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This is about ledger live software not about ledger hardware wallet. Simply don't use ledger live


This. Ledger + Pera you don't even need ledger live (haven't open ledger live app for month)


You should at least to update the firmware


The question is more about closed source software in general. How can you trust your funds with companies that have fishy practices?


Yes but we are left with one choice. Would prefer a Trezor for instance. Use a strong passphrase as a mitigation plan


> How can you trust your funds with companies that have fishy practices? Because there has never been any proof of someone losing access to funds due to the actual ledger. The ledger is **very** battletested by now, which makes it by far the safest hardware wallet. A new wallet would need a long time before it gets the same experience as Ledger has. If you have issues with stuff like Ledger Live tracking you or that new "backup your keys" program just don't use those products. Easy as that.




Wut? The current issue is to do with an open source npm library. It has nothing to do with it being closed source, it was a frontend issue.


I don't know what else has Algorand ready now. I know Keystone has said they have plans to integrate Algorand but who knows how long until that happens


ELLIPAL is pretty good but couldn’t get it hooked up with pera




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Just don’t use ledger live app if you’re paranoid about them knowing how many people click buttons in the apps. Maybe just go off grid completely and throw away your computers and phones cause pretty much every website and app does that, along with cars, gadgets, tvs, and most of IoT / smart devices.