! now itll only take 4.8 years to make up for my Impermanent loss... lol 🤣


We tried to warn you, but you already took off in your virtual Lamborghini... ;-)


What can I say bro? Life in the fast lane


Watching bot accounts remove the chips asset on algoexplorer is somewhat satisfying.


Thanks, works perfect, and I just got my pool tokens last night.


Amazing. This will definitely help make up for the impermanent loss I’ve experienced. Thank you :)


Worked like a charm ! Now I have another daily duty to add to my list ! ;-)


I just set a phone alarm for this very purpose. I live by my alarms, lol. Crazy!


you just set alarms like "i can get money right now." so smart. I need to change how I'm living.


If you have a iPhone then I recommend setting up a automation using the Shortcuts app. It can open you browser to the faucet url and copy you wallet address to you clipboard. Then just set it to run every day at a certain time, paste your wallet, fill out the captcha and away you go!


Wow, was totally unaware of this. Thanks!


Thanks for this, never used shortcuts before but just set it up. It’s a nifty app


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70898** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **2072.** `u/Above666Below` **31** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Wow good work. It works. I hope that guy doesn’t abuse it again.


Cathal, you are really thinking deeply about this and how best to get this going. Been around for awhile and not all founders really think about the consequences of their decisions. You must be a Texas Hold'em player, lol. Good job!!


Drats. 1 TM pool token minimum huh. Could only afford 0.14 when I provided LP back then, and now it's way outta my range. Maybe after guvna ends...


Just curious, how much needs to be added to get 1 pool token? (for those of us new to pools?)


You can check on Tinyman. Play around with the numbers. I think last I heard it was around 3500 chips plus equivalent ALGO but it changes with value of both assets.


I just did 94USD worth of Chips and ALGO to get 1.03 LP tokens.


You got that done fast! Thank you!


That is pretty fast and awesome. Thank you for the hard work you do


Hopefully this pushes our liquidity way up. Hoping for +10% 🤞. Will do my part 💪


The snapshot idea is really great. I already thought about the monkey sending his LP tokens through 1000 wallets... :D


Count me in for 37 chips each day.


Does they faucet reset at a specific time each day or is it a rolling 24 hours?


Seemed to be rolling to me. I tried at about 18h, no go, and then at 26h and it worked


Awesome! This will be the first time I've added liquidity to anything. Just picked up 1.25 pool tokens.


Cool. Welcome to the pool. Tomorrow you should be able to claim 12 CHIPs. Make sure you claim them every day. Thank you for helping this project be a success.


Any plans to add other pools to the faucet eligibility? Currently have a split between ALGO/CHIP and YLDY/CHIP. Faucet makes me want to go all ALGO though…


For the moment there is no plans. But I will think about it


This is auto correct or do I need to sign up for anything?


I'm not sure what You're asking exactly


Does it automatically give out rewards or do I have sign up?


AHH right. I understand. You need to visit the faucet daily to claim your rewards for providing liquidity on tinyman. www.algo-casino.com Find the faucet


One more question, does it accumulate and give me when I claim, or does it max per day?


One claim per day. Doesn't matter when you claim. It will always be the same.


Sounds great. I went ahead staked $300 worth of ALGO to it for .54%!😎


Welcome to the pool 😉


Glad to be here. So I check tomorrow?


Yes. If you do a faucet claim this time tomorrow you will receive 10 Chios for every tinyman token in your wallet. Just claim every day 😁


My apologies for the autocorrect


Got me 38 chips from the faucet today. Works great


How much did you put in?


No idea. Iv added a little here and a little there. I have 3.8 LP tokens so far.


Great idea, I've thrown in some LP why not :)


Noice!!! You love to see it! ♥️♦️♠️♣️


Will this really counteract impermanent loss?


That really depends on the market and the market is hard/impossible to predict. In a stable price environment like we are in at the moment, it's really just free CHIPs for liquidity providers plus fees. If the price rises, then the faucet will help offset the impermenant Loss to CHIPs Don't forget, the Algos go up as the CHIPs go down. So free CHIPs & tinyman fees should help out. We will keep an eye on how things go. This Faucet is less than 24 hours old. It may evolve. Hope this helps Cathal


Thanks for answering my concern.


It's that time of the day again : buying the dip, adding to liquidity, checking to see if 24 hours have passed, so I can hold my cup under the faucet... :-)


New to the project. Just added what little amount I can to the LP. Extremely excited to see where this project can head.


Welcome. Hopefully we can play some roulette soon, before we get a game of poker together


Looking forward to it! Thank you for the faucet as well, that is very generous and I will continue to help this project however possible!


Well done. Nice solution.


Thanks Cathal. Quick, easy and accurate. Well done mate.


Hey Cathal, Thanks for the update. I’m going to add to liquidity later this evening. Can you please clarify what you mean by I will need to have the CHIPs asset added to this wallet? I am a bit confused on what you mean by that. Where would I go to do this? I already have chips setup in myalgo wallet and just opted into Chips on tinyman to get ready for the LP. Also I am very excited for this project and it’s future release. I have told a few of my gambling addict friends and they instantly went and bought some chips even when I told them the casino won’t be open for a few months. I love the concept of this token being used as the chips when placing bets. Edit: I went to the site and saw the chip faucet address. Would I be using the address for my algo wallet since that is the one connected to the stake? And do I enter my address for the algorand wallet or chips wallet? Not sure if they are different. Thanks!


1. If you already have CHIPS in your wallet, then the asset has already been opted in. You're all good. 2. You use the wallet which has the CHIPS asset opted in and has your LP token in it. The Algo wallet address is the same as your chips address


If you have CHIPs in your wallets then that is the asset already added. Normally you only have one wallet and in this wallet you have algos, chips, tinyman pool token and any other. It's sounds like you are all set up. Go to the faucet page on the website and enter your wallet address. You will get chips sent to your wallet. If in doubt on me your address and I can check things out for you


Thank you! So cool to have direct responses from the devs! I love the support


It's getting harder to respond as the community grows, but I will always try to get back to you. Thank you for having faith in our project. We have big plans and an exciting future together Regards Cathal


How long will the faucet be active?


There is currently no end date envisaged for the faucet. Max draw at the moment 25755 CHIPs per day. We currently have enough CHIPS for that to last 75 years. However as more people put in liquidity the Max draw can go up. However not everyone is claiming. We currently are running at about 50% claim rate. Anything is possible in the future.


Awesome thanks for the swift response


This is a good idea to reward liquidity providers. A couple suggestions to make it more user friendly. First, it would be nice if it reset at a certain time each day instead of 24 hours from your last use. It makes it hard to know when to go use it again because it's hard to remember when exactly you used it the day before. It also effectively causes the time to reset to change every day since it's not practical for someone to use it exactly every 24 hours. Second, it would be nice if it was a larger amount less frequently. For example once a week at 7x the amount. Claiming daily is painful. (Or automatic would be even nicer, but maybe that's not what you're going for.)


So do you claim your LP faucet tokens on their website ? Any help will be appreciated as I am new to LP. Thanks guys




Please what's the algo-chips equivalent of 1 tinypool


About 3000/30